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Work in Progress / Project Squared

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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 14:27
I got BONUS POINTS plús I think you're doing a great job. It's looking better and better.

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Posted: 6th Jun 2008 01:26

I'll try to get some of this music uploaded over the weekend and maybe work on more of the HUD (I'm still just working on random things, I have no direction!)

Going to look at a flat on Saturday, I can't wait!

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Posted: 6th Jun 2008 02:17
cubit card - incorporating 2 specially designed holes for the removal of unwanted fingers and to stop you breaking your teeth trying to open a bottle of beer.

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Posted: 6th Jun 2008 13:57
They're speed holes . They make the card go faster...

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Posted: 8th Jun 2008 10:55

Pretty much sums up my current mood.

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Posted: 8th Jun 2008 16:52
could be worse, your head could be made of glass.

If I chant *DEMO* hard enough do you think I'll get one?

If your lacking focus maybe a bit of sitting back and watching peoples responces to something they can interact with would be good.

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Posted: 9th Jun 2008 01:01

I'm far too busy at the moment to get a Demo released. I've got a research project to write, several different containers to code, I'm sick (and have been for weeks now), I'm thinking about moving into an apartment and my website is down.

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Posted: 9th Jun 2008 14:49 Edited at: 9th Jun 2008 14:50

The website is back online, my data structures (not containers after all) are coded, my research project is on it's way, the apartment thing is back on track, I'm not feeling as sick and I've just pre-ordered SSBB (yes, I know it's been released everywhere else. Thank you for pointing that out... F-r-i-e-n-d ).

In other words: I can stop banging my head against things.


That will be all?...


OK fine. Let's play a game. The first person to tell me where this quote is from, without googling it, can suggest something for me to stick in Project Squared (a picture, line of dialogue, let your imagination run within the bounds of reasonability), and I will listen, and there will be jollity (HA! Real word!). So, here's the mystery quote:

"The knowledge! It fills me! It is neat."

Yes, all you have to do is tell me who says that, and you might be part of the greatest game since...


You can be part of a game!

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Posted: 9th Jun 2008 17:19
Quote: "without googling it"
but how could you tell if we did or not. I haven't got the foggiest anyway.

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Blobby 101
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Posted: 9th Jun 2008 17:56
I know! I Know!
It's: Gir from Invader Zim!
And i didn't even google it!

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Posted: 9th Jun 2008 23:06
Gir from Invader Zim. I altavista'ed it.

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Posted: 10th Jun 2008 01:08
blobby 101 is the winner!

Quote: "but how could you tell if we did or not."

How indeed. Which is why I've devised the follow up question, to prove that blobby actually watched the episode. The follow up question is as follows:

When Gir said "The knowledge! It fills me! It is neat," where was he?

Simply answer this question and you can make a suggestion to improve my (already awesome ) game. It shouldn't be too hard, if you actually saw the episode




*turns into a bat and flies away*

Blobby 101
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Posted: 10th Jun 2008 09:35
GAH! i can't remember! i know the episode though, i think.
it was Gir goes Crazy and stuff, i liked the name so i remembered it, i can't remember where he was though, O well.

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Posted: 10th Jun 2008 10:27
Right, the episode was called "Gir goes crazy and stuff"

But you failed to answer my question. The answer was: "The Library". Remember? Gir takes a knowledge sucky thingy and goes to the library for "information retrieval"

Don't worry though, I have a backup-follow-up question (from that same episode). Er Hmm:

"What animal's brain was transplanted into the police officer's head?"

Considering this was an integral part of the plot, you should be able to get this one pretty easily

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Posted: 10th Jun 2008 22:10
squid brain in da head , see I knows it all I am da god orf picnic fishs...

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Posted: 11th Jun 2008 00:54
You were supposed to let...

Never mind.

I give up. This game didn't work anyway.

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Posted: 11th Jun 2008 22:10
Quote: "I give up. This game didn't work anyway."

Huh? I think it works.

