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FPSC Classic Product Chat / [ANNOUNCEMENT] FPSC Community Rules and Information Thread.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2010 07:19 Edited at: 10th Jun 2010 05:46


Welcome to the best First Person Shooter Creator Community on the net today! FPSCreator enables anyone to realize their aspirations of developing their own FPS Game; without any knowledge of coding or scripting, or even artistic ability. Go from a single-player adventure, to a multi-player “frag-fest”; you can even opt for a non-violent title, such as a maze quest or historical adventure. It’s entirely up to you, the developer, to decide where you want to go with FPSCreator.

For Developers who are already familiar with the game design process; there is a robust scripting language which you can use to expand your ideas, and create something truly unique. For Game Artists, FPSCreator offers you an extremely east way to showcase your work in a real game environment. For Development Teams, FPSC is an excellent tool to flesh out those initial details and thoughts; in a real working environment, without spending valuable time on coding and media creation.

The FPSC Community is both robust and helpful, should you need advice or assistance. Many in the Community have been using FPSCreator for a number of years, and have developed their own titles; some of the best are showcased in the Best of the Best thread.

Whatever your (3D) game development dream is; you’ve come to the right place to start (or continue) your journey into creating your very own game.

The following Menu will help you navigate to the section you want to check out; I encourage you to read them all, however.

Thread Menu Navigation

FPSCreator, Model Packs and The Game Creator Store


Official Community Guide

FPSC Mods (Engine Modifications)

FPSC and other TGC Programs

FPSC 3rd Party Tools List

TGC Store

Posting Screenshots

WIP and Showcase

Community Events

Upgrade from Free version Problem

Piracy: Repercussions and how to report it

Member Moderation

Forum Rules

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Tutorial Compendium

FPSC Moderator Contact Details

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2010 07:20 Edited at: 3rd Jun 2010 17:13

What is FPSCreator? Though some may say the name is self explanatory; it's still a good question.

FPSCreator (or FPSC, as the Community calls it) is a fully-functional game engine, designed to help the developer(s) create a complete First Person Shooter game; such as Half Life, Call of Duty, or Doom. FPSC was designed with the beginner in mind; in that no actual programming, scripting, game media creation, musical score conception, or UI (User Interface) creation is needed. You can, in fact, make an entire game out of nothing but stock media (meaning media that comes with the program) and an idea.

However; for those who either know more about game design...or want to know more, there is so much more that FPSC is capable of. The ability to script just about anything you need, is available at all times; as well as the ability to import any game media, sound effects, music, menu system(s), and storyline that you want. The FPSC Engine itself is being improved continuously; utilizing techniques from various Modifications, to user-driven updates and fixes. In short; you can get as in-depth as you want, with your idea.

There is a large collection of free video tutorials, to help you get started using FPSCreator. They can be found here.

FPSCreator X10

FPSCreator X10 is the more advanced version of FPSCreator; meant for use with Windows Vista or 7, it utilizes DirectX 10 technology. Improved AI (Artificial Intelligence), Bloom, Window Refraction, Variable Water, Character Texture Variation, native use of multiple texture map types; are just a few of the improvements made over the original version of FPSC. All FPSC Model Packs are compatible with this version as well.

FPSC Model Packs

FPSCreator Model Packs are made by 3rd Party Professionals and TGC Commissioned Artists. You can greatly expand the scope of any game you are developing, utilizing these Packs. From Horror, to Modern Day and Fantasy media; the possibilities are nearly endless. There's even a Pack to expand the standard Sprites available in FPSC. Best of all; each Model Pack is priced right for developers.

TGC Store

Don't want to buy an entire Model Pack, for just a few models you need? No problem; the TGC Store allows you to make individual purchases, by buying Store Points. Even better, access to the Store is found right inside FPSCreator's Interface! Once the item is purchased; it's immediately available in your FPSC Media Library, no importing of media is needed. That's about as "plug and play" as you can get! New models are added every month; with the number of contributing artists growing as well.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2010 07:20 Edited at: 5th Oct 2011 22:42

The Best of the Best (BOTB) was put together several years ago; it's purpose is to showcase FPSCreator Developers who have exceptional talent. Over the years there have been some outstanding examples of what can be accomplished with FPSC, when some creative minds put their time and effort into creating something that rises above the pack.

Anyone can submit an entry for consideration of entry into the BOTB. Guidelines and submission requirements can be viewed on the Best of the Best Thread.

The Very Best of the Best (VBOTB) was created to showcase the absolute pinnacle of the BOTB entries for a specified year. Only a BOTB entry for the year in question will be allowed (previous year's entries are not considered), and the judging of each entry is more stringent than that of the BOTB itself. For information on what's involved with the VBOTB (entry is automatic for that year's BOTB holders) go to the Very Best of the Best Thread.

