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Geek Culture / [STICKY] The Posting Competition

easter bunny
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Posted: 18th Jun 2017 09:03 Edited at: 18th Jun 2017 09:04

HA! all the pages is mine

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Posted: 18th Jun 2017 11:32
LOL! That's hilarious and so true.
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easter bunny
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Posted: 18th Jun 2017 13:10

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Posted: 19th Jun 2017 07:13
Quote: "Indeed"
"I do quite enjoy quoting myself, and I do so often. It's very fun." - Myself
easter bunny
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Posted: 19th Jun 2017 08:14
Quote: "Yes"


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Posted: 19th Jun 2017 10:02
Quote: "Correct!"
"I do quite enjoy quoting myself, and I do so often. It's very fun." - Myself
easter bunny
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Posted: 19th Jun 2017 13:31 Edited at: 19th Jun 2017 13:34
Quote: "Yes!"

So I hate to point this out, but you repeated yourself there. This is potentially very serious as you don't seem to realise the fact. You have displayed the exact symptoms of Fractured Singular Personality Disorder . It's incredibly rare and not well documented. Basically it is the same as multiple personality disorder, but where each of your personalities is identical.
This resulted in your posting of the same comment twice. It appears as if you have two personalities, however more may manifest themselves if this condition is not medicated against soon. You should seriously consider psychiatric help. FSPD can have colossally negative effects on your health and severe detrimental effects on various bodily functions. You may experience headaches. This is a sure fire sign of FSPD. The recommended recourse is the Society for Fractured Singular Personality Disorder Relief, where they train each of your personalities to get along with each other and become one with the force (that is, your greater personality). It takes about 8 months of therapy, but at the end, you should be all fixed up and ready to go To take the therapy, just send me $10,000 and I'll make sure you get all fixed up and you'll be fine and dandy. Remember if you don't do this you will probably die.

Have a nice day

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Posted: 19th Jun 2017 13:46

If he keeps on saying yes, you probably will. Unless he accepts my personally invented cure for his FSPD, which is easy: he'll have to listen (using a headphone) to metal songs all day long during two weeks, and he'll be cured.
I had the same disease at birth, and my parents instantly put a headphone on my tiny head, and for two months, I had to listen to metal, metal, metal, metal, metal...and more metal...and look now...I'm cured! Yes! \m/
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easter bunny
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Posted: 20th Jun 2017 06:16
Quote: "and look now...I'm cured! "

But at what cost?

Quote: "Yes! \m/"

Uhh, I think your first personality is cured, but you second personality is coming out a lil bit there m8.

Just goes to show that my cure is better so you should give me money too

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Posted: 20th Jun 2017 07:15
Quote: "This is potentially very serious as you don't seem to realise the fact."
"I do quite enjoy quoting myself, and I do so often. It's very fun." - Myself
The Slayer
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Posted: 20th Jun 2017 14:38
Quote: "But at what cost?"

Quote: "Just goes to show that my cure is better so you should give me money too"

My cure is free and short, therefore better . In some cases, the subject only has to listen to metal for 2 minutes, and in other cases two years (but that's very rare).

Quote: "Uhh, I think your first personality is cured, but you second personality is coming out a lil bit there m8."

I no longer have my first personality, because my second one took over. For example, when my second personality hears Justin B., he instantly turns off the radio (or other device), or switches the channel, or does what's needed to make it stop.
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Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 20th Jun 2017 20:54
Quote: "just send me $10,000"
"I do quite enjoy quoting myself, and I do so often. It's very fun." - Myself
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Posted: 21st Jun 2017 04:59
Quote: "Quote: "just send me $10,000"

First, send them to me, so that I can check if they are not fake .
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Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 21st Jun 2017 06:31
Quote: "First, send them to me, so that I can check if they are not fake"
"I do quite enjoy quoting myself, and I do so often. It's very fun." - Myself
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Posted: 21st Jun 2017 21:12
Quote: "Yes!"

"Giraffe is soft, Gorilla is hard." - Phaelax
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2017 05:00
Quote: "Quote: "Yes!"


