Quote: " ...which contains code for a complete vertex animation system."
Sounds like you are making some excellent progress with your project.
Quote: "The fenced in area needs a gate to enter and exit through. Perhaps you could make something that would work similar to the barn / house doors."
Uhhhh, I don't really want to mess with the fence right now as the sliding collision for it is working well.
Perhaps the aliens could jump over the fence to gain access to that area. Or perhaps they are lowered slowly from the spaceship to grab an animal from above and blasting them would make them drop the animal, or a different smaller spaceship could try and tractor beam an animal up. However, the gate option isn't off of the table, I just don't want to spend the time working on that at the moment.
Quote: "If you do another code update, I would like to give you what I have, so that you could alter it, which would save me a ton of time."
You should post your code because I'm gonna have 500 to 700 more lines with the tractor stuff. Are you using any additional media or directory structure? If not, the code alone should suffice as long as the relative directory references are there.
In regards to combining code, there's still BN2's shooting code. Have you tested it out yet on anything?
Also, if you are using Fluffy's combined code example as a base, there is a function for managing the camera aspect and maximum resolution that I wrote that he had included. We should dump that because the behavior differs between graphics cards as I've recently discovered. Some graphics cards will automatically adjust for aspect ratio and some won't. The ones that do, may create a result where the screen is especially "squished".
In all cases with DBC and graphics cards however, if the width to height ration set using SET DISPLAY MODE isn't 4:3 (.75 aspect ration) there will be a weird smearing of 3D on the edges of the screen. A simple fix is to use:
curaspect#=(screen height()+.)/(screen width()+.)
if curaspect# ! .75
set camera aspect .75
This assumes using DarkBASIC Classic 1.2x where SET CAMERA ASPECT exists (which I think we all are).
Since we are running in 800,600 base resolution full screen for this game, we should be fine. The problem is on wide screen monitors that whose cards don't automatically adjust for aspect ratio, the view will be stretched. There's no easy remedy without being able to probe the monitor's actual screen size and the capabilities and setting of the graphics card.
Enjoy your day.