sooo... i've been messing around with downloading html files and reading text, im trying to....
1. Download all posts in this topic as html files [done]
2. Read the text from the file, and get the "Posted" date from each message.
3. Convert that date to days since the message was posted
4. Make a graph
...but so far my dbpro program crashes at this line (line 425 of HTML code on the first page of this thread)
td width="100%" height=26 class="BoardInfo3" align=left valign="middle"><div style="float: left"><a href="?m=view_profile&i=32b0220c8e3a583a4b14026c272339e5"><img src="g/profile.gif" width=54 height=19 alt="" border=0 hspace=4></a> <a href=""><img src="g/website.gif" width=54 height=19 target="_blank" alt="Aex.Uni" border=0 hspace=4></a> <script type="text/javascript">var _oz='nocanned';var _zek='';document.write('<a href="mailto:'+_oz+'meat@g'+_zek+'"><img src="g/email.gif" width=54 height=19 alt="Send this user an email" border=0 hspace=4></a>');</script> <a href="aim:goim?!?"><img src="g/aim.gif" width=54 height=19 alt="Send AIM user a message" border=0 hspace=4></a> <script type="text/javascript">var _oi='dark.twilig';var _ovk='';document.write('<img src="g/msn.gif" width=54 height=19 title="MSN Address: '+_oi+'ht'+_ovk+'" border=0 hspace=4>');</script> <script type="text/javascript">var _na='thed';var _fre='wilight';document.write('<a href="'+_na+'arkt'+_fre+'&.src=pg"><img src="g/yahoo.gif" width=54 height=19 alt="Contact user via Yahoo Messenger" border=0 hspace=4></a>');</script></div> <div style="float: right; padding-right: 6px"><a href="?m=report_abuse&i=1295998"><img src="g/abuse.gif" width="28" height="19" alt="Report this message as abusive" title="Report this message as abusive" border="0" style="padding-left: 10px" /></a></div></td>
It's not because of the length... im not quite sure what the creash is caused by >.>
anyways... working on it...