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Geek Culture / NaGaCreMo 09 [sign up]

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Posted: 11th Jan 2009 23:43
Done the task ^^. Thanks Guyra for the It's a badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, mushroom, MUSHROOM, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, SNAKE, A SNAKE, OOOH IT'S A SNAKE, it's a badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger (ad infinitum).

Was easier than expected... Now I just need to make it do the same thing with grass then I'm onto the fences and making them shakable by zombies and stuff.

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Posted: 13th Jan 2009 01:17

Heres the link to my thread.

@Zenassem: Do I have to have a banner to get my thread listed? I'm not too good at making them

flashing snall
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Posted: 13th Jan 2009 02:06
Argh. Im running into a big issue. My friend is in charge of animation, but the only thing he can export to is .fbx
Does anyone know of any good ways to get .fbx to .x retaining animation data?

This is my WIP, not even ready for a WIP thread yet though.
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 13th Jan 2009 02:26
Guys, it looks like I am not going to complete my NaGaCreMo in time. Now that Acer have replied to my email, I will be sending my laptop off tomorrow (after backing up some final stuff) for repairs. They said it'll take around about 10 days, + 2 or so for DHL to deliver, and I go back to Uni on the 26th, meaning if I'm lucky, I could cram it, otherwise not.

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Posted: 13th Jan 2009 02:39
Quote: "Argh. Im running into a big issue. My friend is in charge of animation, but the only thing he can export to is .fbx
Does anyone know of any good ways to get .fbx to .x retaining animation data?"

If he's using 3DS Max, why can't he export to .x? All he needs is the panda x exporter and it should work fine.

flashing snall
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Posted: 13th Jan 2009 04:02
no man, he is using Ac3d for modelling, and... I actually have no idea what he is using for animation. Ill have to ask him about that some time

This is my WIP, not even ready for a WIP thread yet though.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2009 11:32
oh lol I thought .fbx was an autodesk only format. Guess I should have done my research better.

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 13th Jan 2009 17:53
Okay, you can DEFINITELY count me out as a failure for NaGaCreMo, I just returned my laptop and it won't be fixed until 2nd February (and I probably won't get it back myself until my parents visit).

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Posted: 14th Jan 2009 01:26
Time to add Seppuku Arts to the 'failures' list then.

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Posted: 14th Jan 2009 03:17
Quote: "Okay, you can DEFINITELY count me out as a failure for NaGaCreMo, I just returned my laptop and it won't be fixed until 2nd February (and I probably won't get it back myself until my parents visit)."

My post from earlier:

Quote: "Anyone who doesn't fulfill their New Year resolution to complete a project in the first 30 days of the New Year will become the victim of Medieval torture."

Any last words?

flashing snall
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Posted: 14th Jan 2009 04:06
I would edit out my resolution, and claim I never said it... anything to escape the horrible fates that would await me if I did not finish my game.... which sadly may happen. stupid fbx file formats, and stupid DBPRO editor not saving my work (has happened ever since I got it years ago) and stupid "team" for not writing their share of the code....

This is my WIP, not even ready for a WIP thread yet though.
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Posted: 14th Jan 2009 04:41
Oh, come on now, surely you aren't going to give up when we've still got 17 days for a few little problems

Quote: "stupid fbx file formats"

If your friend is using any editor worth its salt, he should be able to export something that will load in DBP or that can be converted to load in DBP. Otherwise, placeholders FTW.

Quote: "stupid DBPRO editor not saving my work "

Codesurge FTW.

Quote: "stupid "team" for not writing their share of the code"

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Posted: 14th Jan 2009 07:32
I'm traveling and am unavailable from the 10th-17th, but lucky I made some good progress before I left, so i'll still be able to finish it by the end of the month... hopefully.

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Posted: 14th Jan 2009 08:46
@Seppuku Arts: Too bad about your computer. :/

I'm still doing my best, but school is starting up again and I'm working on another game at the same time, plus I need to start working on a certain comic project soon... Got a lot to do!

..but I'm still working on Haunted!

Big Man
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Posted: 14th Jan 2009 09:13
Um I dont wanna sound dumb and I havent read the other 5 pages of this thread but what exactly does NaGaCreMo stand for?


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Posted: 14th Jan 2009 10:12
National Game Creation Month, it was inspired by the National Novel Writing Month.

@Seppuku: I'm afraid you're going to have to live up to your name! Seriously though, real shame you're dropping out, I guess you can't do much without your laptop. You could consider doing a paper prototype version, if thats viable for your design. That way you get to complete a project and you can work out any design kinks before you implement them digitally.

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 14th Jan 2009 13:11
Quote: "Time to add Seppuku Arts to the 'failures' list then"

He he, well perhaps there should be a failures list, it gives more of an incentive to win for those still participating.