FPSCreator's Best of the on Twitter and YouTube!

FPSCreator's Best of the Best (BOTB) can now be found (and followed), on Twitter and the new FPSCreator BOTB YouTube Channel. Just click on the appropriate icons below to go there now. Keep updated on all things Best of the Best, through these new venues!



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Posted: 3rd Jun 2010 07:21 Edited at: 28th Jan 2011 05:06

Back in the summer of 2008, Nickydude (FPSC Mod, and all around great guy) graced all FPSC Developers with the finalized version of his Guide to FPSCreator. It became the "Official" and definitive guide to FPSC.

The Guide is chock full of useful information for new users of FPSC, as well as veterans. It also contains numerous hints, tips and techniques from other FPSC Developers.

To view the Online Guide, click here.

To grab the Download-able Guide (7MB), click here.

The Official FPSCreator Guide is in PDF format.

UPDATE: You can now own your very own printed and bound copy of this great Guide, for a small price! Check out the thread here for more detailed information, and ordering info: FPSC Community Guide in Paperback

UPDATE #2: Community Guide Part 2 is now available in .PDF format; click here.


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Posted: 3rd Jun 2010 07:21 Edited at: 24th Jan 2011 04:40

Although FPSCreator has come a long way from it's first incarnation; some developers have pushed the limits and even gone so far as to alter the source code of FPSC. In doing so they have created "Mods" or engine modifications. These enhancements target various aspects of gameplay, graphic capabilities, and overall speed of a built FPSC creation. Depending on what you are wanting to do with your game; you'll want to shop around and check out all the different Mods available.

As well as the availability of Engine Mods; there is also an Official Update that is rather massive and in the works for FPSCreator. It's discussion can be found on this thread.

Please direct any questions you have about a specific Mod, to it's thread on the TGC Boards.

Below is a list of all current (known) Mods for FPSCreator, along with a generic list of their capabilities.


Features: S4mod is a personal mod that has been made for the low-spec to mid-range computer that feature Lemur Multiplayer and Airmod.

FPSC version(s) supported: Needs FPSC v1.7 to v1.9

Creator: s4real

Forum Thread:

Price: Free

Project Blue


- Plymod v1.09 intergrated
- Airmod v06 intergrated
- Lemur v2 (Multiplayer features intergrated
- s4mod intergrated
- Timer based logic
- Lighting issues fixed and dynamic lights working
- Full screen shaders(bloom,motion blur,etc)
- Improvement on timer system
- Timeflow features
- Lewis additions
- And many more features

FPSC version(s) supported: v1.15 and v1.16

Creators: Plystire and S4Real (Current Developer: Hockeykid)

Forum Thread:

Price: $28 USD



- Uncapped Frame-rate
- Timer based logic
- Double map size
- Recoil
- New library of scripting commands
- Money and banking system
- More to come...

FPSC version(s) supported: v1.11 of FPSC X10

Creator: Daniel Wright and Budokaiman (current developer)

Forum Thread:

Price: Free

Fenix Mod

FPSC version supported: v1.16


- 24 new scripting conditions
- 49 new scripting actions
- 14 new gunspec commands
- Support for Errant AI's melee and empty animations
- Dark AI (not very good Dark AI.....)
- Timer based movement
- Contains Airmod, Horror Mod, and RPG Mod (Terry asked me to take it out but its still in the current release of Fenix Mod)

Creator: Hockeykid

Forum Thread:

Price: Free


FPSC version(s) supported: v1.18 beta 3 and higher


- Dynamic Shadows on all objects
- New water effects

Creators: DarkGoblin
Forum Thread:

Price: Free


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Posted: 3rd Jun 2010 07:22 Edited at: 3rd Jun 2010 17:15

The Game Creators have numerous other products that can be integrated into you FPSCreator pipeline. From Trees and Foliage, to unique Skylines, and even programs to create totally custom level geometry; you are sure to find something to enhance your creations.

Not every tool is made to work seamlessly with FPSC; but with some tweaking and help from other developers, you can make things work. Here is a list of a few Programs that can help you get the look you're going for:


TreeMagik: Create unique trees to populate you levels with.

Plant Life: Create foliage to break up bland and flat outdoor levels.

SkyMATTER: Don't want the standard fare that comes with FPSC? Check out all the different skylines you could enhance your levels with, with these packs!

CloudWright: Want to create your own realistic skylines? This is the program for you.

DarkCLOUDS: Want to really go the extra mile? With this program, you can create animated skylines; complete with volumetric clouds, wind, rain, dynamic lighting for in-game objects, time of day, and even planetary backdrops!

