Ok, I done a little bit of an entry..
Its a tile hopper, but will be in the style of breakout.
set display mode 1280, 1024, 32
sync on
sync rate 0
hide mouse
backdrop on
color backdrop 0
randomize timer()
autocam off
#constant GridSize 5
Type GridCell
col as DWORD
Dim Grid(GridSize, GridSize) as GridCell
make memblock 1, 12 + (GridSize * GridSize * 4)
write memblock dword 1, 0, GridSize
write memblock dword 1, 4, GridSize
write memblock dword 1, 8, 32
for y=0 to GridSize-1
for x=0 to GridSize-1
next x
next y
make object plain 1, GridSize, GridSize
position object 1, 0, 0, 0
point object 1, 0, 1, 0
texture object 1, 1
set object transparency 1, 3
set object filter 1, 0
scale object 1, (15.0/GridSize)*100.0, (15.0/GridSize)*100.0, 100.0
TileSize# = object size x(1) / GridSize
make object cube 2, TileSize#
make mesh from object 1, 2
for y = 0 to GridSize-1
for x = 0 to GridSize-1
if x > 0 OR y > 0
add limb 2, n, 1
offset limb 2, n, x*TileSize#, 0.0, y*TileSize#
inc n
next x
next y
position object 2, -TileSize#*2, -TileSize#, -TileSize#*2
set object transparency 2, 3
make memblock 2, 16
write memblock dword 2, 0, 1
write memblock dword 2, 4, 1
write memblock dword 2, 8, 32
write memblock dword 2, 12, rgba(255,255,255,8)
make image from memblock 2,2
delete memblock 2
texture object 2, 2
`player stuff
type PlayerData
make object sphere 3, TileSize#*0.25, 24, 24
P as PlayerData
P.x# = 0.0
P.y# = TileSize#*0.125
P.z# = 0.0
P.x# = 0.0
P.y# = 0.0
P.sZ# = 0.0
P.jumpPower# = 0.0
#constant maxJump 40
make memblock 2, 12 + (4 * (maxJump+3) * 6)
write memblock dword 2, 0, 6
write memblock dword 2, 4, maxJump+3
write memblock dword 2, 8, 32
white as DWORD: white = rgb(255,255,255)
black as DWORD: black = rgb(0,0,0)
semiblack as DWORD: semiblack = rgba(255,255,255,96)
jump as DWORD: jump = rgba(255,0,0, 96)
position camera 0, 20, 0
point camera 0,0,0
global frameTime# = 1.0
startTime = timer()
frameTime# = (frameTime# * 0.8) + ((timer() - startTime) * 0.2)
startTime = timer()
text 10, 10, "FPS: " + str$(screen fps())
text 10, 30, "ts = " + str$(TileSize#)
if P.y# > TileSize#*0.125
if keystate(200)
inc P.sZ#, frameTime# * 0.01
if keystate(208)
dec P.sZ#, frameTime# * 0.01
if keystate(205)
inc P.sX#, frameTime# * 0.01
if keystate(203)
dec P.sX#, frameTime# * 0.01
P.sX# = curvevalue(0.0, P.sX#, 500.0/ frameTime#)
inc P.sY#, frameTime# * -0.05
P.sZ# = curvevalue(0.0, P.sZ#, 500.0/ frameTime#)
inc P.x#, P.sX# * frameTime# * 0.001
inc P.y#, P.sY# * frameTime# * 0.001
inc P.z#, P.sZ# * frameTime# * 0.001
position object 3, P.x#, P.y#, P.z#
if P.y# <= TileSize#*0.125 AND P.sY# < 0.0 then P.sY# = 0.0
if P.y# <= TileSize#*0.125 AND keystate(57)
inc P.jumpPower#, frameTime# * 0.02
if P.jumpPower# > maxJump then P.jumpPower# = maxJump
jX# = object screen x(3) + 20.0
jY# = object screen y(3) - maxJump
c as dword
for x = 0 to 5
write memblock dword 2, 12 + (x*4), semiblack
next x
for y = 0 to maxJump
if y <= P.jumpPower# then c = jump else c = 0
y2 = maxJump-y+1
write memblock dword 2, 12 + (0 + ((maxJump-y)*6))*4, semiblack
for x = 1 to 4
write memblock dword 2, 12 + (x + (y2*6))*4, c
next x
write memblock dword 2, 12 + (5 + ((maxJump-y)*6))*4, semiblack
next y
for x = 0 to 5
write memblock dword 2, 12 + (x + ((maxJump+1)*6))*4, semiblack
next x
make image from memblock 3, 2
paste image 3, jX#, jY#, 1
if P.jumpPower# > 0.0
P.sY# = P.jumpPower#
P.jumpPower# = 0.0
for i = 0 to n-1
if i mod 2 = 0
