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FPSC Classic Models and Media / FPSC Cash System ... by Conjured Entertainment ... Cost = FREE!

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Posted: 26th May 2008 19:49 Edited at: 11th Jun 2011 22:42
Hello everybody,
Lee just released the new stable version of FPS Creator the other day. (FPSC v118)
So, I thought I would recode my old v109 cash system to work with the new v118.
A cash system was a whole lot easier to do with the new FPI, so there are fewer scripts for this new cash system than was needed doing things the old way.

The new system includes the following...

2 Entities
A stack of cash for cash pickups, and a painting to run the display script

23 Scripts
1 for the cash display, 4 for pickups of cash (1k,10k,20k,100k), and 18 scripts for all of the stock weapons' pickups.

39 Heads Up Display images (HUDs)
1 for the title CASH, 2 templates for custom weapons (1 confirm, 1 sorry), and 36 for the stock weapons (2 each, 1 confirm + 1 sorry)

Feel free to use your own HUDs, or a different entity to run the display.
If you use a different entity for the display, then make sure it is invulnerable (strength=0) and immobile (isimmobile=YES) and that it is always active (Always Active=YES).
Otherwise, it could not work because it got destroyed or it is out of range.

To use the system just...

1) unZip (or copy/paste) the files into your FPSC Files directory with the same folder structure found in the Zip.

2) Place the painting somewhere in the map, and then place some cash around as well.

3) Place your weapons in your map, and then reassign their Main AI to the cash systems pickupgun_X.fpi for that weapon.
So, the Blaster's Main AI would be reassigned to scriptbank\conjured\pickupgun_blaster.fpi

Have Fun!

OPTIONAL: If you have your own objective scripts that you want to change the cash value for the player, then simply use the following actions...
addvar=cecashcounter X
subvar=cecashcounter X

...X being the total of the change being made. So, to add 5000 to the cash I would use...
addvar=cecashcount 5000

....and to subtract 2500 I would use...
subvar=cecashcounter 2500
As you can see, the user variable name being used is cecashcounter.

So, you would read it's value using conditions like so...
varequal=cecashcounter x
varless=cecashcounter x
vargreater=cecashcounter x

Have More Fun!


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Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 26th May 2008 19:53 Edited at: 11th Jun 2011 22:46

Greetings fellow FPSC game makers!

Here is the Cash System that I had promised for those of you using v109.
However, I decided to release it for free instead of charging $5.

The files are placed in the folder structure they need, so extract them like they are packed.
If you move them around then it will not work unless you edit the paths in the scripts.

Once you have extracted the files from the zip, then setting up the system is fairly easy.

1) Place all six paintings in your map. ( cs1 - cs6 )
These paintings run the six scripts that are neccessary to display your cash.

2) There are currently two ways to pickup cash with this system;
A) By using the included cash100 item as a pickup. (the cash value of this item can be anything by creating a custom script edited from the examples)
B) By assigning the included destroy script to a character or object's destroy AI.

3) After placing a stock MP40 in your map (ww2), then assign its AIMAIN to pickupgunmp40.fpi which is in the scripts/conjured folder.
I only included this one working pickup script as an example because of time restrictions.

I did not have time to create all of the read me files or the web pages neccessary to make this pack for purchase.
So, instead of making you guys wait any longer I decided to make this free.
Therefore, you will have to wait for proper instructions on editing the system to your needs. (unless you or a friend figures it out on your own)

I only included one functioning pickup script (for the MP40) as an example.
I also included a pickup script for an AK47, but it does not have HUDs so it is only for reference at this point.
However, you can view these two scripts to see the changes neccessary to create your own custom pickup scripts.

I included two huds for a lack of FUNDS or a CONFIRMation if they have enough cash to buy the item.
The huds are for the MP40 but I also included two templates for making your own custom HUDs for other weapons.
I did not have the time to create HUDs for all of the stock weapons as initially planned.

The one included Detroy script (destroy100.fpi) included has a cash value of 100, but that can easily be edited to whatever value you need.
Only one file is neccessary for the example.

I included four HUDs and pickup scripts (1k 10k 20k 100k) for the cash100 model included.
To change the value, simple change the AI MAIN for the cash100 item after you place it in the map.

Can someone test this for me, because I changed the naming convention when I packed it, so I hope I didn't mess it up.
If it doesn't work right then I will make the neccessary changes ASAP.

I have to leave the house today, but I will be back tonight so I will fix it then if needed.


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Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 26th May 2008 20:15 Edited at: 26th May 2008 20:23
Oh yeah...

