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AppGameKit Classic Chat / App Game Kit 108 Beta 11

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Posted: 20th Apr 2013 22:36
I'm getting the following errors while attempting to build the AppGameKit Player for iOS. Any ideas?


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Posted: 20th Apr 2013 23:44
Quote: "Due to the lack of information on how to use the Facebook AppGameKit commands I've not yet been able to get FaceBookPostOnMyWall to work yet, it asks me to log in then after i enter my credentials it fails to post telling me to try again later..."

When I run the command on android a dialog will pop up and you enter your message , then you can select share and it'll post on your wall. I was hoping that I could have access to fill in a pre generated message and then the user would just hit share.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 00:17 Edited at: 21st Apr 2013 00:18
Quote: "Tier 1 compile times for my game:

1076 - 38 seconds
10811 - 122 seconds"

I'm not meaning to be rude here guys, but I have to ask - how many lines of code are you compiling? My project is sitting at 2'600 at the moment, and compiling is taking about 20 seconds so by that math to take 120 seconds you would need to be around 15'500 lines of code, in which case I don't actually think 120 seconds is overly long. Are you compiling a particularly massive piece of code, because if not I would be looking more towards the machine that you are trying to compile it on, particularly since you have issues running multiple version of AGK. I've installed the last 5 versions simply by changing the folder name then renaming the shortcut, and I can jump quite happily between all of them.

I might also ask, are you using all the new functions? I actually can't compile my project in the earlier versions as it fails at the unknown commands, so I'm assuming you are not. But maybe updates to the earlier commands that fix bugs or change features are meaning the PC has to compile far more C code for what appears to be the same end result, which could well be the factor and not anything that's AGK's fault.

Just a thought.
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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 00:37
Well... it is definitely slower, but yeah 120 seconds is a bit insane. I'd be pulling my hair out. I've got around 7000 lines, but we'll say 6000 since I use a lot of whitespace and comments.
It takes me 22 seconds to compile, run and broadcast.

I use a variety of commands but no 3D, though I'm not sure it would matter.
The only thing I can complain about with the compiler is that my AppGameKit players never catch the app on the first broadcast. A minor annoyance, but would be much bigger if I had to wait 2 minutes for each compile!

Anyway back to Facebook. I figured it all out, though I am getting pretty tired of having to making new images for every single app store/platform in the world! That's not AGK's fault though... just needed to complain

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Ian Rees
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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 01:01
Quote: "I'm not meaning to be rude here guys, but I have to ask - how many lines of code are you compiling? My project is sitting at 2'600 at the moment, and compiling is taking about 20 seconds so by that math to take 120 seconds you would need to be around 15'500 lines of code, in which case I don't actually think 120 seconds is overly long. Are you compiling a particularly massive piece of code, because if not I would be looking more towards the machine that you are trying to compile it on, particularly since you have issues running multiple version of AGK. I've installed the last 5 versions simply by changing the folder name then renaming the shortcut, and I can jump quite happily between all of them.

About 14,000 lines of code. I have no trouble running multiple versions of AppGameKit, I have 1076 and 10811 installed and I am using both versions.

Quote: "I might also ask, are you using all the new functions? I actually can't compile my project in the earlier versions as it fails at the unknown commands, so I'm assuming you are not. But maybe updates to the earlier commands that fix bugs or change features are meaning the PC has to compile far more C code for what appears to be the same end result, which could well be the factor and not anything that's AGK's fault."

I'm not using any of the 3D commands. However 3 times longer to compile is huge. I accept that it's a big project but 2 minutes to compile is a long time - I might as well make a cup of tea while I'm waiting.

Paul has already stated that it's a known issue that him and Lee will look into:

Quote: "This is a known issue from the work done to make it compatible with Freedom Engine, Lee and I have talked about it and we will be improving it in the future."

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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 01:08
There must be some sort of big hang up after 10,000 lines or something. Do you have your program split up in to multiple files or one big one?
I'm just curious because I might be getting close!

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Ian Rees
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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 01:12
Quote: "There must be some sort of big hang up after 10,000 lines or something."


Quote: "Do you have your program split up in to multiple files or one big one?
I'm just curious because I might be getting close!"

Yes, the code is split over 20 files.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 02:18
Quote: "The only thing I can complain about with the compiler is that my AppGameKit players never catch the app on the first broadcast. A minor annoyance, but would be much bigger if I had to wait 2 minutes for each compile!"

