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Program Announcements / Unity - The Lua Scripting Pack

David T
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 08:53

It's finally finished!

Please see:

The Unity scripting pack takes your DarkBASIC Professional games to the next level. Unity marries the commercially used Lua scripting language with DarkBASIC Professional.

Unity is a Third Party Command set that allows your DarkBASIC Professional games to utilise the Lua scripting language in your games. Lua has been used in the games industry for years - and its users include, but are not limited to:

- Blizzard - Warcraft III
- Bioware - Baldur's Gate
- Lucasarts - Grim Fandango
- Crytek - Far Cry
- Sierra - Homeworld 2
- Electronic Arts - Various Projects
The industry has been using it for years - now it's your turn. The uses of Unity are not limited to scripting. The plugin can also be used to:

- To load structured files (for example save games) quicker and easier than before
- To replace DarkBASIC Professionals arrays - Lua provides you with arrays that grow, shrink, order and shuffle on demand. You can also use strings as array keys, instead of just numbers

What are the technical specifications?
Unity fully implements the new and updated Lua 5.0 language.

Lua 5.0
- Fast loading, compilation and execution of code
- Flexible PHP style arrays
- Automatic memory management and garbage collection
- All File IO, Mathematical and Core command libraries integrated with the plugin
- Multi-threading via Lua co-routines
- Support for object orientation

The plugin
- 25 new commands
- Full support for directly reading and writing to Lua variables
- Full access to the contents of Lua arrays
- Call functions written in Lua from your DarkBASIC Professional games
- Access the 3D DarkBASIC world directly from your scripts
- Ability to load compiled scripts or scripts as text files - using just one command
- Innovative message queue system for Lua to/from DBPro communication
- Full keywords list and help files with example code for each command
- Full tutorials included to help you get started

I will upload more demos over the weekend, and I'll work on getting a downloadable trial version of the plugin up too.

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 09:28
Congrats and good luck with the sales! Even though I'm more into my scripting plugin I enjoy checking out the demos you create with it. Always good quality stuff from you!

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 10:21
Well done. I didn't realise how much there was to Unity until I saw the newsletter. Last time I looked, all it did was move an ogre around a square room!

David T
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 13:56
Thanks both of you

I've got some great demos. I managed to code a sort of RPG with just Lua. There was a level file which described where enemies are, which paths they follow, and what the enemies say. The level's thencompletely run by scripts. Very snazzy indeed. It's a shame Rich didn't include some of the demos to download on the newsletter.

"A book. If u know something why cant u make a kool game or prog.
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Van B
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 15:10
Sounds very cool David, could'nt have been an easy task!

This means that people could mod a DBPro game engine to add their own weapons and characters etc, should be a very interesting 2006 for DBPro.


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David T
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 17:34
Quote: "This means that people could mod a DBPro game engine to add their own weapons and characters etc, should be a very interesting 2006 for DBPro."

Yep, exactly. Not just adding new weapons and characters (this can be done atm, but its very hard). You can actually add new logic. Not only does this make DBpro very useful for making game creators (a la FPSC) it also means you can make real programming sims

Van - how's VanMesh coming along? Your scripting thingy going well?

"A book. If u know something why cant u make a kool game or prog.
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Darkbasic MADPSP
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 17:40
cool looks great nice logo

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 19:20
I don't know much about LUA. The little reading that I have done on LUA makes it sound very useful, but how does it hook together with DBPro? Do you write the scripts in Notepad or something and then call te script inside the DBPro editor? Do you make a script using LUA and compile it into a DLL using GCC and then call the commands from the DBPro editor? I guess I need to buy a clue here.

I would at least like to know how the two work with each other before I buy it.


David T
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 19:32 Edited at: 2nd Dec 2005 19:43
The plugin works in a similar way to the way external media, such as images / sounds / models etc are loaded at run time.

You can write a Lua script in Notepad (or any simple text editor - in fact you could write in DBPro's editor - but that's be iffy as the editor would try and compile it). Then using the command load lua you can load a script and it will be run.

