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Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 26th Oct 2016 18:17
Quote: "so when the stomach is distended, as with gas, it presses against the valve in such a way that holds it even more tightly closed"
That sounds uncomfortable!
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Posted: 26th Oct 2016 20:50

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Posted: 26th Oct 2016 21:05

@TheComet: I did know that horses could not vomit, but was not aware that giraffes could.

Now for my own random fact: For two years after the introduction of the US postal system, it was legal to mail children (1913 - 1914). [source]
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Posted: 27th Oct 2016 00:50
Anyone have code for a gooey interface for VB that can track IP addresses? I need it for a school project.
My cat got worms and leaked his smelly butt all over my house.
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Posted: 28th Oct 2016 21:37
I have a slimy interface, if that'll work.
"Giraffe is soft, Gorilla is hard." - Phaelax
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Posted: 29th Oct 2016 12:31

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Posted: 30th Oct 2016 06:16
Oh hey, TheComet is back and brings with him more electronics awesomeness!

Quote: "I'm trying too, but my pride of having just taken 5 gold medals and POTG as Zenyatta in Overwatch is making it hard."

Niiiiiice, was just playing Overwatch, such a great game! And daaang dude how did you get POTG as Zenyatta??
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Posted: 30th Oct 2016 13:21 Edited at: 30th Oct 2016 13:22
Quote: "Niiiiiice, was just playing Overwatch, such a great game! And daaang dude how did you get POTG as Zenyatta??"

We were on attack at Numbani, trying to get the payload into the final point and I cleared out the other team just in time for us to win. I also got MVP that round for being on fire the entire match. I don't think I'll ever be able to play a match as well as I did that one.

By the way, if you ever want to play together let me know, I'll send you my battle tag. Playing in a group gives a 20% exp bonus every match.
"Giraffe is soft, Gorilla is hard." - Phaelax
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Posted: 8th Nov 2016 19:49
I've had this week off, so I decided I'd sit down today and fix a bug on my site, that was stopping it from running on my host but was running perfectly fine on my local machine, no issues debugging.

I spent a few hours on it, ending up running on a few wild goose chases. The solution turned out to actually be a very simple one, just there was a command line I didn't know my host had, that actually helped me to get to the bottom of the problem.

Basically, when I deployed my site, it compiled perfectly fine on the host but every time I would visit the site it would flag a generic error that tells you to speak to the admin (IE: me). The build logs show everything was fine. I checked the messages that came up on my console when deploying to my host and it gave me 4 warnings. And I check my activity log and all it was telling me is that the site crashed and that's it. Given 3 of the 4 warnings sound like in some cases they would cause problems on my website, so I explored them and worked out ways to try and fix them. One led me to assume I had found the issue, because my gemfile.lock was compiled on Windows and my host is using Linux and there's compatibility errors and if there's differences in versions of Ruby gems I am using to what ends up installed then it could mean things don't work properly and other people were finding the same thing. So I figured there must be newer versions of gems I used and probably didn't specific a version for. So I went through the trouble of seeing what versions I have on my development PC and then going out and making sure they're defined in my gemfile. Still didn't work.

So I figured the 4 warnings were just red herrings and went back to find clues, the "it's crashed" error gave me an error code, which didn't turn up anything useful. Then after some googling came across a command line that was able to print the rails console and thus the error I was trying to find.

Turns out I misspelled "reader". *Facepalm*
At least I know of the command I used to find the error now.

And seems the development environment of Rails is less fussy than the productions environment. I guess probably because in my testing the command was never called.
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Posted: 8th Nov 2016 22:27
So this is a thing that happened

"Giraffe is soft, Gorilla is hard." - Phaelax
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Posted: 9th Nov 2016 19:57
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Posted: 10th Nov 2016 07:55 Edited at: 15th Nov 2016 23:01

Catpacitance. i
imagine going to a wedding and farting on the corpse lol - Seditious, 2016
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Posted: 10th Nov 2016 09:26
Quote: "My cat got worms and leaked his smelly butt all over my house."

Quote: "My house got worms and leaked my cat all over his smelly butt."
OUT with the ugly campaign signature and IN with some super fancy text.
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Posted: 10th Nov 2016 21:35
RND128 wrote: "Understanding"

That video reminds me of something Mister Hayden would do.
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Posted: 13th Nov 2016 11:35 Edited at: 13th Nov 2016 11:36
@Seppuku: Don't you just love it when it's the most world's tiniest bug and yet it takes you a ridiculously long time to find it?