It is crazy annoying that the AppGameKit IDE does not allow us to broadcast without recompiling each time! The IDE gives us the option to compile (F4), or run (CTRL+F5), but to do any broadcasting at all we are forced to recompile every time even if nothing in the app has changed. Many times I've needed to re-run the app from the start, through the player on the device, and am forced to wait for it to compile every single time. A gross oversight that really should be corrected.
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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 03:08
I submitted it as an enhancement request... though I've probably used up all of my enhancement request chips

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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 04:27
Quote: "I've got around 7000 lines, but we'll say 6000 since I use a lot of whitespace and comments."

I wrote a simple line counter in DBPro that works with AppGameKit as well. It'll count all lines ignoring comments and whitespace. I wrote it for myself so I don't care if no one else wants to use it but I thought you might be interested.


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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 04:34
I'm getting a ton of LNK2001 errors on 108v11 native vs2010 code when compiling the "Core" example:


can anyone help me?
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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 04:44
Neat, thanks Clonkex. I've snagged it as it may come in useful sometime!

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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 10:41 Edited at: 21st Apr 2013 10:47
Not sure if this is an error or just me not being fully awake yet, but there seems to be a problem with the opening of includes: not all the files I've added to my project are being displayed as tabs above the main window. (see screenshot). They do compile however.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 11:10
just add the files again to to projekt/ide/workspace.
maybe the ide was crashed and the workspace was not saved.
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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 11:31 Edited at: 21st Apr 2013 11:38
I did that, but alas: they won't open on start. Weird

Here's a picture of the main .CBP-file. You can see it doesn't seem to include the "2dfunctions.agc" and "3dfunctions.agc"-files, while the other ones are being listed.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 11:44
Ah, well.. quick solution:

I've created new (empty) files as addons to the main project and copy-pasted the code from the original files into them. Seems to be working now.
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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 13:17
it should work also with the context menu addfiles, right click
over project in tree.
Digital Awakening
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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 14:01
You need to add the file to the project. Normally when you create a new file the IDE will ask if you want to add it to the project.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 14:29
Has the "interpreter_appup" template been updated?

When I try and re-build it in VSE2010 is fails stating:

Quote: "1>..\interpreter\Core.cpp(14): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'atlimage.h': No such file or directory

and if i comment out atlimage.h I get:

Quote: "1>..\interpreter\interpreter.rc(10): fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'."

This is the first time I've followed the Tier1 guide for publishing via AppUp and I have just installed R108B11

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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 18:11
@Ched -
I couldn't really follow the AppUp interpreter instructions myself. You might be able to go through and find each of those files from another directory.

Or it might be a lot easier to package your MSI using Mr_d's MiniMSIMaker.

Under Method 3 you will find the simplest instructions on how to make and sign an MSI package for distribution on AppUp.

If you get stuck feel free to give a shout out on the Windows subthread and I'll help however I can. I should be around most of the day today.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 18:55
Ched80, the first v10810 VS2010 templates had problems with some of the files having includes that you pointed out. Neither of the 'missing' include files is actually needed.

Edit the Core.cpp file in the project (probably under 'AGK-KeepOut') and comment out or delete line 14 that includes atlimage.h.

And edit the .rc file to remove references to afxres.h.

Then, make sure that atls.lig and atlsd.lib are listed in the project properties (right click on the project name) in the Configuration Properties->Linker->Input->Ignore Specific Default Libraries.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 19:26
Cheers Naphier & Ancient Lady

I commented out the core and .rc lines, but I now get this:

Quote: "1>..\interpreter\interpreter.rc(20): error RC2144: PRIMARY LANGUAGE ID not a number
1>..\interpreter\interpreter.rc(57): error RC2135: file not found: 104
1>..\interpreter\interpreter.rc(72): error RC2135: file not found: "INTERPRETER.ICO""

Cheers for the link Naphier I'm trying this route too.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 19:34
I don't know if the .rc file is actually needed.

But, you can fix the last two errors by creating an interpreter.ico file (or if you have one for your app and it is in the project directory, change the name on line 57 to your file).

And the first error can probably be cleared by commenting out/removing lines 18-22, since they both deal exclusively with the afx stuff (it looks like that anyway).

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Posted: 21st Apr 2013 23:51
Quote: "This header is a part of the MFC Library. VS Express edition doesn't contain MFC. If your project doesn't use MFC you can safely replace afxres.h with windows.h in your terrain2.rc."

