Hello All:
For those that didn't enjoy my April Fools joke, well don't sweat it because I have an open inventation for people to test the Save/Load features of Riker 9.
This weekend I will be working full tilt on some other minor issues with a full release, but as people seem to "cannot live" without a working version of Save/Load, I shall put a version out so you all can test it out (everyone execpt Mr Love
This Post will contain the latest on the development of Riker 9, as for I will just "Edit" the post when new stuff is ready to let people check out (I will supply different version numbers so you know where you stand and not have to "guess" like certain people who develope IDE around here...)
Please keep the "official" Riker 9 FPS Creator Update going, for it has lots of suggestions and such that I read and will try to incorporate into the full version. That being said, let the Beta 5 die in peace (Don't post anymore there please).
Thanks to everyone for hanging in there. Hope this rocks as much as most of you believe it will.
See you all this weekend!
Edit: April 5th, 2006
This weekend will entail getting Save/Load working for the masses as well as invesitaging multiple WinZones.
Edit: April 6th, 2006
My plan is still on. I will be getting Save/Load working then next weekend hopefully installing LIT Limb Culling routine that should speed up the Frame Rate quite a bit.
-This...is my boomstick!
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