Quote: "We were on attack at Numbani, trying to get the payload into the final point and I cleared out the other team just in time for us to win. I also got MVP that round for being on fire the entire match. I don't think I'll ever be able to play a match as well as I did that one.

By the way, if you ever want to play together let me know, I'll send you my battle tag. Playing in a group gives a 20% exp bonus every match."

Haha nice My main is Ana (though recently been really into Genji on attack if someone else picks a healer first) so I rarely get on fire and I've never had a POTG.

What country are you in? I'm in Australia so if you're in the US or UK one of us would be playing with 300-400 ping :/ Otherwise if you're geographically close enough, sure I'd love to! And yeah I know all about the 20% bonus, I usually play with my brother and/or sisters. Overwatch rules!

re that video... wth LOL I can literally see the confusion in your mouse movements when you realise you're just standing on stairs! I had a similar thing happen once, I shadowed it so I'll post a video tomorrow. In the meantime here are a couple of gifs I uploaded to the Overwatch reddit a little while ago
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Posted: 13th Nov 2016 12:21 Edited at: 13th Nov 2016 12:23
Quote: "What country are you in? I'm in Australia so if you're in the US or UK one of us would be playing with 300-400 ping :/ Otherwise if you're geographically close enough, sure I'd love to! And yeah I know all about the 20% bonus, I usually play with my brother and/or sisters. Overwatch rules!

Do you use the Asia region servers then? If so, I just tried and my ping wasn't too bad (~200 ms, which obviously isn't great but it was still playable)

Quote: " I can literally see the confusion in your mouse movements when you realise you're just standing on stairs! "

Yeah, I was very visibly confused. Kind of grateful that Zarya didn't keep trying to kill me.

Quote: "My main is Ana (though recently been really into Genji on attack if someone else picks a healer first) so I rarely get on fire and I've never had a POTG"

That's too bad. I think I've gotten a few POTG as all the main characters I use (at least one of each class). I never play Ana, and I've never seen anyone get POTG as her. I just googled some to see if it was possible and it is, but they are not very exciting. They're more likely to happen in the short matches where the POTG is just 2 kills.

Quote: ""

That's quite amusing. Seems like it was just bad timing on your part (assuming you were mei) as genji was just trying to retreat.
"All follow the AUP rules then all should be happy to work together to create fantastic coding" - damo4prez
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Posted: 13th Nov 2016 19:02
Just bought Battlefield 1! It's still downloading atm, but oh my goodness, this is going to be so much fun!
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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 13th Nov 2016 22:23
Quote: "@Seppuku: Don't you just love it when it's the most world's tiniest bug and yet it takes you a ridiculously long time to find it?

Makes you want to go cry in a corner. It was just one letter...just one teeny-tiny letter. Which managed to evade all debugging, except on the log I didn't even know existed and was not obvious that it did.
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Posted: 17th Nov 2016 20:57
"All follow the AUP rules then all should be happy to work together to create fantastic coding" - damo4prez
"Giraffe is soft, Gorilla is hard." - Phaelax
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Posted: 17th Nov 2016 21:36 Edited at: 17th Nov 2016 21:37
Oh man, I do love some smoked brisket. Had 2 lunches today and it was totally worth it.

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Posted: 17th Nov 2016 21:45
Cheese Burger with plenty of brown and chilly for tea
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Posted: 17th Nov 2016 21:50
@budokaiman -- Is Lucio Hooked made with AppGameKit or GameGuru or Other?

If AppGameKit then WOW!!!!

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Posted: 18th Nov 2016 07:36
Super dead board alert.
imagine going to a wedding and farting on the corpse lol - Seditious, 2016
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Posted: 18th Nov 2016 14:22
Quote: "@TheSlayer:

Thanks, mate! Turned 8 yesterday ! What a feeling, eh?! Ooops, I forgot to add a cipher, lol! There's a 4 in front of the 8.
But I still feel young though. Like 30 or something. Depends on the circumstances, I guess, lol!