Level Creation

3D World Studio: The ultimate tool in level creation. Create your level, and import it into FPSCreator (in .X format). This is ideal, if you want to get away from the regular segment-based level creation. The interface is extremely user friendly.

Cartography Shop 4: The predecessor of 3D World Studio, and still a viable option in any project. Oh yeah...and it's free!

T.ED.: A solution to your terrain and environment needs.


AC3D: A fully-complete 3D Modeler and UV Mapper. Everything you need to start creating your own media.

3D Canvas Pro: Another great Modeler, for all your media creation needs.

Texture Creation

Texture Maker: A complete package to create your own unique textures (seamless), animated textures and particle effects.

Genetica: The pinnacle of texture creation/generation! Offered in different packages, even the basic package will fulfill most of your needs.

ExGen: Create your own unique particle effects for weapons, spells and other in-game needs.

Sound FX

SoundMATTER: You're sure to find that perfect sound effect you need for your game in one of the many Packs available.

SoundFX Engine: Can't seem to find that perfect sound effect you're looking for? Make it yourself, in this robust Sound Effects generator.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2010 07:22 Edited at: 27th Oct 2012 16:26

This is a list of 3rd-Party Tools that have been designed to help you create a unique game with FPSCreator. Many of the tools listed are updated on a regular basis, so be sure to check the developer's site often for the latest news on your favorite tool.



Signs-- A utility for creating FPSC-ready signs of all sorts, as well as segment creation and object importing.

GameStarter --The GameStarter lets you create a launcher for your FPSC games enabling your customers to update their game, change the configuration of the game (such as screen resolution, controls, performance, etc.). Also create demos for your game.

Weapon Creator-- Load your own pre-made weapons into FPSC!

FPSC Agent: Professional Edition-- Consolidate all your FPSC Tools (including 3rd-Party Tools) into one application!

Vishnu Game Launcher-- A "Drag-and-Drop" Package that creates a custom launcher for your games.



Skies-- A Skybox generating program for your FPSC games.

Landscape Construction Kit-- An add-on for registered owners of Signs. Create outdoor areas for your FPSC game.

Entity Workshop-- Create or alter objects for use in FPSC (including scale)...alter or add new textures to existing or new objects; then import them into FPSCreator. All in one great program!

Firma Segment Maker-- Create your own segments for FPSC with this excellent program; created by DarkFoil.

FPSC Agent: Free Edition-- More limited version of FPSC Agent.

ceSky-- A tool to put together skyboxes (using your own images). Follow the thread here.

TGC Store - Genre Configuration Utility-- A program that allows you to group all like entities into a single section, irrespective of the artist.

HoleZ-- Create custom and destructible holes in any FPSC segment, with this easy to use tool (includes filler entities as well). Forum thread is here.

Holez 1.5: Through the Floor-- Leave holes (complete with a specific mesh) in your floor segments.

FPI Editpad-- A refreshing alternative to NOTEPAD; use this handy tool to create/edit your FPI files.

FPSC IP-- A program designed to make FPSC Multiplayer Games more user friendly and more professional.

Vishnu Packer-- An FPSC Game Packer, with many custom options. Works with Vishnu Lock.

Vishnu Lock-- Custom Keygen (Key Generator) System for your released games and/or Model Packs. Works with Vishnu Packager.

Vishnu Capture-- A simple screen capture program where you can save in different formats and quality.

FPSC Helper-- This tool is a small helper to speed up your work, control folders, websites and more using an easy to use menu!

Model Maker-- Create segments, entities and doors with ease! Supports Segment Shaders and comes with a Texture Converter and Pack Maker.

Segment Texture Converter-- This tool scans the selected folders for segments and converts all textures to DDS format and updates the fps files.

SGLauncher-- A fully customizable game launcher for your game projects.

TextEase-- Create on-screen text without coding or making graphical images.

Overlaze-- Easily creates overlays for you and places them in the default overlay directory so you can select them from the FPS Creator Library.

Alfresco-- Easily and quickly creates trees, shrubs, tall grass, and more for your FPS Creator levels.

FPS Creator Setup Editor-- The application can be used to modify many commonly edited settings, for example lightmap quality, shader usage and more!

FPSC Capture-- Record FPSCreator In-Game Videos.

Maptastic-- Create a click-able Map HUD for your game so that the player can travel between different levels.

Infector-- A drag and drop application to create customized menu.

ExploSoft Model and Media Pack Installer-- A simple tool for media developers to distribute their models and media to FPS Creator users.

EAI Screenshot Helper for Entity Artists-- This tool allows the user to screenshot entities in close detail without the fish-eye effect caused by the default player view.

Search and Rescue for FPS Creator-- Quickly search your FPS Creator folder or any other media storage you choose; such as: entities, segments, or scripts.


