Quote: "ossibly the file is there and its more so a security setting with the folder. Like Windows could be blocking access to the folder?
Or could it be the version of DX installed? or maybe the Graphics Driver? is UAC enabled? Try running X10 as Admin?
I would look at these things, for the folders, right click the FPSCX10 folder, click security, add "everyone" and Full control.
I have not run into this issue either. I do not get this error.
Thanks for the reply but if this was the case fpsc x10 would not run at all the offcial and the other early version of the mod works fine.All settings on my system is set to run fpsc and fpsc dx10.
I can compile the source and it runs fine as well, just because other's don't have this problem does not mean there is not a problem.
This could infact become more an issue if you release a game with the mod.
Could someone upload an example built game then I could see if the problem is still there.
I'm leaning towards that my system is missing a file of somesorts with one of the new features being added.
Something simple like a model pack or a model can cause these problems.
Well I gave up testing this and gone back to the offcial that works fine for me and started modding it myself as a tester.
Nobody uploaded a built game to test the mod.
The mod does look very good but the latest just wont work on any of my machines.
I've tested it on 3 machine now and all come up with the same error.
So have no idea why none of you are havin this problem at all.
what I've done is :-
Installed fresh version of windows 7 sp1
Installed fpsc dx10
Updated drivers and to direct x10.1
Updated x10 to version 11.1 from in the program
Installed the mature pack.
All working fine no problems at all.
Download the mod installed it as admin.
Load the editor and press test map half way error comes up.
This has happened on 3 machine I have 2 pc's and a laptop one with windows 8 one with wondows 8.1 and one with windows 7 sp1.
All work fine with the offcial but not the mod.
I've compiled the source and it works fine even with small changes.
Best s4real
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