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Mike Johnson
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Posted: 13th Jul 2009 13:53
A new expansion pack for DB Pro and Dark GDK is available. Dark Video is a complete movie encoder and decoder solution, targeted at anyone interested in adding hyper speed movie playback into their game. Built from the ground up to focus on extreme speed and quality, Dark Video opens the gateway for ultra high quality movies but with a very low impact to your game. Designed for ease of use and ease of integration, Dark Video makes adding movie functionality to your game a cinch.


Speed. Dark Video is seriously fast. Both the encoder and decoder feature whole portions of code written in hand optimized MMX, SSE and SSE2 assembler.

Video quality. Dark Video is designed from the ground up so that quality is of paramount importance. Using Deep Cove Software's proprietary video compression on high or highest, your encoded movies are pretty much indistinguishable from the original source material, looking fantastic.

Audio quality. Dark Video leverages the amazing Ogg Vorbis audio compression to offer sound quality almost indistinguishable from the origrinal source material and thus, sounding phenomenal.

Stand-alone Encoder. Dark Video not only comprises the decoder but also, an Encoder program, dedicated to getting your movies into the Dark Video format as quickly as possible. Built on top of DirectShow, Dark Video Encoder, with critical parts also hand optimized in assembler, can quickly transcode your AVI (for non-standard formats like x264, the correct filters must be installed; we recommend uncompressed AVIs for maximum encoding speed) into a Dark Video DVF movie, for use in your game. With a responsive preview, you'll be able to see how the transcode is progressing.

Stand-alone DLL. All of Dark Video's substantial capability is packed into a single, tiny 300kb DLL. You don't need anything else! You don't need to worry about any required runtimes, libraries or CODECs. With Dark Video, you just ship with its DLL and that's that!

Dark Video comes with full documentation and samples so you'll quickly be able to get up and running, whether you use DarkBASIC Professional or Dark GDK.

Unencumbered. As Dark Video is a technology owned by Deep Cove Software, you don't have to worry about license, patent or royalty issues. Just encode and ship!

Multi-core. Dark Video runs on multiple cores to ensure fastest encoding and decoding.

More information available here including a trial version:
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Posted: 13th Jul 2009 20:50 Edited at: 13th Jul 2009 20:51
The program looks pretty good...but $50 bucks??!! That's robbery.

Isn't this the sort of feature that should be BUILT into DB Pro at no charge? I'm not trying to downgrade your work, not at all. However, TGC's prices have gone through the roof, and it seems like this is an essential feature which should be available to all users.

Check out my tech blog below!
Uncle Sam
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Posted: 13th Jul 2009 21:29 Edited at: 13th Jul 2009 21:30
It actually is available in DBP, just not as good as this. It does run on multi-cores, which is cool.

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Posted: 13th Jul 2009 22:03
I also have to agree with Lemonade. Lately, prices have been going through the roof here on TGC. And the quality... well, not what it used to be!
Brick Break
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Posted: 13th Jul 2009 23:32
Plus, support for older stuff like DBC, which is what the company was founded on, has disappeared.

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Mike Johnson
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Posted: 13th Jul 2009 23:40
It's a third party product. We are simply reselling it and have no control of the price.

It is a very capable package. You might want to check out the trial before being so quick to knock it down.
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 00:18 Edited at: 14th Jul 2009 00:19
Now it might be me, but where do I go to close these debug programs down when I did not know they where going. Using the demo.

error pic.

Dark Physics makes any hot drink go cold.


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Deep Cove Software
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 00:25
Hi all, this is my first ever post on The Games Creators .

As Mike says, Dark Video is a third party product and set at a price we consider fair, considering the huge investment of time, effort and research that's gone into its creation.

Dark Movie is based on a core that was originally modelled on and inspired by Bink (, the de-facto standard for movie playback in AAA games. Once we'd built our own movie playback technology, we wanted to offer it to everyone at an affordable price. To think that you now have comparable technology for use within The Game Creators products is just really cool! So, we're suprised people think it's expensive. Really, if you think $50 is expensive, you really need to see what this kind of technology goes for. Bink is $7500 for starters. And really, the core of Dark Video isn't all that far off Bink in our opinion.