If you are a developer that would like your tool or program listed here (for use with FPSCreator), or if you have a tool listed and would like the given information updated; please get in touch with me (KeithC).


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Posted: 3rd Jun 2010 07:36 Edited at: 3rd Jun 2010 17:16

The TGC Store serves 2 functions; it provides low-cost media to developers, and provides an outlet for artists to sell their wares. You can find out more information about the TGC Store here: TGC Store

Janet Winstanley is the TGC Store Administrator. I asked her a few questions that I thought were pertinent and came up often:

What is the purpose of the TGC Store?

The purpose of the store is to provide a place where artists can sell models and music to FPSC, DBPRO and GDK users and also it is a place to purchase low-cost models to use in games users are creating.

How does an artist create an account?

If an artist is interested in signing up to the TGC Store they need to send an email to and I will tell them what they will need to do.

How does an artist resolve issues with their store account?

They will just need to email me at and I will help them in any way I can.

How does an artist know when their work is good enough for inclusion in the store?

As part of the signing up process they will need to send screenshots of some of their models or samples of their music tracks; once we have looked/listened to these we will let them know if they can sign up to the store.

What is the artist's cut in profits?

Any revenue the artist makes from the store is split 50/50 between them and TGC.

When can an artist expect a check/wire for their earnings?

At the moment artists are paid through PayPal and when an artist has made $100 in sales they will need to send an invoice and their PayPal account details to Rick Vanner at and he will sort payment out for them.

Who is the main point of contact for the Store (from a seller's perspective)?

I am the main point of contact for the store; my name is Janet and artists can contact me at

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2010 07:36 Edited at: 3rd Jun 2010 17:16

Developers often use screenshots to show off their works in progress, models, and final in-game images. But so often there are threads started and posts made, which don't include these essential elements. To help developers show their work in the best light; the following Boards require members to include screenshots, when starting threads to show off their work:

- FPSC Models and Media
- FPSC Work In Progress (WIP)
- FPSC Showcase


I often hear members inquire how to get a screenshot into their post. Though many of us take it for granted; here's a few tips on making your thread(s) stand out, using images.

1.) When starting a thread in the Work in Progress or Showcase Boards, try to use your best images. Take a series of screenshots, and sort through them to pick out what you feel is the best.

2.) In your first post in your thread on the WIP or Showcase Boards, try including a "Header Graphic" (an image that could include game logos, collage images, etc.) at the top of the thread...don't forget to center it, using the following BBC code:

3.) In the FPSC Models and Media Board; be sure to show off your work in the best light and set-up as you can. Set up your media in a scene that utilizes an environment suited to your media; this will help others visualize what they could achieve, when using your work. Many artists either forget, or neglect to use proper lighting in their scenes; which often leads to less than desirable results in the final screenshot.

4.) Consider adding text (even adding effects to the text) to your screenshots, for informational purposes; as well as adding your logo of company name.

5.) If you're showing a commercial texture set; you should put a watermark on your samples, to keep from having them stolen. However; don't make the watermark too prominent, lest it become hard to view the texture itself.

6.) If you have numerous images you wish to show off; try utilizing thumbnails that can be linked to the full-sized image. It saves space, and limits scrolling in a thread.

7.) Screenshots should be no larger than 800x600 in size (you can link to larger versions, however); no one wants to scroll to see your image and it throws the whole thread off.

These additional requirements are in effect for each of the following FPSC Boards:

Models and Media: There is no limit to the number of screenshots; however, at least 1 in-game screenshot (of the media you are showing off) is required in the initial post. Failure to produce the required screenshot in your initial post, will result in your thread being locked. "I'll post images later" isn't a valid excuse; if you don't have screenshots ready, then you're not ready to make a thread.

Work In Progress (WIP): There is no limit to the number of screenshots; however, at least 1 in-game screenshot (of the level you are showing off) is required in the initial post. Failure to produce the required screenshot in your initial post, will result in your thread being locked. "I'll post images later" isn't a valid excuse; if you don't have screenshots ready, then you're not ready to make a thread. You should include a header graphic, as it gives a more professional appearance to your work and your thread.

Showcase: There is a requirement of 2 screenshots in your initial post (no more, no less), so make them your best. Failure to produce the required screenshots in your initial post, will result in your thread being locked and deleted. "I'll post images later" isn't a valid excuse; if you don't have screenshots ready, then you're not ready to make a thread.

Another problem I hear developers having, is where I can host my screenshots. There are a number of free image-hosting sites out there; but the most used one is Image Shack. To embed an image into your post, simply copy and paste the "direct link" into this BBC code:

You can also use the "Thumbnail Image" links at Image Shack, to lay out multiple images in your post...without causing lots of scrolling and lengthy load times for viewers.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2010 07:37 Edited at: 27th Jun 2010 19:49

Works in Progress

When you feel you are ready to show off what you've been working on; starting up a Work in Progress (WIP) thread is the next logical step in the development process. This is the required format for all Work in Progress threads:

Thread Layout


1.) Name of Game; this can be substituted by a Title Graphic (the Game name must be in the graphic). The graphic should be reasonable in size.

