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Geek Culture / [LOCKED] My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Posted: 26th Jul 2012 23:55
Well... if we're looking to get this thread moving again we could hold another best pony competition

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Posted: 27th Jul 2012 00:54

,0~U -Well I do say, its been quite a fancy forum for
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Posted: 27th Jul 2012 01:16
Rainbow Dash! (obviously)

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Posted: 27th Jul 2012 01:37
Flutterairty xD Love em both

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Posted: 27th Jul 2012 09:37
Watched six to be precise.

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mr Handy
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Posted: 27th Jul 2012 12:34
If Shutterfly is so awesome and cool, why did Hasbro not made her figure? We have all, including Granny Smith! Even GS is better?!

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Posted: 27th Jul 2012 14:29
What do you mean?

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Posted: 27th Jul 2012 17:33
Well, since no one else has done this yet...

@ unbound


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Posted: 27th Jul 2012 18:50
Now don't get too excited everypony! We still have to follow the original guidelines. The more time you put into your submissions the more points you can earn for your favorites! Sooo....

State as many different reasons as you can as to why a given pony is "best." It isn't just quantity but also quality! The better the reason, the more points earned! In order to judge these point values we shall need a dictator who "dictates" these point values. Unless you all plan to riot in order to overthrow the current leadership system, I'd be happy to do it again. But beware! If you happen to provide a reason that is completely insane or ridiculous, I'll contribute it to my personal pot of points which I will distribute randomly at the end. So don't be ridiculous!

The competition will last 1 week starting from whatever point we declare "day 1." Before we start, I want everyone to both agree and understand these guidelines so we can have a much more clear idea of how everything works!

Day 0:
Rainbow Dash - 0
Fluttershy - 0
Pinkie Pie - 0
Rarity - 0
Twilight Sparkle - 0
Applejack - 0
and welcome unbound

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mr Handy
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Posted: 27th Jul 2012 20:11
What do I mean? You can read all info about G4 figures here:

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Posted: 28th Jul 2012 03:08 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2018 02:40
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Posted: 28th Jul 2012 03:21 Edited at: 28th Jul 2012 03:22
@mrHandy: Who the hell is this "Shutterfly" you're talking about

@ponies 'n' stuff:

I could swear I already posted this somewhere, but apparently I didn't or I am too stupid to find it:
(a 20 minutes progressive rock album thingy based on 'cupcakes' [I normally dislike 'cupcakes'-based stuff but this is awesome!])

and what I found today:
A similar progressive rock album thingy about celestia vs. NMM or luna or something. I have to read the lyrics I guess, I just listen to it but dunno what it's about
In my opinion the vocals or rather the mixing/mastering (or whatever the heck that is called) could be improved, but other than that it's pretty awesome, even if it sounds VERY similar to 'Something broke' to me...

Oh and if you'd rather want some acoustic 'live' (e.g. one take) music, take this one:

Oh and a little tip regarding these bandcamp links, sometimes the album doesn't start at the first song, so you should hit play on the first one instead of the big play-button at the top ^^


PS: It has become pretty quiet here, I agree! Let's see if that changes when the new season starts. Oh and swissolo, what is that 'best pony' thing?! You can't pretend that voting on 'best pony' is actually a thing, and even srs bsnss at that
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Posted: 28th Jul 2012 10:28

mr Handy
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Posted: 28th Jul 2012 15:21

I vote for her:

Neuro Fuzzy
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Posted: 28th Jul 2012 16:17
One of my friends has been downloading mlp episodes all day.


mr Handy
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Posted: 28th Jul 2012 18:41
@Neuro Fuzzy
Back to your grey dull universe? Huh.

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Posted: 28th Jul 2012 21:52

He's at a better place now.

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Posted: 29th Jul 2012 00:20 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2018 02:40
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Posted: 29th Jul 2012 05:50
MLP: FIM fell behind forever alone in know your meme. in other news, i fell so gay right now.

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Posted: 29th Jul 2012 14:20
I vote Rainbow Dash!

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Posted: 29th Jul 2012 15:25
Oh god, I just finished reading chapter 9 of Blood is Thicker than Friendship. What a fantastic story! I can't wait to read the new chapter. *drool*


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Posted: 30th Jul 2012 03:28
The first page of this thread is so funny. All that barely-restrained homophobia. xD
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Posted: 30th Jul 2012 03:31
I am secretly a homophobe!


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mr Handy
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Posted: 30th Jul 2012 10:04
Horses everywhere! Nope, gone with the cheese.

