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Mike Johnson
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 12:11 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2009 12:12

A new expansion pack for DB Pro has been released today - DarkCLOUDS creates a live, real-time sky for your DarkBASIC Professional games. It renders physically-calculated skies and clouds that move, grow and change, from a clear sunny day to turbulent storms, and spectacular sunsets - all of these can be seen in the space of a few minutes as you take full control of your game's weather.

YouTube video available here

Download a demo and see the pack in action

For more details please visit
Van B
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 12:18
Looks incredible in motion!, just wish I had more time to play with these things.

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 12:24
Looks really good,
But takes awhile to load, and although I admit my machine isnt the best, its at least average if not better, so I'd feel sorry for people with lower end pcs.

Also £30, I dont get how clouds are more than DarkNet when networking is more important, and more expensive than DarkAI when AI is more important and is nearly the price of DarkPhysics, When physics are the most important thing I'd pay up to £15 for this as I bet you (by you meaning Green gandolf ) could make a cloud shader that looks as good for free...

But anyways, It does look good and would make anygame look amazing, Good look TGC


Deep Cove Software
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 12:24
That's really cool! The storm clouds look very atmospheric. Very impressive!
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 13:11
Real cool, when I have some cash spare will be getting this to add to my weather station, be real cool seeing clouds whizz by at the same speed there are doing it out side.

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 13:26
Very nice looking. I may have to get this just to have a play!

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 14:56
Quote: "I'd pay up to £15 for this as I bet you (by you meaning Green gandolf ) could make a cloud shader that looks as good for free..."

Now there's a challenge.

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Mike Johnson
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 14:59
Changed my picture now Green Gandalf. Thought it was time for a new look

If anyone has any doubts about the quality of this product then please download the demo. It really does look special.
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 15:24 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2009 15:24
Ok, this product looks pretty cool, so i downloaded the demo, but It doesn't seem to work.

Is this normal?

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 15:41
@ Mike,

Fantastic - you dont know how long i've been waiting for something like this. Is it a plugin with commands?

What about if you might want to display stars of the moon or sun in the background behind the clouds?

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
Mike Johnson
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 16:13
bobbel, may need to update drivers or possibly something is not supported when the program attempts to apply the cube map on the model.

Duffer, it is a plugin with commands. Here is the full list of commands:

Get the ambient light color

Get the sunlight color

Get the direction of the sunlight

Initialize DarkCLOUDS

Make 6 cubemap images for reflections

Enable/disable auto-brightness

Set the brightness level

Set the amount of clouds

Set the time of day in hours

Set the wind speed and heading

Update the DarkCLOUDS sky
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 17:04
looks interesting. i would buy this if it comes out for DGDK. £30 would be worth it, however I would like to see some more SET commands to be able to set more parameters and make the generated skies look more unique
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 19:06
Looks impressive. But how does the performance look on this?

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 19:19
@ Mike - fantastic - what about stars, moon, sun behind clouds?

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Mike Johnson
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 19:47
Duffer, as far as I know there's no ability to handle the stars and moon. However, there is a sun effect built in.
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 20:31 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2009 20:40
@ Mike - could maybe have a work around - basically DarkClouds plays to the back texture...

there's mention of rain effect?>


just ran the demo - ruddy fast...

can't see evidence of a Sun though - and also can Mike or someone appreciably smarter than me suggest ways we might put stars and/or moon behind the clouds?

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Todd Riggins
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 20:44 Edited at: 8th Aug 2009 00:52
Looks cool.

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 20:50 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2009 20:51
in the demo code:-

can we use this texture number(S?) to perhaps get in our stars? moon? [edit] and what exactly does that command really do - what is the significance of the texture number and the keyframes?

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2009 09:40 Edited at: 23rd Jul 2009 09:41
ping (from very potential purchaser )

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2009 11:41
Please convert it to gdk! This looks awesome

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2009 12:54
Ok, i tested all my drivers, and all of them are up to date i guess its my videocard then, it isn't that good

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2009 13:05
Looking through the list of commands, I'd honestly say it's good but seriously lacking in flexibility. What if I want the clouds a specific RGB colour? What if I want more than one colour of clouds? What if I want planets, etc? What if I want things to fly past above the clouds? What if I want to fly through the clouds?

