Their will be progressbars in the final version. I haven't tested them out with the version he just sent me, but I am sure they will be like blueGUIv1.
The two commands that I have noticed have been:
createsubmenu(parentmenu,initial item)
startblue(str name, str key)
And the reason why I wanted the setwindowalpha cemmand is because i have been experimenting in converting a set of C++ code to DBP and the code is how to make transparent menus, similar to MacOS.
The basics of the code:
When Initmenupopup command is sent to windows we will convert the popup menu to make a window out of it (taking the menu animation out as well) then it says to make the window layared and set the transparency, but that is where setwindowalpha command comes in. I will convert the newly made menuwindow to a BlueGUI recognised gadget number and set the window alpha. If it sounds confusing, it is. If I find the source code to do this I will probably post it here.But if it doesn't work then oh..well, just means an extra command to play with in BLue.
Back from a long vacation too New Orleans
1tg46 is my name coding is my game.