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FPSC Classic Product Chat / A Public Deathmatch Test

old school
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 03:04
Hosted a game and the only thing was some players were walking on air now and then but apart from that all seemed ok

Keep up the good work Lee


Intel Pentium 4 3.8ghz
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 03:08 Edited at: 20th Aug 2005 03:18
I get some errors Here they are.
1-Grey People
2-RunTime Error 7006- Object Number Illegal at Line 18179
3-Sometimes I got Invulnable and others too
4-Sometimes I can not switch weapons nor add ammo to the weapon.

Processor-AMD Athlon XP 2400+, MMX, 3DNow, ~2.0GHz
Memory- 384MB
DirectX- 9.0c
Video- ATI Radeon 9000 version:6.14.0010.6512, DDI Version:9.0

Here are some Screen Shots I took
I fix them up for they are both under or equal to 250K in Size.

This one(picture) nothing important is happening. I could not switch weapons nor ammo wil be added on to my gun.
I was stuck on this empty weapon. Then later on I found out that 0 will unequip you no matter what, but it would only let me go back to my last weapon I unequip from(Of course that was the shot gun when I found out about it).

This one I am shooting rob with my entire clip.

Darth Vad3r
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 03:44
NICE! Wow! I'm Downloading Now! Look for me : Darth Vad3r

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 03:48
I'm seeing grey characters as well. I'm running an AGP Radeon 2900 ATI brand 128mb. Just to note: Battlefield 2, HL2 and Doom 3 work with the ATI brand AGP 9200
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 03:59
Downloading Now!!

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Maybe next week. sorry. Got a lot to do.
Darth Vad3r
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 04:00
Wow, Lee. You just lost a costumer. This Peice of S**T Crashed my computer.

Rob K
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 04:03
Report the details of the crash to Lee:

1. How to reproduce it

2. Your hardware specs

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 04:10
Yup, FPSC is defenetly getting close to finish, cause Lee is mingleing with us comoners.

Formerly I was CDBGames, and formerly to that i was Duke Nukem, and even more formerly to that
I was Punk Rock 101. Got it?
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 04:26
Running catalyst 5.7 I see 5.8 is available. I'm upgrading to see if it helps.
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 04:30
What upgrade? It keeps saying "waiting to join" and I never join. Whats wrong?

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 04:49
Obviously more play is needed. Here are some things noticed on two plays:

1. Athlon 2800+/1GB RAM nVidia 5700. After two exits, third onvocation resulted in games not being available. TCP fine, etc. No way to trace this one at the time with what I have.

2. One player became "another player", both now having the same name. The one that switched was invincible and racked up kills for the other player. Non-cloned player able to be killed.

3. Crash to desktop after host begins. Only player in arena. CTD. Detail file is: appcompat.txt but I'm still looking for where it dumped it. Any help approeciated.

As a side note, I noticed that the game registers outside my little LAN. An option to host a LAN only game is needed for the following reasons:

1. I don't want packets outside my router if I'm playing as a LAN party. In this instance, I'm playing a game I want limited to the people I invited. The beta had no control.

2. If there will be further beta testing, it would be helpful to close off the environment when needed in order to reproduce problems. If I have 3 people in the arena that I don't know and we encounter an issue it will be difficult to reproduce.

Game play was good. I like the slower walking. I always thought EAs walking was like jogging. Sounds much improved. Encountered lag quite a bit in one game. Fast runners were difficult to shoot and of course sometimes they'd stop, shoot and kill while I was still watching them enter the room.
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 04:57 Edited at: 20th Aug 2005 04:58
I think the "waiting to join" means that particular server is full and you're in limbo until someone disconnects. Of course I'm just assuming.
Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 05:03
I joined a game and it says "waiting to join"... It still said that 2 HOURS LATER!!! I was off playing Xbox live.

Lee please fix this.
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 05:05
ohh thanks for the help. If anyone knows somthing else, tell me.
thank you

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Maybe next week. sorry. Got a lot to do.
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 05:06 Edited at: 20th Aug 2005 05:07
How about you start a game jordan and I'll see if I can join or not. Whats your gamertag?