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2009 20:15
@ Mike,

C'mon pls reply to some of the queries here - looking to buy this but worried about the points I've raised,,,

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2009 22:50
This looks so cool had to get it. Can't wait to play around with it. Thanks TGC for great plugin(s)
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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 13:28
bobbel, can you please PM me with details of your system? I'll look into this issue. Thanks

Roderick Kennedy
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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 13:35
Duffer, the sky is rendered into the texture you specify - in this case, texture 1. The keyframes are for cloud updates - the cloud shapes are interpolated between procedurally-calculated keyframes, and the more you have per "game day", the more dynamic the clouds will be. But you don't want to have more keyframes than the CPU can handle. About one every 20 seconds of real time is usual - but one every frame would impact framerate. If your game runs in real time (1 game hour = 1 real hour), you can have very many keyframes per hour, but if the game runs at say 1 game hour=1 game minute, you might want to scale that back.

Moon and stars - this is not possible in the current version because if you render additional sky objects they will be in front of the clouds. We will have a look at making a system to support this - maybe using a cubemap as a background that the DarkCLOUDS sky renders on top of - that's for a future update but no guarantees on timeframe.

Roderick Kennedy
Simul Software
Robert The Robot
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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 16:29
So rather than creating a series of 3d Objects, the sky is just a dynamic backdrop image? That's a pity, I was hoping that you'd be able to take the camera and fly through the cloud banks, the way some of the Simul Weather SDK Demo videos suggested on their home site. Or could that be faked if you changed the wind direction so that the clouds raced towards the camera?

I must say that was one of the features I'd been hoping for when I first heard of the Cloud plugin a few months back, but I'm still interested in Dark Clouds as a feature. Could someone post images of the DarkClouds "Storms"?

Again, I saw the Simul Weather Demo video of a thunder storm and that's what really took my breath away - if this plugin draws the backdrop texture as good then I think it would be a "must have"!

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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 18:33
@ Roderick,

Sincere thanks for responding on all these points. Dont get me wrong - this is a fantastic (almost impossibly fast) plugin for DBPro which I'll be purchasing come next pay packet. However, if you could look at moon and stars for further release that would only serve to make it all even better than it is... thanks again, and consider me a purchaser!

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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 20:43
I would think rendering the sky/clouds to a very large plane set far away and kept in front of the camera would allow the use of planets, moons, and stars. You would have to be able to alter the transparency of the sky, without altering the transparency of the clouds though. Wouldn't want to be able to see a planet through the clouds as clearly as you do through open sky..

I suggest the plane idea, because it sounds like the "view" of the sky/clouds is based on the direction you are facing, and that view is then rendered to the backdrop in front of the camera. Which would be the same thing as rendering it to a plane. (pretty much..)

Just thinking out loud.. Carry on.

Brick Break
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Posted: 29th Jul 2009 00:29

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Posted: 29th Jul 2009 22:45
demo looks good, and runs fast.
before I buy

question 1:
what are the minimum reqs for the graphic card to run this?
my older laptops (ATI X600) gives me black windows, and my new desktops runs demo fine.

I would like to be able to list minimum reqs when I send out games or see if I can detect their cards support for the cloud system.

question 2:
if this renders the clouds as backdrop texture, how do you handle moving camera and looking staright up to the sky?

I currently use a textured skybox for no shaders, and a sky sphere with cloud shader for systems that support shaders.


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Posted: 30th Jul 2009 19:06
Is there a code sample available? I have purchased DarkCLOUDS but would like a bare-bones skeleton to get it going. I'm not sure how all of the commands work, so a plain code fragment of setting it up would be welcomed and greatly appreciated.

Russell B. Davis/aerostudios
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Posted: 30th Jul 2009 19:10
Disregard, I found the listing on the product page. My apologies.

Russell B. Davis/aerostudios
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Posted: 30th Jul 2009 19:48 Edited at: 30th Jul 2009 20:55
strange, I can't get this to work on my ATI 800XL card, with latest drivers installed, yet it's fine on an integrated Intel chipset on a laptop. I just get a black screen.

[EDIT] Correction, I get the Blue Screen of Death on an Intel integrated card.

If it helps, I saved the image to a jpg after running DC UPDATE - it was black.