I found this on when I googled "afxres.h missing".
It might be a safer option than commenting out afxres.h

I'm curious to know:
What is the advantage to building the AppUp interpreter vs just using the EXE that the IDE compiles?
It seems like it is filled with issues.
Maybe it'll be better with the stable release.

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 00:49 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2013 01:03
Is anyone else having issues with SetOrrientationAllowed?

It was working fine on my old project no problem, but now I've started a new project to work out a new procedure before merging it into the bigger one, and it's giving very odd results. My project is fixed to landscape so is calling
right at the start. Under my old project (even now) if I send it to my phone I'm holding it portrait, the screen rotates to landscape. But the new project is rotating itself on the screen while it's in portrait meaning it's tiny and sideways. Turning the phone doesn't rectify the issue (picture it being held landscape, but the entire screen being squeezed into an upright version). If I'm holding it landscape when I braodcast (i.e. so the player is landscape) everything seems fine. My concern is if an eclipse built project would suffer this on opening as it seems a new issue. I've tried uninstalling the player and downloading again, same issue.

Can anyone else confirm?


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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 00:51
Do this for your build:

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 01:09
Quote: "What is the advantage to building the AppUp interpreter vs just using the EXE that the IDE compiles?"

I believe the AppUp interpreter for Tier 1 Windows is meant for when you are publishing to AppUp. I think it is supposed to package it the way the AppUp store works.

For simple testing, you just use the exe from the AppGameKit IDE. The exe actually is identical for every and all Tier 1 apps, it is the byte code file that actually has the app specific code in it.

Were you trying to use the AppUp interpreter for testing or production?

Personally, I plan to not publish in Windows because there is no way to 'hide' or encapsulate all of the media and input files when the app is distributed. And this applies to both Tiers.

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 01:13

Superb, thanks for that - I noticed it in the manifest before but don;t know enough to play around with that. Still curious as to why I don't have to do that for my full older project, but the new one I do. I actually still have differenes in the old one, it started many moons ago under a much, much earlier AppGameKit, and when it's loaded I just press the "Run" button and it saves, compiles and runs the newest code. Any new projects however I must manually compile first. Odd.

I'm assuming the old IDE had some other settings that are removed but still actioned hidden in the project, but I actually prefer the one stop method. It's very frustrating playing a big project, going through numerous steps to get to the part you are working on, then realizing you forgot to press compile and it's the out of date build! Lol.
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 03:05
@Santman - my older app didn't need the manifest changed either... this bug snuck up on me after I released my game, which was sort of embarrassing.

@Ancient Lady -
Yeah I think you're right, but I was hoping there was more of an advantage to using the interpreter. I published dFenz to AppUp (though it was rejected because AppGameKit won't play MP4 video on Windows for some odd reason). I haven't cared about protecting my assets for dFenz though.

If you publish to Android it is also extremely easy to copy the APK from your device and simple open it up with WinRAR. Then all of your assets are right there. I imagine it is only slightly harder to do this with an IPA.

So hopefully TGC will help us with a ZIP command that allows us to password protect the ZIP file OR give us something that will encrypt our media. I know I voted for it on the survey. But if those files unZip to a working directory you'd have to delete them every time.

Now that memblocks are here you can write your own encryption. I did this with DB and I'm sure the algorithm still holds, though I'd loosely call what I did encryption. It was simply shuffling the data in the files a couple of times, but I imagine it would be quite effective.

It seems many devs aren't overly concerned with asset protection. Search your Android for their APKs and you'll see. Most of them don't even try to obfuscate...

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 04:13
I'm certainly not concerned with data protection. In fact it's one thing I hate about modern devs, is that they restrict EVERYTHING: no LAN, no mods, no offline singleplayer...I mean, what is the world coming to? Games used to be made because the developers wanted to play games, not because the publishers want more money...

One of my favourite games of all time is Sauerbraten. I don't know why I'm saying this...


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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 05:36
I'm not worried about restricting anyone. And only a little paranoid about assets (I would not want the main character in my WIP showing up elsewhere without my permission).

I just don't want them trying to 'cheat' a game by editing a level file (which are all in binary, but someone might be able to figure out how to hack them).

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 07:32
Quote: "And only a little paranoid about assets (I would not want the main character in my WIP showing up elsewhere without my permission)."

Ah well, even I feel like that sometimes.

Quote: "I just don't want them trying to 'cheat' a game by editing a level file (which are all in binary, but someone might be able to figure out how to hack them)."

Now that I can understand. And I agree, encryption would be very useful in that respect. However for the time being it would be very easy to create your own encryption code; you wouldn't even need to use memblocks. Have a look at this and this for help.


