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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / (X9) Toy Art War

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Posted: 25th Jun 2011 22:06 Edited at: 26th Jun 2011 15:37
Hi TGC members
Long time with no posts in this forum and first time in this section.
After starting to develop a game years ago I had to stop for long time and back now very excited with the FPSC news.
So I'm starting do develop this game now.
I"m not a coder so I have a lot of limitations do develop custom scripts.But I'm a experient conceptual artist , modeler and animator.So I stoped to fight with FPSC to have things that I can't have whitout a lot of script.I start to work in what I can do with my skills using just the FPSC basic features.And study how to script with more intensity now.
I have a lot of questions to solve yet , tecnically and conceptual, so I need sugestions and help from comunity, of course if you apreciate the project.
so here we go.

developer : Alemar Studios
FPSC 1.17/ 1.18

TOYARTWAR is a war between toys, toyarts and all kinds of cartoons
There is a reason for this war , but I,m thinking about this...
Probably there is a link with my other history BIGHATBOY
( )
( ),
there is a lot of ideas and design concepts from BIGHATBOY and the main character and the others are toyart. but TOYARTWAR will be a self susteined history.
There is many Toys in game and they must to fight to win.Or solve puzzles to go the next level.So the history is not close in some characters...I will have a lot of them in each subsequent level.
I have some ideas to include custom characters made by users and I believe this will be one part to turn this project in a sucessful comercial project

This are images from the 3 first levels I'm working.
They will be free to download and test as soon I have that finished. Im doing other levels that will be sold with a package with 3 or 4 levels each one.
I don't know if will have a connection history between then but in each package will have diferent characters , scenarios and puzzles.
I,m not using any kind of shaders at this moment and working in a FPSC 1.17 for two reasons:
1.18 / 10 crash some time after testlevel.So I back to 1.17
and I want to see how the scenes working with more flat colors because I'll port the game to mobiles after created a lot of assets.I'm looking for a coder to work with me for this challenge.
You can watch news and more stuff soon , here in this thread or at the TOYARTWAR web site:

So,watch this pictures and videos
I hope you enjoy!


some promocional images:

Desecrated Studios
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Posted: 25th Jun 2011 23:54
Looks very good 0Alemar0!! The monsters are awesome, the level design is pretty nice as well. A little bland in areas when watching the gameplay on the website, but still very nice. But in the 2nd and 4th picture, you might want to try using a different door, as those don't really go with the map. But still very good job, and i can't wait for the beta demo!

[b]EDIT{/b] - I love the rubik's cube as well XD

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Posted: 25th Jun 2011 23:56 Edited at: 26th Jun 2011 15:24
well I can´t see my post any more.
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Posted: 25th Jun 2011 23:57
What happened?
The first post is gone.
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Posted: 26th Jun 2011 02:37 Edited at: 26th Jun 2011 15:39
I had to change my login in TGC foruns some time ago..this explain why my posts spend long time to update.I tried to edit my first post, and have to wait to forum approve it
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Posted: 26th Jun 2011 07:32
Looks pretty cool man! very original
the lion
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Posted: 26th Jun 2011 08:26
nice work. the look of the scene is great.
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Posted: 26th Jun 2011 08:51
Looks very nice! The most different FPSC game Ive seen in a while...actually make that EVER. Wish you all the best with this


For KeithC
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Posted: 26th Jun 2011 15:56
Always a pleasure to see something new. I like it all except the one stock scifi door. Nice work.


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Posted: 26th Jun 2011 16:09
Agreeing with everyone on this.

I clicked on this one purely because the name sounded a little absurd for your run-of-the-mill FPS. Not what I was expecting at all.

This is actually looking like a brilliant, fun game. Nice change from the normal stuff (and I'll admit the game I'm currently developing falls into that category) you see on this forum. Can't wait for this.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2011 17:51
This looks great!
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 26th Jun 2011 18:53
Looks really good! I LOVE the stylish look!

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Posted: 27th Jun 2011 01:47
hey guys
thank you for appreciate
more news soon
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Posted: 27th Jun 2011 07:03
This is brilliant!
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Posted: 27th Jun 2011 13:03
Excellent! I love seeing new innovations and creative material like this! Keep this work up, seriously!