So, we urge anyone with doubts, to try out the trial and give it a chance as Mike said. You'll most likely be very happy when you see it in action.
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 00:32
@HowDo - Hello, are you running under Wine on Linux? Those window decorations look different. If so, it's only supported on a real Windows installation.
Brick Break
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 00:41
No, that's all Windows. It looks like a standard Windows XP Home Edition message box.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 01:03
Quote: "@HowDo - Hello, are you running under Wine on Linux? Those window decorations look different. If so, it's only supported on a real Windows installation"

No, Just running standard Windows XP MCE version with sp3.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 01:03 Edited at: 14th Jul 2009 01:05
Quote: "As Mike says, Dark Video is a third party product and set at a price we consider fair, considering the huge investment of time, effort and research that's gone into its creation."

I put hundreds of hours into my LOD terrain engine. But I released it for free without any royalties. I consider that fair, I love programming and I love the feeling that people are enjoying my work!

I'm not saying to release it for free like I did. But I do think that you should concentrate more on making people use this rather than charge loads of cash. Its a well known law, the higher the prices, the lower the sales.

As I always say to my friends, Its better to sell 50 for £30 than to sell 30 for £50.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 02:19
Please stay on topic - that is, the product and what it can/cannot do for your game. If you can't afford it, then let others appreciate it now, and take another look when you feel feel your game warrants a little more love and attention to the finer details.

You have an opportunity - as always - to discuss the product. If these threads take too much monitoring, they'll simply become announcements with no opportunity to ask the questions you want to ask.

Quote: "As I always say to my friends, Its better to sell 50 for £30 than to sell 30 for £50."

Actually, that goes against all the principles of sales. Roll it out a little - would you rather sell 1 item at £1,000,000, or a million items at £1. I know which requires less effort. But we digress

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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 02:29
@HowDo - I think I know what's causing this. We'll resolve it tomorrow.

Also, there may be a few problems with some codec packs. We'll be investigating this tomorrow but for now, we recommend using (after uninstalling other codec packs you may have installed).
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 03:12 Edited at: 14th Jul 2009 03:15
Quote: "Actually, that goes against all the principles of sales."

It really hasn't got anything to do with principles of sales. Only the results.

I said that its better to sell 50 for £30 than to sell 30 for £50. (The products in both cases are the same, hence the slight increase in sales as the price drops)

Lets say, 2 people make a different product that are both just as popular.

Person 1 puts the price up to £30 and sells 50

Person 2 puts the price up to £50 and sells 30

Who did better?

Alfa x
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 03:26
I think that the advantages of the new Dll, has to be exposed in comparison with the DBPRO Built in functionality and the functionalities that DBPRO doesn't has, should be exposed in detail.
It's hard to people understand the REAL advantages when nothing that describes that.

For example: THIS IS A PLUG-IN THAT DEVELOPED DEEP COVE SOFTWARE THAT WE OFFER THROUGHT OUR COMPANY. Compared with DBPRO you can obtain with this video 600fps compared with 100FPS in DBPRO.
You can try it yourself in the Demo from the homepage..., aditional you can put video in...
FPSC Tool Maker
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 05:45
Is there any sample videos that come with the trial so I don't have to create or find a video? Of course, eventually I would want to see how converting one of my videos would work.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 08:52 Edited at: 14th Jul 2009 08:52
FL yes there is a video but, low res for the sake of dl size per manual. They suggest converting a higher res one to see what it can do. I'm not ready for cut scenes but, will do some testing with the trial so I know what it can do when I am ready.

Wish it had some recording features beside just playback but, worth checking out anyway.
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 09:16
Quote: "Wish it had some recording features beside just playback but, worth checking out anyway."

That's the functionality I would like to see. I'd like to be able to record (not the full) screen activity direct from the game and save it to a DVF.

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Van B
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 09:36
Quote: "
Person 1 puts the price up to £30 and sells 50

Person 2 puts the price up to £50 and sells 30

Who did better?