If you want you can write a script then use the Lua Compiler (available around the net, I've got it on here too) to 'compile' your scripts so nobody can tamper with them. These can be loaded with load lua too. They won't go to native DLL code as such - just a garbled form lua can load

Once you've written a few functions (or whatever) in your script they can be called at will from DBPro code - using the command lua set function / lua call.

Rich will be uploading 3 demos I've written - hopefully they will give you a few ideas and you can tinker with them

"A book. If u know something why cant u make a kool game or prog.
come on now. A book. I hate books. book is stupid. I know that I need codes but I dont know the codes"
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 20:17
So if I did a "load lua", then the script will run at load time, but I compile the script, then I can call the script when I want it to run?

Thanks for the feedback.

David T
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 20:36
As soon as the program execution hits the command "load lua" it will be loaded and run. The command load lua loads two types of script - those compiled, and pure text files. Compiled ones are slightly faster to load but not by much.

Hope that clears it up. There's no difference between a compiled and text file script except that the latter can be opened and changed in notepad, the former can't.

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 23:30
Awesome. Great Job DavidT. Also, good luck with the sales. I promise you that i will buy it. I will use it for levels' interactions.

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David T
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2005 21:55
Thanks alot Skalex!

I'll remind Rich next time about uploading the demos. If we can't do it, I'll put them on my site myself temporarily.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2005 00:26
Am I right in thinking LUA can have a life of it's own? For example, it could be looking after a handful of arrays, changing food and fuel resources over time, and then you just "dip in" from DB Pro and get the latest figures?

That's just my understanding from the LUA manual and it's threading abilities.

David T
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Posted: 4th Dec 2005 00:47
I believe using coroutines you can start new threads in Lua and they run in parallel. The default 'space' Lua runs in is in the same thread as your DBPro app - so you can do any of the threading yourself.

I'm afraid I haven't experimented too much with coroutines yet, although there's a section on them in the lua manual:

And yes, to get the value of something straight away from DBPro you'd just use LUA GET INT/STRING/FLOAT or LUA ARRAY INT/STRING/FLOST.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2005 08:23
My plugin is almost the same beast as LUA and also has these multithreading capabilities. Keep in mind that it's not true multithreading. For these coroutines to work with LUA or my own you need to create a handler in your script to continuously check the threads for proper handling, and to keep them executing. If you exit back to dbpro after creating a thread it will not execute after the first run (because the thread is not a real OS thread).

This isn't the best description, and may sound confusing, but I will code up an example soon so people get an idea of how it works.

Van B
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Posted: 4th Dec 2005 12:06
VANmesh is doing fine, been rewriting a lot of the dialoge handling stuff because it needs a sorta fake multi-tasking, like there could be several dialogue boxes open, all doing different things - keeping track of that and handling variables locally and globally through the script has been a little tricky. Getting there though and the GUI is damn snazzy now.

I think a major plus point of a system like LUA is with team projects. Now people could take a particular aspect and be responsible for it, like one person could concentrate on AI scripts while someone else deals with weapon logic - I think it'll be a good way to manage open-source and team projects, before you'd almost need someone dedicated to simply keeping things organised.


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Posted: 4th Dec 2005 17:12
Van B, do i am again a beta tester of VANmesh? I never had more news about it.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2005 17:38
Great stuff David.

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Hamish McHaggis
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Posted: 4th Dec 2005 20:15 Edited at: 4th Dec 2005 20:16
Nice one David, looks excellent. I would really like to see some demos uploaded so I can see what this is capable of, and so I can compare it to Torrey's plugin.

20,000th post in the program announcements board! Sorry, just had to do it .

David T
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Posted: 4th Dec 2005 20:40 Edited at: 4th Dec 2005 20:45
Quote: "20,000th post in the program announcements board! Sorry, just had to do it ."

And it's in my topic. Weeeee!

I've uploaded one demo here. Shows you a simple Lua script to control objects and put them on paths can be used and expanded at run time. The same script is used to power another demo, with no changed whatsoever needed between demos. Here's the lua script for you to have a quick look at. Coding in lua is a lot like coding in PHP, I like it


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Hamish McHaggis
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Posted: 4th Dec 2005 21:20
Hmm, the archive appears to be corrupted.

David T
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Posted: 4th Dec 2005 22:07
Try redownloading. Should be around 3.5mb. My web space has a habit of cutting out during some downloads.

