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Geek Culture / TGC beta forums - closed until further notice

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Posted: 21st Dec 2013 13:30 Edited at: 21st Dec 2013 13:32
Quote: "I'm sure someone will want my head when the changes go live"

A total of Everyone - Everyone with a grand total of Everyone and No-One so you should be ok I guess

Would be epic if HTML5 video tags were enabled somehow with external media content files for MP4

Reason being, I just am completely tired of YouTube... and prefer to host up my own video files, I might even be happy to host up the ability for users to upload their own files with complete control over deletion too... hmm... I also have the ability to encode for improved web playback of HD files...



Tired Tired, Typo Typo...

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Posted: 21st Dec 2013 13:40 Edited at: 21st Dec 2013 13:42
MrValentine it would be nice to get some HTML5 video tags to allow users to do that. However the issue is at the moment the HTML5 video tag requires more than one format of the file to work on all browsers and not all users will know this causing forum videos to work for some and not others.

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Posted: 21st Dec 2013 15:39
Most browsers now support MP4, IE10+11 GC, FF, OP, SF but I understand... however I think majority of users will be able to support MP4 if not we can link to the file for them to click and download... ah thinking about it again... Poster Frame too... might be a bit too complex for the basic code blocks on here...

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 21st Dec 2013 17:09 Edited at: 22nd Dec 2013 00:31
The new shade of blue for unread posts is very tricky to distinguish from the grey on my iMac screen. It needs to be just *barely* darker. Or darken the grey a tad bit more, that would probably help everything to feel a lot less white, too!

EDIT: Not intended to sound racist...

EDIT 2: Dang autocorrect... you don't belong on a fully functional computer!

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2013 11:21 Edited at: 22nd Dec 2013 11:22
Can you add AppGameKit to the code tags language?

code lang=agk]

I'll even create the language file for you if just show the format it needs to be in.

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2013 01:04
On the subject of the code tags, can you also see why it will sometimes double the indentation for pasted code? I follow the typical 4-space indentation rule, but when I post code, it will sometimes turn out like this:

Why does it double the indentation?

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2013 20:44
I will be redoing the code blocks after the beta forum is made live.

On another topic the new search system for users and threads is now live on the beta site, the Posts search is coming soon.

The system will also be able to show paged results soon.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2013 14:15
Sweet! can we get these implemented too ?

Just kidding

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Posted: 26th Dec 2013 13:13 Edited at: 26th Dec 2013 13:18
I prefer the new toned-down background colour for posts but the thread highlights are still bleh! I tested out some different colours and took a screenshot. Yellow is new thread, green is new sticky. The frame background being such a neutral grey just made it clash with everything so I changed that to the same blue as the table heading. I also got rid of the borders and instead separated each thread with a margin-bottom; I personally prefer this look as it looks more "modern" -- maybe 2px is a bit big of a margin though.

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Posted: 26th Dec 2013 13:59
In my opinion, the light green / yellow combination is difficult to differentiate between, and I'm not color blind!

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Posted: 26th Dec 2013 14:20
Quote: "In my opinion, the light green / yellow combination is difficult to differentiate between, and I'm not color blind!"

Err... I think you might be. They are quite different. They are both signalling new posts anyway, one is for stickies one is for regular threads. I'm not sure why stickies need a special colour.

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Posted: 26th Dec 2013 14:36
Quote: "Err... I think you might be"

Wow, an online optometrist! You must make a fortune online! lol (that was sarcasm by the way.)

I'm definitely not color blind, but those colors are quite similar.

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 26th Dec 2013 16:09
I agree with Mobiius, they are very similar colors. After a few extra seconds of looking I can distinguish between them, but at the first glance they are almost identical (stupid brain playing tricks on me!).

I do like your idea for using margins as borders, though!

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Posted: 27th Dec 2013 00:04
Quote: "but the thread highlights are still bleh!"

I love how they are right now ._.'

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Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 27th Dec 2013 00:27
Those shades of light green and light yellow are VERY different; you guys must have very bad monitors. :/

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Posted: 27th Dec 2013 01:41
As you have just seen it is very hard to find colours everyone will like. It is even harder to make them look the same on all displays.

I have a screen known for its colour accuracy and I can say for certain they are very different colours but they are ones that get easily distorted across different LCD displays so are in general a bad idea.

Using yellow is a bad idea anyway as it is hated by many when used over large areas and causes eye strain for extended use, a bit like white.

The reason I like blues is many users agree they are easy on the eyes and can be easily distinguished between their shades.

I do like your border idea and I may change that when I am back at my desktop to see users reactions.

As for the colours they are currently on what the old forum uses for highlighted threads and no one has ever raised complaints but I think a few tweaks are in order.

