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Geek Culture / NaGaCreMo 09 [sign up]

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 31st Dec 2008 07:04
Alright, here's teh Userbar and link


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Posted: 31st Dec 2008 11:54 Edited at: 31st Dec 2008 11:57
I guess I'm in:

I , Plystire, make my resolution to complete a project in the first 30 days of '09

I'll be making the attempt to finish my current project by the end of Jan 30th, '09

The userbar is already in my sig.

The one and only,

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Posted: 31st Dec 2008 17:56
I, Xenocythe, make my resolution to complete a game in the first 30 days of '09.

It's a game. It will be called AssassinStrike. That is all the information I will give. You will wait... until the WIP thread comes.

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Posted: 31st Dec 2008 18:10 Edited at: 31st Dec 2008 18:11
I, Bergice, will not make my resolution to complete a game in the first 30 days of '09.

Sorry, just had to XD

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Butter fingers
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Posted: 31st Dec 2008 18:59 Edited at: 31st Dec 2008 19:01
I, Butterfingers Esquire the 3rd, make my resolution to complete a game in the first 30 days of '09... oh, and also to stop drinking so much coffee. oh and stop smoking... and do more excercise... but mainly the game

I'm going to take Etoile (concept demo on WIP board) to a complete title.

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Posted: 31st Dec 2008 20:32
Quote: "oh and stop smoking... and do more excercise..."

You and I both.

The one and only,

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Posted: 31st Dec 2008 23:24
I , Alquerian, make my resolution to complete a project in the first 30 days of '09

I am not going to make a game, it is going to be a game creation utility. I will make my decision in the next day or two as to which utility I will begin and finish for this resolution.

One day you will fight the fine fight.
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Posted: 1st Jan 2009 00:12
As 2009 just launched for me, I started working on the game right now. For now, it is still an untitled project.

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Posted: 1st Jan 2009 00:43 Edited at: 1st Jan 2009 21:51
Hey, is it too late to sign up? If not,
I, Default, make my resolution to complete a project in the first 30 days of '09
My game so far is a fun mix of marble madness meets pikmin...

Also, is the whole sig bar thing a requirement of just an idea?
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Posted: 1st Jan 2009 07:22
hmmmm. I hsve been humbled. To hsve the likes of Butter Fingers coming aboard and Alquarian + Default, all i can say is welcome aboard. I look foward to seeing whst projects you have commited too. I will updated the officisls signup tomorrow as I am pretty drunk right now. Hope this all makes sense tomorrow.

snyways,. if you guys could make a userbar and a WIP link when you are ready I will link it to your project. Thanks for tking this journy with the rest of us. I'm sure I will have company in plenty of sleepenss nights trying to come through.

sry for the misspellinfgs but i ams pretty drunk right norew.I have tried to edit to the best of my abilituy. Happy New year.

I will resreve adding you andl your userbars for the linkls till tomorroew. Another driunk is calling so im must go

happpuy New year NanGaCremo!

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Posted: 1st Jan 2009 08:21
Quote: "hmmmm. I hsve been humbled. To hsve the likes of Butter Fingers coming aboard and Alquarian + Default, all i can say is welcome aboard. I look foward to seeing whst projects you have commited too. I will updated the officisls signup tomorrow as I am pretty drunk right now. Hope this all makes sense tomorrow.

snyways,. if you guys could make a userbar and a WIP link when you are ready I will link it to your project. Thanks for tking this journy with the rest of us. I'm sure I will have company in plenty of sleepenss nights trying to come through.

sry for the misspellinfgs but i ams pretty drunk right norew.I have tried to edit to the best of my abilituy. Happy New year.

I will resreve adding you andl your userbars for the linkls till tomorroew. Another driunk is calling so im must go
! "

That's uhm... good to hear. Glad you enjoyed the celebrations.

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Toasty Fresh
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Posted: 1st Jan 2009 08:40
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Posted: 1st Jan 2009 09:41 Edited at: 1st Jan 2009 09:48
I randomness 128 make my resolution to complete a game in the first 30 days of '09

A few days ago, I started on a simple fps, so this is perfect . Here's a preview of what I have so far:

It's about 3:30 in the morning here, so I'll get a user bar and post a WIP tomorrow (or later today depending on how you look at it... possibly 2056 if there's some kind of time warp).


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Posted: 1st Jan 2009 11:25
I'm pretty sure i've got all the physics out of the way in regards to my Combat Flight Simulator, and the terrain is good enough for the moment, so now the main thing for me is to crack in some AI, and get working on a realistic-looking cockpit!

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 1st Jan 2009 12:50
No excuse for bad typing when drunk! I usually manage writing fine when drunk, saying that, most of the stuff I probably write is drivel.