2.) Developer name.

3.) Which FPSCreator you are using: must be in your thread's title as either [x9] or [x10].

4.) Storyline and/or description.

5.) No limit on screenshots in the initial post; but you MUST have at least one (in-game only; thumbnails are acceptable) in your INITIAL post. The mandatory image MUST be either viewable in the post itself, without having to click a link; or available by clicking on the attachment button. Screenshots should not exceed 800x600 pixels; no one wants to have to scroll to see your image. You may link to a larger image however.


6.) Link(s) to additional images.

7.) Website and/or videos...must be click-able.

8.) Demo download link...must be click-able.

9.) Credits.

10.) Contact Info.[/b]

You should also consider updating your initial post, when significant changes occur in your project; as many people stop after looking at the first post.

Of course a WIP thread should be allowed some creative freedom. After making sure you have the required elements above in place (remember, some of those listed above are "optional"); feel free to give your thread any special touches you want.

To see what a basic Work in Progress Thread should look like; check out the Example WIP Thread: The Dig




At long last, when there is nothing more you wish to do with your creation, you can make a thread on the Showcase Board! The Showcase Board has very strict rules in the layout of your thread, and they must be followed; otherwise your thread will be locked (then deleted) or moved to the WIP Board. If this happens, you can email a Moderator to get your situation resolved.

For all the Rules and Requirements of the Showcase Board; check out the extensive Rules of the FPSCreator Showcase Board

I also encourage you to check out existing threads in the Showcase Board, to reference for proper thread creation.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2010 07:38 Edited at: 3rd Jun 2010 17:17

From time to time, you will spot a community sponsored competition or event in the Forums. These are started and maintained by one or more Forum Members, and the prizes for each one usually come from the Community as well. Some of the more well-received Community Competitions in the past, have been: Screenshot Competitions, Level Design Competitions, Media Creation Competitions, etc.

Though TGC holds no liability to any of the Community Competitions, it will occasionally post about them in the Official TGC Newsletter (which comes every month). The TGC Newsletters (old and new) can be found here.

So who can start a Community Competition or Event? Well, any TGC Forum Member can do so; however there are some things to think about, before jumping in.

- Do you have a well laid-out plan for the Competition, from start to finish? Are you articulating it to the audience, from the moment you post it?

- If there are prizes, are they already lined up? Do you have them on-hand, or are you hoping the donors will come through in the end (not always a wise idea)?

- Do your prizes balance with all the work you are asking contestants to do (are they worth their time)?

- Do you have contingency plans, in case you don't get the turn-out you were hoping for? What if only one Member follows through?

- Do you have firm dates set, to which the Competition starts and ends? Are you prepared to give extensions? Should extensions be given?

- Is everything spelled out CLEARLY? There should be no doubt as to what is required, what can be accepted and what cannot.

- Creating a "competition" in the hopes that you can get developers/artists to create free media for you, rarely works and could result in your competition and any subsequent competitions you create being closed down.

- Do you have the time set aside to follow through with this? Nothing is worse for the Community, then a Competition Starter....who quits before it's over.

Those are just a few things to think about, before starting up a Community Competition. A good competition takes time to prepare, administer and follow-through with. All this being said; if a Moderator feels like you aren't really prepared to administer a community competition, they can (and will) shut you down...via a thread lock.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2010 07:38 Edited at: 3rd Jun 2010 17:17

Did your Full Version of FPS Creator turn into FPS FREE?

Some people have purchased FPSC Creator, and had problems building their levels (it wants you to upgrade from the Free version, even though you've paid for it). Here is how to fix that problem:

Close FPSC (it must not be running while you do this) then open the userdetails.ini file in the main FPS folder and add your name and serial number:

YourName= Name goes here
YourSerialCode= Serial number goes here
YourFullPath= C: Program Files\The Game Creators\FPS Creator


There should be no space between an equals sign and the text.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2010 07:39 Edited at: 3rd Jun 2010 17:17

Piracy: Repercussions and how to report it

Piracy and the internet go hand in hand, it seems, these days. A developer creates something that they think is worth putting up for sale, or even putting up as a free release. Then someone invariably comes along, downloads it, and publishes it on the internet for anyone to grab. Many people do not view piracy as theft; rather simply a copy of an original, and nothing "tangible" (not something you can hold in your hand). So what's the problem? The problem is that pirating the hard work of another developer (I say it in this context, because we are all either developers now...or budding developers) IS the same as stealing something tangible. You may as well walk into a Department Store, and take the same program right off of the shelves...then attempt to walk out of the store with it. Of course, most people wouldn't do that...for fear of getting caught and prosecuted.