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Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 27th Dec 2013 02:57
Indeed. The colors that you have on here right now look quite nice, at least to me.

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 27th Dec 2013 04:31

I have an iMac. Arguably one of the better screens out there.

I said at first glance, they appeared to be similar, but after a couple of extra seconds I could make the differences out - what doesn't help is that there's an unread thread right in the middle, and what's happening is an optical illusion - both colors appear to be the same for just a moment!

But I like the colors The Next has implemented now.

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Posted: 27th Dec 2013 06:10
Maybe it would help to have some other indicator of unread posts too? I had a lot of trouble telling the old blue and grey apart.

Pretty sure TheNext has changed the colours since I last posted, they look lighter anyway.
Here is another idea, I rounded the top corners to make them each thread look like a T-card.

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Posted: 27th Dec 2013 19:04 Edited at: 27th Dec 2013 19:06
On Macbook Pro, those colours are very very different... (From the discussion above)

Edit: But upon tilting my monitor so that I'm looking directly at it, I can see why people are saying they're similar.

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Posted: 27th Dec 2013 20:40

This is much better. As mentioned, I don't kike large areas of light colours as it hurts my eyes. But this image looks good. (Even like the rounded edges!)

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Posted: 27th Dec 2013 21:01
Just released a few updates to the theme let me know comments on the changes that have been put in place.

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Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 27th Dec 2013 22:40 Edited at: 27th Dec 2013 22:41
Comments? I'm not sure if this is new, but the area at the bottom of a thread and above the message box looks a little funny, because the buttons are blending in with the bottom of the thread body, and the light blue buttons in general seem to clash a little. It's not bad, but a minor issue. Personally, I'd prefer to see a little more depth to the UI elements, but other than that things look great right now.


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Posted: 27th Dec 2013 23:17
Dark Java Dude 64 what browser are you using that is not what I see on my end.

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Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 27th Dec 2013 23:52 Edited at: 28th Dec 2013 02:06
I've got Chrome here, it appears to be updated as well. Using a 1080p screen, although I'm not sure that would affect it or not.

Ah, using fully updated Chrome on my 1600x900 desktop does this as well, so I'm not sure.

On my 1080p laptop, I have Windows 8 but I'm using the regular Windows 7 version of Chrome, and I have Windows 7 on my desktop. I tried the website on both Firefox and Internet Explorer with my desktop as well; same issue.[s][/s]

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Posted: 28th Dec 2013 02:20
I have the same issue with the buttons at the bottom and something similar with the ones at the top. The "post" button is placed just below the "previous". Im using Iceweasel on steam OS (which is a linux version of firefox)

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Posted: 30th Dec 2013 20:28
Quote: "I will be redoing the code blocks after the beta forum is made live."

Awww, I spent a lot of time on the code blocks stuff

Just kidding, I'm not offended in the slightest!

Here's a wild question on the theme colour crisis we seem to be having. Would it be possible for users to tweak their own colour settings? You'd have to set up a new table for users to store their preferences, but if you gave a bunch of themes and then let the users tweak their own 'custom' theme to suit their tastes, then you wouldn't have to worry about colour-blindness, screen differences, personal tastes etc.

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Posted: 30th Dec 2013 22:05
Yea that's what I suggested a while back but no one noticed. It's a great idea is it not?

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Posted: 31st Dec 2013 00:52
The existing forum has several themes to choose from, so why not the new one!

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Posted: 31st Dec 2013 01:28
I think a bunch of optional themes are planned for this site and just not implemented yet. It would be cool if people could choose all of the colors though; like the colors of borders, buttons, new posts highlights, etc etc. With a few good looking presets too, of course.

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Posted: 31st Dec 2013 12:43
The plan all along was to get the forums to have a few preset themes like the current forum does.

It would be nice to have a custom colour system in place but it is one of those changes that would be an extra to be added after some of the more important and more requested changes are made as there are many. It is not a very technically hard thing to add to the code so may be one I code when I have a spare moment one evening.

I am planning on making a min of 5 different themes to begin with and anyone that wants to upload versions of the css files, for consideration as a theme may do so.

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Posted: 31st Dec 2013 18:25 Edited at: 31st Dec 2013 20:34
Beta forum now supports




  • list
  • items

used like this

and don't forget the new quote blocks

The Next wrote: "Test new named quote"

Quote: "Test old quote"

used like this

And now even more changes

the youtube tag has been depreciated and replaced by

we also have

and finally the mp4 tag for HTML5 playback

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Posted: 1st Jan 2014 02:11 Edited at: 1st Jan 2014 02:12
There seems to be some issues with the new colours.
My post only shows the text of the colour, not any of the text that I actually wrote.

