I've been away for the last two weeks like Hamish but now I'm back so we should be able to make some progress code side.
Today I made a cloth physics system that integrates with Newton. It's mainly for the CTF flags but could also be for random nets, banners, tablecloths and curtains around the levels.
Here's a little demo (no media):
`Newton Cloths
`by Chris Knott
global xSize
global ySize
xSize = 8
ySize = 8
`Start up Newton
NDB_SetVector 0, -100, 0
`Set up offset data
dim Neighbours( 24, 2 )
dim Lengths#( 24 )
NewtonSphereCol = NDB_NewtonCreateSphere( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 )
for xCell = 1 to xSize
for yCell = 0 to ySize
Cell = Number( xCell, yCell )
`Make the particle of the cloth
NewtonSphere = NDB_NewtonCreateBody( NewtonSphereCol )
NDB_NewtonBodySetMassMatrix NewtonSphere, 1, 1, 1, 1
NDB_BodySetGravity NewtonSphere, 0
NDB_BuildMatrix 0, 0, 0, xCell - 5, -1, yCell - 7
NDB_NewtonBodySetMatrix NewtonSphere
NDB_NewtonBodySetAutoFreeze NewtonSphere, 0
make object sphere Cell, 0.2
color object Cell, rgb( 255, 0, 128 )
NDB_BodySetDBProData NewtonSphere, Cell
next yCell
next xCell
DataDump = make vector3( 1 ) `Position Vector 1
DataDump = make vector3( 2 ) `Position Vector 2
DataDump = make vector3( 3 ) `Spring/Force Vector
DataDump = make vector3( 4 ) `Velocity Vector 1
DataDump = make vector3( 5 ) `Velocity Vector 2
DataDump = make vector3( 6 ) `Acceleration/Body Force Vector
NewtonBoxCol = NDB_NewtonCreateBox( 5, 3, 5 )
NewtonBox = NDB_NewtonCreateBody( NewtonBoxCol )
NDB_BuildMatrix 20, 40, 10, -4, -8, -3
NDB_NewtonBodySetMatrix NewtonBox
DBProBox = FreeObject()
make object box DBProBox, 5, 3, 5
color object DBProBox, rgb( 0, 50, 50 )
position object DBProBox, -4, -8, -3
rotate object DBProBox, 20, 40, 10
sync on
for xCell = 1 to xSize
for yCell = 0 to ySize
set vector3 4, 0, -10, 0
`Wipe the cell that says whether neighbours exist (assume they do)
for Wipe = 1 to 8
Neighbours( Wipe, 0 ) = 1
next Wipe
`Check whether the cell is near the edge and if it is, wipe neighbours that
`don't exist
if xCell = 1
Neighbours( 1, 0 ) = 0
Neighbours( 4, 0 ) = 0
Neighbours( 6, 0 ) = 0
if xCell = xSize
Neighbours( 3, 0 ) = 0
Neighbours( 5, 0 ) = 0
Neighbours( 8, 0 ) = 0
if yCell = 0
Neighbours( 1, 0 ) = 0
Neighbours( 2, 0 ) = 0
Neighbours( 3, 0 ) = 0
if yCell = ySize
Neighbours( 6, 0 ) = 0
Neighbours( 7, 0 ) = 0
Neighbours( 8, 0 ) = 0
for Neighbour = 1 to 8
if Neighbours( Neighbour, 0 ) = 1
GrabPositionVectors( Number( xCell, yCell ), Number( xCell + Neighbours( Neighbour, 1 ), yCell + Neighbours( Neighbour, 2 ) ) )
subtract vector3 3, 2, 1
Length# = length vector3( 3 )
Unstretched# = Lengths#( Neighbour )
Force# = ( Length# - Unstretched# ) / Unstretched#
multiply vector3 3, ( 1 / Length# )
multiply vector3 3, ( Force# * 100 )
add vector3 4, 4, 3 `Add force to velocity
next Neighbour
NDB_NewtonBodyGetVelocity NDB_GetBody( Number( xCell, yCell ) )
set vector3 5, NDB_GetVector_X(), NDB_GetVector_Y(), NDB_GetVector_Z()
subtract vector3 6, 4, 5
multiply vector3 6, 15
`Update body force
NDB_SetVector 1, x vector3( 1 ), y vector3( 1 ), z vector3( 1 )
NDB_SetVector 2, x vector3( 6 ), y vector3( 6 ), z vector3( 6 )
NDB_BodySetForceGlobal NDB_GetBody( Number( xCell, yCell ) )