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Posted: 1st Jan 2009 17:11
I had IanM change the topic of my WiP, so now it's "[NaGaCreMo] Haunted" instead.

Quote: "sry for the misspellinfgs but i ams pretty drunk right norew."

Yes, I kind of figured... Haha! Happy new year.

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Posted: 1st Jan 2009 18:25
Quote: "No excuse for bad typing when drunk! I usually manage writing fine when drunk, saying that, most of the stuff I probably write is drivel."

That's like saying your driving isn't worse after you drink, seeing you never learned to drive anyway. I could see a drunk guy trying that on a cop that just pulled him over.

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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 1st Jan 2009 20:45
Don't question my least not in front of people, it's embarrassing.

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Posted: 1st Jan 2009 21:11
Quote: "Don't question my least not in front of people, it's embarrassing."

These are programmers, not humans, Seppuku, nothing to worry about.

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Posted: 1st Jan 2009 21:13 Edited at: 1st Jan 2009 21:14
So who's going to use the "Big Red Cool Game Making Button"? Seppuku, from what I heard you had it. Although I'm not sure...

Alucard94, the member of the future of the past.
Tom J
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Posted: 1st Jan 2009 22:35
Ok, I'm ready to put my game summary in that code box thing It'll basically be a short platformer, where you have to avoid stepping into the light at all costs, sheltering in the shadows, and moving things around to create shadowy paths in some cases. For the moment it'll just go with the WIP title Photophobia (although I don't like that). After NaGaCreMo I'll probably go on to make a sequel with a more reasonable lifespan.

"Nothings perfect, and that's the problem with being a perfectionist."

flashing snall
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Posted: 1st Jan 2009 23:05 Edited at: 1st Jan 2009 23:07
OMG! its randomness 128!
Man, that FPS reminds me so much of Influx...

After some thought on my part, and the thought of some buddies,
I and some buddies agree to make a game in the first 30 days of 2009

Any one whos ever played Hunter Hunted should be interested in our project. see you in 30 days. I go to open DBPRO, to start this.

This is my WIP, not even ready for a WIP thread yet though.
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 1st Jan 2009 23:53 Edited at: 1st Jan 2009 23:54
Quote: "These are programmers, not humans, Seppuku, nothing to worry about.


Oh yes, I am sorry, it would seem that I am mistaken. Humans are so unforgiving and filthy.

Quote: "So who's going to use the "Big Red Cool Game Making Button"? Seppuku, from what I heard you had it. Although I'm not sure..."

Somebody cut the wires - I kept pressing the button, it would do nothing. I have sent my minions to solve the problem. It's almost like the time when I spilled milk because a table leg was missing...hmmm...this time I'll avoid the alcoholic squirrel.

I may have one annoying complication for this comp, I may be needing to use the warrantee on my laptop - my keyboard seems to be faulty, my speakers sometimes fuzz and the headphone port has stopped working. Annoying, as there's no accidental damage, it won't be void. The only thing my warrantee will let me do is send it back, so nobody with technical fingers is allowed to open it up and tell me what the problem is.

Over the next few days, I'll be backing up my comp, hopefully they'll send it back before I have to go back to uni. (And before the end of January of course. I go back on the 25th)

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2009 01:40
The really big button that doesn't do anything. That goes waaaaaaaaaay back.

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2009 02:04

Quote: "I visited the big button and read the collected experiences of people who have pushed the button and decided to try an experiment. I DID NOT push the button. Guess what? NOTHING HAPPENED. I think this has serious philosphical implications... or maybe the button is stuck ON. Maybe someone should go check. "

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2009 03:05
Hey I'm making an rts and I don't know were to get started i made models textured them and every thing but scripting is a whole another world i saw in the code snippet section there was a a guide on how to make an rts but the links are broken anybody have it as a pdf or something?

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2009 04:08
Was it this one?

The links are broken but there's a download attached to the post.

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2009 04:56
thanks i completely missed the download button

feiting shadow
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2009 07:34
How would I offer a prize to the winner if they made a game based on dead baby jokes? I'll buy some TGC item and have it up as a prize, it'll also give direction to these games along with creativity.
Gotta come up with criteria. Gore, strategy, detail, how funny it is vs just plain sick.
Perhaps start it as a separate thing, one month is kinda short for a contest when school's starting again

LLRGT omglol
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2009 09:03
My user bar and link to my WIP is in my sig now. And yet again it's 3 AM...

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2009 12:40
Quote: "Esther Dyson - The really big button that doesn’t do anything poses interesting challenges both for owners/creators/sellers and for users of the button. Because the button allows for essentially endless pressing, it dramatically changes the traditional economics of "buttons." In this new world, competing with the old one, the button is easy to press, but hard to understand. The button allows creativity to proliferate, but button quality will be scarce and hard to recognize. Button creators will have to fight to attract attention, and to get paid. Logistics alone used to add value to buttons; it does so no longer.

