I have one request.
first of all, please indicate if the solution is already out there but i cant see it.
here is the part of code i use at the end of building terrain:
`Build the terrain
BT BuildTerrain ter
`Build loop
While progress => 0
`Continue building
obj = free_Object(0, 0)
progress = BT ContinueBuild(obj, 0)
px# = 0
py# = 0
pz# = 0
obj_Position(ter, px#-obj_getSizeX(ter, 1)/2.0, py#, pz#-obj_getSizeZ(ter, 1)/2.0)
rx# = 0
ry# = 0
rz# = 0
obj_Rotate(ter, rx#, ry#, rz#)
wire = 0
trans = 0
obj_setObject(ter, wire, trans, cull, filter, light, fog, ambient)
Thing is, when i refer to "ter" it positions only the first created object, it doesnt position, rotate or set values for every object created. Thus object size x() command(s) also return values for the first created part only, not the whole thing.
I would like it to position the whole thing according to, and the object size commands to return the total size, not one part.
Nevermind, i found there are commands to set the position of the terrain and get the size of it.
Could you add couple more commands involving rotation too?
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