Sure! You can help out with all of those actually. Right now, though, we are already in a project, with most of the jobs delegated out. So if you want to help out managing, giving advice and all that. Also, check with sinister to see if he needs help with the media. On our next project, there will probably be a need for some ai, which I believe right now is out of the scope of our members. So that will come into use. Other than that, we will have to wait and see. We don't exactly plan that much in advance.
You can check out the project thread, the link is above. I may give you sinani's job if he doesn't show up soon, but I don't want to cut him out.
So yeah, sorry for the "Here is a little stuff and we'll see about the rest" response, just the ball is already rolling on this project, so roles are coming up scarce.
Ever notice how in Microsoft word, the word "microsoft" is auto corrected to be "Microsoft" but "macintosh" just gets the dumb red underline?