There are also people who have the train of thought that the larger companies can absorb the cost, and somehow deserve it for how much they charge for their proprietary work. They fail to think about all the people who work for that company: the developers, the accountants, the sales agents...even the guys who clean the floors and take out the trash. They all need to get paid. The "head-honchos" won't be the ones to get their pay reduced, or laid off...the workers on the bottom do. Companies pay more and more money to combat piracy/theft of their work these days; that means less raises for the people who actually do the work, and possibly more layoffs/cutbacks. Is that fair?

Some people claim that they wouldn't have bought the product anyways, so the company didn't really lose any money. That's a bogus argument to begin with. A digital product is still a product; it's not a necessity in life, you can live without it...therefore you don't need it. Piracy is theft, plain and simple; any other justification for it is false. As such, it will not be tolerated here.

To be clear; pirating/stealing any TGC product will result in you being banned permanently (including any other accounts you may have) from the Forum Boards. Pirating any 3rd-Party Product will also result in a "perma-ban". We have methods of determining if a person has a legal copy of any TGC product, as well as any 3rd-Party product. These decisions are FINAL. Realizing that theft is wrong, after-the-fact, will not help you. The best thing to do, is not to Pirate in the first place.

There are always people on the lookout for those that decide to Pirate programs and media; they will (and have) report you. If you suspect someone of pirating anything, and they frequent the TGC Forum Boards, check out this thread on what to do about it:

Piracy, what is it? How can you prevent it? How can you report it?

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2010 07:39 Edited at: 3rd Jun 2010 17:18

Just like in real-life; there are numerous personalities and belief systems in the TGC Forum Boards. Unlike real-life, however, "internet anonymity" creates the frame of mind that it's "ok to circumvent rules". It is because of this that Forum Moderation is necessary, in order to maintain a safe, pleasant and effective environment; in which members can discuss various aspects of development and other miscellaneous topics, without being berated or threatened.

TGC Moderators have varying years of experience in dealing with a community that ranges in ages from teen to senior adult, and the different attitudes that go with them. Moderators also have various expertise in different fields of development (game and otherwise); some focus primarily on Code, while others prefer their Artistic side. A rare few can pull off both well. All TGC Mods also have at least some experience with TGC products, though that wasn't the primary reason they were chosen to moderate these boards. Moderators here have to perform a balancing act; between being an active member in discussions, and being the Moderator that has to put their foot down from time to time. It's not always easy, and we are not always looked upon favorably; but we will always do the job to the best of our ability, keeping the community's well-being as our top priority.

For the curious among you, who would like a look into the methodology we use when dealing out punishment; allow me to shed a little light on how you may be moderated from time to time.

We have 3 primary tools at our disposal:

- The Slap: This puts you back on post-moderation for a defined period of time.

- The Ban: This will keep you from posting at all for a defined period of time (unless you are "perma-banned", or banned permanently).

- The Nuke: This erases all memory of you; all posts, all threads and your profile itself. This is permanent and un-reversable. This has rarely been used.

Offenses that could bring a Slap your way include (but are not limited to):

- Swearing with the use of stars or symbols.
- Berating or otherwise antagonizing another member.
- Spamming a thread, or creating a Spam Thread.
- Posting a "non-constructive comment".
- Putting illegal or graphic material in your signature, avatar or location.
- Openly challenging a Moderator's decision (best to email the Mod about the issue).

Offenses that could bring a Ban your way include (but are not limited to):

- Repeating offenses that got you slapped (not learning from your mistakes).
- Threatening another member or TGC Staff.
- Posting Pirated Material.
- Giving links to Pirated Material, or sites that contain said material.
- Discussing how to Pirate Material.
- Signing up to the Forums specifically to Spam the Boards.
- Creating a duplicate account (the dup account will be banned).

Nukes are rarely handed out; but if you are ever the unlucky recipient of one, you have basically said to us that you have no desire to be a productive member of the TGC Forum Boards and have made pretty atrocious violations of the AUP.

We have a way of recording notes on any member in their Profile, that another Moderator can read at a later date (and add to, if needed); as well as a Warning System. Moderation can have a "cumulative effect"; meaning that a normally "slap-able" offense, could be an instant ban instead. Past conduct is always looked at when dealing out punishment.

Of course, not all Mods will handle a situation in the same way. Where one Mod gives a member a 2-day slap for a minor offense, another Mod may have given them more. No TGC Moderator will over-ride another Mod's decision; emailing a Mod in the hopes that they will do so is futile. What we will do, is discuss amongst ourselves if a problem arises that may require more than one point of view; or if a situation is too close to a certain Mod (in the case of a discussion in the Forum Boards going south, of which the Mod has participated in).