The video doesn't show the new paintings, so here is a screenshot of the six paintings.
NOTE: The scenes used for the paintings were all created from public domain images.
I was going to use a bedroom set for this, but as another forum user pointed out; they might not be suited for all games.
So, I decided to use these paintings instead in the hopes that they would be better suited for more types of games.
Also, these are much smaller so you could easily stick them somewhere that they won't be seen if desired.


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Posted: 26th May 2008 20:32
Cool, thanks for this.

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Posted: 26th May 2008 20:45
Paintings? What do they have to do with cash?

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Posted: 26th May 2008 20:47
I dunno, spending a fortune on them maybe?

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Posted: 26th May 2008 20:51 Edited at: 26th May 2008 20:53
Quote: "I dunno, spending a fortune on them maybe?"

Like this one?

Better start collecting that cash!

lynch productions
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Posted: 26th May 2008 20:52 Edited at: 26th May 2008 20:53
how would we use the "cash"?
in game i mean
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Posted: 26th May 2008 21:10
Quote: "Like this one?"

Yes; exactly like that one.

Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 26th May 2008 23:55 Edited at: 27th May 2008 00:14
Quote: "Paintings? What do they have to do with cash?"

They are just holders for the scripts.
I needed six objects to run the six scripts as their AIMAIN.
I decided on using paintings because they were easy to create.
Although you darn well know what they do Coffee Grunt, because I know you can decypher the scripts.

Quote: "how would we use the "cash"?"

By following the Setup instructions in the first post of this thread.
It is based on global variable 1, so you would increment or decrement that value.
Your script must activate the first of the cash scripts by activating the first painting in order to cause the display to refresh and thereby display the new value.
The scripts included are examples for editing your own custom amounts and huds.
I thought that most people would want their own huds anyway so this is more of a template.

I'll try to get some decent instructions for beginners soon, but until then intermediate and advanced scripters/modders can have fun.

Quote: "Like this one?"

Yeah, but not abstracts.
A numbered Pollock would be nice, but they are probably not public domain when in a private collection like number five.

Quote: "Cool, thanks for this."

No problem.
Is it working ok for you guys, or did I forget to edit something in the rename?

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Posted: 26th May 2008 23:57
Is this how cyber-millionaires get their buck? Coz I like it.

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Posted: 27th May 2008 00:20
Quote: "Is this how cyber-millionaires get their buck? Coz I like it. "

I'm glad you like it, and I'll take that as my rename edit works okay.

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Posted: 27th May 2008 01:16

Haven't downloaded yet, I use Ply's mod.....I find the V1.09 varianle system a bit.....backwards... :S

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Posted: 27th May 2008 01:22
interesting all we need now is a store like the ones off bioshock


coffee grunt you got a little pick me up am in Liverpool i need sleep iv had 2 hours sleep the last 5 days -_-

am classed as a insomniac
great all i need with exams around the alleyway

i am proof
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Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 27th May 2008 01:28 Edited at: 27th May 2008 01:36
Ok CG, but it isn't backwards just a little limited but that is okay.
Limitations force us to use our imaginations to find solutions to the obsticles and thinking is good.
Some people mod the engine while other find work arounds using the stock one or wait for updates.
Either way, both are just making the best with what they have to the best of their abilities.
I am just so glad to have variables now i can't wait to start doing all of the old ideas that I had put on hold.

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Posted: 27th May 2008 01:29
THat's what I was like when I heard about Ply's Mod....

"OMG, We can have Shops!? Awesummm!!"

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Posted: 27th May 2008 01:30
Nice work man.

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Posted: 27th May 2008 02:07
Quote: "now i can't wait to start doing all of the old ideas that I had put on hold."

I concur. But it wasn't until I sat down and started thinking about HOW to go about doing those ideas with V1.09 that I decided to e-mail Lee about using the source code for my variable system that I gave him a long time ago. He pretty much told me that he didn't want to or doesn't have plans to change the V1.09 variable system. Perhaps that will change with the upcoming migration (which is when he said he'd put up a public post/email people about what should be implemented or what people would like to see, which I don't doubt a lot of people will be saying "I wanna see AirMod" or "I wanna see efxMod" etc implemented )

I haven't downloaded this. I hope I don't hurt your feelings for not doing so, but I don't exactly have V1.09 on my computer anymore. I hated having two seperate FPSC folders on my computer, and I constantly over-wrote the V1.09 exe with my Mod, so I decided to just get rid of it.

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Posted: 27th May 2008 02:28
Quote: "Limitations force us to use our imaginations to find solutions to the obsticles and thinking is good."

Tricking FPSC do something it wasn't meant to do is half the fun.

Thanks for this, I've downloaded the files and archived this thread to my "FPSC Stuff" folder where I keep all the cool stuff people have done...