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Posted: 1st Jan 2014 02:20
So there is that will be an issue with my new reg expression I wrote I can't believe I missed that its such an obvious issue.

Thanks for pointing it out to me I will patch tomorrow morning I am already off the PC for the night to see the new year in.

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Posted: 1st Jan 2014 11:20
Seeing as you can now assign a quote to a user, would it make sense to have a quote button under a post?

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Posted: 1st Jan 2014 11:47 Edited at: 1st Jan 2014 11:58
Could you make it so that the button tags are inserted at the cursor location rather than at the end of the text?



Formerly OBese87.
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Posted: 1st Jan 2014 18:10
Quote: "Could you make it so that the button tags are inserted at the cursor location rather than at the end of the text?"

I second that

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2014 14:26
Quote: "Seeing as you can now assign a quote to a user, would it make sense to have a quote button under a post?"

A method similar to this will be added soon.

Quote: "Could you make it so that the button tags are inserted at the cursor location rather than at the end of the text?"

The beta forum now has this ability, it is still being tested though and I have only run tests on Chrome so far so please report any bugs.

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2014 15:19
The new code snippets have been started the spacing issues should now be fixed. There is also a select all option and the code snippet boxes are now scrollable after a certain length to save room in posts.

These code snippets will be different from spoiler blocks that I will be adding in shortly.

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2014 15:35 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2014 16:28
As promised the new spoiler tag has been added.

This text would spoil
this wouldn't though.

Not very hard to work out how to use but I am adding the button now.

The browser compatibility of this is good but may not work in IE7 as nicely so I will have to find a fix for that but the forum layout as a whole can mess up in IE7 so I will have to do some fixes for that browser for those unfortunate souls still using it.

The best part you can spoil more than just text.

Seems even videos work

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2014 17:12
Am I right in saying that it doesn't work on the non-beta version of the forum? If so, (and if that isn't something you're gonna fix) it'd probably be best if people avoided using that tag for hiding actual spoilers for now

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2014 17:14
The spoiler tag is being added to the old forum now as this is tag that we will need working to test.

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2014 17:33
It doesn't seem spoil videos in Chrome. Without mouse overing it, I see Rick Astley. (No way in hell am I going to click on it! lol)

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2014 17:44
Added to the old forum now.

Quote: "It doesn't seem spoil videos in Chrome."

Strange it does for me are you using the flash version of youtube? or HTML5 you can tell by right clicking on the video and seeing if you get the "About Flash" option.

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2014 19:33
It appears to be the flash option.

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2014 20:50
For me the video spoiler flicker when holding the mouse over it. Im using Iceweasel (Firefox 26) on steam OS

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2014 20:52 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2014 20:54


What are the top two? why is the list not showing?

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2014 20:55 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2014 20:56
Because you formatted wrong.

Like this

The items [*] Go inside the [ list ] tags

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2014 20:56
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

OH, maybe group them in the bar?

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2014 21:16 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2014 21:54
  • The top div that holds the 'previous', 'top', 'home' and 'post' buttons is too narrow, 'post gets pushed to a second line. The duplicate div at the bottom is 270px wide but the top is only 260px. Same problem with the bottom 'search'/'next' div, it's too narrow to fit both on the same line, I added 6px to the width.
  • Have you considered changing these divs to a single floating bar? I did that with my custom theme for the old forum and it was great to be able to navigate so quickly. Maybe you could do one of those fancy bars that has a fixed position until you scroll past it and then it follows you like a creep, they are apparently all the rage right now.
  • Why have square brackets on the tag insert buttons?
  • I like the sub-menus for things that have options like code languages, how about one of those for lists that just has a button for "add list item"? Or just change '*' to 'list item'.
  • Why isn't the post message box the same width as the rest of the page? Why isn't it styled the same way?
  • How about having a 'size' tag that we can specify a text size? Having a choice between four sizes, each with its own tag, is a bit odd to me.
  • Not sure if this one is an issue or not but when I zoom in, so that the horizontal scrollbar appears, and scroll to the side the banner and stuff doesn't fill the hidden part of the page when you scroll to it.

That's all the minor things I've noticed so far.


The section marker above was done with this code:

Side-note for when you add syntax highlighting to code snippets: "//" was never added as a remark in the dbp syntax highlighting but it is a valid remark in dbp, that has bugged me for a while now.

[color=#aa2aaa]Can we use hex/oct/rgb values for text colour?[/color]

Valentine wrote: "OH, maybe group them in the bar?"

Do you mean the same thing I said?: I like the sub-menus for things that have options like code languages, how about one of those for lists that just has a button for "add list item"?

Formerly OBese87.

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