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Work in Progress / World Off Road

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Posted: 18th Jun 2010 14:42 Edited at: 15th May 2011 17:40

Hai everyone who likes us and who doesn't but Soharix has started a new project with high expectations following examples laid down by Soup.

World Off Road is a racing game (unless the title doesn't completely give that away) that aims to have:
- Single player (against 1 AI or on your own)
- Splitscreen multiplayer (split screen racing on the same computer (with either 2 people on 1 keyboard or possibley 1 on mouse/gamepad))
- Online multiplayer (over VPN or working magic on a router's ports to allow DBP MP to work properly)

Currently the game is in a state where it is playable but is still missing some things.

Here are all of our screenshots:

Here's the latest trailer for WOR (showcasing v0.19):

And here are the old videos for people who are interested:
Tech demo 1
Tech demo 2
Tech demo 3
Tech demo 4
Tech demo 5
Tech demo 6

Download link:
World Off Road v0.09 - 16/06/10 - <Outdated>
World Off Road v0.10 - 21/06/10 - <Outdated>
World Off Road v0.11 - 05/07/10 - <Outdated>
World Off Road v0.12 - 05/07/10 - <Outdated>
World Off Road v0.13 - 06/07/10 - <Outdated>
World Off Road v0.14 - 07/07/10 - <Outdated>
World Off Road v0.15 - 08/07/10 - <Outdated>
World Off Road v0.16 - 10/07/10 - <Outdated>
World Off Road v0.17 - 15/11/10 - <Outdated>
World Off Road v0.18 - 07/01/10 - <Outdated>
World Off Road v0.19 - 16/02/11 - RAR - | ZIP -
Now available in .zip and .rar formats.

Tech demo videos and screenshots will be posted here as we make them.

Extra info:
* This game uses DarkDynamiX and should include all the DLLs it needs to function but just for good measure it's probably a good idea to make sure your computer can run nVidia PhysX properly by updating your graphics drivers.
* ` is the console key, if you want to see the triangle count and your FPS, press this button, type graph then press enter.
* At last count, World Off Road.exe was 5303 lines long.

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Posted: 18th Jun 2010 14:59
Wow, the screen shots look very promising.

It crashes after I've selected the car.
Quote: "call stack location:


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Posted: 18th Jun 2010 15:03
@ Link102

Well, I can't say I know what that means, but I would recommend updating your video card drivers and downloading the latest physics card drivers. - If you are using a nVidia card try going into the nVidia control panel and seeing if changing the hardware acceleration stuff does anything.

If those don't work, I don't know what will xD

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Posted: 18th Jun 2010 15:44
the game is so nice! but one thing would be a huge improve is to increase the car's speed, and also turning speed, its slow as hell

And yes, the third map crashes sometimes, dunno why

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Posted: 18th Jun 2010 16:01 Edited at: 18th Jun 2010 16:07
@ Hassan
I could raise the speed of the cars but you would find eventually the game got fairly silly as most of the cars would be bouncing and sliding all over the place.

The turning speed is slow because support for vehicles in DarkPhysics is balls. (xD So I am having to set up the vehicles manually, meaning the front wheels can't actually turn)

Why does Alpine1 crash? :o - I haven't encountered any problems? - What error does it give when it crashes?

Also, the cars may feel slow because of the framerate actually. Try pressing ` ingame (the key left of 1) and type graph then press enter, and tell me what kind of FPS you are getting.

If for any reason you need to improve performance you can change things in the config file. - Here is a list of what does what:

1024 - X resolution
768 - Y resolution
32 - colour mode
1 - 1 for windowed | 0 for fullscreen
512 - shader detail (try setting it to 256 or something lower)
66 - max framerate (will be taken out of the full game)
1 - 0=no shadows | 1=shadows on cars | 2=shadows on all scenery too
Unnamed player - Unimportant information at the moment

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Posted: 18th Jun 2010 19:13
Not bad. Not bad at all. Keep it going.

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Posted: 18th Jun 2010 20:35

Hehe, that's the kind of feedback I like.

charger bandit
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Posted: 19th Jun 2010 13:25 Edited at: 19th Jun 2010 13:30
Looks awesome,gotta try it and make some custom vehicles to play with.

