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Geek Culture / TGC / DevHat Podcast

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2007 01:50
As some might know, a podcast has been mumbled about for a few months but no one has down owt for it.

So us over at devhat have finally put our ass' into gear to produce one. We're not too sure how regular we'll make it right now, probably every 2weeks due to our work schedules simple due to how much work is required to actually put each one together.

This was suppose to be out Friday, but technical problems.
For anyone who wants to mention, "yes we know about the playback issue, and we're working on it"

Podcast RSS

We are working on a website specific for it, including a toon, reviews, previews, etc. just the technical issues have set us all back. Hopefully will be up, sometime this week. ^_^

Let us know what you think, hopefully as we do more we'll get more "professional" about it. heh

big thanks to Kentaree and DanielTGC (esp. Daniel getting the actual audio recorded and sorted!) more to come soon. Oh and help us convince Lee he needs to be a guest!!

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2007 04:12 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2007 05:47
Downloading as I post this. Will edit with thoughts when I've had a listen. Here's hoping it's a good'un

First impressions are it's got a good balance of tgc, personal opinion and gaming chit-chat. A bit rough around the edges but what first podcast isn't?

I prefer the longer podcasts so I've got no problem with it being over an hour.

Raven's audio seemed a bit lower quality than the others. Clear enough to listen to though.

In the first 40 minutes there seemed to be an amount of umming and erring. After that though everyone seemed to relax and the podcast flowed better because of it. I'm sure this is something that would improve as you get more episodes in and get more relaxed/experienced.

On whatever podcast I listen to, the more relaxed it is the more times people wander off-topic but I've got no problem with off-topic chat.

Show notes would be good idea but that's something that would come with the website I guess.

Small criticisms and a great first podcast. I'll be having a listen to the others.

Jess T
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2007 06:03 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2007 06:43
To help reduce file-size even further (since here at Uni, I have to pay per the MB!), you can make the file 64Kbps, which is roughly radio-quality.
Or, offer a number of downloads for quality, and see which one is the most popular, etc.

As soapy said, there's too many umms and errs.
Maybe you should get some people who have had experience in Radio in. I've had a year and a half, and I know Matt Rock has had quite a few years when he was in college. It'll make it much easier for you guys too, since you have someone who's experienced in talking to an invisible audience.

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2007 07:36
thanks for the comments, we're hoping as it goes on we get a better dynamic going.

it was very "umm and err", probably because as was mentioned in the podcast our researcher (zenassem) basically did a houdini on us, and disappeared. So i was scrambling about an hour before the cast putting together what we were going to talk about.

we ended up doing a second recording of the main cast again, because of dynamic issues (basically it was like a boring facts-only program) and with the post-cast chat we started getting more friendlier and joking around. So decided to re-record with that new dynamic, which i think makes this work well as a first cast.

As far as low-quality people go, I believe Mnemonix will be airing it on "Rawr! Radio" sometime this week; and we'll get him to do it each new cast for those with limited bandwidth. Also be sorting out a streaming version from the site for the same reason.

Given we don't know how popular this is we don't know how much bandwidth will be taken up yet. So it's a wait and see on that. heh

As mentioned above, probably looking into a bi-weekly podcast. Were going to have a weekly one, but it took much more to make this than we anticipated and there's often a lull in dbp news. So don't really want to pad it too much with non-tgc stuff. This said we might do it weekly, say 30minutes format for 3 weeks then a bumper 60minutes one for the end of the month (i.e. newsletter week) so we can discuss what is in the newsletter.

lots of things depend.
right now we have roughly 5 people for the podcast to do it on a regular basis, and we'll try to keep it to 3 people each week (plus guest if there is one) otherwise might get too crowded.

glad you guys didn't find it a waste of time though
it's taken a lot of effort from everyone just to do this first one heh

Jess T
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2007 09:11
btw, it's called a Ferris Wheel

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2007 09:19
I thought it was pretty cool , though you could have trimmed out some parts, i.e. the long pause before the review of my game , plus you never really ended the podcast it just stopped. Looking forward to the next one

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2007 09:44
dramatic effect dark .. well that and editing was left to daniel heh
we'll hopefully get it right next time

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2007 20:59 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2007 21:05
You guys sound like chipmunks. Or is that your real voices?