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2010 07:40 Edited at: 10th Jun 2010 05:46

Every Forum has Rules that are meant to guide the membership in their conduct. The Game Creators are no different. To find the Official Forum and Website Rules, head over to the Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP) page.

The FPSCreator Community has historically had its ups and downs. As such, additional policies, procedures and rules have been implemented over the years. Here is the Official Addendum to the TGC AUP, for the FPSCreator Boards. Some of these Rules may seem regurgitated from the Official TGC Board Rules; but they are there to add emphasis on some areas we've had problems with over the years.


Section 1: General Forum Etiquette

1.) Treat other members with respect. Although this covers a broad spectrum of ideals; there is a generally accepted "attitude" when dealing with other members. This is therefore up to Moderator discretion.

2.) Do NOT post non-constructive comments. This ties in with the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" philosophy. Constructive comments can be pointed at times; but they also offer helpful advice. For a message about non-constructive comments, check out RickV's Post on the matter.

3.) Do NOT use profanity in your posts (or thread titles). This includes "starring out" certain letters of the offending word. This also includes acronyms commonly associated with profanity; to include (but not limited to) STFU, FU, OMFG, FFS, BS, etc. Use some common sense when posting, to get your point across.

4.) Do NOT spam another member's thread with your own personal project/idea, or information/links about it. Keep the thread about the subject, or issues relating to the subject.

5.) If you are a minor (under the age of 18); do NOT post your age in a Forum Post, your Signature, Avatar or Location. There are predators all over the internet, and we need you to grow up to be a safe and healthy game developer!

6.) Posting "Goodbye" threads is generally frowned upon. However; if you've been with the community for some time, or have a real world reason to post such a may be accepted. Though all such threads will be locked, and most will be deleted.

7.) Do NOT use the Forum as a "messenger service"; that's why they created "messenger services". If you need to contact someone, use their email link; if they don't have one...chances are they don't want to be contacted.

Section 2: Piracy

1.) Do NOT post about, show links to, post images of, or otherwise give information on pirated material/programs. Do NOT discuss the "evils" of piracy, while showing how things are pirated.

2.) If you suspect someone of piracy of TGC products, contact a Moderator. Please include the username of the offender, links to any pertinent thread(s), and any other items of interest. You should have solid evidence of wrongdoing; sending a Moderator on a "witch-hunt" will not be looked upon favorably. We do not handle the piracy of other non-TGC products; however, if it is found that a member has pirated non-TGC media/programs...and it can be proven, the offending member will be dealt with on the Forums (via a ban).

Section 3: Signatures, Avatars and Locations

1.) Signatures should be no larger than 600x120 pixels. Anything larger will be deleted. Try to stay away from animated signatures, as they can cause the forum page to load slowly for some members. Signatures should not contain any pornography, profanity, or over-the-top violence.

2.) Avatars should not contain any pornography, profanity, or over-the-top violence.

3.) Locations should not contain profanity, or other "illicit" text.

Section 4: Team Requests

Team Requests are not allowed on any FPSC BOard. For guidelines on how to make a valid team request, and the proper placement of such a thread; see the Team Request Page.

*These Rules subject to change/amendment at any time.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2010 07:40 Edited at: 31st Dec 2010 17:40

FPSCreator Specific:

Q: Were can I find out what's being worked on with FPSCreator?

A: You can see an updated list of changes made to FPSC by TGC Developers here: Source Change Log

Q: Is there an FAQ Specific to FPSC and it's issues?

A: Numerous questions have been asked and answered by FPSCreator's developer, Lee Bamber here: FPSC FAQ

Q: I am having trouble building multiple levels in my FPSCreator game; is there a solution to this?

A: Yes there is. Check out this great Tutorial on building a game with multiple levels here.


Member's Forum Signatures:

Q: How do I place a click-able link to my site in my signature?

A: Input this BBC code into your signature block in your profile settings:
...if you want a certain text to be displayed, instead of the address URL, input this code:

Q: How do I put an image in my signature?

A: To place an image in your signature, input this BBC code into your signature block in your profile settings:

Q: What if I want to make my signature a link, using an image?

A: To make the image in your signature a click-able link; input this BBC code into your signature block in your profile settings:

Q: What is the maximum size for a signature?

A: The maximum allowable size is 600x120 pixels.

Q: Why has my signature been deleted?

A: There could be a number of reasons: 1) The max image size allowed is 600 x 120 and your image was larger. 2) There was something inappropriate in your image (or text signature) so it was removed. 3) The overall memory size was too big (it should really be an single image, not an animated .gif and people don't want to wait minutes for your signature to load).