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Posted: 27th May 2008 02:38 Edited at: 27th May 2008 02:40
Quote: "I haven't downloaded this. I hope I don't hurt your feelings for not doing so, but I don't exactly have V1.09 on my computer anymore. I hated having two seperate FPSC folders on my computer, and I constantly over-wrote the V1.09 exe with my Mod, so I decided to just get rid of it."

It doesn't hurt my feelings at all.
I hate the idea of having two engines on my computer also and that is the reason I only use the stock engine.

Quote: "Thanks for this, I've downloaded the files and archived this thread to my "FPSC Stuff" folder where I keep all the cool stuff people have done..."

No problem.
"FPSC Stuff" ... hmmm
That's the same folder I keep my FPSC Stuff in.

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Posted: 27th May 2008 03:57
Awesome, thanks conjured!

Maniac Modeler
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Posted: 27th May 2008 04:03
You should retexture the painting full black(0,0,0) so that they appear invisible.
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Posted: 27th May 2008 07:53
What ?
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Posted: 27th May 2008 08:08
Quote: "I don't doubt a lot of people will be saying "I wanna see AirMod""

[/img] Official Airmod fanboy. Member of the Airlside fan club
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Posted: 27th May 2008 08:08
The only thing that I find wrong with this, is why in the world we don't have $10000 in cash lying around on the ground like in the video... I mean, come on! Don't you think we should just be able to walk around and pick up that kind of money?!?

Any way... I like the HUDs that you have for the store feature. Well done.

Ocho Geek
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Posted: 27th May 2008 13:24
Is The Cash Kept Each Level You Progress?

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Posted: 27th May 2008 13:27
If the cash variable is declared in the setuplevel.fpi, then it should be.....

Check the download, (don't have time right now, sorry), and see if he's included the setuplevel.fpi script in the languagebank.....

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Posted: 27th May 2008 13:44
Using V1.09, you don't declare variables, CG. They are all pre-declared and ready for usage.

I believe, to my understanding of V1.09's variables, they are maintained throughout progressing levels and are also saved/loaded when you save a game.

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Posted: 27th May 2008 14:40 Edited at: 27th May 2008 15:19
Quote: "Awesome, thanks conjured!"

No Problem.

Quote: "You should retexture the painting full black(0,0,0) so that they appear invisible."

That is an edit the user can do if they don't want to see the paintings.
I didn't black them out because I like them.

Quote: "The only thing that I find wrong with this, is why in the world we don't have $10000 in cash lying around on the ground like in the video... I mean, come on! Don't you think we should just be able to walk around and pick up that kind of money?!?"

The large amounts were only for demonstration so that people could see the values were in the hundreds of thousands and could handle such various amounts.
No I don't think that you would find that on the ground, but that is not a real level; it's only a demonstration of the system.
However, that suitcase of cash that is included in the stock media should have more than 100k in it.
So, that suitcase of cash will work nicely with that script/hud.

Quote: "Any way... I like the HUDs that you have for the store feature. Well done."


Quote: "Is The Cash Kept Each Level You Progress?"

I did not test that (again, I was short on time), but you can try it for yourself and see what happens.

Quote: "to my understanding of V1.09's variables, they are maintained throughout progressing levels and are also saved/loaded when you save a game"


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Posted: 27th May 2008 14:45 Edited at: 27th May 2008 15:09

well hate to break it to ya but i HATE the huds so i redesigned them.

anyway, this is my result

worked good

EDIT: I also made diffuse and normal maps, also i made a GBP texture! DOwnload soon

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Posted: 27th May 2008 14:51 Edited at: 27th May 2008 15:10
Well that looks like they are working except you are missing the HUD for the word "Cash" above the display of cash on hand.

Looks like you edited the amount for the cash's pickup too.

Quote: "well hate to break it to ya but i HATE the huds so i redesigned them"

That is okay, because I figured some would want their own style HUDs for uniquness.

Here is a numeric hud if you want your stock numbers to have a closer match to the numbers I included.
The shadow is a bit darker, but don't forget you can change those too.
NOTE: Just don't forget to backup your old one first.

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Ocho Geek
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Posted: 27th May 2008 15:13
yeah, that is some complex scripting even for the pickups, im not gonna bother opening the paintings

working on fixing that download i promised, texture problems

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Posted: 28th May 2008 04:53 Edited at: 28th May 2008 05:31
So wait the only weapon this script works with is the MP40? or did i miss something?
I tested it and when I pick up 5,000 cash(edited) the hud shows 999999
lol but it says not enough funds for the mp40(1,000).
oh and i am using Airmod if that is of any problem.
And my cash hud does not appear either.
So far mine doesnt function, at all :/
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Posted: 28th May 2008 14:34
Quote: "oh and i am using Airmod"

NOTE!!! (And I've said this I don't know how many times) ALL current mods use the source from V1.07 of FPSC!

