Alright; since FPSC
X10 seems to be nearing completion, I believe the time to begin work on the next evolution of FPSC
X9 will be upon us (or rather, upon Lee) in the not-so-distant future. This sticky is meant to be a resource for the powers-that-be to reference when making decisions on the priorities of FPSC's further development.
First; this thread will ensure that people's wants and needs are summarized in a single all-encompassing thread.
Second; this thread will be
heavily moderated. This is
NOT a "let's bash FPSC" thread. Adhere to the AUP and established FPSC forum "netiquette", when posting here.
It doesn't matter if you post something that is posted elsewhere, this is the place that I will point Lee to when the time comes. Please be
as specific as possible when making your post/request; use images if you need (even images from other games/ long as it doesn't appear to be a competing advertisement) a reference. Also try to be realistic; asking for something like "a giant MMO world that you can move about seamlessly", isn't a realistic request for an engine of this scope.
Moderators assume the right to modify and/or delete posts that are found to violate the AUP, or spirit of this thread's purpose. If you find your thread has been altered or deleted unfairly; e-mail myself or another FPSC Mod, we will do our best to explain to you the deficiencies in your post...and possibly help you to come up with a more appropriate approach to your specific request.
Constructive criticism of someone else's post or idea is fine, as long as it's not spiteful or belittling. If you disagree with someone's idea, explain yourself.
This thread is not intended to be limited to Media or the graphic capability of FPSC; if you have an idea about scripting, menu layout, shader systems, compatability, etc....let it be known; but please be as specific as possible.
DISCLAIMER: This thread in no way signals the impending release of FPSC X10.