Person 2. Selling less for more is how you make money!. If it costs you £10 to make said item, then Person 1 makes £1000 profit, person 2 makes £1200 profit. Person 2 also has the option to drop prices to increase sales when need be, if Person 1 did the same they'd be cutting their own throats, so to speak. This is the core of sales and marketing, finding a balanced price that people can and will afford whilst making enough profit to stay afloat.

Personally I think that people complaining about the price, just don't understand what is involved or where the benefits are. I won't pretend I do, but I know that if my game had a lot of bloaty video footage, I'd want to compress it in the best way possible for the engine I'm using. If your selling your game and Dark Video chops the video bloat in half, maybe brings it down to an acceptable download size - well if your selling your game it's a no-brainer. Even if you want to encourage people to download a game with a lot of video, then what £50 compared to possibly twice as many people being willing to download it.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 10:33
Not because I need this, but is it possible to record ingame videos with it? Or is it just for playing videos ingame?

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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 12:24
I have the same question,

can it record the directx output of the game being executed?

I have reviewed the product page, but I cannot conclude in one way or another.

If so, not only I think that the price is totally fair, or even a bargain, but also that it would be a powerful tool for some features.

If it just encodes and decodes a video media in real time, well welcome when less!
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 13:22 Edited at: 14th Jul 2009 13:26
Dark Video sounds nice, but TOO EXPENSIVE!

At $29 USD you would have sold a ton, but at $49 in this economy, way
overpriced for the hobbiest programmer.

Probably 95% of DBPro users are hobbiest programmers (like me) that
can't justify the $49 price like a commercial DBPro developer could.

I would have bought it if it was selling for $29.

It's sad really that you priced yourself out of selling thousands of copies just because the price was too high.

selling 60 copies at $49 = $2940
selling 1000 copies at $29 = $29,000
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 15:03
We've put up a beta of DarkVideo 1.0.1 at:

This fixes the following initial teething problems:
1) Slow audio extraction. This is has been massively sped up.
2) No real idea of audio extraction progress. There is now feedback so you can see how it's progressing.
3) Couldn't terminate the encode whilst in the audio extraction stage. This is now handled correctly.
4) Various problems with these free codec packs. They all seem to behave differently to one another. We still recommend using uncompressed audio and video in an avi and to not use codec packs if at all possible. In our tests, extracting frames from an avi containing x264 is quite a bit slower than uncompressed.

We're saddened that people seem to think that we exist to create free products. How you can think $49.99US is expensive for this kind of technology is beyond us! As mentioned in an earlier post, Bink is $7500. We're offering you comparable technology for $49.99US and all we see is pure negativity and hostility.

Dark Video does NOT have video capture. It is meant for ultra speed playback and nothing more. The same as what Bink is designed for. The size of the videos was never our priority but the quality and speed of decoding was. This is what you're paying for. The ability to play high detailed movies at hyper speed, with a real low impact to your game.

The image below shows the core of Dark Video playing a movie that's 720x576 in 32-bit colour at nearly 700 frames a second. On this machine, the Bink videos in Call Of Duty 4 play at about 900fps for one video. You're seeing nearly the same framerate on 6 textures there. Again, this is what you're paying for.

Also, please stop saying it's £50. It isn't! It's $49.99 US. Which works out to around £30.

We hope you'll give us a chance. We're trying to bring you brand new technology to help you make better games. But all this technology costs money to develop.

In short, if you don't want to buy it, fine. But please don't rubbish it until you've tried it.
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 15:31
Quote: "We're saddened that people seem to think that we exist to create free products."

Not all of us do. Basically, you sell it for whatever you decide to. If people don't like it, then they can fall back on the animation commands and making sure that the people who use their programs have the correct codecs installed to use it.

As for the 'I did this and gave it away for nothing' people, well I can probably beat that in most cases ... and I still say you have the right to sell it for what you want.

Quote: "In short, if you don't want to buy it, fine. But please don't rubbish it until you've tried it."

Good for you. Unless the feedback is about the quality of the product, just ignore them.

