lol... thanks for someone else saying about wind waker
i don't think David89 would like me to have disagreed with him
the closest adventures together were Ocarina of Time, and i'm not sure of the translation of the Zelda64DD - Something Crystal Shard or something.
the links arn't the same but the worlds intersect that they use
as i'm putting my whole ass into making gameMatrix properly for Zelda (and i think i'll remodel everything within it for my own reasons)
this means i get to play about with formats ... and the current thought on the table is CBVP (Camera Based Visual Polygons) - This will be kinda a simplified version of Vis, but to a point where there is no calculation on the computers part to what is actually visible at all
Models for example are split into 3 sections,
Mesh - Skeleton - CBVP Array
Now i won't go into the mesh, or the skeleton cause those setups are quite simple - but the CBVP basically is a camera that checks 50 camera points around a model and uses a Byte index per.
First problem you can see with this probably is the fact that when models are animated they show faces there were never visible before right?
well each animation per keyframe will have this ... now i want to make a simple test of the basic format for it soon with a complex model - weigh up the benifits from the costs (space wise) but even for DarkBasic this would be invaluable, because it would mean Double Polygons per models.
That may excite newbies, but really i doubt they can understand what to do with all those extra polygons.
The biggest advantage i can see if actually for Visual world weaponry ... you will be able to add so much details and still be using the same polygons - because the visible sets will be based on thier rotation from the camera
so you do a simple
if...endif statment and then link to the CBVP index
for the animation you add and subtract those within the movement.
now i'm not sure size wise how much more we'll be talking until i'm done with the test, probably ALOT - like 1Mb for a 2,500 poly model
however when you can save a possible 1,250+ polygons onscren PER model, adding something like gzip to the format should compensate
i'll work in DarkMatter today whilst trying to get KGs stuff done... see what i can come up with
Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!