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FPSC Classic Models and Media / New Pack Prewiew, "Wastelanders!"

Cosmic Prophet
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Posted: 21st Sep 2010 23:27 Edited at: 29th Sep 2010 06:12
Hi guys! Just dropped by to show you what's been brewing in the Cosmos lately.This is going to be my first commercial model pack. And "NO", I am not going to stop giving away Free stuff. This is just a test run, so to speak, of special packs that I may sell from time to time.

Anyway, I wanted your opinion, and to see if anyone would be interested in a pack like this. Take a look...

The Wastelanders!... There will be "20" or so new characters in the pack.

As well as some new Vehicles, Like the Wasteland Express!....

And what would the Wasteland be without a menecing army of "Retro" Robots!...

Give some feedback please, Thanks my friends!

(View Full size Character sheet)--------------->

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Posted: 21st Sep 2010 23:36 Edited at: 21st Sep 2010 23:37
One word.....


Cathy and I would definitely be interested in this pack.

- BlackFox

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Posted: 21st Sep 2010 23:48 Edited at: 21st Sep 2010 23:50
Oh my gosh
That looks awesome!
Reminds me of fallout 3 and brink

Poloflece, not to be mistaken for polofleece, polar fleece or polar flece.
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Posted: 21st Sep 2010 23:52
Wow! I've just soiled my underwear looking at these!! These will be perfect for a Mad Max/Nuke City type game, excellent work CP!!

P.S. Sorry if the first part of my comment offends anyone!

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Posted: 21st Sep 2010 23:53

Looks great!

Braden 713
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Posted: 21st Sep 2010 23:53 Edited at: 21st Sep 2010 23:55
This is a fascinating and brilliant idea Cosmic, best of all it fits well with your previous packs. I'd purchase this in a second.

Some questions I do have would be: do your characters (specifically talking the Wasteland set of raiders), have a new set of animations, or default ones? Obviously those spider robots of the Retro army look to presumably have their own set of animations, so I was just curious about the rest of them?
As well (just out of curiousity), would anything like mutants, desert cave-dwelling beasts or ravenous prowling packs of vicious dogs perhaps make their way into this pack?
One last possibility - the idea of simplified versions of your vehicles would be great (less poly's and reduced texture detail whilst still regaining recognizable shape of each vehicle), for perhaps atmospheric scenes. What I mean is, I don't know if it's possible for you to rig a model with an animation so that one could place for example, that Wasteland Express, and have it triggered by a triggerzone to "drive by" in the distance ahead of the player: nothing fancy, just the simple model racing across the screen down the road for a few seconds, and maybe the roar of the passing vehicle triggered to play as an .ogg file? FPSC could always use atmospheric possibilites; this would certainly help the scripting inept (such as myself). Just throwing it out there!

Regardless, the pack looks top-notch, both in models and textures, you've come a long way my friend and it's been a pleasure to see your skills grow in leaps and bounds. Heltor would most definitely be proud of your achievements as well, may he rest in peace. All in all I'd buy this for sure.

Cheers, Braden

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Posted: 21st Sep 2010 23:58
Awesome work, Once again good quality models and textures

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 00:02
these characters look amazing, I can't WAIT to use them[/img]
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Daniel wright 2311
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 00:02
I'll buy this now if it where up for sell

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 00:03
LOL @ the midget

Now you wanted feedback...well my only crit would be that bus.The bumper looks a teeny bit too big,and some extrusion on the front would be nice,under the windshield.

Bottom line though - Set the price,and I'm buying it.

Cosmic Prophet
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 00:18 Edited at: 22nd Sep 2010 00:20
Gencheff: When the whole thing is done. I was thinking around Ten Bucks ($10.00).

It's still not big enough for a Cosmic Pack yet.. There are a few more goodies to add in.

Braden 713: Yes there will be custom animations for some of the characters. All the flying robots are fully animated as well. I can rig the bus, so it will follow waypoints.

For my friend Heltor!
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 00:40
holy wack a mole!!
the characters look amazing!

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Zwarte Piet
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 00:46
Now this is The pack to have, I can't wait.

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henry ham
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 00:48
nice one mate its about time you made some money out of your models ,good luck with this.

cheers henry

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 00:52
Quote: "its about time you made some money out of your models"

I second that

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Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 01:01 Edited at: 22nd Sep 2010 01:12
Quote: "Anyway, I wanted your opinion, and to see if anyone would be interested in a pack like this. Take a look..."

At least 12 characters, two of which have a second variation, so let's say 14 characters + all the other stuff.

Quote: "The Wastelanders!... There will be "20" or so new characters in the pack."