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 05:20
catalyst 5.8 drivers made no difference, still grey no textured players.
Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 05:45
@MaddA ChieF

My gametag for XBL is Mapmakermaster but I have just come off it now to get some sleep. See ya later.
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 06:05
Seems to run slow, then speed up, I see grey people, my graphics card overheated twice and shut my laptop down, have to check that one myself.

Satellite, 1gig mem, radeon 9000 igp, with 128 mem.

Toshiba,3.2Ghz,ATI Radeon 9000 IGP 128mb,1.2gig of Ram,Windows XP Home.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 07:35
Aoneweb, you should invest in one of those cheap stands your laptop can sit on that has fans to help keep it cool.
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 08:48
Torrey: Thanks for the advice, but I have one with 2 fans, also I was playing MOH, and it done the same thing, got to take it back to CompUSA.

Toshiba,3.2Ghz,ATI Radeon 9000 IGP 128mb,1.2gig of Ram,Windows XP Home.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 10:04
LeeBamber your 36 hour fragging deadline is drawing near. Please host or join and prepare to be fragged!
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 10:16
Love the multiplayer, except for I found it difficult to sometimes to get into a game. maybe just me, tho.

VERY nice sounds, i love the new (and thankfully varied) gun noises. the uzis my favorite. the footsteps are fantastic, and my prayers have been answered- no more giant moon jump with a "huuh" when you land. THANKS for all the hard work.

i did notice the now famous grey figures once, but mostly they were normal. i also noticed that at some points they would freeze in their animations.

speed wise, it went perfectly.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 10:39

when trying to download the game this message popped up...

what does this mean? and how can it be fixed?
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 12:06
is it possible to join a game richt now
because of 36 hours???


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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 14:46
runs fine on my system.

AMD Athlon 1700 XP
Nvidia 5900 FX grapics card

1GB Ram

Runs very smooth.
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 14:59
see grey people... with the textures slightly visible... sometimes killing others is impossible, even though having lots of direct hits over and over again on a non moving enemy... System often slowed down to about 4 frames p/s... game uses like 100% of system resources, even when doing nothing or being in the menue screen... overal gameplay is slow to very slow.... system is 2.4 GHz P4, ATI raedon mobility, 768 MB RAM. Game-Engine definatily needs some tweaking and bugfixes... needs to get faster and less resources using.... Don't think releasing it in the current condition makes to much sense... better spend some more weeks on tweaking this thing...
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 16:55 Edited at: 20th Aug 2005 16:56

Problem: grey enemies.

graphics card: ATI Radeon 9200 SE 128 MB
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 16:58 Edited at: 20th Aug 2005 17:00
Thanks For Letting us test multi player

Thanks ,
BIG Computer Geek

@pjb21 , probaly your firewall, try taking it off for while you download. (and probaly while playing)

I may Be small, but im bloomin good on a computer!
The Nerd
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 17:26 Edited at: 20th Aug 2005 17:28
Lee This post contains a problem i experienced

I was just playing the game again
But this time i clicked the "Play arena again" button. it worked. then when that round was over i got an error when i cliked it. it was a "Object number illegal". So irratating that i didn't got a screenshot of it

But funny enough i have never experinced the bug were all players turn grey.

Well... Here another screenshot :

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 17:31

BIG computer geek.

Same happened here on that server!

I may Be small, but im bloomin good on a computer!
Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 18:09

LOL Supadupamegatyp is my brother ^^ we played over our lan in the internet and that was the game where i made the server.


- Sometimes after i played a while, i cant switch the weapons anymore.

- Sometimes ( almost ever ) theres a player in the game which i cant shoot at. The bullets fly through him. looks like god mode o.O

- Bulletholes are not visible at all for other players

- Glass is not destroyable

i think thats it. on theo ther are very smooth and fine on my computer. i use an gforce gt6600GT. my brother was using an ati radeon 9600PRO 256mb and has not seen the weapons he was carrying. bug !

At This point i wanted to post some very very nice improvements multiplayer could have.

- A Ping and playercount status image when joining a game ( latency is very important )

- Longer player names

- more than 8 players ( okok i know )

- some status screen like in cs, when you press TAB key, with a listing of the players on this server and their frags and ping maybe.

