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3 Dimensional Chat / Face of Beauty contest - WIP thread

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2006 01:59 Edited at: 3rd Jan 2006 02:00
Might be my entry... who knows... Since it's on till Friday may be time to whip another face out....

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2006 11:55
Sweet texturing dude, with texturing like that you might win

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Insanity Complex
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2006 15:22
Quote: "Sounds like several users..."

That was the point.

Quote: "Awww thank you, but I've made enough 'I'm gay' comments on forums today, one more would be too many, sorry, people will start thinking things lol (they prolly already do)

Lol, it's all good. They should know we're just kidding around, and if they don't, that's their slice of insecurity to deal with.

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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2006 17:40
Well there was a time my parents asked me if I was gay, lol, so I kinda stop playing around, well cut it down a bit

Quote: "and if they don't, that's their slice of insecurity to deal with. "

Not to mention it makes it more fun, so we can play with them

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2006 23:40
Quote: "Not to mention it makes it more fun, so we can play with them"

Ignorance is bliss especially when it can be twisted and conformed to be amuzing

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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 4th Jan 2006 01:09
Indeed, thats why I love chavs (but hate them at the same time) just play with their ignorance, I hate chavs soo much....

I've worked more on this head, but don't want to post an update just yet

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Cian Rice
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Posted: 4th Jan 2006 01:45
Quote: "Sweet texturing dude, with texturing like that you might win"


I'm sorry but it was not something that I could easily resist saying.

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 4th Jan 2006 01:47
Well where is lady Harold Pundil then? You gotta be quick dude nearly over

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Cian Rice
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Posted: 4th Jan 2006 01:49

Last page silly.

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Posted: 4th Jan 2006 04:28
Hello to everyone .

As i tolled i am working in a 3d programming company and aldo i`m not a moddeler there , i sneak up sometimes and make something in max. Anyways my collegue from work (my best friend as well) is a 3d modeler there , and he made this really nice face i aked him if i could post a picture here , and he agreed (he also has this picture - and a model(I THINK) posted on he`s website as well.

Ok here it is : (it`s for an intro in an game)

Insanity Complex
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Posted: 4th Jan 2006 15:00
It's pretty, hes very good -under heavy construction.
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 4th Jan 2006 16:20
Update on mine dudes

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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 4th Jan 2006 16:26
Sorry for the double post

@Dodic, I am afraid that is NOT allowed to count as an entry, as A- it is cheating and B- What is the point of entering other people's work when the purpose of this challenge is to learn and get praise by learning, and modelling to aim for something really.

And well, I will count this as an attempt to cheat, to only make it fair. The rule for cheating, is that the next challenge you enter will not be valid, which another user (DBMad) attempted cheating once (actually it was in the last challenge) and got the same treatment.

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Posted: 4th Jan 2006 17:23
This is not an ENTRY , i just wanted to show how it CAN be done , my entry will come soon (much worse...) , so that is NOT an entry ,

ok ?

i never sad it was an entry , i just sad i wanted to post a pic of it.

And whatever you say man , it`s cool with me , you`r cool for me ! worries , enjoy !

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Posted: 4th Jan 2006 17:25
looking great Sep..... If you finish I may have to concede....
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Posted: 4th Jan 2006 17:27
sorry for the double post , too

What is the price anyways , has this challenge one ?

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Posted: 4th Jan 2006 22:51
the prize(?) is glory

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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 00:08
Quote: "looking great Sep..... If you finish I may have to concede...."

No conceding, I think you have done really well, and have a good chance of winning, your texturing is superior to mine, and you are improving at a faster rate, that counts for votes .

@Dodic, sorry I misread your post, then it doesn't count as cheating, I was a bit rushed, it was my brother's birthday today, so I went to socialise with him and our mates.

The prize however is really self satisfaction, my intention for making this challenge/compo was to get people motivated in modelling and improving themselves...Plus the winner gets to name the theme of the next challeng and their own set of rules, as long as I approve of them to avoid anything stupid.
Oh and you could say glory

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Insanity Complex
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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 00:34
I hope the next compo is inorganic... -under heavy construction.
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 00:36
Well you better win then

Nah, just have to hope what the winner chooses isn't organic, I mean I will think of something easy that no one can be superior at really. (And is non organic ) But that depends if I win

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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 00:39
It's hard to model organics without vert by vert support I've found... -under heavy construction.
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 00:41
Indeed it is Which is why I always used to find it difficult

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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 01:01
Ok , soon my PATETIC post is comming , i`m not a good modeler , but anyone can post anything , were they good or bad , right ?

Insanity Complex
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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 01:13
You could post a textured flat square as a face wip, but it wouldnt win. lol, but you can post whatever you want as long as it pertains to the compo topic I imagine. -under heavy construction.
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 01:24
Quote: "soon my PATETIC post is comming "

I think I've only ever called sarcastic 3D work pathetic, anything else, I would never have the intention of calling pathetic, or thinking it was pathetic, so don't put it down, try not to compare yourself or stand above, just do your best
Plus I'm sure its not pathetic. Not as pathetic as my first character model, I'll try to recreate it for you

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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 02:27
Thank`s for cheerable comments , it`s just that i gett cheerable comment from one guy , and very unfriednly from another , that confusez my appinion about everything here...