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Posted: 27th Jun 2011 15:06
Putting the violent pulverisation of cartoon creatures back in childrens games

Nice work, very original, would make a nice commercial game


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Posted: 27th Jun 2011 22:41
thank you very much all you !
I agree...ehehehe

Here one more video

Desecrated Studios
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Posted: 27th Jun 2011 23:29
The video looks a little buggy at parts, but all game do that. Nicely done sir! I definitely will download/buy this when it comes out!

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Posted: 27th Jun 2011 23:33
thank you Exu but wich part exactly?
Are you from Brazil? Exu is a mistical character from a candomblé religiion in Brazil...
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Posted: 28th Jun 2011 14:21
Humm nice model you got there.I see this game its good for everyone so I think it always suitable for kids.Your design just normal and your lighting is normal too but if you want this game targeted for kids maybe its good.I dont have to critic everything because overall its good in my opinion.

Poloflece,Anayar,PWP,Henry Ham,Cosmic Prophet,Wolf,KeithC,Nickydude And Lee Bamber is my icon.
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Posted: 28th Jun 2011 21:06
thank you Leongamerz
"if you want this game targeted for kids"
never think deep about this ... I think is for all audiences...
not extreme violence... just for fun...

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Posted: 29th Jun 2011 20:42
this are some weapons created for this levels.
The green weapon is a FPSC stock modified and retuxterized.

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Posted: 30th Jun 2011 03:13
I forgot this one...

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Posted: 30th Jun 2011 16:22
Good idea and project!
But still you need to work with design
Can you give me your email? I need to have a talk with you

With game making from St.-Petersburg.
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Posted: 30th Jun 2011 16:56
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Posted: 30th Jun 2011 19:43
Zepper and da2020
Thank you very much.
Can you explain a bit more "But still you need to work with design"
Its very important to me all opinions!
My email is:

or go to , there is a link to email there.
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Posted: 1st Jul 2011 00:43
Actually, there are many (and some times not many) toys in levels, but still it seems that rooms are empty. Maybe i think so because i`m don`t know right setting of the game, but fifths screenshot is really empty.
I hope you don`t be offended for such kind of critic

With game making from St.-Petersburg.
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Posted: 1st Jul 2011 02:19 Edited at: 1st Jul 2011 02:31
hei Zapper
Your comment is welcome of course.
Maybe you are right but I,m not sure...
I tried sort the screens showing the scenarios and the characters...
my characters have more volume than FPSC stock.If you count the characters maybe the room seems empty, but visually looks good for me.Also I decide start the development trying made a game with few elements but always news models and I dont use shading ...trying not using all FPSC capabilities now.I tried some levels with more character also.In my machine works very well with 50/60 fps, so I decide to have less to work better in low levels computers.
I believe the focus in this game are the characters... until your coment.ehehehe. but I'll investigate this more deep and post the results.
Anyway there is 7 characters and dinamyc itens in the screen 5...
is it few?

thank for your coment
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Posted: 1st Jul 2011 05:52 Edited at: 1st Jul 2011 05:52
The stock scifi door in the 2nd screen in your first post puts the designs down imo it simply doesn't match the environment, the design looks a bit too boxy but I like the texture of the segments, 7 characters and dynamic entities is way too few.Don't play it safe, do as much as your comp can handle as long as it doesn't drop below 30 fps
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2011 22:27 Edited at: 2nd Jul 2011 22:30
Thank you to coment.
I know about the stock door of course.really I just did'nt paint that yet.But you are wrong .It form, match perfect to the environment, that because is there.Look to the beautiful hexagon it have and the big "X" it have when is closed. When I paint it with nice colors you will can see... For while you just can see the old FPSC stock door...ahahaha keep your mind open.
And of course the angular form match with the design a bit too boxy.
This is absolutely purposeful.
The box characters are Paper Toys.
And I will realese soon some nice templates with those UV for you construct the characters in real life.
Also I will realease white templates to you paint.
The hole idea is have a litlle app to be sold with the futures levels where you can paint and stick images in predetermined models and save and upload in a TOYARTWAR game.
I look for a DBPro programmer to join me in this.I believe it is possible.
And there is smooth characters too.The white guy is one of them... I'll realease many of them.look for this new character for example, that will be realese in the future levels.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 19:10
New image WOrk In Progress enviroment
hope you enjoy

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 22:49
Wow! looks like the experiment room where Stubbs the zombie was created!