Quote: "John Hewitt - Microsoft has announced plans to take over Really Big Button That Doesn't Do Anything. They claim this is a basic element of operating system. "Our button's have been doing nothing for years, we just didn't know it was marketable. From now on it will be called Microsoft Really Big Button That doesn't Do Anything.(tm)"

Oh my god. This is so awesome.

Alucard94, the member of the future of the past.
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2009 16:00
I guess this has to be called
glogacremo "global game creating month"


wogacremo "world game creating month"

Since there are so many people around the world and not only one nation.
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2009 16:03
Quote: "I guess this has to be called
glogacremo "global game creating month"


wogacremo "world game creating month"

Since there are so many people around the world and not only one nation. "

Well, that could be said about NaNoWriMo as well, and yet they left it as National.

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2009 17:28 Edited at: 3rd Jan 2009 17:28
Well, we could also say that it's an abbreviation for "interNational" - some people do those kinds of abbreviations, but yeah, it's cheap...

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2009 21:20
@Zenassem, my game isn't on the list with the other with bars and WIPs.

Link and everything is on the last page.

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Posted: 4th Jan 2009 00:37
Maybe because you started your game years before this was posted... I'm not sure.

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Posted: 4th Jan 2009 05:18
Oh be quiet, his game is teh pwnzorz, let him go

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Bizar Guy
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Posted: 4th Jan 2009 06:00
Quote: "Maybe because you started your game years before this was posted... I'm not sure."

I don't think so, because he asked for the bar and the link to the wip so he could post it...

And I did ask about that, because it's not like I started Dream for this. I'm mainly here to support it. Next year though, I might start something new for it.

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Posted: 5th Jan 2009 05:57
Sorry everyone was away from my computer for a couple of days, upating all info now.

And yes I was actually drunk!! I should have everything edited in within the half hour (by 12:30 am EST 1/5/09) and I'll catch up on some posts that I missed.

Let me know if anything is incorrect or missing.

flashing snall
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Posted: 5th Jan 2009 21:06
your missing my TBA game. But just for chuckles, its called Patterson's Grand Day Out, and its a 3d platformer/shooter.

This is my WIP, not even ready for a WIP thread yet though.
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Posted: 6th Jan 2009 03:24

I'm not going to be starting a WIP thread anytime soon--I'm doing a lot of planning first--but here's the game design thread:

So you can link to that in the first post.

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 7th Jan 2009 05:00 Edited at: 7th Jan 2009 05:07
I know it's a bit late, but

I, Yodaman Jer, make my resolution to complete a game in the first 30 days of '09.

My game is called Coins Galore and the WIP thread is here:

So far I only have level one complete...out of five. But it's early in the month!

Will update my sig soon.

[Sig updated]

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Posted: 9th Jan 2009 07:59
@Yodaman Jer: Never to late to sign up - unless we're not in January anymore. Anyway, that looks cool.

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 9th Jan 2009 18:25
Quote: "@Yodaman Jer: Never to late to sign up - unless we're not in January anymore. "

Actually, I find it hard to believe we're already out of December.

I've gotten pretty busy, but I think I'll be able to complete my game if I put enough effort into it. I'm having a lot of fun making it!

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Posted: 10th Jan 2009 22:54
Small update from me, everything is going smoothly on my end. We have two models (player jet, and an enemy airmine) complete and I'm spending some serious time in C# getting my XNA game basics working. Heres a small shot of the remade menu background being drawn (our remake is called Skyburn for now, unless we come up with something better):

Heres the menu screen from the original game:

I will make a WIP thread (in Programming Talk I guess, since it's XNA) once I have some real progress to show (i.e. models ingame and flying around)

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Posted: 11th Jan 2009 15:12 Edited at: 11th Jan 2009 15:13
Today, im texturing my ground and doing procedural rock placements

Please badger me to make sure its done

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Posted: 11th Jan 2009 15:28
@Dared1111: If you say so...

Tom J
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Posted: 11th Jan 2009 15:56
I won't badger you as much as any spam bots will

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 11th Jan 2009 16:40
I don't think you guys appreciate how discriminatory using the word 'badger' like that, badgers deserve a little more respect than that. Shame on you all.

Tom J
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Posted: 11th Jan 2009 22:50 Edited at: 11th Jan 2009 22:52
eh? I haven't got a clue what you're talking about?

oh and I've made progress on the game engine and stuff like that, I never got along with that modelling with the end; the character is just a sort of primitive/particle monster now, with smoke seeping out of him and everything.


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