Note I posted this in the DLL forum but got no replies, so it would be great if anyone can answer this
I'm creating some edit boxes with one UpDown gadget in each of them. The user can either input a number or use the UpDown gadget to select a size of something (its a secret at the moment
), however whenever the size is greater or equal to 32768 the UpDown gadgets position resets to 1.
So I'm just wondering is there a limit to the size that an UpDown gadget can be?
Edit Here is some code to show what I mean
startblue "Enter your ID","Enter your key"
edit = createEdit(100,100,100,20,0,0)
updown = createUpDown(-2,2-,20,20,edit,0)
button = createButton(100,200,100,40,"Exit",0,0)
setUpDownRange upDown,1,65535
if eventsource() = edit then setUpDownPosition updown,val(getGadgetText(edit))
if eventsource() = updown then setGadgetText edit,str$(getUpDownPosition(updown))
if eventType() = 0x202 and eventsource() = button then end
Enter a number that is 32768 or over to see what I mean.
End Of Edit