EDIT: Requires quite a lot of crap to play,PhysX and CUDA. You should make a note for people to DL that. Plus,I own an ATI Radeon GPU so I can't play I wanna plaaay waaaaahahaha....

Blobby 101
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Posted: 19th Jun 2010 13:59
@Charger, I don't know about CUDA, but the PhyX doesn't actually require an NVidea card, that's only for the additional Hardware physics features, which we aren't using. So, all you should need to run it is the latest PhysX drivers. We will probably be packing the Redist package with the final release, but for the time being, we wanted to keep the size down.

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Posted: 19th Jun 2010 18:51
@ charger bandit
No idea what CUDA is, never heard of that, so I can almost guarantee it doesn't need it. But yeh, it definitely does need PhysX drivers or a PhysX card.

The only advantage to getting a nVidia card is that the hardware support allows certain things to run, and takes the load of the CPU for processing the rest of it.

But it should be able to run with the ATI PhysX drivers installed.

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Posted: 19th Jun 2010 22:42
Pretty cool. Couple crits; very easy to tip the smaller car. If I'm going top speed and turn I flip almost instantly. Last, I couldn't get the last level and car to load. The game would crash at the loading screen.

Also note, I have an ATI Radeon HD card and it ran fine.

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Posted: 19th Jun 2010 23:01 Edited at: 19th Jun 2010 23:12
@ Josh Mooney
- I'm not worried at all about the way the cars handle and flip etc. ; try going 70mph down a motor way and turning it to full lock left - you will roll the car as well.

As for Alpine1 crashing - no one is telling me what it does or what error comes up so I can't diagnose any sort of a problem.

Thankfully you told me your specs but no one else is !

@ Hassan & Link102
What graphics cards do you have?

^^^ Do all 3 of you have the latest PhysX drivers along with the latest graphics card drivers. ^^^

I just thought what Apline1 has that is different to Dunes1 and Dunes2 and the only things are the individual objects and the number of them: everything else is the same (in terms of the engine)

Now, I can't imagine having more objects would cause a crash or we'd have heard about that sooner, but the individual objects being used on Alpine1 that aren't on the others are Checkpoint2.x and Pine tree.x (under Data\Object data in the game folder)

The only abnormality with Pine tree.x is that is includes an open area that is having DarkPhysics applied to it, whereas Checkpoint2.x not only includes this (that none of the objects in the Dunes maps do) but backtoback polygons as well (for the sponsor (the big AMF banner))

So my suggestion to you guys who experience this crash is, to replace Checkpoint2.x with Checkpoint.x (just rename it) and see if this makes a difference. - If not, try something similar with Pine tree.x as well. - And if that isn't it then I will explode and die because I can't think of anything else it could be

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Posted: 20th Jun 2010 14:31
Quote: "@ Hassan & Link102
What graphics cards do you have?"

I'm sure it's not the graphics card, as mine supports CUDA technology, but anyway, mine is nVidia geForce 103M

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Posted: 20th Jun 2010 15:11 Edited at: 20th Jun 2010 15:12
Quote: "What graphics cards do you have?"

Intel(R) 82945G Express Chipset Family.


yes I fried my 8800gts a while back.

Quote: "Do all 3 of you have the latest PhysX drivers along with the latest graphics card drivers."

If you mean that nvidea PhysX thingey then yes and yes.

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Posted: 20th Jun 2010 16:23
@ Hassan
xD I still haven't got a clue what CUDA is and as Josh Mooney has the same problem, I think it must be specific to those objects on that map.

@ Link102

Well, has anyone tried that object replacement thing I talked about to see if replacing the objects used on Alpine1 with those used in Dunes1 or Dunes2 makes a difference? - If someone can say yay or nay to this then I'll know if its the terrain object or the other objects which is causing a problem.

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Posted: 20th Jun 2010 16:27
i managed to open it, but it crashes most of the time

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Posted: 20th Jun 2010 17:36
@ Hassan
Under what circumstances?

And what does it do when it crashes?

What have you just done/seen/loaded when it crashes?

xD I can't fix the problem if I have no details on it.

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Posted: 20th Jun 2010 18:27
i dunno, its somewhat random, when it crashes it just says blabla has stopped working

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Posted: 20th Jun 2010 18:29
Object replacement worked. So then I switched them back and it loaded fine...strange...