My sister made me a lovely cake, and I have a day off today! Precious presents!
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Posted: 18th Nov 2016 21:10 Edited at: 18th Nov 2016 21:11
Quote: "budokaiman -- Is Lucio Hooked made with AppGameKit or GameGuru or Other?"

It is from a little game called Overwatch. It's just a funny moment that happened when I was playing.

Quote: "My sister made me a lovely cake"

What kind of cake? Metal cake?

Also found this image and I can't stop laughing at it:
"All follow the AUP rules then all should be happy to work together to create fantastic coding" - damo4prez
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Posted: 18th Nov 2016 21:22
Quote: "What kind of cake? Metal cake?"

Yummy, lol! They should make all cakes that metallic! Speaking of've heard the new Metallica songs?

Quote: "Also found this image and I can't stop laughing at it:"

Hahahaaaaaaaa! Abbath seems to be struggling holding that heavy cake!
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Posted: 19th Nov 2016 11:43
Quote: "you've heard the new Metallica songs"

No, but I've heard the new Testament ones.
"All follow the AUP rules then all should be happy to work together to create fantastic coding" - damo4prez
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Posted: 27th Nov 2016 12:09 Edited at: 27th Nov 2016 12:10
Quote: "Do you use the Asia region servers then? If so, I just tried and my ping wasn't too bad (~200 ms, which obviously isn't great but it was still playable)"

Oh right, regions, nah we actually use Americas (Blizzard says to, not sure why, we have perfectly good ping). I guess I have seen lots of Americans playing and not noticed any lag so maybe it would be fine after all

Quote: "That's quite amusing. Seems like it was just bad timing on your part (assuming you were mei) as genji was just trying to retreat."

Indeed, I was like, I know, I'll stop them getting on the point to buy some time for my teammates to respawn by using my ult! Oh, thanks Genji.

I actually mostly play Lucio now. Definitely my favourite hero, though sometimes on defence and almost always in 3v3 arcade I play Mei. Speaking of Lucio, he literally inspired my brother, two of my sisters and I to buy brand new expensive rollerblades. We've always loved rollerblading and my sisters have always had crappy op-shop skates but my brother and I have only ever been able to skate at the rink with the even crappier hire skates. Lucio made us ask, why have we not bought new skates? So we did. We're still not 100% sure about the sizes we need, may have to send them back for different sizes, but now this is what we've bought:

1st Sister:
2nd Sister:
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Posted: 27th Nov 2016 13:48
Quote: "Oh right, regions, nah we actually use Americas (Blizzard says to, not sure why, we have perfectly good ping). I guess I have seen lots of Americans playing and not noticed any lag so maybe it would be fine after all "

That's typically what I use as well since there's not much ping and a lot more people playing on those servers. I'll send you my battle tag, feel free to add me.

Quote: "So we did. We're still not 100% sure about the sizes we need, may have to send them back for different sizes, but now this is what we've bought"

Nice, I used to love rollerblading but haven't done any in years.
"All follow the AUP rules then all should be happy to work together to create fantastic coding" - damo4prez
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Posted: 27th Nov 2016 21:59
I ended up joining the Overwatch bandwagon too, got it after the last free weekend. I am still figuring out my favourites, just had a pretty good running playing as Ana. Usually I am in a healer in multiplayer games, but so far my highlights from each classification have been: Genji, Widowmaker, Reinhardt and a toss up between Ana and Zen-thingy-ma-bob.

The reason it's a toss up between those two is that I am actually not a brilliant sniper and do not play massive amounts of FPS games, though I am not a terrible shot, but being a healer sniper it kinda helps (the heal grenade and sleep also very nice). But Zenyatta (and the other healers) don't need me to be as accurate to heal. But Zenyatta I find to be slow moving and less interesting than Ana. But I can rock out his heals quite well most of the time.

Me and Reinhardt seemed to connect almost instantaneously, I tried it out when with a group of friends and was like "I'll just give it a go as we have no tank" and worked quite well in helping wreck the other team, killing their own Reinhardt multiple times 1 v 1.
Genji, the accuracy of the ninja stars can be a pain, but the mobility and the ability to dodge a lot is really nice, but the real nicely is the ability to deflect projectile attacks. I recall one match where I just continuously kept obliterating somebody's D.Va and for some reason I found myself able to cope with D.Va's better on Genji than other heroes.