Lets get into serious stuf
What about the blue text?.
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Posted: 15th Jul 2011 02:57
The only thing that drives me nuts in that screen is that the floor texture doesn't do justice to the rest of the scene and I reccomend you change that. otherwise,,,,,,,FREAKING BRILLIANT!
Desecrated Studios
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Posted: 15th Jul 2011 08:02
I think the floor segment is fine, but the back wall is bad :/

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Posted: 15th Jul 2011 18:02
Now you are beginning to live up to my high expectations for this game. I think it looks great, and I can't wait to see more updates.

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Posted: 16th Jul 2011 20:48
thank you for your comments.I Know about the texture floor but this is a work in progress .I´m working in this enviroment and I ´ll have updates soon

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Posted: 17th Jul 2011 14:25
I'm behind this game 100% as I think it's one of the most innovational products to come out of FPSC's engine since 2005 regardless of genre.

Top work!

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Posted: 18th Jul 2011 22:07
Thank you so much!
I have a lot of work before this be really good...
Thank you for your support.
Keep your eyes here!

Nazareth Entertainment
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Posted: 19th Jul 2011 06:03
man this looks good

Deathkon 3000 is no longer in production..... and no their was no "curse" its just the fact i couldnt be botherd!
Red Eye
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Posted: 20th Jul 2011 19:03 Edited at: 20th Jul 2011 19:04
Long time ago I saw something as good as E.L.E and actually better!

Truly great work!

Couple more things to increase game fun-factor: Sounds of the game should be replace imho. And is currently a bit to "static" maybe a bit more dynamic? Camera effects when certain events happen for example.

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Posted: 21st Jul 2011 05:58
I'm liking the look of this game and its something diffrent keep up the good work.

best s4real

Pack ya games with vishnu packer its free.
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Posted: 21st Jul 2011 20:37
Red Eye

thank you to appreciate the work.I have a lot of work to do in this game yet, and your sugestions are very good for me.Agree 100% about the music and sound effects.Could you explain better this coment please ?

"And is currently a bit to "static" maybe a bit more dynamic? Camera effects when certain events happen for example."

E.L.E is one of the great games, made in this engine in my opinion.The most original and comercial I'm sure...Thank you to compare with ToyArtWar...


thank you for appreciate my work. I know you are one the gurus in FPSC, and if you like, I'll try to keep this way.
Please keep your eyes in this thread man!

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Posted: 21st Jul 2011 20:55
Hey 0Alemar0, could you drop me an email? I am very interested in this project.
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Posted: 21st Jul 2011 21:23 Edited at: 21st Jul 2011 21:50
hi 2 Rogues

Please send email to:
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Posted: 21st Jul 2011 21:59
email sent.
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2011 03:58
2 Rogues
I received your email and I'll answer asap.You made me hard questions man!my english is very limited but i'll try to answer.eheh

here are some pictures I'll try to talk more about in this weekend
anyway you can try understand just watching the pictures...

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2011 05:25
Allright then, so you made some cool paper cut out dolls of some game characters from toy art war. Looks deeply interesting. my guess is either their purpose is advertisement or props for photos. This is quite original especially on the fpsc forums. I love it. If you can't answer my questions right away, it's okay, I'm in no rush.
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2011 23:58 Edited at: 24th Jul 2011 00:09
Paper toys are my first inspiration to create TOYARTWAR.( maybe this answer one of your questions 2rogues )
The Paper toyartwar and Digital character in toyartwar game have the same UV template.
I´ll upload a template soon to everyone paint, customise and can construct your own character.
I´ll have many other templates.
Maybe I´ll make a competition and choice a winner to put your character in my game.
I think this can make a door between the virtual world and the real world and I love this idea. ( inspiration 2 )
I think this have a nice commercial potencial too. ( inspiration 3 $ ) ahahaha

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Posted: 24th Jul 2011 14:59
Nice, well, I'm already in if thats the case.
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Posted: 25th Jul 2011 05:00 Edited at: 25th Jul 2011 05:02
...You could also create a Web-Browsing Character creator...

You got a name for those little guys yet? If not, here's some ideas.

Bompies (Bompy in singular)
Gollies (Golly in singular)Puftins (Puftin in singular)
PaperBoy (As in Male), PaperGirl (As in Female)

Haha, just some ideas

Lets get into serious stuf
What about the blue text?.

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