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Posted: 11th Jun 2008 22:36
well I guess this is one way to boost up your posts, although I'm not sure exactly how many people have stopped reading because of the pure randomness and off topicness.

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Posted: 12th Jun 2008 01:20
Quote: "Huh? I think it works."

But it's just too easy to cheat. That said, I might play another round at some point, or start up one of the other competitions I've got lined up. Oh, and deathead, that guide you wrote is up on my website, you might want to try promoting it a bit more though. It's had 6 hits or something... Wait...

8 hits...

blobby 101 can suggest something if he wants, and I will listen (as long as it's smallish. A weapon idea, enemy idea, level idea if you're daring). You can suggest something else, but there's no guarantee that I'm going to put a mutant-ninja-pirate-zombie-teenage-gun-weilding-turnip into Project Squared...



*writes that idea down*

Quote: "I'm not sure exactly how many people have stopped reading because of the pure randomness and off topicness."

If those people cannot appreciate my bizarre sense of humour and witty charm, then they are already lost.

I shall mourn them.


But seriously? I'm a very busy person, and I've got to do something to keep people interested in between the times that I get to work on P2. Random conversation seems to fill that hole quite nicely. Yay random conversation!

To round this post up, I've decided what my next goal is going to be: Getting the player to move seamlessly from the town to the various levels that I have created. I've already got most of the code there. I just need to make it so that I don't have to unload the town every time the player moves into a building. Seriously, the load time for the town is huge. The matrix load time, on the other hand, is minimal.

Blobby 101
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Posted: 12th Jun 2008 08:59
well, my suggestion is a way around that. have the matrix level load up high above the town level, move the player there, and hide the town, then, if you need to go back, you just delete the matrix level and move the player back down to the town.

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Posted: 12th Jun 2008 11:39
Quote: "well, my suggestion is a way around that. have the matrix level load up high above the town level, move the player there, and hide the town, then, if you need to go back, you just delete the matrix level and move the player back down to the town."



Seriously dude, that's exactly what I was thinking of doing! Talk about coincidences!

Wow, just wow. I've been thinking about it in depth for a while now. The first two things I have to do to make sure that this process is seamless, are make a fade in and fade out function. Thus disguising the inevitable hiccup that occurs when you spontaneously jump 10,000 feet in the air (as you do).

Next, make a point on the map that will load the level when you press the "enter building key".

Finally, string the whole thing together and watch it work. Easy Peasy (touch wood).

I'll say it once again. Wow. Great minds think alike I suppose.

Blobby 101
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Posted: 12th Jun 2008 17:54
that's not saying much for your mind, seriously. If it's only as good as mine...

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Posted: 12th Jun 2008 18:42
Quote: "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!"

sorry was spring cleaning..... theres a lot of clutter in here

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Posted: 13th Jun 2008 01:12
Quote: "that's not saying much for your mind, seriously. If it's only as good as mine... "

I'm still not sure if I'm being burnt, if you're being burnt or if we're being burnt...

Who's being burnt?
Quote: "
sorry was spring cleaning..... theres a lot of clutter in here"

It's not a nice place in there. Seriously, for your own safety, STAY OUT OF IT.

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Posted: 14th Jun 2008 14:34 Edited at: 14th Jun 2008 14:36
Finally, something worth posting.

I've just uploaded two new pieces of music to my website.

The pieces aren't very long, but at least it's something, and it shows that I have been working on P², albeit slowly.

If/When I finish my research project tomorrow, I'll try and get to work on the insides of the buildings.

One last thing... I'm not sure if I should've uploaded this or not...

Dare I show it...

I dare...

Quote: "mutant-ninja-pirate-zombie-teenage-gun-weilding-turnip"

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Posted: 14th Jun 2008 22:26
You should include that in the game, an easter egg in a room or a poster a bit like in the metal gear games...

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Posted: 15th Jun 2008 01:47
Quote: "You should include that in the game, an easter egg in a room or a poster a bit like in the metal gear games..."