xEdge = 0 : yEdge = 0
if xCell = 1 or xCell = xSize then xEdge = 1
if yCell = 0 or yCell = ySize then yEdge = 1
if xEdge = 1 and yEdge = 1 and Held = 0
NDB_BuildMatrix 0, 0, 0, xCell - 5 + aBlah#, -1, yCell - 7 + bBlah#
NDB_NewtonBodySetMatrix NDB_GetBody( Number( xCell, yCell ) )
if rightkey() = 1 then aBlah# = aBlah# + 0.0025
if leftkey() = 1 then aBlah# = aBlah# - 0.0025
if upkey() = 1 then bBlah# = bBlah# + 0.0025
if downkey() = 1 then bBlah# = bBlah# - 0.0025
if controlkey() = 1 then Held = 1
next yCell
next xCell
position camera 5, 15, -15
point camera 0, -3, 0
Time# = NDB_GetElapsedTimeInSec()
NDB_NewtonUpdate Time#
if spacekey() = 0 then Space = 0
if spacekey() = 1 and Space = 0
Space = 1
function Number( xCell, yCell )
ObjectNumber = xCell + ( yCell * xSize )
endfunction ObjectNumber
function SetupOffsets()
`This sets up the offset positions for each neighbour
`It's put in an array
Neighbours( 1, 1 ) = -1 : Neighbours( 1, 2 ) = -1
Neighbours( 2, 1 ) = 0 : Neighbours( 2, 2 ) = -1
Neighbours( 3, 1 ) = 1 : Neighbours( 3, 2 ) = -1
Neighbours( 4, 1 ) = -1 : Neighbours( 4, 2 ) = 0
Neighbours( 5, 1 ) = 1 : Neighbours( 5, 2 ) = 0
Neighbours( 6, 1 ) = -1 : Neighbours( 6, 2 ) = 1
Neighbours( 7, 1 ) = 0 : Neighbours( 7, 2 ) = 1
Neighbours( 8, 1 ) = 1 : Neighbours( 8, 2 ) = 1
function SetupLengths()
Lengths#( 1 ) = 1.414213
Lengths#( 2 ) = 1
Lengths#( 3 ) = 1.414213
Lengths#( 4 ) = 1
Lengths#( 5 ) = 1
Lengths#( 6 ) = 1.414213
Lengths#( 7 ) = 1
Lengths#( 8 ) = 1.414213
function GrabPositionVectors( aBody, bBody )
`This function fills vectors 1 and 2 with the positions of the two bodies specified.
NDB_BodyGetPosition NDB_GetBody( aBody )
set vector3 1, NDB_GetVector_X(), NDB_GetVector_Y(), NDB_GetVector_Z()
NDB_BodyGetPosition NDB_GetBody( bBody )
set vector3 2, NDB_GetVector_X(), NDB_GetVector_Y(), NDB_GetVector_Z()
function MakeMovingBox()
xSize# = RealRandom( 2, 3 )
ySize# = RealRandom( 2, 3 )
zSize# = RealRandom( 2, 3 )
NewtonBoxCol = NDB_NewtonCreateSphere( xSize# / 2, ySize# / 2, zSize# / 2 )
NewtonBox = NDB_NewtonCreateBody( NewtonBoxCol )
NDB_NewtonBodySetMassMatrix NewtonBox, 1, 1, 1, 1
NDB_BodySetGravity NewtonBox, 1
NDB_BuildMatrix rnd( 90 ), rnd( 90 ), rnd( 90 ), 0, 0, 0
NDB_NewtonBodySetMatrix NewtonBox
NDB_NewtonBodySetAutoFreeze NewtonBox, 0
DBProBox = FreeObject()
make object sphere DBProBox, 100
scale object DBProBox, xSize#, ySize#, zSize#
color object DBProBox, rgb( 255, 220, 200 )
NDB_BodySetDBProData NewtonBox, DBProBox
function RealRandom( aLimit, bLimit )
Difference = bLimit - aLimit
RandomNum = rnd( Difference * 1000 )
Random# = RandomNum
Random# = Random# / 1000
Result# = aLimit + Random#
endfunction Result#
function FreeObject()
ObjectNum = ObjectNum + 1
until object exist( ObjectNum ) = 0
endfunction ObjectNum
Move the blanket with the arrow keys, press space to make an egg to catch in the blanket, and press control to drop the blanket.
Try catching some eggs, then rolling them out of the blanket, then dropping it and trying to droop it over the box.
It's pretty fast, runs at about 80 FPS on my craptacular computer. Sorry if it's too fast for you, just add a "sync rate 70" or whatever.
No GFX on the material yet, just dots.
edit to test sig