I dunno, I might be interested; I'll have to give it some more thought.

Are you kidding me?
Of course we are interested, and if anyone is not, then I doubt that they are an FPSC user because that is the only thing that could explain that.

On a side note: Did you get my last email(s)?

And the guy in the leather bash hat reminds me of Cotton Hill.

And is that an insane clown posse samuri?
Whiiiiii Yaaah! [/slash]

This is by far your best pack yet, and I can't offer any suggestions to improve perfection, sorry.

Quote: "This is just a test run, so to speak, of special packs that I may sell from time to time."

I would say the test was a success then, and I'm sure the pack will be too.

Quote: "Anyway, I wanted your opinion, and ..."

Have you considered offering theses characters as singles in the store, since there are so many?
Just a thought that if the singles were offered then the pack could be priced right. (not next to free)

   Conjured Entertainment

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 01:02
Hello fallout fan games.

Looks amazing.

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 01:03
What with all the "FallOut 3 / Borderlands" stuff coming out this would make an excellent addition.

Again, give me a shout if you need any sounds.

For KeithC
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 01:13
WOW!!!! if you are telling us that all those KICK BUT models are for only 10 bucks then put me down for two! i know what mom is getting for X-MAS

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 01:17
SORRY GUYS FOR THE DOUBLE POST but i just noticed the midget i think this is the first midget for FPSC. i love it!!!!

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 01:33
Reminds me more of the models used in Van Buren(Fallout 3 by Interplay) great work. Would look kick-butt in a isometric RPG.

Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 01:45
Quote: "SORRY GUYS FOR THE DOUBLE POST but i just noticed the midget i think this is the first midget for FPSC. i love it!!!!"

Aren't we supposed to use some other term like, vertically challenged?

   Conjured Entertainment

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 01:55
BORDERLANDS!!!! way to go cosmic

Leaning Objects To The Side
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 02:05 Edited at: 22nd Sep 2010 02:08
WOW..OMG!!!Cosmic Prophet, this is your most Fantastic model pack!! I will
be buying this pack for sure!! You are a prodigy!! well worth the money plus more!! keep up the Awesome work. I hope you have a great day.

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 03:08
Oh my god Dale this looks incredible.
Definitely the best work I have witnessed from you yet. I'm so glad you are choosing to go commercial with this one, it is about time you received adequate compensation for your skills. If you need anything, give me a shout.

Check out my new model pack:
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 05:52 Edited at: 22nd Sep 2010 05:58
Quote: "And "NO", I am not going to stop giving away Free stuff."


Looks great as always. Wouldn't expect anything less - good luck with this

EDIT: Well I looked over the characters, and I brewed up some crits for 'ya.

-The females' faces don't look feminine enough. I'm no expert on faces though, so I can't help you on how to make them better.
-I think all of them should look more dirty or grungy. After all, they are in a fierce wasteland.
-On the topic of dirty, I think lower saturation for their clothes would look better.
-The anatomy is pretty good, yet the arms are really short. I know that when rigged to the FPSC skeleton, they raise up due to the default animations, but maybe if you 'pulled' them down a bit, it's look more realistic.

That's all I got, hope it helps some.

And yes. It's free
The Storyteller 01
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 06:11 Edited at: 22nd Sep 2010 06:14
Funny enough, today I watched Resident Evil: Afterlife AND continued Fallout 3 after a long, long break. While all other characters remind me of Fallout(some more of 1+2, some more of 3), the first female one is a perfect Milla Jovovic lookalike

@CP Your modelling and texturing skills have vastly improved over the years, these characters are fantastic and I'll definitely buy this pack!

In case you find my grammar and spelling weird ---> native German speaker ^^
Cosmic Prophet
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 06:34
Congratulations! That's what I was waiting for.

Storyteller, You were the first one to recognize, and find her in the mix. And make the post.

Which means you get the pack for FREE!!!

The Download link will be sent to your e-mail when it's released.

OK, There is one more. And It's not as easy. I took the shot so it would'nt be. Good luck!!!

For my friend Heltor!
Zwarte Piet
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 06:55
The clothing is very nice like Alice, but I wouldn't say a perfect Milla, Also her neck looks broken in the first pic, No Offence Cosmic.

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Cosmic Prophet
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 07:02 Edited at: 22nd Sep 2010 07:28
Though it's hard to see from the shot above, It was her face (from a photo), I used on the model.

EDIT: These below are the close-ups.

also in that shot, It looks that way due to the hair. There is another famous person in there, want to take a guess.