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Posted: 6th Dec 2005 08:46 Edited at: 7th Dec 2005 00:25
Oh well - I've sold one copy. Seems a happy chap:

Bush Baby
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Posted: 6th Dec 2005 23:36
David, remember, once I get money, you've sold another!

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Pod Fingers
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Posted: 7th Dec 2005 02:52
I'm having some trouble with getting unity to work, having installed the 5.9 DB pro update i tried installing unity and everything went fine. I re-activated DB pro then tried to compile the rpg demo and i recieved the message 'could not understand command at line 25' with that being the first lua related line of code in the program. I tried a string example from the manual with similar results. When i checked the about box for DB pro it now thinks i have version 1.052 not 1.059 i tried remedying this by removing and reinstalling the update and still the same problem other than the about box now says the correct version. In the compilers plugins-licensed folder i have a report.ini file containing the following:


Any help would be much appreciated, sorry to spoil the party
David T
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Posted: 7th Dec 2005 12:46 Edited at: 7th Dec 2005 12:47
Quote: "I'm having some trouble with getting unity to work, having installed the 5.9 DB pro update i tried installing unity and everything went fine. I re-activated DB pro then tried to compile the rpg demo and i recieved the message 'could not understand command at line 25' with that being the first lua related line of code in the program. I tried a string example from the manual with similar results. When i checked the about box for DB pro it now thinks i have version 1.052 not 1.059 i tried remedying this by removing and reinstalling the update and still the same problem other than the about box now says the correct version. In the compilers plugins-licensed folder i have a report.ini file containing the following:


Any help would be much appreciated, sorry to spoil the party "


I wrote a long reply, then the net connection was lost while it was posting

Looks like the DLL isn't validated. Usually there's a link to validate on the start menu for most TGC products - if there isn't one, then have a look in the compiler directory and see whether there are any EXE files there which were created the day you installed. Try running them - they should verify it.

Bush Baby
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Posted: 7th Dec 2005 16:13
Quote: "Oh great, another thing to pay for.

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Pod Fingers
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Posted: 7th Dec 2005 19:25
I've gone through the activation process for both the upgrade and unity but it doesn't work, I've even reinstalled everything but no luck. I'll put in an email via customer support detailing the problem see if that helps.
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Posted: 8th Dec 2005 05:50
Wow,this looks impressive,too bad you have to pay for it
David T
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Posted: 8th Dec 2005 08:49
Quote: "I've gone through the activation process for both the upgrade and unity but it doesn't work, I've even reinstalled everything but no luck. I'll put in an email via customer support detailing the problem see if that helps. "

Hmm that is very weird. The plugin does work, as several people have got it activated + working ok. Ih ope you get a fast reply from customer support

Kangaroo2 BETA2
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Posted: 8th Dec 2005 15:48
Hi David

At long last I'm posting here, have been meaning to check this out for a long time

TBH though I'm still not entirely sure I understand EXACTLY what this does. I can see that it could be very useful for me to use to stop me having to wait eons for compile times. I can also see that it could be used for people to modify AI for enemies etc. But I have a few questions:

1: Does it allow control over EVERYTHING - IE users could manipulate things they didn't mean to, cause program crashes, etc? Because that could be a nightmare when writing a file to hdd for example. Or for multiplayer games people could use it for "action replay" style cheats to make themselves invinsible etc? I think a complete lack of control over how something could be modified is a scary prospect to me, but perhaps I'm envisioning this wrong?

2: How would a user know how dbpro was referring to everything? For example they may wish to move an enemy but don't know what object number or limb number to use?

3: Presumably picking something up and moving it via LUA would mess up Newton collisions and physics? 99% of what is moved in Quikly is done using physics...

Sorry to sound negative, i'm not at all - I think this is a really great idea/innovation for dbpro and could be really useful. I'm just trying to find a reason to use it instead of writing my own scripting language read from a text file which I'd have full control over. I really am very ignorant about LUA and the more I read on it the more un-answered questions I seem to find in my head.