BTW, what are the minimum processor requirements? - Mike noted that it uses SSE2, so is it P4 and above?

Van B
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 16:16
Quote: "
selling 60 copies at $49 = $2940
selling 1000 copies at $29 = $29,000

Yeah, think that's cool - check this:

selling 60 copies at $49 = $2940
selling 1000000000 copies at $1 = $1000000000!

Impressive, but hardly factual. I mean from what I see BillR the figures you quote are sourced from up your butt. How can you say $20 means 16 times as many sales! - you have no idea how this will sell, you have no idea how much it's worth, you have no idea about pricing it whatsoever. Why post a butt-nugget like that just to prove some non-existent point about software you will never buy anyway?

As DCS says, Bink costs $7500 and won't work with DBPro - so when someone provides a solution for indi developers that gives the same features but for only $50, get a reality check before you post negatively.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 16:54
@IanM. Yeah, the runtime is really dependent on SSE2. There's an SSE and MMX path in there too but they're a bit slower than the SSE2 path. The Encoder uses a mixture of MMX and SSE2.

@IanM and Van B. Thanks you guys. I'm glad some people have common sense.
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 16:57
I sincerely apologize for my comments if they seemed negative.

I was just frustrated at the price since it was something that sounded GREAT!,
that I wanted to buy, but was something I couldn't afford at that price.

It does sound amazing for its speed and ease of use in DBPro.
I hope they do well.
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 17:53 Edited at: 14th Jul 2009 17:56
@Deep Cove Softare

There are plenty of us common sense people out there. We just don't speak up as quickly as those who want to complain about something.. So, that's what I'm going to do even if it is off topic. I think 49.99 US is appropriate and well worth it if that is what is needed. If one is just a hobbyist and is creating a game just for a few people, then either use what is already available in DBP or just don't use cut scenes. Yes, they can be cool but not always necessary.

BTW, if it were 29.99, I still probably wouldn't purchase it yet because I don't need it right now. And when and if I should ever need it, I will gladly pay the going price.

One more thing while we are all off topic. I concur with IanM as I developed FPSC EditPad. It took me more hours than I would like to think about and even so there could be more that can be done with it. It is given away free and is even available through TGC's FPSC web site on the download page. I am now currently working on a mod for FPSC source code and this too will possibly be given away free. You see, this is because I do not do this for a living but for the enjoyment of accomplishing something worthwhile. But there are those out there who are doing this for a living and need to make some profit more immediately than down the road so that they don't starve now.

Quote: "I was just frustrated at the price since it was something that sounded GREAT!,
that I wanted to buy, but was something I couldn't afford at that price"

Well, maybe you don't really need it now anyway. And when you do you just might have the money for it. Or, if you really want it that bad because you need it. Start saving up for it beginning with what you can afford now. I hope you don't mind the advise of an old Grandpa.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 18:05
We've put up a beta of DarkVideo 1.0.2 at:

This fixes the following initial teething problems:
1) Unable to handle mono audio streams. This is now resolved.
2) Protection lowered a bit. This should help for people who are seeing the SoftICE debugger protection message at startup.

@F l a t l a n d e r - Thanks for your comments. We're all for making software because of a passion and for free here too. But when you make a living at it (like us), food on the table has to come first, like you mentioned . And what you said about not needing the product yet is exactly right. There's already the video commands in DBPro but Dark Video's now out there for when more speed is required and when the hassle concerning whether certain codecs are installed is an issue. The beauty is you have existing and capable functionality and now, an option for extreme speed if required. Also, if you had a lot of videos to convert, the encoder could make a difference to productivity.

Thanks for mentioning FPSC EditPad. Going to investigate it and the FPSC website later on.
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 18:13
Just looked at the price of the most popular New Games on any system, guess what? They are priced about the same if not more.

So I think very good value for the money.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 18:26


Van B
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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 18:49
Maybe you need to explain it better Kaedroho, I thought I rebuffed your point sufficiently but I don't think your seeing the big picture.

Take 2 plugins, say DarkVideo and DarkPhysics. In a year 1000 people might buy DarkPhysics, 100 people might buy DarkVideo.