Ooooh noo...another victim that needs a cure ! Thought you were cured, bud?
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2017 21:39
Quote: "Ooooh noo...another victim that needs a cure"

"Giraffe is soft, Gorilla is hard." - Phaelax
Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2017 22:40
Quote: "Thought you were cured, bud?"
"I do quite enjoy quoting myself, and I do so often. It's very fun." - Myself
easter bunny
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2017 03:23
I never realised how common FSPD is

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2017 03:24 Edited at: 23rd Jun 2017 03:27
Quote: "FSPD is"
Quote: "common"
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2017 10:55
Quote: "I never realised how common FSPD is"

"Giraffe is soft, Gorilla is hard." - Phaelax
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 26th Jun 2017 21:03
I've been watching a lot of Isle of Man TT clips. That stuff is nuts. Think I can try it out on my 125?

easter bunny
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Posted: 27th Jun 2017 04:46
That's crazy fast

Quote: "Think I can try it out on my 125? "

What could possible go wrong?


So guess who's finished designing 100 levels for my game??? 2 years in the making and it should be done in another 2 weeks

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Posted: 27th Jun 2017 21:17
Quote: "What could possible go wrong?"

Disappointment from realising you can only hit about 1/4 of the speed.
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Posted: 28th Jun 2017 01:47
Quote: "I bought an electric bass guitar"
Aren't all bass guitars electric? My simple understanding is that a bass guitar is just an electric guitar, but with bass characteristics.
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Posted: 28th Jun 2017 02:40
It's not easy, being cheesy.

Or hunting for internships.
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Posted: 28th Jun 2017 20:28 Edited at: 28th Jun 2017 20:30
Quote: "Aren't all bass guitars electric? My simple understanding is that a bass guitar is just an electric guitar, but with bass characteristics."

Nope, because these are a thing:

Quote: "Disappointment from realising you can only hit about 1/4 of the speed."

Probably. I couldn't even pull that madness off in a video game, let along on the road, I know, because I often come off when playing Ride 2! (I know, I know, they train a LOT before they actually take the course at those speeds and learn every single bend and every lamp post).

My brother also wants to visit Guy Martin's pub, we're intending to check it out when I pass my test and am on a bigger bike.
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Posted: 29th Jun 2017 04:10
Quote: "I couldn't even pull that madness off in a video game"

This is what speedhacks are for

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Posted: 29th Jun 2017 04:56
I have no bike...but, I do have these points! Oh...and I also have a long weekend ! Lots of free time for more game dev!
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Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 29th Jun 2017 19:17
Quote: "Nope, because these are a thing:"
Doh! I remember hearing about those before. Forgive my musical ineptness!
easter bunny
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Posted: 30th Jun 2017 03:27
Check out ma trailer

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Posted: 30th Jun 2017 10:18 Edited at: 30th Jun 2017 10:18
Quote: "Check out ma trailer"
Check out ma trailer:
easter bunny
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Posted: 30th Jun 2017 13:10
Quote: "Check out ma trailer:"

Man that trailer is so big it could pass as a pa trailer for surreeeee

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Posted: 30th Jun 2017 14:10 Edited at: 30th Jun 2017 14:16
Quote: "Man that trailer is so big it could pass as a pa trailer for surreeeee"

Lol...what's the difference between a ma and a pa trailer ? Are there also grandpa and grandmatrailers ? seems that all my photobucket images are all gone, because all of a sudden, their free license doesn't allow 3rd party usage? Seriously ?? I've been using it for ages now, and suddenly I can no longer?? Pffffffffffft, what a drag!
Does anyone know a better (free) alternative that does allow 3rd party usage?

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easter bunny
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Posted: 30th Jun 2017 14:34 Edited at: 1st Jul 2017 10:17
Quote: "what's the difference between a ma and a pa trailer "

Aw man, why me? Um, well... When a mummy trailer and a daddy trailer love each other very much...

Actually, here's a funny (and true) story about grandpa's and the birds and the bees...
When I was about 12 I was at my grandparents house and I was playing in the back room. Now I'd seen a short book in the corner of the room titled "how to tell your kids about the birds and the bees". No idea why it was there. My grandfather ran a charity book store so it might have had something to do with that. Anyways I'm there playing or reading a comic book or something I don't remember what, and my pa enters the room. He goes over to the corner to get something and I notice him look down and see the book there. Next minute he comes over to me and says something along the lines of "I have to tell you something, but I'm not sure if you're old enough." I'm getting worried at this stage, thinking is he really going to talk about this now?? He leans over and whispers into my ear "there is no Santa Claus". I was very relieved.

Quote: "Does anyone know a better (free) alternative that does allow 3rd party usage?"

Just throw it all on imgur

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Posted: 1st Jul 2017 08:42
I am going to second on the Imgur, I used to use Photobucket quite heavily but then I took a knee to the arrow. I used to love Photobucket and then at some point they decided to make it awful. Imgur is pretty painless to use.