Either way its a great thing for the community that this option is available and hats off to you for making such a professional job of wrapping it

David T
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Posted: 8th Dec 2005 18:59 Edited at: 8th Dec 2005 19:02
Hi 'Roo:

I think the best way to describe how it works is to think about it this way. With load image, you can load images stored in an external file (As opposed to using data statements in code). Same goes with objects, music etc. Unity simply allows you to put actual program logic in external files.

I can imagine Unity would fit into Quikly how scripts are used in FPSC. Imagine a game maker where, once you've laid down your level, you can then write a little bit of code to control how something moves, a trigger is activated, or how a level is won. Normally, you can't do this with DBPro. All code is garbled, compiled nad assembled into machine code - you can't just load a string of code and run it. Well, with scripting you can

Try the FPSC demo (if there is one?) and you can see a good example of scripts in use in a game maker there.

Individual questions...

Quote: "1: Does it allow control over EVERYTHING - IE users could manipulate things they didn't mean to, cause program crashes, etc? Because that could be a nightmare when writing a file to hdd for example. Or for multiplayer games people could use it for "action replay" style cheats to make themselves invinsible etc? I think a complete lack of control over how something could be modified is a scary prospect to me, but perhaps I'm envisioning this wrong?"

Nope. The Lua environment which scripts run in is completely detatched from the DBPro environment. All your users do is write functions, code etc. You then write bits of DBPro/Lua code which link the two. For example, if in Quikly somebody attached the following script to a portal entity (this is just hypotheses):

This would call a Lua script written by yourself (a sort of API, if you will), which then passes a message back to DBPro telling the DBPro app that the game should be won:

And in your dbpro main loop you'd have this little loop checking for GameWon messages and acting accordingly

As you can see you're completely free to let users do what they want. There are a few DBPro commands available in Lua, in case you fancy writing AI in Lua and want to do it the dodgy way, but they're just your primitives - position / rotate object etc. and - don't quote me on this - but I think you can remove functions from Lua at run time anyway (there's most likely a way given how functions are stored - if you want I can research more).

Quote: "2: How would a user know how dbpro was referring to everything? For example they may wish to move an enemy but don't know what object number or limb number to use?"

Pretty much answered above - you can do it how you want. If you want to store object numbers in Lua globals then people could ge hte relevant numbers from there. I recommend however completely separating 3D from Lua - and instead provide a few hook functions like I showed above.

Quote: "3: Presumably picking something up and moving it via LUA would mess up Newton collisions and physics? 99% of what is moved in Quikly is done using physics..."

Same as above. Just write the movement routines yourself

Quote: " I'm just trying to find a reason to use it instead of writing my own scripting language read from a text file which I'd have full control over"

The main plus point is Lua is a complete, commercial quality language available from the get go. It's fast, small and very easy to get set up. You can write your own if you want, but to get all the parsing and execution stuff written would take ages - especially for a language as extensive as Lua (OOP, dynamic arrays, complex iteration etc) - I've tried myself!

Kangaroo2 BETA2
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Posted: 8th Dec 2005 20:33
That answers all my questions nicely - thank you! I think I totally missed the point lol

Trouble is I have already got my own scripting thingie working quite well, and the emphasis was for it to be as close to English as possible to make it easy for begineers and not really like coding - I figure if someone actually wants to properly code it they'l just export it to source code anyway. Thats not to detract from the usefulness of LUA at all though, it really looks very useful. I think perhaps I'll stick to what I'm doing at the moment and strongly consider this in the future for more complicated stuff, perhaps advanced AI and cut-scene controlling

Thank you for such a easy to understand reply for an idiot like mme

David T
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Posted: 8th Dec 2005 20:47
Cool, what's your own script like? Is it just command based or are there loops / ifs / etc? Is it all intepreted at run time? Would be interested - language construction is a field that interests me.

Kangaroo2 BETA2
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Posted: 8th Dec 2005 21:04 Edited at: 8th Dec 2005 21:05
It'll consist of mostly of "when" style statements, ie "when player 1 is in red zone and has 10 coins then add 10 to score and load level 2"

Its pretty simple stuff, nothing heavy, just read from a text file and interpretted at run-time by dbpro. Thers also a utility to allow the txt file to be "encrypted" so others can't edit it should people wish.