Hehehe... senior podcast editor


Okay--- I have to ask. Do all English people pronounce 'h' as 'haich'? That is so bizarre to me hehe.

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2007 21:05
Still cant find my pilot podcast...

The Innuendo's, 4 Piece Indie Rock Band
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2007 21:18
Not too bad, though it's rather quiet and you guys seem to mumble. I'm sure you'll get better though!

Quote: "Okay--- I have to ask. Do all English people pronounce 'h' as 'haich'?"

I don't. Some British do, but I remember reading somewhere that the Irish/Australians do, so maybe that's where it came from.

Tempest (DBP/DBCe)
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2007 21:40
I was just wondering what I can listen to this podcast on, the windows media says it can't play it, do you guys have any suggestions on what else I can use? I'm excited to hear about this!

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2007 00:01 Edited at: 23rd Jul 2007 00:02
Quote: "You guys sound like chipmunks. Or is that your real voices?"

chipmunks? wtf

Quote: "Okay--- I have to ask. Do all English people pronounce 'h' as 'haich'? That is so bizarre to me hehe."

Those of us who weren't dragged up in the dreggs of british society, yeah.

Quote: "I was just wondering what I can listen to this podcast on, the windows media says it can't play it, do you guys have any suggestions on what else I can use? I'm excited to hear about this!"

Should run in Media Player, believe Dan used the LameMP3 Codec for it. I wanted to use WMA9, but then I'm not Linux friendly

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2007 00:16 Edited at: 23rd Jul 2007 00:16
Quote: "Those of us who weren't dragged up in the dreggs of british society, yeah. "

It's strange you should say that, because I've always considered that pronunciation wrong and used generally by common people (although I've heard some well-spoken people use it).

Tempest (DBP/DBCe)
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Jess T
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2007 08:08
How else do you pronounce it? "Huh"?

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2007 10:38
Quote: "How else do you pronounce it? "Huh"?"


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Jess T
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2007 11:47
So, you don't even include the 'h' sound in the pronunciation?

... odd

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2007 12:56
Quote: "... odd"


Tempest (DBP/DBCe)
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2007 16:43
**dont worry Benny...he's Australian....they think Fosters is real beer......**

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Posted: 24th Jul 2007 05:55
not bad dude. but some of the volume was jumpy and i think thatthere was abitt too much high pass filter so it was hard to hear u is that because of the feed?

but dude it was pretty good

haha lets rock this world.
Jess T
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Posted: 24th Jul 2007 08:29
No way, Extra Dry Platinums, mate. That, or Tooheys New, but never, ever Fosters. Infact, I don't think any bars around here actually sell Fosters!

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Posted: 24th Jul 2007 13:36
haha, how 6 words spark such anger

At least I didn't say Castlemaine XXXX I suppose!

On topic, if you need a voice one week I'll be happy to donate mine,
I've been told I have a voice for radio....

The Innuendo's, 4 Piece Indie Rock Band
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Posted: 24th Jul 2007 15:25
@Shadow Heart: It was probably a combination of Skype and microphone volumes that did that. We're using a different system for the next podcast, so hopefully it will be better.

Van B
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Posted: 24th Jul 2007 17:27
You guys got it all wrong, the best of 80's childrens TV was Trapdoor, followed by Terrahawks! (which incidently has just been released as a massive DVD box set).

Pretty cool to hear reviews of DBPro games, I think that part was the most interesting for some reason.

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Posted: 24th Jul 2007 22:42
Quote: "chipmunks? wtf"

What I did was added the RSS feed to Google Reader, then hit play on the built-in media viewer. Literally the sound was sped up so you sounded like chipmunks. After using a regular MP3 player it worked.

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Posted: 25th Jul 2007 01:48
I really enjoyed it a lot, it was great to hear about some of the things around the forum, as well as things going on in the industry(technology, E3, etc.).

Keep them coming!

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Posted: 25th Jul 2007 02:25
it was hard to follow because it kept going like this:

if someone said "Hello, my name is _" i would sometimes go: "Hello, my n-n-n-n-name is _" and it would do that throughout the podcast. anyone else experience this problem?