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Posted: 30th Jul 2012 14:41
Quik, how could you!?
mr Handy
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Posted: 30th Jul 2012 14:43
homo - human
phobo - fear
He just fears of humanoids.

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Posted: 30th Jul 2012 16:25
Quote: "homo - human
phobo - fear"

Yeah... I totally fear humans too.

Only problem is that you're mixing latin with greek, 'homo' is latin for human, but in (ancient) greek it's the opposite of hetero, meaning 'the same' etc.

(And now don't ask me why these people claim to have an irrational fear of everything that is 'the same' )

PS: I reread the first bunch of pages yesterday too, and read further than I did when I first came here; I never noticed that Wolf at first completely rejected everything pink + pony, and later posts a drawing of Twilight
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Posted: 30th Jul 2012 17:26 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2018 02:41
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 30th Jul 2012 19:07
Quote: "I am secretly a homophobe!"

But aren't you gay (or bi)? Now I am thinking of the episode of South Park with the anti-semitic sect of Judaism.

Quote: "Only problem is that you're mixing latin with greek, 'homo' is latin for human, but in (ancient) greek it's the opposite of hetero, meaning 'the same' etc."

If it was trying to follow the same pattern of phobias, it would be, "fear of the same", but like the word 'Islamophobic', it's not using a Latin term, it's using a term reference from a word we use in English. Basically, like manything things in our language, it's being inconsistent. Still, I do like the idea of it being 'fear of humans', but then sadly, that would mean I'd have to label myself as a homophobe, because humans are really scary creatures.

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Posted: 30th Jul 2012 19:59
Quote: "But aren't you gay (or bi)? "

What makes you think that? xD

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Posted: 30th Jul 2012 20:07
Quote: "But aren't you gay (or bi)?"

Quik? He has a daughter iirc, so it's unlikely that he's gay

Also, I'd like to quote a certain person (the one who started this thread) about this:
Quote: "I really don't understand people who make such a big deal of sexuality."

(man, my CoffeeGrunt-stalking-skills are getting rusty! Took me half an hour to find that comment again D: )

PS: Oh hey in that time Quik already answered himself. I'm too lazy to edit my post now ._.
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Posted: 30th Jul 2012 20:24

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Posted: 30th Jul 2012 22:11
It depends. Are you going by the old or new definition of "gay"?


Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 30th Jul 2012 22:28 Edited at: 30th Jul 2012 22:29
Quote: "Quote: "But aren't you gay (or bi)? "
What makes you think that? xD"

You know what, I don't know. Maybe I confused you for somebody else, it wouldn't be the first time I've confused myself on a forum to my own embarrassment.

Quote: "Quik? He has a daughter iirc, so it's unlikely that he's gay "

That's why I put the 'or bi' in brackets. I knew he definitely had a daughter and was under the impression he conceived the child rather than having a surrogate mother or going through adoption.

Though he might have come out of the closet after having conceived a child, it has happened before now to others.

Quote: "It depends. Are you going by the old or new definition of "gay"?"

I am a happy individual, so I'm gay! I think everybody should be gay!

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Posted: 30th Jul 2012 23:09
Oooh, now I get why those people in the youtube comments on MLP videos say "ponies are gay!" And all this time I thought they were haters...

Quote: "Though he might have come out of the closet after having conceived a child, it has happened before now to others. "

Hm yes, that's a good point. I should've not jumped to conclusions about Quik. Quik, I hereby apologize for thinking you were straight, and will accept your new-found homosexuality. Or happiness. If were going with that definition of 'gay' then this thread is very gay, and everyone here should feel gay.

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Posted: 30th Jul 2012 23:27
so that's how we get infected with ponies...

Quote: "That's why I put the 'or bi' in brackets. I knew he definitely had a daughter and was under the impression he conceived the child rather than having a surrogate mother or going through adoption.

Why would I adopt a child at the age of 16? x)

Quote: "Quik, I hereby apologize for thinking you were straight, and will accept your new-found homosexuality."

heyeheyheyeehheyehy! now youre jumping to conclutions! >: I'm as straight as can be! :3

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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 30th Jul 2012 23:49
Quote: "Why would I adopt a child at the age of 16?"

Exactly why I assumed you conceived. To be honest, I didn't sit down and analyse you and create a series of how you might be gay and have a daughter at the age of 16, if I had, that would be rather stalkerish. For reason I thought you said you were gay or bi at sometime, I know for definite another member is, but I won't name them because I might make myself look more like an idiot by getting them wrong too. I guess for some reason I've managed to confuse myself.