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Posted: 20th Jun 2010 18:46 Edited at: 20th Jun 2010 18:46
Could you perhaps create a debug build where it prints what it's doing on the load screen.
Maybe we can trace the problem that way.

Object replacement isn't working btw.

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Posted: 20th Jun 2010 20:07
@ Hassan
Oh so its not a DBP error, it just breaks... xD

@ Josh Mooney
That's random. :S

@ Link102
Yeh next version (v0.1) I'll put a variable you can set in the Options.cfg (under User in the game folder) to set it so it shows what it's loading.

As well as that, next version should include better scenery placement (so it's included with the Terrain#.x) which should speed things up and possibly make things more reliable, but as I've not tested it yet I can't say for sure.

Sven B
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Posted: 21st Jun 2010 15:47
Quote: "I still haven't got a clue what CUDA is"

The CUDA architecture is basically something nVidia invented to allow C programmers to use the GPU in their programs. The chances of DBP or any plugin using it is practically zero as it only works on nVidia cards.

Sven B

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Posted: 21st Jun 2010 17:28 Edited at: 21st Jun 2010 19:15
@ Sven B

Well, in that case, I doubt even more that CUDA has anything to do with these errors/crashings.

@ Everyone
I've released v0.10 early so I can get some proper feedback on the crashes. See the code snippet at the bottom of my first post for the variable to toggle debug mode on.
(Oh and v0.10 also includes a lap timer and a new, even laggier map xD)

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Posted: 21st Jun 2010 20:55
isnt a part of that music from trackmania?
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Posted: 21st Jun 2010 21:31
@ Sepnon
Hooray, someone's noticed.

Unfortunately it's just a rift. - A rift that the people who made the music for TM got from the same place as Soharix's musician.

So yeh, well done for noticing but no legal action can be taken against us.

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Posted: 25th Jun 2010 19:02 Edited at: 27th Jun 2010 19:07
Situation update:
Progress on WOR includes, making a new car and realising how to do the maps better.

Then I moved to Scotland and have only just unpacked my stuff into my room.

So I sat about feeling happy then made a tree LOD engine for WOR which boosted performance through the roof.

Currently we're waiting on blobby 101 to re-model Tense or Trax (whichever he chooses) and I'll release v0.11.

Be warned, v0.11 may have significantly altered Alpine maps. :o

Here is a picture to show progress since v0.10:

The main differences are
1. Lightmaps on trees (however time consuming it is to add these all maps will have these at the end)
2. A LOD engine for the trees (notice how nice and low the polycount is now, while looking at all those trees)
3. A lap timer
4. A new car (Crunch)
5. And come v0.11, a remade version of Tense or Trax
6. Dunes1 and Dunes2 are pretty much temporary maps (they will be remade later)


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Posted: 28th Jun 2010 15:58
I'm loving the prgress on this since I last took a look. Hoping to try the finished version soon!

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Posted: 28th Jun 2010 16:45 Edited at: 29th Jun 2010 00:27
Well yeah, I'd like to release a new version, but our modeller, blobby 101, has recently had problems regarding his PSU and hasn't finished remodelling Tense yet.

So for the moment I'm just tinkering with the engine and touching up the maps until he finishes.

Currently Tense looks like this:

But the wheels still need texturing before I release v0.11


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charger bandit
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Posted: 28th Jun 2010 21:50
Once I get it working I will definately make some custom cars for this

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Posted: 28th Jun 2010 23:47
@ charger bandit

Well good luck with that, because part of the setup procedures for each of the cars is coded into the executable, so you'll have to work on the wheel bases I've already made for Tense, Trax, Rumbler and Crunch.

But what isn't working about it?

@ People experiencing technical difficulties
v0.11 is anticipated to be released soon, and should have improved performance and somewhat altered mechanics.

However, those problems regarding dynamic physic setups on ATI cards on objects with open sections (missing polygons), I still haven't addressed these problems as I can't be sure that is the diagnosis. - Please try v0.11 and let me know if the problems still occur.

charger bandit
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Posted: 30th Jun 2010 17:00 Edited at: 30th Jun 2010 18:34
Don't worry,I will use the normal wheel base,just different body.

EDIT: Yay the latest 0.10 version works on Radeon 4770.