For my friend Heltor!
Zwarte Piet
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 07:08
I don't see it, must be the pic, I have posters of milla covering my room, as far as famous person number 2, Is it You?

"I would rather make a bad model, instead of pirate a great one" MY DAD "Now let's Make some Models"
Cosmic Prophet
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 07:23
Sorry, Try Again!

For my friend Heltor!
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 07:57
Wow its so awesome

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Daniel wright 2311
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 08:04
Quote: "There is another famous person in there, want to take a guess"

I know who it is but will not say, lets see if im right

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Braden 713
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 08:30
Quote: "I can rig the bus, so it will follow waypoints."

Oh wow, thank you so much! It's really appreciated, I was just throwing thoughts out. This is very exciting though, new characters with custom animations are always more than welcome. Can't wait to see what more lies in store, keep up the amazing work

I'm sure this is just me...but the african american fellow next to the Milla character reminded me of Michael Clarke Duncan the second I saw him


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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 08:43 Edited at: 22nd Sep 2010 08:47
It looks amazing Dale, i remember your first models, compared with this... WOW!

About the female womans, my only crit is about the atanomy, the hands are long and thin, maybe make them a little bit thicker, and maybe make the muscles more visible.

But have to say, they look so amazing. I hope i will become this good some day

I will buy this!

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 09:38
One of them looks like Patrick Swayze.
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 09:44
Maybe it's Kurt Russell "Sergeant Todd"?
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 10:43
Michael Clarke Duncan from The Green Mile I think is the second character.

Doh! Braden 713 beat me to the punch!

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The Storyteller 01
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 11:47
@Cosmic Prophet, that is very, very, VERY generous of you!

I'll have to find a way to return the favour somehow, in the meantime have one on me THANK YOU!

PS: I actually recognized the face/hairdo although it reminded me more from RE3 then from the current RE4. And the weapon set is also very "Alice"

In case you find my grammar and spelling weird ---> native German speaker ^^
Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 15:06 Edited at: 22nd Sep 2010 15:25
Quote: "There is another famous person in there, want to take a guess."

I'll guess ...

Michael Clarke Duncan, the guy from green Mile.

Quote: "Michael Clarke Duncan from The Green Mile I think is the second character.

Doh! Braden 713 beat me to the punch!"

You both beat me to it.
I guess I should have looked at your guesses before I made my guess. (I guess)

Anyway, I think you are right Braden

   Conjured Entertainment

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 15:38
... ... ...

Im not going to be able to talk for another week after looking at this thread!! HOLY COW!!! So this is why you were so quiet and were never around the forums!?! And as to the question weather I would want this...


"Straightens tie"

Of course, what I mean is that ill pay whatever amount (within my limited recourses) to have these models!

Wishing you many sales,

For KeithC
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 18:21 Edited at: 7th Oct 2010 02:59
Braden 713: Congrats!! You got it! And the first to post.

You win the second "FREE" pack. Here's the close -up.

Good job guys!!!

Everyone else will get a chance to win with each commercial release. Congratulations to the winners, The pack will be released in a few weeks or so as soon as I get the rest of the entities done. and send it to TGC.

Thanks for the comments and support my friends.

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Seth Black
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 18:41
...very nice work, Cosmic Prophet.

This looks outstanding, as usual.

Nomad Soul
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 18:54
Quote: "Braden 713: Congrats!! You got it! And the first to post. "

Huh! How were the free packs won? I missed out on this already

Anyways the pack looks totally fab and you have become quite the artist haven't you Cosmic.

It's great to see talent being developed on the forums when someone really improves their work over time and inspiring.

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 18:55
Free packs were won? I didnt even realise even though I've been doing what I hate... lurking.

No free pack for old booty

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 19:05
Sorry to put the 'boot' in but we were too slow!!

Cosmic Prophet
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 19:11 Edited at: 22nd Sep 2010 19:23
Quote: "How were the free packs won?"

It was a hidden contest of recognition, I made those two characters using popular movie stars. The first one to spot them, and post the correct observation, won the free packs.

In the spirit of my "FREE" Stuff reputation, I wanted to give away a chance to get even my commercial releases for free. Plus it gives me the chance to work your brains a bit.

So, be sure to Check out any future commercial pack previews, very carefully, for your chance to win. You never know what I'll slip in there.

Now I'll have to try and think of a harder one for the next pack. I think this one was too easy.

For my friend Heltor!
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 19:11
Heh, the first is blatantly Milla Jovovic and also nice work on making her wear the same outfit from RES 2(The Film)lol Nice work Cosmic.

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2010 19:25
wow this looks so uberawesome

its not a bug its a feature

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