Yeah. It'll probably go in the super-secret room that no one is ever going to find.

Only I will know how to get there.

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Posted: 15th Jun 2008 03:07
I think it has something to do with typing loads of nonsense in the game.

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Posted: 15th Jun 2008 04:51 Edited at: 15th Jun 2008 09:50
Quote: "I think it has something to do with typing loads of nonsense in the game."

I haven't thought that far ahead yet but I'm planning on making it far more secure than the Chris Houlihan room, which I'm sure I've mentioned before.

I had an idea though. You know how some buildings miss out the 13th floor, because it's said to be unlucky? And when you go on an elevator in one of those buildings, the buttons jump from 12 to 14? What if someone installed a button to the 13th floor... Somewhere... That he knew no one would ever find? I mean, what if it was hidden under a desk in an office, or behind a pot plant somewhere? Or maybe hidden behind a brick in the wall?

What if you had to search 99 floors of a building, in order to find the secret button?

And what if that was only the beginning of a fiendish quest to find a secret room?

Update: I got some work done on the entry points for the buildings. The fade in and fade out functions work and I've cleaned up some more of the code.

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Posted: 19th Jun 2008 03:39
Today I did some more work on P². I've gotten to the point where the player is able to enter a matrix generated building from the town, the buildings in the town are subsequently hidden, and the player's return coordinates are stored.

Now I just need to make it so that the player is able to exit the building...

Which is going to be difficult considering that there's no door in the test building...

So I should probably make that first.

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Posted: 19th Jun 2008 05:39
Heh, that made me grin. This whole project makes me grin. Although my current half comatose state due to lack of sleep might've made me slightly mellow.

Door? I hate door. Door is stupid.

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Posted: 19th Jun 2008 11:32
Ah. Don't you just love that mellow-tired feeling? The whole world could burn down around you, and you'd just be standing in the middle of it, wondering why the sky is a funny shade of red.

Standing there, with that goofy mellow-tired grin plastered all over your face, as the machines attack and raze our cities to the ground...

What was I talking about again?

Quote: "Door? I hate door. Door is stupid."

That reminds me of this:

Brick Tamland: I love... carpet.
Brick Tamland: I love... desk.
Ron Burgundy: Brick, are you just looking at things in the office and saying that you love them?
Brick Tamland: I love lamp.
Ron Burgundy: Do you really love the lamp, or are you just saying it because you saw it?
Brick Tamland: I love lamp. I love lamp.

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Posted: 29th Jun 2008 14:18
Just dropping a quick note to say that I'm not dead...

Yet... <_<

I haven't done much work on the game (I made a door ). I've been given my IG100 final project. I've got to make a game in 3 weeks, along with all the documentation, debug extras and additional tools.

On top of that, I've got to use the windows GDI (<- Global Defence Initiative) to make the game (no DX I'm afraid). It's a pain in the back-end, it's slow and it's bloated. Like a whale covered in thumb tacks.

I've been thinking about running some competitions. Specifically, a your-image-here contest and a dialogue contest. What do you guys think?

Apart from that, things have been rather quiet... Except for the thunder and lightning. That was neat.

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Posted: 29th Jun 2008 14:39
Quote: "
Brick Tamland: I love... carpet.
Brick Tamland: I love... desk.
Ron Burgundy: Brick, are you just looking at things in the office and saying that you love them?
Brick Tamland: I love lamp.
Ron Burgundy: Do you really love the lamp, or are you just saying it because you saw it?
Brick Tamland: I love lamp. I love lamp."

Great film. Actually a Awesome film. For people who don't know what it is, it is Anchorman. And how dare you not know what it is!

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Posted: 1st Jul 2008 13:13
Another little update. I've managed to get the player exiting buildings. There are still a few glitches with camera positioning and the like, but, for the better part, everything works.

Going to see Hancock on Thursday. It looks awesome.