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Posted: 30th Jun 2010 20:17 Edited at: 1st Jul 2010 06:05

v0.11 would have been released yesterday but the remodelled Tense is causing some problems.

New signature

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Posted: 5th Jul 2010 14:14 Edited at: 5th Jul 2010 14:18
Its great, like kistech said, keep it going. Your team is putting out some quality stuff here, I wish you all the best. oh and badweek, lol

EDIT: forgot to mention suggestions: fullscreen mode, but yeah im sure you guys are working on that; and maybe timer based movement? in some areas my fps slows to 30, and some speeds up to 60.
PS: i love the music

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Posted: 5th Jul 2010 15:03
@ Aralox
Yeh there will be graphics options later, but for the moment they're all stored in User\Options.cfg - so you can change your res and set it to fullscreen from there.

Timer base movement is shunned by Soharix because we've never seen it actually working. - Every example we've tried to implement of it does not keep a regular speed with a fluctuating FPS.

The fix for the FPS drops would be a mixture of the following:
Reduce the LOD distance (currently not in Options.cfg but will be later)
Lower the shader detail
Set shadows down to 0

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Posted: 5th Jul 2010 18:17
Love the looks of this game C0wbox, don't have a chance to play it yet but I will post my feedback when I get the chance. You are doing some great stuff!

Your friend,

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Posted: 5th Jul 2010 18:24
Well, I got to the intro (ha, quite like the Soharix intro ), and I was able to choose the level and such, but when it loaded, it crashed. A website then opened, here's the link :

Why it opened I do not know, because I don't have an Nvidia card...

Here are my specs:

Intel Pentium 4 2.66 GHz CPU
1.5 GB RAM
Radeon HD 4760 Graphics card


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Posted: 5th Jul 2010 19:04 Edited at: 5th Jul 2010 19:15
@ All those expecting v0.11
Tense is finally done, and looks a darn site better than my version. - Courtesy of blobby 101

We're just adding 1 new bit of content and I'm fixing the splitscreen LOD then v0.11 will be released.

@ Zeus
I appreciate the praise.

@ TheComet
Yeh that website probably opens for anyone who can't run DarkPhysics. It's probably assuming that if you "have" a nVidia card and you can't run DarkPhysics that you need to update your drivers, so it takes you there.

But as you don't have a nVidia card, you will need to download the ATI PhyX drivers. - I'm not sure where to get them, as we all use nVidia cards but I know they exist and I know people have them.

Perhaps just update your graphics card drivers (from the ATI website of course ) and see what it does then.

If it still doesn't run after the driver updates, go hunting for the ATI drivers. (Also, if you find them, give us a link and I'll put it in the first post for other people with a similar problem. )


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Posted: 5th Jul 2010 19:55
turning down the graphics did the trick, and it looks MUCH better in fullscreen. Just as a random thought, i reckon it would be awesome if the cars could beat the crap out of each other, Burnout-style.
@TheComet - i had the same thing, so i updated my driver, but the game only worked when i went to the install directory and ran an installer there called PhysX_9.10.0223_SystemSoftware.msi. Its 26 megs, and im sure you can find it somewhere out there on the interwebs if you wanted to, but Ive attached it to this post anyway if you wanna grab it from me.


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Posted: 5th Jul 2010 20:06 Edited at: 6th Jul 2010 00:12
@ Aralox

I don't entirely want to copy other games, but you can knock other cars out by driving into them.

@ Everyone
We're literally minutes away from releasing v0.11 which features redone Alpine maps, a LOD system (so everything runs properly), a new car and a re-made Tense.

Lots of big changes, lots of reason to sit on the edge of your seat and download it when it comes out.

v0.11 has been successfully released.

v0.12 has been successfully released. - v0.12 is basically v0.11 with some little tweaks

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Posted: 5th Jul 2010 20:11
lol alright looking forward to it. Ill grab it tommorow, im fighting to stay awake right now

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Posted: 6th Jul 2010 00:14
Thanks, worked perfectly C0wbox, you should add that to your first post ^^

@ C0wbox

Nice game, I see a lot of potential I have 2 suggestions:

1) The cars are too slow, make them faster
2) Add more weight to the car bodies, they tip way to easily...

I really like the water, how did you do that effect?