Shadow heart
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Posted: 25th Jul 2007 02:28
Quote: "@Shadow Heart: It was probably a combination of Skype and microphone volumes that did that. We're using a different system for the next podcast, so hopefully it will be better.

i guess i'm just used to auduacity when i id podcasts for my uncles indie old record company,who's got a bout 3 artists now lolz.

anyway yeah that's cool i gues

haha lets rock this world.
Jess T
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Posted: 25th Jul 2007 06:13

It was a problem with the software they were using.

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Posted: 25th Jul 2007 11:50
Shadow, yea, the podcast was actually editted, but I don't think the voices were recorded in different channels, so we couldn't increase individual voices' volumes

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Posted: 25th Jul 2007 15:00
aye, we're using different software now.
so the next one should be much better quality; well audio wise heh content not so sure ^_^

if there's any feed back, feel free to leave it here. we're also on the hunt for content each week, while we can get quite a bit from the forums if anyone has a game or such they've not announced and want us to cover it; then e-mail either myself, zenassem or kentaree.

we take bribes and paypal.. (or just the preview builds )

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Posted: 25th Jul 2007 23:18
cool, lookin forward to the next one then

Zombie 20
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Posted: 25th Jul 2007 23:27 Edited at: 26th Jul 2007 04:07
yea..keep us posted on the next issue.

I got to hear the cast, it was well done and there were quite a few times I was laughing from the commets made. You guys did a great job and I'm really looking forward to the next installment of the TGC Podcast!

zombie The Troll Hunter

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Posted: 12th Aug 2007 07:00
Alright, next episode is now out.
The RSS is going to be updated soon, but we've all been having some serious issues finding time getting together.

Problem has actually been that we'll get together, but then wait for people who say "yes we want to do this".
So far we've had a number of people bail out on us, as well as Zenassem who just really isn't reliable enough to keep as part of this at all. In-fact I'm begining to get quite annoyed at people saying they'll be part of it then just disappearing, or even worse not bothing to talk on the podcast.

I mean not to be funny but what exactly do you expect we'll be doing on it? braiding each others virtual hair?! No, what we do is TALK ABOUT GAMES AND TGC. There's no point in people being on there if they know sod all about either to have some sort of opinion.

Well after all of these gripes, this is the second podcast (finally)

Devhat Debriefing Episode 2

Hopefully we'll be doing the next one this week; not sure yet though and sorry to Freddix who we had planned to have on this week.. but after being burnt too many times by people we're going to do the next one just the core-team again. After that we'll see.
Myself, Kentaree and Kenjar put quite a bit of work in-to each time we simply plan to record (which believe it or not has happened a good 6x over the past 2 weeks) for people to not show or not talk; sorry but enough is enough. We've tried bending over backwards to damn well be on when you ppl have their times free only for lots of no-shows. From now on, either a guest is available on a Tuesday 9PM BST(GMT) else tough; we'll record without you.

Zombie 20
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Posted: 12th Aug 2007 07:20
You guys are hilarious, I love these keep them coming!

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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 02:48
Ive listen to the first one. Fun listening to the game reviews and you paying out Sony Am downloading the second one now.

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Posted: 14th Aug 2007 23:50
love it; listened to it at work on my zen time just flew by.

You should see if you can land some interviews.

Chris K
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Posted: 15th Aug 2007 01:28 Edited at: 15th Aug 2007 01:30
It was quite cool I guess, it's nice to hear people's voices...

I recon it would all flow a lot better if Raven wrote a script beforehand, then emailed it to everyone, and you stuck to that tightly.

Also, to get rid of the awkward silences, it should be up to Raven to talk if no one else is, and everyone else just butts in.

Looking forward to more episodes, I shotgun interviewing Lee Bamber if you get him on.

It would be cool if you had set features each episode. You know like, Game of The Week, DBPro Game of The Week, Website of the Week, stuff like that.

And also, maybe each episode should have an overall theme.

Like one episode could be the Retro Episode, one could be the Playstation Episode or whatever...

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Posted: 15th Aug 2007 09:35
Yup, listened to this one and I liked it very much. Shame people bailed on you, so I hope to hear more stuff that we wouldn't get from the newsletter. Still great though.

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Posted: 15th Aug 2007 14:26
We just finished Episode 3 last night, Episode 2 is up on the RSS Feed; so anyone who's subscribed should see it (and maybe the 3rd ones soon)

Our aim was to keep it under 60minutes, only without anyone timing it.. we actually went over. This said, this is the first week we've not only kept to the original schedual set, but also recorded before 11pm GMT(BST) so yay we were all awake and talking.

