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Work in Progress / World Off Road

Blobby 101
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Posted: 31st Jul 2010 22:34
Yeah, from what I've found the model is made up of 4 limbs, one for each quarter of the terrain and there is 1 texture for each quarter so they just flow from one into the next - It's weird I know

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Posted: 31st Jul 2010 23:03
Yeh, it's the way T.ED does it to keep polygon-per-limb count low I guess.

I could use more than a 2x2 limb grid but that just makes the map bigger and I don't need em that big, but 1 limb is too small.

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Posted: 1st Aug 2010 00:09
C0wbox look. so normal?

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Posted: 1st Aug 2010 00:54 Edited at: 1st Aug 2010 01:14

Nearly there, the body needs offset so that the wheels line up. - You should be able to work out how much you need to move the model up to get it to line up from this picture:
<See attachment>

@ Everyone

I've finally solved it! !!!!!1 The silly handling of the cars is no more, they now behave properly and are fun to drive (and possibly a little faster) I was tinkering with Trike when I realised I had the car's body mass set to 5000, and the wheels at 500. I thought: "I wonder if the wheels were heavier, would it be more stable." So I swapped them around and it was, then it was just a matter of balancing things up to make the cars less sluggish while maintaining stability. Currently I'm using 1000 on each wheel and 500 on the car body and it works fine, so I'm happy. !


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Posted: 1st Aug 2010 01:07
try ..........

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Posted: 1st Aug 2010 01:14

It worked, thanks RUSSIA, you're now the second person to successfully add a vehicle to WOR from TGC.

Your vehicle will be included in version 0.17 and later versions.

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Posted: 1st Aug 2010 01:24
Always glad ..........

test my photo library please in WIP -> TEST

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Posted: 1st Aug 2010 20:44
@C0wbox, unfortunatly i cant experiment with new textures as there does not seem to be a way to convert .x to heightmaps

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Posted: 1st Aug 2010 22:04
@ Melancholic

Can't help I'm afraid, the engine stands more or less complete, so it'll have to wait until our next terrain-based Soharix project.

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Posted: 1st Aug 2010 22:24
how about my Photo Library look up ^ + -> test please

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Posted: 1st Aug 2010 23:31
Quote: "
Can't help I'm afraid, the engine stands more or less complete, so it'll have to wait until our next terrain-based Soharix project. "

If you really want me to redo them, you could send me the original t.ed files(i have t.ed), i could then export as a heightmap, import to l3dt, do the texture, split it up and send em to you. I dont mind if you want, i have nothing better to be doing

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Posted: 1st Aug 2010 23:54
@ Melancholic
Ah ok, if you say that'll work.

Do you need the textures though?

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2010 00:14
Well im hoping that it will work , the textures dont matter as ill be redoing them , all i need to get is a greyscale heightmap, which can be generated from the t.ed file. Send the t.ed file to sebastianprestonj[at]gmail[dot]com if you want me to try

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2010 10:59 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2010 11:00
Sorry to bring up an old issue but the wheels not turning left and right seems a strange one. If you have the wheels as limbs on the main body (instead of as seperate objects) you can use DP to have turing wheels! I have been wondering why you weren't using it that way as it looks much better?

Quote: "Think of a coin laying flat on a table. - There is no way to rotate that coin other than on the axis perpendicular to the table surface. - This is the same issue with the wheels."

I have resolved that issue before. Also I used sparky's to get a 'height' from the ground at each wheel so I could emulate suspension too!

If you can get your wheel position and vehicle angle you can cast a ray down to get the height from the ground and set the wheel offset based on that distance...
I'll post the code as soon as I find it!

I think I managed to get the wheel turning correctly by using "Set Object Rotation ZYX" and aligning the wheel to the X axis (not the Y as you currently have it). Then you can turn the wheel in the Y axis to go left/right and rotate the wheel using the X component.


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Posted: 2nd Aug 2010 20:45
Well C0wbox, there have been many problesm trying to create your texture. Firstly t.ed will only output a 127x127 heighmap which is usless. The only way to get it up to size is to scale it up and blur, so thats what i did. Though as it was done in gimp its not very accurate. Next problem was getting it into l3dt, though i solved that. The verticle scale of the heightmap is wrong but i made this small prototype to show progress, bare in mind there is also alot of errors caused by editing the heightmap in gimp.

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Posted: 3rd Aug 2010 03:04
@ baxslash
If I used limbs for the wheels, they would not be wheels as far as the physics engine is concerned.