So if DP sells for $25 and DV sells for $50 - DP still makes more money, to keep up DV would have to sell for $250. Pricing has to be based on the number of people who would buy it, and the desired profit and development costs. I think there's every chance that only 1 in 10 projects would need this, so it has to cost more, otherwise DCS would be cutting off their noses. I think it's priced realistically, to ensure further development and that's what people will be paying $50 for.

Personally I don't see a problem buying well conceived plugins like this, because my time is precious, and I'd rather spend a little money here and there so I can concentrate on the fun elements. We have to support developers like DCS so they can make our lives all the easier. When a solution, a great one, is put in front of us, then the time it would take to do it ourselves makes it a no brainer.

I think the only sad part about hobbyist game development is that there's no way to easily fund a project, it's an investment until it pays for itself - and as hobbyists we have to accept that our projects probably wont pay for themselves. So we either stop making games, or allow for these small expenitures with the hope that one day there will be some funding to pay for it all. DarkVideo would be an investment I think, a way to push your project into a more professional realm - stuff like intro videos tend to be beyond most of us, now the only excuse would be a lack of $50.

Anyhoo sorry to ramble, just my POV.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 18:58 Edited at: 14th Jul 2009 18:58
You don't pay to make a product like Dark Physics every time you sell it. If more people use it, its better.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2009 20:24 Edited at: 14th Jul 2009 20:27
As far as the argument between kaedroho and Van B goes, I'd have to agree with both. I think it's better to sell more (within reason) for less, because the word of your product gets out more. Just so that it doesn't become too many sales at such a low price that you are always handling orders. But let's not forget that the cost of producing each copy is...well, $0, if it's an electronic download (unless you know something that I don't), so in this case it might be better to sell more for less.

Back to the topic, I think this is a pretty neat product. I'd recommend making your screenshots bigger (you did the same for the Magic Particles thread...those shots are tiny!). People would have a better first impression.

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Posted: 15th Jul 2009 14:16 Edited at: 15th Jul 2009 14:16
DarkVideo is powerful and price is quite reasonable but if it were capable of streaming video it would be very attractive.

Any future plans of video streaming?
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Posted: 15th Jul 2009 16:29
Do you mean streaming from the internet? If so, it's quite possible. We'd have to take look at decreasing the size of the videos first though or compressing them to a certain rate per second before we looked at this. As it was built for speed and quality first and foremost, the size of the videos kind of took a back seat.

Someone also mentioned video capture and this would be cool also, though quite a bit of work.
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Posted: 16th Jul 2009 01:35
Why is everything always called "Dark" something? Dark Physics, Dark AI, Dark Net, etc. I understand that they're all for "Dark" BASIC Pro, but it's getting old.

In terms of fairness, I think 50 bucks is a good price considering that you'd have to spend the thousands on BINK to get similar quality. But there's just one little problem: there are other more useful products (Tree Party, Dark AI, and others) that go for similar or smaller prices. Take this completely hypothetical situation: All I've got is DBPro (I haven't bought any plugins) and I've saved up 50 bucks. Even games that have cutscenes only actually show them every once and a while, but other things such as trees and AI are all over the place. So in this situation, I'd be better off getting Dark AI which is a little cheaper or Tree Party which is a lot cheaper.

I can understand wanting enough in return for your work, and I think $50 is a perfectly valid price for something that does what this says it does. But you have to put yourself in your potential customers' shoes. You're not going to want to spend the money on Dark Video if there are more useful things for equal or smaller prices, especially when theres similar (granted worse) functionality built into DBPro for the very attractive price of $0 (assuming you already have DBPro).

But anyway, I'm sure Dark video is a very high quality product, and I'll probably get it once I have the money.

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Posted: 16th Jul 2009 10:44
There's a lot to choose from on The Game Creators. I think it's great! Dark AI looks really good. As does Tree Party (think how much SpeedTree costs) But now, anytime anyone would like to use something like Dark Video, the encoder and runtime, it's out there. As you say, the standard commands are in DBPro if they're sufficient.