Quote: "Seriously though, real shame you're dropping out, I guess you can't do much without your laptop. You could consider doing a paper prototype version,"

That's probably a good idea, also I could map out on Paper what I'm going to do with the code and what I'm implementing and how.

And er...

I'd commit seppuku, but you know how it is, life>death, makes me a hypocrite I guess, but at least I'm an alive hypocrite.

flashing snall
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Posted: 14th Jan 2009 21:14
woa woa woah. I never said we had given up I think we just found a solution for the stupid fbx issue. 3ds max trail + panda/KW just got downloaded, so we'll see how that one turns out. I tried codesurge awhile ago, and I never really was able to leave the classic DBPRO editor. There is something about an original I have a hard time forsaking, even if it crappy
As for my team being lazy, I plan on sorta.... doing it myself .... and then after MidTerms, were going to have a devLAN which should be great, get a lot of crap done there.

Idk if the entire game is going to be done, but hopefully, a playable demo should be possible.

This is my WIP, not even ready for a WIP thread yet though.
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Posted: 14th Jan 2009 21:15
Hypocrite? Why? You don't have to DO something to appreciate the art of it .

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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 14th Jan 2009 23:43
Ahah! Of all the bad things I say about you behind your back Rami, the ability to find loop holes when I'm in a tight spot is not one of them. Almost enough for me to forgive you for breaking that vase, especially as the oracle warned you. It was birthday gift I gave her, it cost me over $10!

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Posted: 15th Jan 2009 22:01 Edited at: 15th Jan 2009 22:22
Looking at how much people have done really makes me feel like a dunce... Especiallly when all ive done is make a black and white pongout prototype. However, it is only the 15th and hopefully, i may try and enter another small entry as well. Here is my pongout game for the moment, (see attachment)
I'm planning on adding scores, possibly a hiscore file (just read TDK tutorial =)), some media and Im currently adding some AI. Please do give feedback as itll help loads...

P.s didnt think it was worth making a WIP so im posting it here, hope thats ok


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Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 18th Jan 2009 00:07
Well darn it. It looks like I can't complete my game so much either.
School is keeping me pretty busy at the moment. I just had to go update my WIP thread to tell people that I can only complete level three and that the game will then be finished, for now (getting way too busy with other things). There's also too much I need to do to optimize performance for it. So, I'll finish level three, attach it to the download and release it as Coins Galore v1.0., sometime during the week. So the game is not 'completed', but it will have three, playable levels with an end screen displaying your final high score. Perhaps during the rest of this year I'll purchase DBPro (I plan to before summer) and then use that to re-make the games engine. But man, I really wanted to do the full five levels...

See my new thread [Coins Galore Official Demo] in WIP!
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Posted: 18th Jan 2009 01:09
Well, though I've been saying this since the beginning, everyone is posting bad news and I thought I'd keep with the trend . Fields will likely be more of a tech demo than a finished game by the end of January. I'm certainly going to keep working on it though.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2009 02:17
I hate to disappoint you all, but I'm afraid I'm also... never mind

We are on track to have a playable version of the Raptor Remake done by the 30th.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2009 03:49
My W.I.P Page-

Sorry I havent been posting my computer thinks its funny to die X( Then make me buy another computer. I have a screenie up and a playable demo soon.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2009 10:30
I *Could* do it if I do what I nearly did for my PhysX compo, which is to stop with the videogames and get a crack on.

Tom J
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Posted: 18th Jan 2009 12:23
I should have a game up by the start of February, we'll see.

And I just realised I haven't posted any WIP stuff about it yet I leave posting the WIP for ages, hehe.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2009 16:56
Remember that this is all just for fun, guys!

I'm still going strong, though. Somewhat, at least. But I think I might finish a playable version of the game, if not perhaps with all the elements I've planned.

flashing snall
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Posted: 18th Jan 2009 18:06
Quote: "Remember that this is all just for fun, guys! "

Hmm. maybe your right, I get into these waaaaaaay to much. Back when I was working on the DreamBuildPlay contest entry, and started skipping homework, and devoting every waking second to it. Its starting to happen again. Spanish essay? or programming? eeeeeeeh, I think Ill go for programming. Study for my History Exam?! pft, no way.

PGDO. it consumes my every waking moment, that is not already being eaten by work / school / sleeping
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Posted: 18th Jan 2009 18:54
Well, halfway and time for an update. My project, now being completed with a team of 6, is getting along nicely. It turned from puzzler to platformer to coop game, and is now going under the name "Siege". Screenshots, idiotic one-liners and more of that kind of stuff around the 20th.