It is also this physics engine which is stopping me rotating the wheels.

@ Melancholic
Well, I'm GLaD you know what all of that meant, but that pic looks awesome. If it takes time but works, I'm willing to go with it.

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Posted: 3rd Aug 2010 10:35
Quote: "If I used limbs for the wheels, they would not be wheels as far as the physics engine is concerned.

It is also this physics engine which is stopping me rotating the wheels."

I thought you were using DarkPhysics? If you are then you are using it wrong... I used DarkPhysics for my WIP "Hell For Leather" which has turning wheels

I'll post my setup code if you like or you can check my tutorial here:

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Posted: 3rd Aug 2010 15:55 Edited at: 9th Aug 2010 21:42
Yeh I tried following that a while back, back when I started WOR actually, and something wasn't working, so I abandoned the idea and said, "I'm going to manually set-up the vehicles because it is more reliable and works better" - I can also do 3 wheeled vehicles via this method.

Regardless, even if that method did now work, I'm not going to get everyone who's modelled a vehicle for WOR to remake them all over again.


World Off Road is currently in suspended animation until the Intel Competition is over as we're making individual entries for that.

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Posted: 3rd Aug 2010 21:32 Edited at: 3rd Aug 2010 21:33
Well C0wbox i finally got a decent version of the texture, its ridled with mistakes(one large). The textures them selves are only 256x256 instead of your 1024x1024 though, so they are quite low resolution, but its the best i can do with the small 64x64 heightmap t.ed will only export. Im going to give it another crack tomorow, ill attach a pic of the current texture

I can count to banana...


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Posted: 12th Aug 2010 06:07
wasn't this supposed to go online?
Blobby 101
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Posted: 12th Aug 2010 11:39
@GhostKrashers, What do you mean? If you mean as in online play, then yes - I think that's still planned.

If you mean be released then we're currently delay the game's completion until after the Intel/TGC competition

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Posted: 12th Aug 2010 20:10
@ ghostkrashers
v0.16 has no online capabilities other than auto-downloading the adverts for the billboards.
v0.17 which is not out yet will include basic online functionality.

v0.17 has been delayed because of the Intel/TGC competition we are all involved with.

Check back after October 1st at the latest.

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Posted: 12th Aug 2010 23:23
Sorry, this isn't related to the game, it looks great though

How do you get your screenshots like that?

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Posted: 12th Aug 2010 23:32
xD Do you mean how do I put them into thumbnails that link to the real picture?

I save the pictures as normal, use WindowsXP resizer tool to scale them all to a thumbnail size. I upload both sets of pictures (fullsize and thumbnail) to my website FTP. Then when I get here and want to post about them I use the image button at the top of the Post Forum Message thing to make an image of the thumbnail then use the link button to link it to the URL of the fullsize image.

It's that simple, nothing fancy. xD

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Posted: 12th Aug 2010 23:36
Ah i see Thanks x'D

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Posted: 18th Aug 2010 05:53
Hey guys,

I like the game. Here's a list of the things I don't like but you can't fix:

#1 The wheels don't steer.
#2 The wheels don't appear to have suspension.

I know everyone already told you of these but I thought I would too.

I did actually make a new post for a reason. I would love to help with developement of this game! I have software for making models (Blender) and music (FL Studio) but can't use either effectivly. So basically my only skill is programming, which I do quite well.

Tell me what you think. Bet I can beat you with this Intel Atom compo!


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Posted: 18th Aug 2010 06:40 Edited at: 24th Sep 2010 19:35
@ Clonkex
xD I'm afraid all the programming positions at Soharix are currently filled. We have me on the main engine design and TheComet on menu programming.

The only real thing WOR needs is music and models, but I can understand if you're not up to it.

Thanks anyway.

(I'm also just entering the competition to have a shot at it and work on something alone, I'm not really going to get competitive about it because all the games will be different, and I mean ... you can't compare an RTS to an FPS :S)

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2010 01:39 Edited at: 3rd Oct 2010 22:32
Hai everyone !

I know I've said I'm doing the project for the compo but what's to say I can't work on some WOR. So I did !

And I thought I'd share with you a screenshot of Dunes2. (That now makes 4 complete races in WOR - so I'm happy.)

This is also one step closer to v0.17.

Ok well, here's another two steps toward v0.17 xD

I just got Deathead to make the palm trees greener and improve the dunes checkpoints, then I sorted out the refraction issues with the water. - You know, that bug where the edges of all polygons get wobblied by the water behind them so you think it's a reflection.