Quote: "Check out ma trailer"

Looks very cool. Shiny shiny.
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Posted: 1st Jul 2017 10:30 Edited at: 1st Jul 2017 11:12

THIS is the essence of what I hate about modern technology design.

I was browsing reddit and came across that. How ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, you buy a smart TV for several hundred or possibly even thousands of dollars. And one day you go to use one of its main features and are told it doesn't work anymore? Repulsive.

I understand that Youtube has to change over time, perhaps the format of data they stream to a webpage for search results and suggested videos and the video itself changes. But it would be neat to see a system where somehow the app on the TV can be updated to support the new format. What's in that picture there is inexcusable! That TV's hardware is still capable of supporting YouTube, I would strongly bet. Sadly, the software is not, even though that's the part of the TV that can be modified. Go figure.
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Posted: 1st Jul 2017 11:36
that is one reason that I prefer to always buy dvd/blu-ray. I actually burnt my old PS3 out from so much use as a blu-ray player that I had to get a new one a few months ago. I tried using my PS4 as one, but it's pretty much the worst. I wonder how well Xbox one is as a blu-ray player.
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Posted: 1st Jul 2017 13:23
Smart TV's, particularly earlier ones, are at a disadvantage for a few reasons. One is hardware, most of the hardware is lacking, compared to Smart Phones, tablets and computers. Take Flash as an example, which is not renowned for being well optimised, a version of Flash intended for mobile devices was modified for Smart TV's and with each update of Flash needed to be updated too and to be optimised for Smart TV's and to accommodate for their various hardware configurations, the actual end result for those manufacturers who kept Flash on their TV's? It ended up sluggish and would sometimes run into memory problems and not suitable for streaming something like YouTube. So nowadays, Flash is not as widely supported on Smart TV's, especially as Adobe dropped Smart TV support for it. On top of the hardware limitations, there is no actual unified Smart TV OS and manufacturers have developed their own inhome OS's, which get improved over each generation. So there becomes the issue of supporting multiple manufacturer OS's. This means that when a TV becomes "out of date" so to speak, they may weight whether it is worth them continuing to support it or not. Annoyingly, it can be not. YouTube isn't the only one to drop it either. I expect with Smart TV technology this will become less and less of a problem.

So personally, I wouldn't rely on my purchase of a Smart TV for its apps, maybe its features, but not its apps. As with a smart phone too, apps have the potential to disappear (I am disgruntled that SE ceased the Android game they released with FFXV, it was a fun game in its own right). Although usually when app support is dropped on a Smart Phone or an Android version, it affects a tiny number of users as most people upgrade their phone approx. every 2 years, not so much their TV. Hence the "Smart" model on a TV isn't completely advantageous.

Fortunately, there's often ways around it, you can pick up a ChromeCast for only £30. I've got one, but then in my room I don't use a Smart TV (we have one downstairs) as I am using a monitor, but as my monitor has a HDMI port, I can just hook up my ChromeCast.

I guess sometimes when new technology does come out, there are things to iron out, advantages and disadvantages and problems to sort out. Hence I normally try to wait until I see how the technology progresses until I jump in and for when I do jump in, what I adopt. Hence I've been cautious about VR and have been watching how it develops. And with 4k, I am glad I did not jump into the deepend, because copy protection ended up screwing that one up, because the film studios decided everything has to work with HDCP 2.2, it is not anything to do with hardware being capable to handle 4k content, but to make it near impossible to record it. Which I am moderately disgruntled over, because I have a 1440p monitor on a PC capable of handling 4k just fine and 4k YouTube videos look amazing on it and was on the look out for a 4k Netflix or a 4k BluRay support I could upgrade on my PC. Now I am essentially penalised because my monitor pre-dates HDCP 2.2 and I'd have to not just get a 4k BluRay drive, but upgrade my CPU and/or GPU.

I think in that regard, they've gone overboard with copy protection, because for the first time the thought in my head propped up "I'd be at a much better advantage if I were a pirate, because all systems get broken eventually" but I am also a lawful person and do not agree with piracy and would not make myself a hypocrite.
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2017 02:36
Quote: " seems that all my photobucket images are all gone, because all of a sudden, their free license doesn't allow 3rd party usage?"