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Crazy Ninja
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Posted: 19th Jan 2009 20:58
Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one to drop out, although i don't really have an excuse as to why i wasn't able to pull out DBPro again and make something. Oh well, maybe someday i'll make something.
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Posted: 20th Jan 2009 12:54 Edited at: 20th Jan 2009 18:23
I have now near enough finished the mini game ive been making so ill post it here tonight. Im hoping to add a compilation of short games as well as Pongout.

Right well here it is...
ive added functionality for mouse and keyboard keys and a little bit of colour and hey its not bad

To play, select the control mode, which is highlighted, then select difficulty and play!!

Keyboard uses up,down left and right keys and mouse uses the mouse

have fun and let me know what you think.


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Posted: 25th Jan 2009 23:14 Edited at: 25th Jan 2009 23:14
Work in Progress now posted in the Work in Progress section. Yeah, really. Amazing, isn't it?

Here, proof.

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Posted: 26th Jan 2009 04:59
I got no were near finishing mine but i learned a lot from it and going to keep with my project

Tom J
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Posted: 30th Jan 2009 17:37
Things haven't gone as fast as hoped so I have two options ahead:

1. Rush this game in two nights and have something unready, but done.
2. Leave the NaGaCremo thing, and carry on this game at a more managable pace.

Sorry, but I think I'll have to go with the later as I really don't want to stress out over finishing it now. But I still don't feel like a failure, because without this event; I would never have even thought about getting up and making my game, let alone done it. So thank you NaGaCreMo, you still inspired me to get off my lazy backside I'll have to try something more managable in a month next year.

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Posted: 30th Jan 2009 21:44
My entry, complete and all:

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Posted: 31st Jan 2009 23:05 Edited at: 1st Feb 2009 22:51
Well I'm just posting this here to prove I got the work done by the 31st, because I'm too lazy to take a bunch of screenshots and update my thread

Also, apologies ahead of time for the fact that I have no clue how to properly publish my XNA game. As a result, its a build taken straight from the project folder, and unfortunately, you need to have Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and XNA Game Studio 3.0 installed in order to run it. I know these requirements are pretty ridiculous, I'm working on it!

Arrowkeys to move (double tap an arrowkey quickly to make a dodge move)
Z to fire
X to change weapon

Alfa x
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Posted: 1st Feb 2009 13:28
Quote: "My entry, complete and all:"

Nice screenshoots. I will play the game later.

I'm looking forward to see the others jobs
flashing snall
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Posted: 1st Feb 2009 17:15 Edited at: 1st Feb 2009 17:47
draknir_: Im downloading you game. I installed 3.0 awhile ago, but Im not sure if it actually installed, because I still cant load up mp3 files the way 3.0 wants me to... We'll see.

WOAH! It works all right dude. Wow, that brings back the memories, and now I want to go back and play the real raptor. one question, how the heck do you fire?!

Oh, I figured it out. Z
I was doing good until the boss, but then he ripped me apart.
I loved raptor, played it all the time. Thanks for this remake, its sweet.

Beat the boss, finally. Very good remake, although you left out that enemy that shoots side ways at you. And you cant shoot buildings, which made me sad. But over all, I am "wowed"

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Posted: 1st Feb 2009 22:50

I'm glad you liked it!

Sorry I forgot to post the controls, I'll edit the post. There's a lot of features missing, like the ground enemies and explodable buildings as you mentioned, though my artist did make models for the SAM sites and flak tracks (tanks that roll in from the side) so I can add those in a later version.


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Posted: 2nd Feb 2009 18:52
Sorry guys, another failure here! Stuff happening - I don't even have internet at home now. Hopefully it'll get back up soon.

I'll still continue working on the game, though. ;D

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Posted: 8th Feb 2009 14:57
What happens now?

flashing snall
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Posted: 8th Feb 2009 17:00
Thats a good question...

PGDO. it consumes my every waking moment, that is not already being eaten by work / school / sleeping
Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 8th Feb 2009 20:14
Maybe someone makes a new thread and shows the best games of NaGaCreMo? You know, like a review thread?

flashing snall
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Posted: 8th Feb 2009 20:17
Who actually finished?

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Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 8th Feb 2009 20:22
A few people would be worth it for someone to go over to the WIP boards and pick the best NaGaCreMo entries and review them in a new thread.

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Posted: 8th Feb 2009 21:14
It should probably get a mention in the newsletter as well... I mean there are some very good entries.
There should definitely be a round up of what was completed though...

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 8th Feb 2009 21:19
I agree. So, who wants to volunteer to do that?

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Posted: 10th Feb 2009 17:52
Just a suggestion, but if Zenassem is around, he came up with the idea, and knows probably the most about it...

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 10th Feb 2009 17:59
Yeah, I've been hoping he'll show up and post in this thread...

"Love isn't a feeling, it's an ability."

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