Thank you Baxslash for for giving a suitable name to the thread! Now it is accurate.
Thank you too, Mr. Valentine for the comments. Well 3D is better definitely. I mean, what is the point of 2.5D fighting, in a 3D environment. It is easier to make, but it lacks freedom in movement, and well, people don't usually fight in a straight line I guess. The effects in the video are ghosted plains with animated texture.
And Chris Tate, I get that you don't like this name. Yes I see why, and I got no problem changing it if something better comes in mind eventually. I am also open to any suggestion. But at least this is better than "untitled fighting game"
Now to start showing what I did with this game.
Well I practically threw everything at side and started over again. I started with new fighters. New animations and many changes in gameplay.
In my earlier attempt I created a library of animations that all fighters could use. But all my animations were not very detailed, they were consisted of a low number of key frames, because I didn't want to overload the game with animation data. Now all fighters have unique attack animations, also more detailed and probably in better quality than before. There is still a library of common animations that they use, but mostly they have unique attacks.
latest video:
Now I wanted to make the game harder, so I changed things. First of all, I implemented a combo system that reminds the old 2d games. Players can only do combos when they are standing in very close range from each other. When they are not close enough to execute combos, they can only execute basic attacks (this is where I use the common library of animations only). Players with experience from fighting games could recognize that I use the high - low punch and kick system from the 2D Mortal Kombat games.
All fighters now have unique animations for the beginning and the end of the fight, special attacks, one Enhanced special attack, combo breakers, and a Killer move (Fatality).
I added 2 more gauges. A Rage gauge (orange) and a block gauge (blue). Rage is used in Enhanced attacks and in combo breakers. The Enhanced attack is a powerful attack and can be activated when the Rage gauge is over 75%. The more charged the Rage gauge is, more damage can be induced. Combo breakers reduce 35% the Rage gauge. This gauge is recharged during gameplay.
The block gauge is reduced while a player blocks attacks continuously. It recharges slowly. When it hits zero player can't block anything temporarily.
Now what I am planning is to make a short version of the game but in a complete, final form. 8 basic players and a final boss for this version. I still have to fix many things that I have left half complete before that. Mostly game menus, improve the AI and other important details.
I have more things to post, mostly technical stuff, that I had problems with, but I will post them tomorrow with more screenshots.