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Posted: 1st Jul 2008 16:29
this game looks REALLY promising. its good to see that another game with potential doesn't simply die. i'll be sure to download it when its available. good stuff!
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2008 03:55
Quote: "this game looks REALLY promising. its good to see that another game with potential doesn't simply die. i'll be sure to download it when its available. good stuff! "

Thanks. I really appreciate comments like this.

I have an steadfast determination to finish P², and you can be sure that it will not die easily.

Not even the fact that I'm putting in 9 and a half hour days at school has stopped me from working on the game. If anything, it has inspired me to keep going with it.

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Posted: 10th Jul 2008 08:29
Any Progress, Dr Enzyme?
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Posted: 10th Jul 2008 13:54
At the moment I'm in the middle of my one week break. I've used the time to get away from work and visit my family.

Progress will slow considerably for the next two weeks, because I have to work on my IG100 project. After that, we'll see what happens.

Before I left on Friday night however, I managed to fix the camera and positioning bugs. I also managed to find a few fatal glitches, that I will fix when I get back to Auckland:

1) I haven't unloaded all the objects after exiting the character creation screen.
2) The character's animation doesn't stop when he exits a building
3) Project Squared doesn't work on computers running DX 10

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Posted: 14th Jul 2008 02:55
Great project. Loads of Promise. I like the hidden room idea for a quest. It will be epic... *stares blankly* epic...

I just can't wait to play it. I'm going to drag out this message so it distracts me from my impatience... just...can't...wait...

I urge you to watch the film "Who killed the electric car". Support electric cars! Did you know their used to be more electric cars then gassoline cars?
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Posted: 14th Jul 2008 13:44
Quote: "Great project. Loads of Promise. I like the hidden room idea for a quest. It will be epic... *stares blankly* epic...

I just can't wait to play it. I'm going to drag out this message so it distracts me from my impatience... just...can't...wait... "

No pressure on me then. None at all.

I really wish that I could manifest my divine vision a little faster though. <_<

Damn this mortal coil in all its pathetistosity*.

I've been thinking up some ideas for 'The Projects'. I already know what Projects 9 and 3 are going to look like. They will be sweet...

Go on... Ask me what the projects are... You know you want to...

*pathetistosity [pah - thet - iss - toss - it - ee]: 1)A measure of uselessness. 2)To be pathetic, weak, or generally useless.

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2008 01:31
Just dropping a quick note to say that I'm not dead, and that work on P² will begin again next week, when our IG100 projects are finished.

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2008 01:52
What are the Projects?

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2008 02:57
The Projects (or experiments, as I'm thinking of renaming them) are a bunch of test-things... Monsters if you will, made by the Quinn corporation...

I can't tell you much about why they were made, or who authorized their creation, or what their purpose is (those are company secrets), but I can tell you that each one is modeled on a different trait. For example:


There are 13 experiments/projects altogether, although at this time, I've only thought up about 4.

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Posted: 25th Jul 2008 11:58
Spooooooky... erm...
How about a CHEESE monster.

On a more serious note, how about Dr. Quinn was frightened of dying and devised Project 13 as an extension to
Quote: "this mortal coil in all its pathetistosity"
ie his body to give him immortal life.
Immortal life... now that's the one thing anyone would kill over, isn't it?
Not bad, eh?

Impossible? Anything is impossible. 48'6F'77'20'64'61'72'65'20'79'6F'75'20'77'6F'72'6B'20'6F'75'74'20'6D'79'20'73'69'67'21

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Posted: 25th Jul 2008 13:24 Edited at: 25th Jul 2008 13:28
It's interesting that you should mention that, as Quinn wasn't afraid of dying at all. In fact, he planned for the inevitable, and by...

Ermm.... Spoilers much.

You're just going to have to play the game to find out

Man this is annoying. I really want to discuss the game here, but I also think the plot is a bit too good to just blatantly spoil.


EDIT: Project 13 isn't going to feature much in this game. Once again, you're just going to have to play the game to find out why.