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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 08:50
I completely agree with Ancient Lady. I want media protection so people don't use my media elsewhere and they don't alter the levels. If you want to do online highscores then you don't want people altering the levels. And regarding the media, you may run into people not wanting to help you or you cannot use some royalty free media you purchase.

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 09:09
Quote: "If you want to do online highscores then you don't want people altering the levels."

Hadn't thought of that. Now I'm completely sold on the importance of game data encryption.


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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 10:28
Something I have done many times is to store sensitive data and DLLs in the resource file. At run time you extract them from the resource into a temporary folder, use them, and then delete them at program close down.

Alternatively (or also) some very simple encryption will defeat 99% of users wanting to rip off your sound or graphics.

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 11:11 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2013 13:37
@digital awakening

Have you considered a sim city style always online requirement? In my storybook app, the premise works like a game: media files with a data file that tells the player what to do (your level). All were originally together, but I altered the latest version so that the app must be online, and this datafile is never present, but instead sent to the app when needed, so it's never anywhere other than active ram. I know the argument will be that it will alienate people to need a connection, but not really if they want to store an online profile such as high scores... They'd need to be online anyway. This could be adapted to just leave small amounts of data missing from a stored level perhaps, so the download time and bandwidth are insignificant.

Just a thought.
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 11:55 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2013 12:12
Quote: "Have you considered a simple city style always online requirement?"

Arg no! I would not buy any game that required an always-on connection! Not everyone HAS always-on connections!

Ah well you can do that if you want ...just make sure you note in the description that buyers will need a constant internet connection to play or you will have angry customers


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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 13:32 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2013 13:34

Wow, some strong feelings on that one then. Lol. We are primarily talking about mobile devices, I'm not thinking always on net is an issue, be it a tablet in your home or a mobile data network. Bear in mind, no one could submit a high score without a net connection and will have had to download it in the first place, which was why I tried it.... It would indeed be easy to steal the files from my app but this renders them useless. it also means I can change them as and when I wish without the need to update the app itself, which could be of HUGE benefit in game levels.

Anyway, was just a thought into the mix. It's obviously not going to be for everyone, but with skidrow cracking more and more android games to circumvent in app currencies etc, the only way to ever prevent this is to not have the data stored at all. Given that all reports suggest the Xbox 720 will need an always on net connection, and that by 2015 95% of homes are supposed to have access to broadband (see if that happens!) I suspect that will very rapid become the norm. How many pirated versions of sim city are there? None... No other game has managed that, and it's sales soared above what was anticipated.
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 15:59
Quote: "Not everyone HAS always-on connections!"

This is why my WIP (almost done) asks if the user wants to upload game scores when the game is done (but not lost).

And, the first time someone plays it, they need to enter a user name. This is sent to my site server. If the player exists and is either reinstalling or installing on another device, their existing scores are downloaded and stored locally. Otherwise they are just added to the game. If an internet connection is not available, they are notified of this and then play as guest. And the game tries to connect again when they start it up the next time.

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 16:06
I think you'll find that many people have very strong feelings about always on connections. Not only will you have to worry that they always have a connection (which becomes an issue on airplane, subways, and in many many parts of the US). You'll also have to be concerned with connection error issues. The latest debacle with XBox 720's always online feature should be indication enough that the gaming population in general is not ready for this (nor is technology). If you want to emulate SimCity's issues then...well... all the power to you! Take a look at what EA's sales will be on their next game.

I still think it is a cool idea to allow your game to download new level data from a server, but it is dangerous to require it. Besides with many devices your app will continue to stay loaded in the background, so if a user escapes while playing they can simply look for the files that your program has yet to erase.

For files like this you should seriously consider encryption. The links above that Clonkex gave are excellent resources. You can hardcode your key and alter it with every update if you wish.

Unfortunately the method of extracting assets to a working directory is also subject to similar issues of the user being able to simply pause the program and look for the assets. I think any halfway decent hacker would think of this, but it would be some deterrent. Another issue is that load times are already slow on many devices, adding extraction to that might slow down your load times immensely. Also, this won't work for files that save user data since on most devices you'll need root access to write to the app's directory.

The way I see it is either you care very little about protecting your game's assets, though you'll still want some form of protection if using currency OR you use some form of encryption. I prefer a mixture of encryption and obfuscation. They're both easier than they sound and typically pretty fast.