Hope to see more


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Posted: 6th Jul 2010 00:44
Quote: "The cars are too slow, make them faster"

I've heard this from a lot of people but I also want the people who say this to tell me their FPS throughout running. - Because if it runs at half the normal FPS it will make everything slower.
(Press ` and type graph then press enter to bring up your FPS)
(Also, if you are playing v0.10 or less and experiencing slowdown problems you should go get v0.12 because it uses a LOD system which definitely improves performance - if you are experiencing slowdown problems on v0.11 or v0.12 try changing the values in User\Options.cfg to set the graphics a bit lower.)

Quote: "Add more weight to the car bodies, they tip way to easily..."

This depends on the type of car and, if you were driving 70mph down a motorway and you slammed on full lock left, your car would flip too.

The water is just Evolved's water with reflection taken out (so as to only use 1 extra camera not 2) oh and I think I coloured it with Diggsey's help a while back.

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Posted: 6th Jul 2010 05:29

Well after finally being able to release v0.11 I went on and coded several more features and things of various intensities of coolness.

v0.13 features:
* Proper first person views for Tense and Rumbler
* A music player (skip track and volume controls will come later, so you'll just have to bare the tracks you don't like for the time being.
* Updated checkpoint sponsor. (AMF was just a random logo I had lieing around in the Soharix texture library. )
* Added a best-lap thing so you can see if you're improving.
* An updated engine (I took the time to carefully go through everything in the core of the game making the code more dynamic and replacing variable names with more appropriate names) so if there are any bugs or random error messages please let me know, I've done my best to check nothing was broken once I'd finished playing around with the engine. (Don't worry, the code went from about 2482 lines to 2205 thanks to this update. )

Here's a screenshot :

If anyone has any music they think would fit in this game, please feel free to contact me about getting your music in the music player.

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Posted: 6th Jul 2010 18:17
Wonderful game after I got to playing it. There is one thing I hope for when the game released,

Improved textures on the sand, it looks to tiled instead of seamless.
The cars need to go a bit faster.

Well that is it for C&C, you most def. have another fan!

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Posted: 6th Jul 2010 18:23
Yeh the Dunes maps are currently in brackets because I need to completely redo them.

I'll be changing their size, changing their style, adding trees, changing their checkpoints and hopefully editing the texture.

To everyone who says the cars need to go faster:
Please tell me what FPS you are getting before telling me the cars need to go faster.

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Posted: 6th Jul 2010 18:50
I get a straight 65 fps frame rate.


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Posted: 6th Jul 2010 19:02
Quote: "I'll be changing their size, changing their style, adding trees, changing their checkpoints and hopefully editing the texture. "

Ah I see.

Quote: "o everyone who says the cars need to go faster:
Please tell me what FPS you are getting before telling me the cars need to go faster. "

My bad, my FPS is 64.

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Posted: 6th Jul 2010 19:51 Edited at: 6th Jul 2010 19:54

Well, I think the car speeds are fine at 66 FPS

I don't want the racing game to get silly now, it's meant to have a touch of realism xD

Also, the faster they go, the more easily they flip... so it's pretty well balanced at the moment.

(Oh and just so everyone knows, different cars do go at different speeds... )

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Posted: 6th Jul 2010 22:27
It looks like a nice game, cant actually play it as there is no driver for my card . I just have to ask, what were the advantages of using Dark Physics over Newton and Havok(Xeno)?
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Posted: 6th Jul 2010 22:48
@ Melancholic
Well originally the game was going to use ODE physics because it comes with DBP and everyone can run it so it would all be nice and simple.

However, ODE is missing commands like joints etc. so it would have been a bit silly.

I've never tried Newton and don't really hear of many people using it (regardless of how many times I've been recommended to use it)

And XenoPhysics isn't done yet, so that wasn't really an option.

So I guess the only advantage in using DarkPhysics (or PhysX) is that it handles all the commands I need and I spent money on it so I might as well.

If someone can convince me that Newton physics can do everything DarkPhysics can or if XenoPhysics gets finished any time soon, I may switch to either of them as I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds it an inconvenience that you need to update your graphics drivers to play WOR. (It's of course, even more of a problem when you get cards that simply can't run it at all, like yours. )

So yeah, I basically have very little option as it stands at the moment.

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