And here's a screenshot showcasing both.

! That's three steps closer to v0.17 in the space of about an hour. (11 more to go)

!!! I made some water splashes too, just to complete the water look:

We finally finished Crunch and it's looking pretty sweet

(11/16 tasks done towards releasing v0.17)

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Posted: 23rd Sep 2010 23:05
Just posting to give this a bit of a bump as cowbox just edited the last post with some updates. Crunch is finally working after 2 updated versions and a lot of bug fixing! xD

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Posted: 25th Sep 2010 17:51 Edited at: 9th Dec 2010 08:12
Hai everyone - I don't know why everyones ignoring this WIP but it's still being worked on.

Anyway, I uploaded a new video showcase of how WOR is doing at the moment:

And here's a list of the things we have left to do before we release v0.17:
1. Fix Tense
2. Rename Tense
3. Make a new Tense
4. Redo Trax
5. Redo MP chat system
6. Add end of round area for MP
7. Retrieve forward velocity of cars as a float to determine the speed of Trax tracks and whether you're truely going backwards or not (to swap steering)
(That's it, 7 things to do and we can give you guys a new version to play with - the best version yet )


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Posted: 25th Sep 2010 23:33
looks good, but you really need to make a texture for the terrain, it will be a very huge improvement for the game visuals, a perfect texture is not needed, but hey, abything would be better than solid-color terrain

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Posted: 25th Sep 2010 23:58
Uhh, There IS a texture xD It's much more noticeable in game than in the video though - It may just be the lighting.

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Posted: 26th Sep 2010 18:01
Did the texture change? I like the solid color better than what used to be there.

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Posted: 26th Sep 2010 19:14 Edited at: 26th Sep 2010 19:15
Yes indees, the solid color is better than the previous tile, but come on really, you need to make something better than this, it totally ruins the game

also, i was watching the demo 6, the multiplayer looks good, but it looks like impossible to catch the other car, so i was thinking, how about adding something like boxes that you can find items in it, like speed boost or whatever you'd like
another idea came to my mind, you could add some sort of "weather effect" for each level, for example, you could make snow storms in the snowy level, spawning some small hills of snow at random locations, if a car crashes it, it slows down or something, and in the desert level, it could be a tornado, moving around randomly, changing the direction of the car that goes into it, or gets close to it

these are just ideas, might inspire you or whatever

good luck! and change the texture!!

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Posted: 26th Sep 2010 19:58
@ swissolo
Yeah we went for a simplified terrain texture because the complex one was easily shown to be looping due to the technical restrictions of T.ED. Thanx though.

@ Hassan
Quote: "you need to make something better than this"

Ideally, we need to make Crysis 3. - But we can't so I guess you'll have to put up.

Quote: "but it looks like impossible to catch the other car"

In the full version of the clip I showed splitscreen multiplayer the cars actually overtook each other several times. - It only takes an unexpected bump or a wide corner to throw someone off.

Quote: "how about adding something like boxes that you can find items in it"

We're not trying to make Mario kart or Lego racers, we're attempting to make a relatively simplistic offroad racing game where the only aspect that determines how well you're doing at a race is the terrain and the car, not whether you happened to pick up a speed boost or a rocket launcher.

Quote: "might inspire you or whatever"

Actually the game's more or less finished, we just have a few things left to clear up. - We won't be making any major engine changes like those listed above.

Maybe you can come and help us when we next make Crazy Frog Racers 2.

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Posted: 26th Sep 2010 21:13
Yeah - I can vouch for multiplayer being easier than it looks in the video, I can see where you're coming from with the pickup boxes Hassan, but it is a bit too far from our designs for this game - considering that our original plan was for the game to look more like THIS!

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Posted: 26th Sep 2010 22:28
Yeah, what you see in the video of multiplayer is me attempting to play myself, so I wasn't exactly playing properly - I was just attempting to keep both cars on the track without messing the recording up.

- Although that picture is obviously an exaggerated view of how the game would be, we did just want purely want offroad driving.

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Posted: 26th Sep 2010 23:42
The game throws me out when it finally would start loading in the actual game, and the Nvidia driver page appears... does this mean this game uses some all-the-way-Nvidia specific stuff, and all the other gamers can... k-hm...