Quote: "Here is the Cash System that I had promised for those of you using v109."

Yes, that is your problem.

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Posted: 28th May 2008 14:58 Edited at: 28th May 2008 15:04
Quote: "So wait the only weapon this script works with is the MP40?"

I gave one working script for the MP40 as an example for creating the weapons' pickup scripts.
If you want to sell other weapons then you need to create the files for each weapon...

1 - HUD to inform them that they do not have enough cash.

1 - HUD to confirm the purchase if they do have enough cash.

1 - Pickup script (each weapon needs its own script since it has unique HUDs and Price)

I did not bother to make all of the HUDs for every weapon because it is too time consuming and I don't have the free time right now.
Besides, some people like the HUDs I made but most people will want to make their own anyway.
So, I gave you one working script for the MP40 and one other script for the AK47.
The AK47 script is not working only because the HUDs have not been created, but you can see the changes that are needed in the script.

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Posted: 29th May 2008 02:37
Thanks for this CE. I'm not that good at scripting in FPSC so I like to look at what others have done to improve my knowledge.

I have been unable to download it so far, as this seems to be one of the downloads that Apollo refuses to let me get for whatever reason. It doesn't matter what browser I use (FF, Opera, IE) the download ends at 1.5MB... I cleared my cache etc... I have had this before with Apollo.

Would you be able to email it to me please... Thanks

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Posted: 29th May 2008 03:16
email sent

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Posted: 29th May 2008 04:15
Quote: "email sent"

Received and downloaded... Thanks

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Posted: 29th May 2008 04:20 Edited at: 29th May 2008 04:32
Ok Thraxas, no problem.


I accidently left out one of the HUDS in the Zip file.

Here is the label for CASH for anyone who got the first Zip file...

(no wonder Ocho Geek didn't have it in his screenie, my bad)

Here is the path for it...


Sorry about that.

I just edited the first post with the new Zip file that has the HUD in it.
So, anyone who uses the new download now should have the word "CASH" over their cash display.

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Posted: 31st May 2008 17:43
Thanks very much, CE!

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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 18:05
You are welcome very much Puppy.

I'm glad to see that you guys like it.

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Posted: 7th Jun 2008 01:45
Hey Conjured Entertainment could you e-mail me I wanted to talk to you about a project I'm doing that could use your cash system.
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Posted: 11th Jun 2008 17:00 Edited at: 11th Jun 2008 17:04
Quote: "Hey Conjured Entertainment could you e-mail me I wanted to talk to you about a project I'm doing that could use your cash system. "

Ok Heltor, but you do understand that this is free for commercial and non-commercial uses, right?

You can edit it too if you like just please leave my name in the header as the creator.

Credits are all I ask.

Email sent.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2008 11:47
Would this work in V1.10?
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Posted: 11th Jul 2008 22:35
Hey CE i was wondering is there a way to sell items to be able to buy something like have a merchant with the guns on the table and you can go in front and sell your items for cash?

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Posted: 11th Jul 2008 22:46 Edited at: 20th Apr 2011 20:02


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Posted: 12th Jul 2008 00:18
An idea I'm surprise no-one's tried with the official variable system is portable healthpacks....e.g, one's that don't heal you when you pick them up, but instead increase a certain variable by 1, when the player presses the H button, it could decrement the variable by 1, and give the player 25 health or something.....

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Posted: 14th Jul 2008 16:38
Quote: "Would this work in V1.10? "

It should work with any version greater than v109 (and including v109 of course), unless they take the variables back out.

Quote: "Hey CE i was wondering is there a way to sell items to be able to buy something like have a merchant with the guns on the table and you can go in front and sell your items for cash?"

I have not tried anything like that yet, but maybe.

Quote: "...maybe using the new player drop feature, it might be possible to do just that.

I dunno. Just a thought..."

I have not played with the PLRDROP yet, but maybe.

I am moving this week back out to the country.
All thanks to Verizon's new wireless USB modems, which give you broadband without a satellite dish.
I'll be testing the new modem out today, but then I have to move everything all this week.
I am behind in school and other obligations too, so it will be awhile before I can try to play with FPSC again.

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Posted: 20th Jul 2008 16:42
Hello, I'm using the 1.09 update, and the script doesn't work.


Someone help me, please ?
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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 21:20 Edited at: 19th Aug 2008 21:22
Your screen shot shows that the money is that amount correct?

Did you place all of the paintings in the map?
You need all of them to be there in order for it to work properly.

Are you using the English version of FPSC?

I'm not sure until I go back and look at the scripts, but it may be that some of your files need to be moved from the english languagebank to the languagebank that you are using. (French?)

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