But hey! We should all turn gay, that way I'm not wrong about this, so if I want to bring something positive to my Presidency of the's that. Oh and I'm sure it'd be a lot of fun, other people seem to enjoy it. Plus, it's harder to get away with high heels when people know you're straight, mind you Eddie Izzard did an amazing job of being a straight transvestite, I shall aspire myself to his greatness.

So, Ponies anyone?

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Posted: 31st Jul 2012 00:52 Edited at: 31st Jul 2012 00:55
Quote: "heyeheyheyeehheyehy! now youre jumping to conclutions! >: I'm as straight as can be! :3"

But... you're the one who said: "WELL, I MIGHT HAVE TURNED GAY YESTERDAY!! >: xD"

Also, I included this part on purpose, in case you are not and have not turned gay yesterday:
Quote: "Or happiness. If were going with that definition of 'gay'"

... so, if you now also claim that I'm jumping to conclusions by assuming that you're happy, which you might not be... well... I think that'd be a lie, you can't not be happy in this thread, especially if you're a brony. (Yes I'm blatantly assuming that you're a brony! Oh god don't kill me )

Quote: "if I had, that would be rather stalkerish."

It's okay, you can stalk Quik, after all I'm the one stalking CoffeeGrunt; I mean, I just quoted a dA comment he wrote on the 22nd February at 11:50:58pm If that isn't stalkerish, then I don't know

Quote: " I guess for some reason I've managed to confuse myself. "

Hm, I see two possibilities here, either you're actually thinking of yourself and are gay without knowing it yet, which obviously confuses you... ... or you're thinking of CoffeeGrunt (jeez, I really hope Jamie doesn't mind all this stuff I write about him ) whose sexuality has been mentioned in this thread at some earlier point (I'm to lazy to provide a link, even a stalker needs a break now and then >.> ) or, less likely, you're thinking about me. That would be pretty neat. Or something. Nah, I dunno. xD

In any case I totally want to put that quote from earlier in here a second time...
Quote: "I really don't understand people who make such a big deal of sexuality."

Why exactly is it important who here is gay and who is not?...
There is no connection between any kind of sexual orientation and being a bronie, even though some people claim quite the opposite...


Quote: "So, Ponies anyone?"

Yes! Ponies! Do you have any?!
In case you don't, take this photo from the meetup on last saturday:
Pile o' Pony Plushies, yay.

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Posted: 31st Jul 2012 04:08
pffsh, all you stalkers x)

O-M-G @ SWEDISH VERSON, last one -> 2:44

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mr Handy
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Posted: 31st Jul 2012 09:46
Quote: "heyeheyheyeehheyehy! now youre jumping to conclutions! >: I'm as straight as can be! :3"

Straight gay, why not.

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Posted: 1st Aug 2012 18:10

Excuse me while I try to pick up my jaw off the floor again

That animation... it's 100% like the show... whoa.
mr Handy
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Posted: 1st Aug 2012 20:13
Watch Double Rainboom! I have already posted inf about it here.

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2012 15:18
It isn't out yet. :/ You got my hopes up that it was finished!


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Posted: 2nd Aug 2012 18:04
That sig is clever Comet. 2 images placed seamlessly together? You might want to make it slightly more clear though. I couldn't understand what was going on until I noticed the link indicator change on a mouse sweep.

Quote: "Oh and swissolo, what is that 'best pony' thing?! You can't pretend that voting on 'best pony' is actually a thing, and even srs bsnss at that "

Hey we've done it before! It's really just a fun dice throw for where our opinions sit at any given time.

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2012 20:33
Quote: "and even srs bsnss at that"

There is nothnig more serious than who the best pony is >:

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2012 23:41 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2012 23:43
hmmm... seems this font has failed me... I shall cheat!

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Posted: 4th Aug 2012 15:31 Edited at: 5th Aug 2012 05:04
I made this text based game, run from Molestia.
it took one hour to make and i rushed it so it's not that great.

I hate myself now.

Attached to post.

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Posted: 4th Aug 2012 17:21


Your signature has been erased by a mod, please reduce it [overall] to no larger than 600 x 120 please.
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Posted: 5th Aug 2012 20:36
please do not think im condining torrenting with this but i found this link from nerfnow

i just found it very funny. (why do i get the feeling im going to get banned for posting this simple link?) paranoia strikes again

"Originally I was going to have a BS on it but you know how that would be. I can't walk around with the letters BS on me." More or less a qoute by Syndrome from Jack, Jack, attack
mr Handy
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Posted: 5th Aug 2012 20:44
It makes no sense - game is free, so authors are not loosing any money.

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