?? Mine aren't gone and I have mine on photobucket.... oh wait I pay $1/month so mine's not free.
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2017 20:34
Got to see Baby Driver earlier and it was quite good.
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Posted: 3rd Jul 2017 20:17
Another one for the motorcycle nerdiness. I went up to our nearest Triumph dealership yesterday, I wasn't properly considering it at first...then walked out with 3 bikes in mind I'd like to test ride. Bonneville Black T100, Street Twin and as a wild card, the Street Scrambler. The Bobber was nice...but too much pressure on...need I say more? But the one that felt the most amazing to sit on was the Bonneville Black T100, through online pictures I thought "too 60's" (particularly with some of the paint jobs), but in person, it's actually quite gorgeous.

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Posted: 4th Jul 2017 11:09
Quote: "Bonneville Black T100, Street Twin and as a wild card, the Street Scrambler. The Bobber was nice...but too much pressure on...need I say more? But the one that felt the most amazing to sit on was the Bonneville Black T100"

The Bonneville black is a brilliant bike, extremely comfortable to ride on. While it may cost a bit more it might be worth holding off for the T120. I'm not sure if you looked at one as it doesn't match the style of the rest of the bikes you listed, but I also quite fancy the street/speed triple bikes.
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Posted: 4th Jul 2017 17:51
I'd see if the budget could stretch to a T120. But I am trying to have it so I can afford my 125 as well, my dad did his CBT, but as he and my mum are looking to retire soon and are saving up for it, he's not going to get away with getting one himself, even if he sells a couple of his guitars (he has some pretty expensive ones) she probably wouldn't let him get away with it, he's too stubborn to let me and my brother pay for one. So I figure the best underhanded thing I can do to get him a bike, is to keep my 125 on the basis "what if I need a bike when mine's in the garage?" and then he can go riding with us and when he's ready to go for his test, I can sell the 125 and my brother's willing to insure him on one of his bikes. Problem solved. Gets him riding, as he really wants to and stops the old lady from saying "but it's a waste of money, we've got this to pay for".

But I was surprised by how comfortable the Bonneville was to sit on, before I have said for these styled bikes "I don't like the seat" but I stand corrected, perhaps even more comfortable than the Vulcan S Cafe version I sat on, but the Vulcan S would lose in the sense that it has short travel on its rear suspension and that comfort would soon dimish when I hit any bumps. The Bonneville isn't a style I thought I'd go for, but it's so much more gorgeous up close and just felt right to sit on. To compare to the other bikes I am likely to go for, Vulcan S - comfortable, felt right, but a few things I'd probably change about it, Harley - I could list a number of reasons why it's practical and a good 2nd bike, but didn't grip me as much as the Vulcan S or Bonneville as I sat on it (still very nice though - and looks gorgeous) and the Bonneville, my reaction was "this could make up for not being able to get the Scout". But the test rides will be the decider.

As for the Street Triple, my brother loves his a lot. If I were to go for a sports bike, I think that'd be on the top of my list. When I pass my test, he has offered to have me insured on both his Street Triple and his Speedmaster. So all I'd have to do is ask nicely.
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Posted: 10th Jul 2017 01:26
Lol woops, I forgot that I wrote a technology rant and that people replied to it.

Seppuku, I love how you're always the voice of reason, wisdom, and looking at things from all sides. That's something I need to do more often. I was rather tired and bored that night, so when I saw a smart TV minus teh YouTubez, I entered mega rant mode.

Quote: "manufacturers have developed their own inhome OS's, which get improved over each generation. So there becomes the issue of supporting multiple manufacturer OS's. This means that when a TV becomes "out of date" so to speak, they may weight whether it is worth them continuing to support it or not."
I'd never thought of it that way, and you do have a good point.

Quote: "Now I am essentially penalised because my monitor pre-dates HDCP 2.2 and I'd have to not just get a 4k BluRay drive, but upgrade my CPU and/or GPU."
Ahh, that's rather lame.
easter bunny
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Posted: 10th Jul 2017 05:47
You should all buy my game:

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2017 13:26
Wooow...almost a month since last post......are you guys still alive or what ??

Anyhow...for those (oldschool) metalheads...check this out, lol! \m/

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2017 13:34
Well the forum email notifications stopped working for a while until I emailed Rick so he could let TheNext know, that's probably why.
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2017 14:05
Quote: "Well the forum email notifications stopped working"

Didn't even know that even existed, lol ! How do you activate it?
Quote: \"Close those quotes before they start to spread!...too late! Aaaaaagh!!!

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