Hello my friends!
Let me tell you about my day in the most juvenile way I can think of:
I got up at 9.00 today and looked out the window. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping. "What a perfect day to do some coding!" I chimed.
After a hearty breakfast, I sat down at the computer, stretched out my fingers and started optimising my code so that I would be able to incorporate my matrix editor into it. This process wasn't going well, so I decided to open up the DBP editor (I usually use CodeSurge) to try and hunt down the errors that CodeSurge refused to find for me (bad CodeSurge!)
Lo and behold, the DBP editor pops up and starts screaming at me because I dumped it in favour of a sexier editor. Then it goes into the Project Squared file, takes one of my source code files and eats it. That's right, DBP punished me for using CodeSurge!
At this point I was seething with rage and threatening to ignore DBP's phone calls, when I heard a knock at the door. It was my old high school friend: Portable Hard Drive! (as you can tell, I have a lot of weird friends.)
Portable Hard Drive reminded me that I had given it a copy of P² a while ago, and that this whole matter could be solved in just a few minutes. At this point I calmed down and restored P² to its former awesomeness.
Then I looked at the clock. "I've got to get to school!" I said in a shocked voice. "Oh well, that's my morning gone (sadface)."
I'm getting side-tracked here. Let me jump ahead to the interesting bit:
I got home, re-optimised my code (now it's even better than what it was this morning) and started making the matrix editor. This is what it looks like so far:
Kind of looks like something out of doom, doesn't it? Don't worry, it's not done yet. I've still got heaps of work to do on it. Just thought that you guys would like to have a little peeksypoo.
So I guess I didn't really need to say all that stuff about DBP and CodeSurge; and yet, you read it all, didn't you?
I win again.