Ok , soon i`l posting the picture - i made a simple face shape , and now adding eyes and everything..

No , wait i`l post it now just for you too see how i`m started and maby to give me some comments about how to make it better (i know the nose is bad , i`m working on that now..)

So , that`s what i have done sofar.

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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 02:44 Edited at: 5th Jan 2006 02:44
ok , i addded a few extra polygons and worked on the nose for a little bit , here`s what i comed up with

ps. jt edit is way better then game space lite with 650 polygs limit , it has very large amount of cull tools (everything nurbs , vertex edit , face edit , rendering ..) i`m so happy with it i can finaly beggining to learn 3d modeling properly withouth any limits polygonal or ider..

The crazy
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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 03:14
What about that monk you posted in your model creation thread? That face was alright. Or is it not yours?

(Or you know what, come to think of it, it might be one of those human generator things I've heard of so nevermind if so)

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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 03:17
yes poser does make humain generating it , it`s meanth for humain animation and POSES , not to work on making models in it , anyways i wanted to MODEL MYSELVE and practise and get appinions , so i started on working..

Here`s one pic with light shading and with a "sort" of eyes (i`l change them , i do`nt like them , they look bad , they`r just temprorary)

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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 03:19
hm..i cant see the image , oh , wrong adress i`l change that now (sorry for double post)

Mucky Muck Ninja
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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 04:38
Grr, i had a long post here but i closed the window
lll just summerize what i was gonna say.
Looking good for a start, nice to see that you can in fact model.
Nose is in the wrong place, put it further up between eyes.
Not exactly beautiful, but is a good model anyway.
It reminds me of sam fisher or someone wearing one of those skin tight head covers. Or maybe thats sposed to be hair, i dunno. Since his neck is same color as the 'hair' it looks like clothes.

Im sick of Master Chief soo...ooga booga!!
Explain to me why some people pay money for 3d software? Its not 3d till its been blended.
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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 04:47
oh , i wasnt paying attention about colours , i`l watch out for it when i texture it.

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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 08:04 Edited at: 5th Jan 2006 08:23

heres my entry, shes going to be a character for a game I'm making so I though I might as well post her.

Meh.. she still needs work... I'll post some more renders when I tweak it a little more.
dark coder
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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 08:20
attempt 2

Halowed are the ori.
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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 10:14
@Dodic: Mate that head reminds me of Hitler without a mustache... that's spooky... :S

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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 16:26

Where are you from ? - is your name Vladimir ?

p.s. yeah i wanted to make hitler ! (wait , no i didn`t...)

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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 17:06
I live right next door to my neighbour. And nope it's not Vladimir... you are close though, but this thread is for something else than introductions.

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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 18:41 Edited at: 5th Jan 2006 18:42
Man, alot of my slavic brothers are in this thread. I am half Serbian by the way.
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 5th Jan 2006 18:43
Quote: "p.s. yeah i wanted to make hitler !"

We were only taking the mick out of hitler earlier...

Well @ Dodic, looks like a nice head start, the eyes put me off a bit, but a v. well done. As for positive vs negative on this forum, really depends on the person, the mood they are in and how sensible the post is they're replying to really, so no need to be confused on your opinions

@Epi, thats really good work dude, looks nice and low poly as well

@Dark coder, looks much better than the model you showed me through msn, nice improvement from it, for how it looks, a soft material would make it look nicer and more warm, just for the render, with a medium ambience and diffusion(with ambience and diffusion working together, to get a material similar to my face ) I think that would really suit it. If you want I'll get the settings for diff, ambience and colours I used if you want

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Posted: 6th Jan 2006 03:15

Little update, fixed the hair a little and posted a wireframe in case anyone wanted to study the mesh structure.
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 6th Jan 2006 18:12
sweet texturing dude

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Posted: 6th Jan 2006 21:38
Yeah , good texturing , but maby low resolution or something , becouse it looks a little blury.

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Posted: 6th Jan 2006 22:09
here is my final entry, because I have too much work work to do this weekend to try and tweak her anymore for this comp......

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 6th Jan 2006 22:17
Lets say, end this compo on monday, if I don't finish by then, tough luck to me, I shouldda made time

Nice work Heckno

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Posted: 6th Jan 2006 22:34
@Heckno: The only thinf I don'T like about your model is the hair. Except that I love it

I think the texturing is awsome. Good work!

@Seppuku: You're face is looking good, too. The geometry is looking very very good

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Darkbasic MADPSP
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Posted: 6th Jan 2006 23:48
Cool these look awesome

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Posted: 6th Jan 2006 23:50
yeah , i have NO chance .. , but this is a GOOD spirit challenge , right ? (not actually good SPIRIT , you know what i mean...)

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Posted: 7th Jan 2006 00:07
Quote: "@Heckno: The only thinf I don'T like about your model is the hair. Except that I love it "

ty, hoping to finish the hair this weekend for Monday's deadline...
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Posted: 7th Jan 2006 00:26
These Enteries are looking realy good!

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Posted: 7th Jan 2006 00:31
Quote: "ty, hoping to finish the hair this weekend for Monday's deadline..."


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