If you ask me this is not a good idea, DBP alone isn't famous for its compatibility, why throw in some more factors next to its issues?
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Posted: 27th Sep 2010 00:52 Edited at: 27th Sep 2010 01:04
Quel, if you read the past posts there are fixes for those errors. It uses Nvidia's Physics engine, PhysX. Although this works fastest on recent Nvidia cards, it doesn't exclude other users at all. Simply download the Nvidia PhysX drivers on their website and the game should run.

Optionally, you could try updating your graphics card drivers, as in some cases, this has fixed the problem, but there's no way of telling if the drivers are included or not, so it's best to just download straight from Nvidia's website

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Posted: 7th Oct 2010 06:54

what 3d drawing program are you using.

i having a problem with my code and car model wheels.

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Posted: 7th Oct 2010 15:18 Edited at: 7th Oct 2010 19:57
@ leo877

We use a mixture of programs depending on what we're modelling:

Deled is used for basic models that don't require complex texturing or geometry.
C4D, Wings and Blender are used by the other modellers to make the cars and other more complex models.
T.ED is used to make the terrains.
(Any other models will be DBP primitives)

I see from the looks of that thread you're trying to use the DarkPhysics vehicle physics. - We aren't using that here, because it generally doesn't work and is too much hassle to implement.

All our cars are made up from a Body model, a Backwheel model and a Frontwheel model then joined together with revolute joints in the application itself.

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Posted: 8th Oct 2010 00:19
Still waiting for a demo... You do have to admit Lego Racers was a pretty well done game.

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Posted: 8th Oct 2010 01:39 Edited at: 8th Oct 2010 01:39
@ swissolo
I only played the demo of Lego Racers, and it was fun.

(But it still isn't what we're trying to make here)

And in terms of a demo, well... go shout at Blobby 101 or something, his department are the main reason v0.17 still isn't out yet. xD
(Just kidding, he might cry if you shout at him )

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Posted: 8th Oct 2010 17:50
Quote: "Just kidding, he might cry if you shout at him"

Oi! Modelling is harder than you think

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Posted: 12th Oct 2010 08:16
lol! Do you think you could give some quick tips on how you might start a modelling project (such as a car)? I really have no idea and it might help a lot!


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Posted: 12th Oct 2010 14:28 Edited at: 12th Oct 2010 14:31
@ Clonkex
I'm not really sure what sort of tips you want and how modelling a car is a project but I'd start with:

1. Get a modelling program
2. Learn to model cars
3. Model a car
4. Texture said car

^That's how we're doing it.

If you want techniques for modelling cars well then this is probably the wrong place to start looking as we've made lots of different cars in lots of different ways, some look good, some look bad.
(Best to leave it to the people in 3 Dimensional Chat)

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Posted: 13th Oct 2010 03:59 Edited at: 13th Oct 2010 04:05
Lol, I'm more then a noob with modelling I use Blender (I hate Truespace). I thought you might be the type of person who calls modelling a car a project. I'm NOT but I thought you might be. Some people think the best way to start modelling anything is to make a clay model complete with wire frame and bake it. I couldn't be bothered.

EDIT: When I say more then a noob, I mean I'm better then a noob.

I will now go and annoy some people on the 3 Dimensional Chat!


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Posted: 13th Oct 2010 21:26
Quote: "Lol, I'm more then a noob with modelling I use Blender (I hate Truespace). I thought you might be the type of person who calls modelling a car a project. I'm NOT but I thought you might be. Some people think the best way to start modelling anything is to make a clay model complete with wire frame and bake it. I couldn't be bothered."

Hey Clonkex, I'm one of the modellers of Soharix (I also use Blender) and also starting out with clay models isn't a bad idea, but really the best way if you want to be more scenery focus is to make small decorative objects... Lamps, TVs, Couches etc. This is how I started out, but all the skills you'd have to learn to make the other models should make you able to model a car.

Just remember alot of modelling is Reference.. Reference.. Reference.. These are used for Cars, Humans etc. Great 3d modellers require concept art remember. Then you'd be on your way. This is also why I'd ask Cowbox on what he wants his cars to look like, if I didn't I wouldn't be able to create a good enough set of references, therefore decrease the quality.

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Posted: 13th Oct 2010 21:39
Quote: "This is also why I'd ask Cowbox on what he wants his cars to look like"

Even though due to the departmental structure in Soharix you should be asking Blobby 101 because he's your manager. xD
(But we all understand he likes to ..... disappear from time to time... )

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Posted: 25th Oct 2010 23:57
Hey C0wbox, so what's happening here? Sounds like things have hit a wall?

If I can help in any way let me know...

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