Quote: "the flashing intro screen is a bit much, too (assuming it's supposed to flash).
It only flashes on random computers. I have no idea how to fix it, but 95% of the computer's it's been ran on have had no issues with a flashing screen...it's weird.
Quote: "i would like to see a simple shadow beneath the marble (to help with how close the player is to the edge of a cube) and it would help, visually, if the coins, say, spun or rotated toward the player since, when looking across a level, they disappear if the player is at a certain angle from the coin."
I'd love to do a simple shadow, but I have no idea how I would get one to appear. I have a theory, but I don't think it would work. Also, about trying to make the coins rotate, I can't seem to make them delete when they're rotating.
Otherwise I would do that.
Quote: "if marble_bottom < cube_top then fall"
Not sure how I would implement that, but it would be great if I could!
Quote: "i think there're too many stars, too"
I guess I'll scale the texture down a bit then. Thanks for the feedback!