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Posted: 4th Aug 2008 14:05
Son of the gunman. The week our Assignment was due we have an exam, and the same day we're given an exam, we're expected to present a research project to the class the following (I.e this coming) Friday.

Excuses aside, I haven't been doing much work on P². I'll reiterate once more for those of you in the back: Project Squared is going to be done when it's done. I'll work on it when I can, but school work takes top priority. That said, I do have a little tid-bit to show you:

Say hello to Cutter... Well... Sort of... He's only partially finished at the moment. I've got to do away with the hands in favour of paws(I modified this mesh from one I made for Xorrgate), give him a head, UV map him and animate him.

As you may have heard me say before, all the characters in Project Squared are various anthropomorphs. Cutter is the first one of these that I'm going to show you. When he's finished, Cutter is going to be a Grey Shar-Pei-cross with a love of pointy objects.

Over the coming weeks, I'm going to do proper character bios for Cutter and the other characters to give you some more insight into P². In that time, I'll try to wrap my head around the plot, as I still need to iron out some of the details in that department.

I hope this little morsel of Project Squared nourishment is enough to keep you going, I know that I've starved you lately, but keep this in mind: the entrée is just that, the main course is yet to come

Eevil Weevil
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Posted: 28th Aug 2008 23:36
Umm... has project squared died? No post in three weeks...

Impossible? Anything is impossible. 48'6F'77'20'64'61'72'65'20'79'6F'75'20'77'6F'72'6B'20'6F'75'74'20'6D'79'20'73'69'67'21

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Posted: 30th Aug 2008 01:51 Edited at: 16th Sep 2008 00:49
No, not dead, just not much has happened. I can tell you what has happened if you want to know though:

I've finished the mesh for cutter and I've finished the base UV map, now I need to give him some clothes and Rig em'. I got rid of those awful human hands too.

Unfortunately we've had non-stop assignments. We're right in the middle of making pool at the moment. We've been given two weeks to make it work, using nothing but the Windows API. You know what that means? No DirectX. Oh, and did I mention that we're doing all our programming in VC++, which makes DarkBasic look like a childs plaything?

Speaking of DirectX, we've just started learning about it. It's not easy. You don't realise how lucky you are to have DBP until you try setting up your first D3DDevice, and get a couple of cubes going. You don't even have to know about the world, projection and view matrices in DBP. It takes care of it all for you.

So yeah, I'm stressed. 8-10 hour days have been wearing away at me and I've only been able to give Project Squared an hour of my attention every week.

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Posted: 16th Sep 2008 00:48 Edited at: 16th Sep 2008 00:50
OK, confession time.

Coding on Project squared has become like wading through mud. Trying to find bugs, see where one thing leads to another, or just trying get a function going, has become a task that the gods themselves would baulk at. While I still wish to finish the game, at this point it has become impossible.
I have a feeling this has something to do with my terrible design. I rushed into the project with less than adequate preperation, and for that, I got burned.
So, that's the problem, now for my options. None of these are going to be easy, but they'll help the project in the long run:

1) I stick with the code I've got, and make the best of a bad situation. I don't go back and rework my design, and somewhere in the late 20s I finish Project Squared.
2) I Rework my design, but stick with the code I have now.
3) I rework my design and recode the entire game. Given this option I'd like to use Dark GDK the second time around, as C++ has become my forte.

4) I don't like it, but it's an option. I abandon this project, rescope and rescale, and try my hand at something that's a lot more achievable. Project Squared gets left in the "I'll do it later" pile for when I have a bigger team, and we see the game again twenty years in the future.

So, I have layed out the various battle plans in full. I have my own opinions, but ultimately I leave the choice in your hands. If I don't get any replies, I'm going to assume that interest in the project has faded, and that there is no point in me continuing to work on it. Otherwise, I'd really like to do go back to the beginning and figure everything out in full, before taking another shot at the monolith that is Project Squared.

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