Its no-where near as complete as LUA, just there for me to add and change stuff as & when I need - and most of the time Quikly will write it itself by users clicking on icons - I want as little programming as possible needed for users, but still to be pretty customisable for those who need it and don't own dbpro

[edit] to anyone except DavidT please don't hijack this thread by talking about quikly here, it has its own topic and I want to keep david's one clean as Unity is a great product

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Posted: 9th Dec 2005 11:01
Hi David!
Great Plugin, very useful.

Quote: "
please don't hijack this thread by talking about quikly here

Sure! What we need is a new forum for Unity. This would help a lot.
David T
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Posted: 9th Dec 2005 23:33
Quote: "Great Plugin, very useful."

Cheers, nice to know!

Quote: "Sure! What we need is a new forum for Unity. This would help a lot. "

You're the second person to say this! Perhaps we should start a petition...

I think the official forum for TPC talk is the "DLL Talk" board...

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Posted: 11th Dec 2005 23:46
I certainly think there should be a new forum. If Rich Davey resists the idea of one just for Unity, then why not make it wider and call it "scripting languages".

@David T

I've bought the plugin, just as I promised. Shame I have to upgrade to v5.9 to use it though. I'd just got Entropy running under v5.8.

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David T
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Posted: 12th Dec 2005 08:36


If you have trouble getting Entropy working under 5.9, email me. There's something I may be able to do.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2005 23:32
So Philip, we can expect Flocking scripts within the week

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Posted: 12th Dec 2005 23:35
oh and, i just remembered, do the plugin works with 5.8?

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David T
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Posted: 13th Dec 2005 00:13
The plugin required DBPro 5.9. There's a possibility I may be able to do something for you regarding it working with 5.8.

David T
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Posted: 13th Dec 2005 00:13
The plugin required DBPro 5.9. There's a possibility I may be able to do something for you regarding it working with 5.8, although I'd really prefer it if you all used the off-the-shelf 5.9 version

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Posted: 13th Dec 2005 01:44
It's just occured to me that they should have it so that when you post, a check is made as to who made the last post, and if it was the same person who is posting the new post, then have the last post edited instead. That would be neat.

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Posted: 13th Dec 2005 03:36
Quote: "There's a possibility I may be able to do something for you regarding it working with 5.8"

Thanks. I use 5.8 because 5.9 seems to have a lot of problems and my game will not work with 5.9. I'm waiting for the 6.0 to update my code.

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David T
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Posted: 13th Dec 2005 08:44 Edited at: 13th Dec 2005 08:44
Quote: "It's just occured to me that they should have it so that when you post, a check is made as to who made the last post, and if it was the same person who is posting the new post, then have the last post edited instead. That would be neat."

That is certainly was weird. Especially as my previous two posts were different

Quote: "Thanks. I use 5.8 because 5.9 seems to have a lot of problems and my game will not work with 5.9. I'm waiting for the 6.0 to update my code."

5.9 actually seems OK ish here - not as big a jump as 5.7 -> 5.8. Also - Update 6.0 will inherit all 5.9 problems

I'd vastly prefer it if you used 5.9 - however, if you really can't get it working then as I said as a last resort there's something I can do to possibly get it working. Email me if that's the case.

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Posted: 16th Dec 2005 23:46
Evening all.

Another demo showing Lua at play - this time this demo is a full RPG style engine, powered all by Lua. Go ahead and play with the scripts if you want - you won't need to own Unity, or DarkBASIC for that matter


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Lost in Thought
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Posted: 17th Dec 2005 01:30
Quote: "Also - Update 6.0 will inherit all 5.9 problems"

Not if his problems are collision related

Also it should not be that hard to port your code over to 5.9 from 5.8 (unless of course you are using DBP collision or the object size commands).

David T
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Posted: 17th Dec 2005 12:37
Ah, ok. From personal experience I've found that most of hte problems I experienced upgrading were due to commands working slightly differently - not actually being broken. I meant that, if you do find a command is changed to work differently in 5.9 it's unlikely to be reversed in 6.0

On a personal note, thanks to all who've bought Unity (and there are quite a few of you - you're doing a good job staying hidden ). There are a few exciting developments Unity-wise happening soon, so keep your eyes peeled :

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