Ok i think thats all. besides, Lot of fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


yeah...thats the ticket !
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 18:16
Lee, i found no bugs. I not join any players or see other players, but multiplayer is awsome! Good Job Devs! I can't wait to finnaly start my FPSC game!

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 18:53
i got the waiting to join phrase almost every time

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MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 19:11
I would like to be able to see a status screen in mp gameplay. Like when you press a button all of the players names will pop up with thier kills and Deaths. In the menu where you select the game you want to join, there should be a button that you click that tells you the players that are in that game, the level that there playing on and the score of the other players.

And LEE!!! WHAT GOING ON WHEN IT SAYS "Waiting to join.."!!!! HELP!
and also shouldn't that be three dots...

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Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 20:10
i think you cant join to some games because the ping is too high. lets say they got a ping of you are in england and the server is somewhere in australia.....that doesnt work.
though it would be great to see the pings before joining.

yeah...thats the ticket !
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 20:19
Quote: "i got the waiting to join phrase almost every time

Same here


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The Nerd
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 21:26
@Lee Bamber here is a picture of the error i get when clicking the "play arena again" button.

But it dosn't happen every time i click the button. It is coming randome.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 21:35
By the way all - you cant shoot the glass out in MP I believe because the glass would require to be a Physics object - which is disallowed in MP.

Maybe thats incorrect but I believe it to be so.

Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 23:02
no, shooting the glass is not part of the physics system. its more like a trigger zone. if a shot hits the glass, it breaks. nothing more. o.O
when is lee playing ?

yeah...thats the ticket !
Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 23:07
I discovered a new bug :

- If you die in zoom mode, you got it when respawning,too ! more thing, i played with lavitz...and ccc games. lavitz comes from washington. he was able to join my game, but we were not able to kill him or sometimes to see him at all. I think this causes the high ping ( which we dont see ) rate from washington to germany. The distance seems too big.

yeah...thats the ticket !
Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 23:09
PS: Hey Nerd...i saw your screenshot...aaaand...WHO IS FROZEN FLAME ON YOUR MSN TAB ? nerd is in looooveeee nerd is in looooveeeee nerd is in ...

yeah...thats the ticket !
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 23:40 Edited at: 20th Aug 2005 23:41
I have a few glitches of my own. They can be done in sp and mp. I posted them months back. I'll try to get fraps so I can make some videos.
The Nerd
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 23:47
@Mr Flowerkohl:

I just think i will ignore that comment lol

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Posted: 21st Aug 2005 00:19
Okay, I'm going to host a game in 10 miniutes.

Formerly I was CDBGames, and formerly to that i was Duke Nukem, and even more formerly to that
I was Punk Rock 101. Got it?
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Posted: 21st Aug 2005 00:20 Edited at: 21st Aug 2005 00:33
Managed to hook up with 2 people scottie & sperm of satan !!.Where are you from!.
EDIT (instead of putting a name can you put your country )

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Posted: 21st Aug 2005 01:26
Thanks for the game crow34!,buggy but great.This looks like a winner to me .


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Posted: 21st Aug 2005 03:12
I see grey people. Also, it crashes to the desktop when I end a hosting session.
(Nobody has joined my sessions. Maybe that causes it?)

Windows XP Home Service Pack 2, Pentium 4 2.79 GHz, 768MB RAM,
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Oh, so you must of been "England". I'm in the US.
Pickle of Death
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Posted: 21st Aug 2005 04:40
Ah man! We're in Seattle and Dad won't let me install this on his work laptop (that is SO TOTALLY BOGUS!!!) so I won't be able to play it until Wednesday. Will it still be online then?
jeff o man5444
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Posted: 21st Aug 2005 06:11
dude wait till 1 in the morning dont download just run it and then play and delete all evidence ... thats what i do since i messed my computer up and have to use my parents...!!!

making a game, going to school,working to jobs, and being 14 is hard work

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Posted: 21st Aug 2005 07:32
Quote: "making a game, going to school,working to jobs, and being 14 is hard work"

Tell mea about it! But don't post your age!

Formerly I was CDBGames, and formerly to that i was Duke Nukem, and even more formerly to that
I was Punk Rock 101. Got it?

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