Final thought: If someone like skidrow wants to crack your encryption then they will. I'm sure that AAA games have spent ungodly sums of money to come up with the best encryption methods in the world. I'd be more concerned that someone like Zynga is going to simply clone your game.

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 16:13
@Naphier - I agree. But if the assets are encrypted, who cares?

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 16:27
Quote: "Also, this won't work for files that save user data since on most devices you'll need root access to write to the app's directory."

AGK has no issues with this. It is well behaved and writes files only to the correct app sandbox area (different for every platform).

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 16:45 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2013 16:52
Quote: "it also means I can change them as and when I wish without the need to update the app itself, which could be of HUGE benefit in game levels."

I don't know where you live, but in Australia mobile data costs a fortune. Unless you live in Sydney or Melbourne the mobile coverage is pretty useless, too.

Quote: "I'm sure that AAA games have spent ungodly sums of money to come up with the best encryption methods in the world."

And yet Skidrow cracks every AAA out there, so if a good hacker really wants to crack your game, there's nothing you can do about it.

Ah well I don't care. I simply won't buy your game.

Quote: "This is why my WIP (almost done)"

WIP? Do you have a WIP thread? I'd like to see what our faithful community tester is achieving with AppGameKit

EDIT: Another useful encryption algorithm, one that's tough, royalty free and very efficient:


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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 17:26

That wouldn't apply as the data is never written or stored anywhere, it's sent as a message and read directly into memory. So unless agk is storing it's arrays in a temp file or something the op way to get the data would be to scan the processes memory and pull it manual, but the way it's stored I'm pretty confident this word be nigh on impossible, and each and every file is completely different in size and content. Of course, if I got to the stage where a major hacker considered my app worth the bother I'd actually probably be quite happy. Lol.

100% agree on the zynga thing though, and a few others like big fish.

I second that, I'd be very interested to see your wip too.

Nope, I live in the UK, so our nets not the best, but even a large array sent as a network message is quick, fairly small, and the best part..... It's net code is all done in the background, so I request the data, load physical assets, then check for the response.

But as you say, the choice to buy a game or not is the users, but I wonder how many games make money from sales over iaps. Either way, it's all preference but I'll heed your advice about the warning in the description.
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 18:18 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2013 18:19
Quote: "Do you have a WIP thread?"

Nope. There have been hints in some places. But, on advice from my main advisor (aka my husband), we have not made the game play concept public. It isn't horribly unique in my opinion. But he thinks it is.

But you can get an idea by looking at the site that will be hosting the leader board (which is already available). Since I anticipate at least one more game and possible sequels to this first one, the site is set up for potentially as many games as I want. (I am Triassic Associates, Inc.)

I am in the final stages of building the levels and tweaking some graphics.

The first version will come out without the Facebook link because v10811 doesn't seem to do depth handling the way v1076 does and my game is messed up when compiled with v10811 (all platforms).

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2013 21:57 Edited at: 26th Apr 2013 08:33
the new SetIntendedDeviceSize make trouble with
SetSpriteAnimation, at android i see 4 pics and not 1.
edit: solution is SetSpriteAnimation + getimagewidth()/X getimageheight()/X
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2013 03:15
Quote: "aka my husband"

?!?!?!?!? You really ARE a lady?! I just assumed... lol that's so weird

lol it's ok I'm cool with that now

Quote: "It isn't horribly unique in my opinion."

No, it's definitely not. It can seem unique sometimes but that's only because you don't notice the lack of a WIP thread.

Now to go hang a door...


Ancient Lady
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2013 21:44
Just to add to the fun, the same basic iOS Template that works just fine on my iPad 2 w/iOS 6.1 crashes on my iPod Touch w/iOS 5.1.

And I do have the Deployment Target set to 4.3 and only have armv7 for the architecture.

It happens in Thread 1 - dyld_fatal_error

The green arrow tabby thing says: EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=EXC_ARM_BREAKPOINT, subcode=0xe7ffdefe)

Under Thread 1 in the process list (I guess that what it is), it shows that the dyld_fatal_error occurred after "dyldbootstrap::start(macho_header const*,int,char const**,long,macho_header const*)".

The app crashes to a paused state with all the errors above.

This is not good at all.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 25th Apr 2013 22:10
I had similar problems.
AGK works fine on ios6 but has problem on ios5
Paul Johnston
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Posted: 25th Apr 2013 22:45
I've tested the template_ios project on an iPad 1 running 5.1.1 and didn't see any problems. Maybe there is something about the iPod touch that is causing a problem. What generation iPod touch is it?

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