rotate limb 2, i, limb angle x(2,i) + frameTime#*0.090, 0, 0
rotate limb 2, i, 0, 0, limb angle z(2,i) + frameTime#*0.090
next i
`Upper layer
function generateTexture()
for y=0 to GridSize-1
for x=0 to GridSize-1
inc Grid(x,y).a#, frameTime# * 0.01 * Grid(x,y).rate#
if Grid(x,y).a# > 255.0 then InitializeCell(x, y)
if Grid(x,y).a# < 32.0 then a# = 0.0 else a# = Grid(x,y).a#
write memblock dword 1, 12 + (x + (y*GridSize))*4, rgba(Grid(x,y).r, Grid(x,y).g, Grid(x,y).b, a#)
next x
next y
make image from memblock 1, 1
function InitializeCell(x, y)
Grid(x,y).rate# = 0.5 + (rnd(100) * 0.001) :`Gives range of 0.5-1.5
Grid(x,y).a# = 0.0
Grid(x,y).r = 191 + rnd(64)
Grid(x,y).g = 191 + rnd(64)
Grid(x,y).b = 191 + rnd(64)
function rgba(r as integer,g as integer,b as integer,a as integer)
colour as dword
colour = (b)+(g*256)+(r*65536)+(a*16777216)
endfunction colour
Basically, you press and hold space to charge your jump. When you let go, hold the arrow keys to control the direction. When you are landed, you cannot control your direction, you just drift to a stop.
The idea (TO DO):
The tiles gradually get more opaque. As they do so, you get less points for landing on them. When you land on one, it stops "age-ing". When you jump off, the tile dissapears and wont reapear for a while. This means you could roll off or fall down that hole.
It still needs Ãœber-work, but its not bad for 1hr work!
Nick, nite..
Ok - morning time and I've squeezed in a little DBP time before heading off for the weekend.
set display mode 1280, 1024, 32
sync on
sync rate 0
hide mouse
backdrop on
color backdrop 0
randomize timer()
autocam off
`predefined colors
white as DWORD: white = rgb(255,255,255)
black as DWORD: black = rgb(0,0,0)
border as DWORD: border = rgba(255,255,255,96)
jump as DWORD: jump = rgba(255,0,0, 96)
`shadow as DWORD: shadow = rgba(0,0,0,96)
#constant GridSize 5
Type GridCell
col as DWORD
Dim Grid(GridSize, GridSize) as GridCell
make memblock 1, 12 + (GridSize * GridSize * 4)
write memblock dword 1, 0, GridSize
write memblock dword 1, 4, GridSize
write memblock dword 1, 8, 32
for y=0 to GridSize-1
for x=0 to GridSize-1
next x
next y
make object plain 1, GridSize, GridSize
position object 1, 0, 0, 0
point object 1, 0, 1, 0
texture object 1, 1
set object transparency 1, 3
set object filter 1, 0
scale object 1, (15.0/GridSize)*100.0, (15.0/GridSize)*100.0, 100.0
TileSize# = object size x(1) / GridSize
make object cube 2, TileSize#
make mesh from object 1, 2
for y = 0 to GridSize-1
for x = 0 to GridSize-1
if x > 0 OR y > 0
add limb 2, n, 1
offset limb 2, n, x*TileSize#, 0.0, y*TileSize#
inc n
next x
next y
position object 2, -TileSize#*2, -TileSize#, -TileSize#*2
set object transparency 2, 3
make memblock 2, 16
write memblock dword 2, 0, 1
write memblock dword 2, 4, 1
write memblock dword 2, 8, 32
write memblock dword 2, 12, rgba(255,255,255,8)
make image from memblock 2,2
delete memblock 2
texture object 2, 2
`player stuff
type PlayerData
make object sphere 3, TileSize#*0.25, 24, 24
P as PlayerData
P.x# = 0.0
P.y# = TileSize#*0.125
P.z# = 0.0
P.x# = 0.0
P.y# = 0.0
P.sZ# = 0.0
P.jumpPower# = 0.0
#constant maxJump 40
make memblock 2, 12 + (4 * (maxJump+3) * 6)
write memblock dword 2, 0, 6
write memblock dword 2, 4, maxJump+3
write memblock dword 2, 8, 32
`Make shadow
#constant shadowRes 63
make memblock 3, 12 + (shadowRes * shadowRes * 4)
write memblock dword 3, 0, shadowRes
write memblock dword 3, 4, shadowRes
write memblock dword 3, 8, 32