Windowmaker, while, yes, I am not a brilliant sniper, I like that I can swap between sniper mode and semi-automatic and that I can easily get to vantage points (and get away) and utiliise the semi-automatic to shoot anybody who comes up closer.

As for Lucio, I am sorry, he's one I couldn't get along with.
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Posted: 27th Nov 2016 22:46
"All follow the AUP rules then all should be happy to work together to create fantastic coding" - damo4prez
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Posted: 1st Dec 2016 03:26

Pretty much nails it!

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Posted: 7th Dec 2016 10:34 Edited at: 7th Dec 2016 10:36
Pft, 9 instructions shall be needed to construct a basic for loop on my OISC processor. Alas, such is the way of OISC processing!
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Posted: 12th Dec 2016 15:15
Shortest article ever?
imagine going to a wedding and farting on the corpse lol - Seditious, 2016
(Formerly known as Benjamin until he lost access to his account)
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Posted: 12th Dec 2016 16:12
Nice article.
"All follow the AUP rules then all should be happy to work together to create fantastic coding" - damo4prez
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Posted: 12th Dec 2016 20:54
Surely the indefinite article would be the shortest article ever? It's only one letter long.
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Posted: 12th Dec 2016 21:40
So it's not just me then? I'm sure the article is supposed to be more than one paragraph long.
imagine going to a wedding and farting on the corpse lol - Seditious, 2016
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Posted: 13th Dec 2016 20:57
Quote: "So it's not just me then? I'm sure the article is supposed to be more than one paragraph long. "

It also doesn't seem to answer the question that the title presents it to.
"All follow the AUP rules then all should be happy to work together to create fantastic coding" - damo4prez
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Posted: 18th Dec 2016 09:40 Edited at: 18th Dec 2016 09:43

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The Slayer
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Posted: 18th Dec 2016 18:11
Pints! Uhm...I meant POINTS of course! And, they are MINE! Oh, and the pints will be MINE too!
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Posted: 19th Dec 2016 17:23
DJD, you have no idea how much such crap like that I see on fb. Many such cases. Actually you probably do have some idea.
imagine going to a wedding and farting on the corpse lol - Seditious, 2016
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Posted: 28th Dec 2016 13:21
Anybody else working today?
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Posted: 28th Dec 2016 20:15
Aye, I just sat down from getting home from work. Fun, fun.

But I got to work on my Excel macros this afternoon, I know it's not much, but at least I made up an excuse to do some programming at my non-programming job.
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Posted: 29th Dec 2016 01:41
Haha. Passing the time with VBA! Happy days!
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Posted: 29th Dec 2016 06:24
No way I'm working, holidays from 23rd to 3rd

Well I guess I'm working in that I've pulled stuff apart and fixed stuff, but otherwise not working
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Posted: 29th Dec 2016 14:59
Yep, I'm working...on my game project, lol! Fun stuff!
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Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 29th Dec 2016 19:16
Heh, thanks to my retail job, I'm working most of the days these weeks! Pft!
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Posted: 29th Dec 2016 21:20
Quote: "Haha. Passing the time with VBA! Happy days!"

Hehe, got more done today, we've not been heavily busy this week and we've got a spreadsheet of "bad data" from bad registrations (basically with incorrect details/errors/etc) and my colleague needed help working with it, so I managed to get time this afternoon writing a couple of macros to fix the data, though seems only about 30% can be saved. But an afternoon of coding is better than an afternoon of doing emails.

Quote: "Heh, thanks to my retail job, I'm working most of the days these weeks! Pft!"

Hey, I work in after-sales, so I've been working too. Even a mandatory Saturday shift I was not due to work, yet I don't think on our department we'll have the work to excuse it. Though I am trained on so many different things, I will no doubt have something that can keep me busy. With any luck, they'll send me home early, they usually send a few people home early on New Year's Eve.
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Posted: 6th Jan 2017 00:27
On another programming note.

Advantage to having an ultrawide monitor with a high resolution when web developing: Lots of space to work and code in. Wonderful.
Disadvantage to having an ultrawide monitor with a high resolution when web developing: You forget that most people don't. I tested the project I am working on at 1080p and half of my navigation pane is missing and my text is too big.

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Posted: 6th Jan 2017 05:46
Already 123 followers on Twitter for my game 'Seventh Crystal Of Theia'! Ooooh yeah! \m/
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