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Posted: 30th Jul 2009 20:37
Here is a screen shot of my new game ATCsimulator3 Tower Edition with DarkCLOUDS being used. I captured the sunrise. This is very rudimentary. I haven't yet coordinated the ambient light to coincide with the time of day; this was just a quick implementation.

Russell B. Davis/aerostudios


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Posted: 30th Jul 2009 23:14
AeroStudios, does it just work, or have you had to do anything special to get it running? I have failed to get it working on 2 machines.

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Posted: 30th Jul 2009 23:19
I cut and pasted the sample code from the product page. I already had code in place that was defining my scene, loading objects, setting up cameras, etc. All I needed was to replace my skybox code with the DarkCLOUDS code instead.

I created a function and placed the sample code in it:

I then added this fragment to my main loop:

I then commented out my code that was creating a skybox, and instead made a call to the new DarkCLOUDs (SetupClouds()) function.

It worked like a champ.

Russell B. Davis/aerostudios
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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 13:07
Low res clouds though.

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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 15:09
I think it's just because they were moving when I captured the screen. They appear just as good as the product promo shots. Maybe my screen shot doesn't do them justice. I'm happy with them.

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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 20:23 Edited at: 31st Jul 2009 20:24
can't run the demo i get the following errors.

What version of Direct X does it require?

Take care


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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 20:31
It requires directX 9.0c (July version most likely)

If your running Vista, you need to install directx 9.0c as Vista uses both versions.
If your running XP, you need to install the latest version of directx 9.0c as microsoft can't be trusted to use version numbers which make sense!

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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 20:34
I'm running DirectX 9.0c. My version stamp of that particular file is 9.19.949.1104, and it runs just fine.

Russell B. Davis/aerostudios
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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 20:35
Quote: "It requires directX 9.0c (July version most likely)"

The latest I can find is March 2009. If you have any info on a more up to date version, please share

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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 20:50
I don't, I just picked a date! lol

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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 20:59
Ty works now. It looks awesome. I wonder how customizable it is. And was the camera rotating around the bird or the bird around itself? I ask this coz if the camera is the one rotating then the clouds are a 2d effect in the back and would like to make sure exactly what it is.

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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 21:43
I know in my application, if I move the camera (which is stationary in the control tower), the clouds are moving in the direction they were assigned. So now matter where I look, the clouds are moving in the appropriate direction. Which is one of the coolest things about this; and something critical to simulate true dynamic weather for my air traffic simulator.

Russell B. Davis/aerostudios
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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 21:49
I think that the demo available is really limited to see exactly what can be achieved by this addon. Is it possible to release another one where we at least can roam around if not control certain aspects of the clouds themselves.

Take care
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2009 06:30
Sorry if this has been asked, I couldn't find an answer though, after some looking so, is this product going to ported over to DarkGDK sometime in the near future ?

Is it possible to run on DarkGDK, considering you need DarkBasic Pro 7.4 to use it(If it was ported I mean - GDK is at v7.3 atm)

If this ever does get to DarkGDK I'll be grabbing a copy, it looks like those skies are very nice and quick to get going, and the demo makes it look even better, imo anyway

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2009 12:16
any news yet on star/moon implimentation eta? no rush but useful if there was a real committment and eta?

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2009 17:26
1. what are the minimum reqs for the graphic card to run this?

The minimum requirements are DirectX 9, Shader Model 2.0 - the X600 is supposed to be a Shader 2.0 card as far as I can gather so perhaps update your drivers? I will look into putting a function to detect whether the right capabilities are present.

2. if this renders the clouds as backdrop texture, how do you handle moving camera and looking staright up to the sky?

The camera can move anywhere, but the clouds will always be shown behind foreground objects. For example, if you disable the wind and move the camera horizontally,the clouds will move correctly.

Robert The Robot:

there is rain in the current version but not lightning. There's nothing to prevent putting this in but looking at our schedule I would say it would be a few months before this can be looked at.

Mista Wilson: I think a DarkGDK version is on the cards, though I don't know what the schedule would be so far.

Duffer: I would say about three to five months - we have a lot of commitments for the various Simul products, so this should give enough time to fit it in.


Roderick Kennedy
Simul Software

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