center# = (shadowRes*0.50)
a as dword
for y=0 to shadowRes-1
for x = 0 to shadowRes-1
a# = sqrt(((center#-y)*(center#-y)) + ((center#-x)*(center#-x)))
a# = a# / sqrt((shadowRes*shadowRes)* 0.25)
a = 192-(a#*192)
if a < 0 then a = 0 else if a > 255 then a = 255
write memblock dword 3, 12 + ((x + (y*shadowRes))*4), rgba(0,0,0,a)
next x
next y
make image from memblock 4, 3
delete memblock 3
make object plain 4, TileSize#*0.25, TileSize#*0.25
position object 4, 0.0, 0.000, 0.0
xrotate object 4, 90
texture object 4, 4
set object transparency 4,3
set object light 4,0
position camera 0, 20, 0
point camera 0,0,0
global frameTime# = 1.0
startTime = timer()
frameTime# = (frameTime# * 0.8) + ((timer() - startTime) * 0.2)
startTime = timer()
text 10, 10, "FPS: " + str$(screen fps())
text 10, 30, "ts = " + str$(TileSize#)
if P.y# > TileSize#*0.125
if keystate(200)
inc P.sZ#, frameTime# * 0.01
if keystate(208)
dec P.sZ#, frameTime# * 0.01
if keystate(205)
inc P.sX#, frameTime# * 0.01
if keystate(203)
dec P.sX#, frameTime# * 0.01
P.sX# = curvevalue(0.0, P.sX#, 500.0/ frameTime#)
inc P.sY#, frameTime# * -0.05
P.sZ# = curvevalue(0.0, P.sZ#, 500.0/ frameTime#)
inc P.x#, P.sX# * frameTime# * 0.001
inc P.y#, P.sY# * frameTime# * 0.001
inc P.z#, P.sZ# * frameTime# * 0.001
position object 3, P.x#, P.y#, P.z#
position object 4, P.x#, 0.1, P.z#
if P.y# <= TileSize#*0.125 AND P.sY# < 0.0 then P.sY# = 0.0
if P.y# <= TileSize#*0.125 AND keystate(57)
gosub MakeJumpBar
if P.jumpPower# > 0.0
P.sY# = P.jumpPower#+20.0
P.jumpPower# = 0.0
for i = 0 to n-1
if i mod 2 = 0
rotate limb 2, i, limb angle x(2,i) + frameTime#*0.090, 0, 0
rotate limb 2, i, 0, 0, limb angle z(2,i) + frameTime#*0.090
next i
`Upper layer
inc P.jumpPower#, frameTime# * 0.02
if P.jumpPower# > maxJump then P.jumpPower# = maxJump
jX# = object screen x(3) + 20.0
jY# = object screen y(3) - maxJump
c as dword
for x = 0 to 5
write memblock dword 2, 12 + (x*4), border
next x
for y = 0 to maxJump
if y <= P.jumpPower# then c = jump else c = 0
y2 = maxJump-y+1
write memblock dword 2, 12 + (0 + ((maxJump-y)*6))*4, border
for x = 1 to 4
write memblock dword 2, 12 + (x + (y2*6))*4, c
next x
write memblock dword 2, 12 + (5 + ((maxJump-y)*6))*4, border
next y
for x = 0 to 5
write memblock dword 2, 12 + (x + ((maxJump+1)*6))*4, border
next x
make image from memblock 3, 2
paste image 3, jX#, jY#, 1
function generateTexture()
for y=0 to GridSize-1
for x=0 to GridSize-1
inc Grid(x,y).a#, frameTime# * 0.01 * Grid(x,y).rate#
if Grid(x,y).a# > 255.0 then InitializeCell(x, y)
if Grid(x,y).a# < 32.0 then a# = 0.0 else a# = Grid(x,y).a#
write memblock dword 1, 12 + (x + (y*GridSize))*4, rgba(Grid(x,y).r, Grid(x,y).g, Grid(x,y).b, a#)
next x
next y
make image from memblock 1, 1
function InitializeCell(x, y)
Grid(x,y).rate# = 0.5 + (rnd(100) * 0.001) :`Gives range of 0.5-1.5
Grid(x,y).a# = 0.0
Grid(x,y).r = 191 + rnd(64)
Grid(x,y).g = 191 + rnd(64)
Grid(x,y).b = 191 + rnd(64)
function rgba(r as integer,g as integer,b as integer,a as integer)
colour as dword
colour = (b)+(g*256)+(r*65536)+(a*16777216)
endfunction colour
I'm trying to make a shadow by having a plain thats textured that gets gradually more transparent towards the outside. On my machine, the transparency is wierd. In the center, it looks fine, however on the tiles outside the center it losses the transparency and just turns into a black circle.. Any idea's peeps?
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