We're finally getting into the swing of things podcast wise, and this one is a bit more structured and planned.. although only to the amount possible within an hour of actual planning heh.

We hopefully have someone lined up for next week, which should be more interesting as we're covering the Bioshock demo and the impending release (September 15th). Not to mention some other 360 titles that are due out very very shortly. Thinking of adding a segment called "What Sony did wrong this week!", where as possibly the only actual Playstation 3 owner on the forums I tend to experience the whole "being screwed royally by Sony" aspect of gaming. Perhaps even tips of what to do with your £600 paperweight.

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Posted: 15th Aug 2007 17:09
Ok, the 3rd podcast is up, you can listen to it on your media players at or listen to it on the site here

Also, if you have a game or anything you'd like us to mention, send it on to us to make our lives easier

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Posted: 16th Aug 2007 02:13
another good show. Love the OS rant. Keep up the good work.

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Posted: 16th Aug 2007 04:03 Edited at: 16th Aug 2007 04:17
I like the intro song ^^ Listening to the podcast now,Keep them coming. HAhahahh what Sony did wrong this week

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Posted: 16th Aug 2007 07:10
Haven't listened to the third one yet, but they all do sound rather good and I enjoy listening to them. At some points if I'm tired though the voices blend in with my enviroment and I start to think that you guys are in the room with me haha.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2007 21:42
on the 3rd page after just a week.. god everyone talks about alot of unneccesary crap the last couple of days.

well anyhow, this weeks podcast is press'd and printed.
you can grab it early here or wait for kentaree to upload to the devhat server later tonight.

warning this weeks contains large amounts of bad language, probably cause we talked about bioshock and sony heh

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Posted: 25th Aug 2007 00:07
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Posted: 25th Aug 2007 01:23 Edited at: 25th Aug 2007 01:26
Good listen--- except MySims was announced months ago--- even before E3 as I remember it. I can't wait to play this one, as it looks like Animal Crossing but more deep.


I've bought tons of VC games and never had them ask me where I live.

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Posted: 25th Aug 2007 05:08 Edited at: 25th Aug 2007 05:08
Was Good. Waiting for next weeks.

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Posted: 27th Aug 2007 13:30
Quote: "except MySims was announced months ago--- even before E3 as I remember it."

According to GameSpy it was only announced last week, might be I read the UK one but dunno no one else working on the podcast had heard about it either. So it's news to probably most here too, cept ya know EA employees

Quote: "I've bought tons of VC games and never had them ask me where I live."

Yeah, I think it's because mine isn't really locked to anything atm.. but I get it as a security measure each time I buy something that it asks me for my Town and County each time I buy something.
I'd think it'd ask for a pin or something but oh well.

Anyway, just wanted to let people know if they want anything in the podcast please e-mail it to me

we'll see about setting up a dedicated mailbox to send to soon.
so any news you feel is important, any bitching you want to do about reviews, anything you want us to review, etc.
just let us know.

also can someone change the topic name to just Devhat/TGC Podcast, and sticky it? ridiculous how quickly it slips especially with all the kids off of school.

Van B
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Posted: 27th Aug 2007 14:32
Mod glue produced and used.

The one thing I think is missing from these podcasts is actual development stuff, like theory stuff, maybe explain some of the more mysterious aspects of game dev techniques. If people posted questions here (newbies especially), maybe they could be answered in the podcast - the podcast team could look over the questions and pick a couple that they can answer. I think these would be more interesting, even if we already know it's good to hear someone else does things the same way if you know what I mean. It doesn't have to be directly related to DBPro, explaining how certain effects are achieved in games for example could easily be 'laymenised' for the masses.

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Posted: 27th Aug 2007 19:29
Now that I remember it, MySims was announced on or near E3 of this year, because they had it up on GameSpot in the E3 coverage.

Quote: "but I get it as a security measure each time I buy something that it asks me for my Town and County each time I buy something.
I'd think it'd ask for a pin or something but oh well."

I think the other fella on the podcast was right-- that's just standard credit card validation. I always have to put in my province and postal code when I purchase a VC game too. Kind of a hassle.

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