Forum BBC (Bulletin Board Code) Code:

Q: How do I place a link in my post?

A: To place a link in your post you can do one of two things. Highlight the link in your post, then click the "link" button in the top (text) bar of the Forum Message Box; or use the following BBC code:
...if you want a certain text to be displayed, instead of the address URL, input this code:

Q: How do I place an image into my post?

A: Images can be placed in your post in multiple ways. To place an image in your post you can highlight the image's link, then click the "image" button in the top (text) bar of the Forum Message Box; or input this BBC code into your post: make the image in your post a click-able link; input this BBC code into your post:

Q: How do I place a YouTube video in my post?

A: You can do one of the following to place a YouTube video into your post:

1.) This method allows your video to be played right in your post. Input this code:

2.) You can also link to it by inputting this BBC code:
...if you want a certain text to be displayed, instead of the address URL, input this code:


General Forum Issues:

Q: I want to change my Forum Name; how can I do it?

A: Contact a Moderator to get your name changed. Be sure to include a link to your profile, as well as the new name you would like. Give the Moderator a few name variations, just in case the one you want is taken.

Q: How do I request my thread to be locked?

A: Email a mod with a link to the thread and why you want it locked, as well as a link to your profile (for verification).

Q: Am I allowed to bump my own threads?

A: Bumping a thread is generally frowned upon. However, there are valid reasons for doing so; such as posting an update in the original post and creating a "bump" post to inform members about the change. It is also acceptable to create a "bump" post, if you have a question that hasn't been answered; or if you have something for free or sale and it is dropping off the first page. Bumping a thread after waiting for a few hours or days is not acceptable however. A good way to bump your own thread; is to do so by providing new information, or possibly new screen shots of your work.

Q: How do I get the name of my thread changed?

A: Email a mod with a link to the thread that you wish to have the name changed. Be sure to include the exact new thread name you want.


TGC Customer Support:

Q: Can I get Customer Support on the Forums?

A: No Official Support is given on the Forums; to get in contact with Customer Support, click here.

Q: I've just ordered "TGC Product X" yesterday / a few hours ago and I have nothing in my downloads, where is it?

A: TGC do not work on the weekends; so if you've ordered late on Friday it probably won't get seen until Monday, if you've ordered during the week, then give it a day or two (don't forget holidays as well).


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Posted: 9th Jun 2010 06:44 Edited at: 24th Dec 2011 18:25

Tutorials are an important factor in development of any kind. As such, many developers rely on 3rd-party "tutors" to share the wisdom they have gained over a period of time. If you have the ability (and know-how) to put into words and images, various aspects of game development using FPSCreator; help out the FPSC Community, by adding your Tutorial to the new Tutorial Compendium!

Just follow the criteria listed below to gain admittance for your Tutorial:

1.) The Tutorial MUST be hosted on a TGC Thread. You may link to your site in the tutorial; but the entire tutorial must remain on the TGC Forum thread.

2.) Include your name (forum name is fine).

3.) Try to include as many pictures as you need to illustrate your point(s). Images MUST be hot-linked (viewable in the thread, without clicking a link or the attachment button). Max image size is 800x600 (can be linked to a larger image).

4.) You should describe what category your tutorial covers (ie., modeling, pipeline, texturing, scripting, sound fx, lighting, etc.).

5.) Do your best to "estimate" the difficulty of the tutorial, and label it as: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced.


The following is a suggested layout format for your Tutorial:

- Tutorial Name

- Author Name

- Difficulty Level

- Introduction

- Main Body

- Outro



All submissions must be created, before contacting me (KeithC) via email. All Tutorials must be finished; before they can be included in the Compendium. ALL TUTORIALS MUST BE MAINTAINED! Failure to do so will result in your link in the Compendium being dropped.

Official FPSCreator Tutorials can be found HERE.


General FPSCreator:

Level Design in FPSCreator:

- Wolf's Guide To FPSC (Episode 1): Lightmapping

- Wolf's Guide to FPSC (Episode 2): Map Design Part 1

- Wolf's Guide to FPSC (Episode 3): 10 do's and 10 do nots

- Uzi Idiot's Directional Lighting

Media Creation for FPSCreator:

Animating for FPSCreator:

Scripting for FPSCreator:

Sound Design for FPSCreator:


Senior Moderator
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Joined: 27th Oct 2005
Location: Michigan
Posted: 9th Jun 2010 07:05 Edited at: 10th Jun 2010 05:47

If you need to get in contact with an FPSC Moderator; please use any of the following email addresses, instead of starting a thread in the Forum Boards.


- KeithC:

- Nickydude:

- FredP:

- Thraxas:

- Uman:

- Bullshock 2:


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