Dark Video is a kind of a spin off product of something called C.L.U.M.P (Cross-platform Lightweight Unencumbered Movie Playback). So, it's not the main product using this technology. We just wanted to present in a form that would interest and help DBPro/DarkGDK users.

We're also now seriously considering adding video capture to the next release of Dark Video as this was a really cool idea by whoever mentioned it.
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Posted: 16th Jul 2009 13:17 Edited at: 16th Jul 2009 13:18
Quote: "We're also now seriously considering adding video capture to the next release of Dark Video as this was a really cool idea by whoever mentioned it."

I would definitively use it then. I have been requested to add a 'record video' feature on my DGDK project, that currently relies on external softwares like Fraps.

It would be nice to be able to use the different codecs installed on the running PC, although output to a common format like .avi (so it allows editing in a video editor tool) should suffice.

Also, if time allows it, an option to make a call to the standard windows save dialog could be cool for many people as well.

Other ideas would be the usual record/pause/stop calls (I mean including a 'pause' option).

The record option would allow as well to produce game introductions or movies for level transitions

Oh well, just my ideas. Good luck with this, looking forward to any advances
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Posted: 16th Jul 2009 14:25
With high quality video capture options included I would buy this (if the price remains the same).
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Posted: 16th Jul 2009 15:26
Yes sir, absolutely streaming from the internet !
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Posted: 17th Jul 2009 09:07
I'd probably get this when I required videos in my game, but recording from game content would be essential to it! I'd definitely get it then. $50 is very reasonable.

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Posted: 17th Jul 2009 17:48
and with that and internet streaming you can pull out all the advantages of this new technology.
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Posted: 18th Jul 2009 00:39
Dark Video? Lol makes me think of that OLD not the Nine Oclock News song. Sounds interesting, although, as I am impressed with what you can achieve using the built in commands, not useful to me at present. Of course anything faster ultimately would be considered at some point
For anyone finishing off a project and wanting to tart it up with negligable speed loss, this sounds a winner.
As far as price goes, I can see where people are coming from, when you consider that you can buy DB for less or the same in the first place, it seems expensive for what seems a couple of commands compared to hundreds or more. Comparing it to other games industry products is not going to help with most people, because they consider those proffesional products, and not hobbyist.
TGC are to blame for making DB so cheap in the first place Joke, lol.
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Posted: 18th Jul 2009 00:57
About the price thing, considering that TGC Released dark game studio (It's like they were giving it away!) They released it for like 1/6 the price it should be, and, like morcilla said, they are releasing tons of products that are cheaper then "dark video" that there's a much higher demand for.

Do epic stuff.
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Posted: 18th Jul 2009 13:15
the encode app that was in the trial pack. Made an silent crash when i tried to encode one of my own avi files

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Posted: 18th Jul 2009 13:24
Quote: " morcilla said, they are releasing tons of products that are cheaper then "dark video" that there's a much higher demand for..."

While I like to be in your thoughts, I'm afraid I didn't say anything like that.

There are many ratios to set the selling price of a product, not only the demand, but cost of production, newness, uniqueness, targeting market... In fact a low demand can increase the price.

Anyone being serious should stop complaining about the prices here and there, they are kept fair so far, and I bet most of you got computers much more expensive than that.
Deep Cove Software
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Posted: 19th Jul 2009 00:03
@Slooper - There's a few issues with the version hosted on (1.0.0). We've asked them to upload the latest version but as far as we know, they haven't got around to it yet. In the meantime, you can download the latest version (1.0.2) from:
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Posted: 19th Jul 2009 04:08
Quote: "Maybe you need to explain it better Kaedroho, I thought I rebuffed your point sufficiently but I don't think your seeing the big picture."

The big picture? Are you sure that you understand what im saying? VanB, you have misunderstood my post. Which may have led you onto a different region of this "big picture" causing you to say such things. Its really simple VanB. Your Ideas only work when people pay to make each product. Not in the case that I described. I cant explain it more clearer. if aprofit=bprofit and asales>bsales. Who wins?

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