evolution... theres a debate thing... as i said im religeous, but i didnt mention i'm a firm believer in science, the religion i chose is a very science/philosophical based religeon rather than all this miracle stuff and the world being created in 7 days stuff...
my view on evolution: survival of the fittest means the over a range between a millenia and just a yr, a whole species would change, like with the bison/buffalo/whatever beginning with b... they put the slowest [creature name] at the back, where they are most likely to be hunted by lions etc, meaning that over time, the species gets faster, as only the fastest survive, however i dont see how a creature can say "right, for my species to survive, we need to learn to fly" or even earlier "our species will need to see; ok i'll reproduce into a few different types of cells, that will form the eyeball"
payleys watch: a philosipher hu found a watch on the beach, and opened it and amazed by the clockwork inside, it was too complex to hav been formed naturally, but must hav had a maker.
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