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Geek Culture / TGC beta forums - closed until further notice

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Posted: 28th Aug 2014 07:07
Quote: "(you are the hero responsible)"

Wow, what an honour! I'm just glad that I can help.

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Posted: 28th Aug 2014 09:54 Edited at: 28th Aug 2014 09:59
Any news on this yet?

Maybe drop the 'Thread Activity in:' part...

Also I had a brilliant idea!

Give every user an internal thread which is only accessible through their profile view page [Where you can select to see all their posts]

Then we can all have an individual blog type thread without bumping one inside a board and getting slapped for multi posting...

WOW! what an idea! and when you require attention to a post in that blog thread you just link it in another thread to that post in say The Posting Competition Thread! or another relevant thread!

Would also be brilliant if it never expired too...


Additionally, maybe a direct button next to Profile under a users post [Like where email IM etc. are] put a Blog link!

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Posted: 28th Aug 2014 15:22
Quote: "Maybe drop the 'Thread Activity in:' part..."

Good idea. Although I think The Next said he had some ideas about this problem, so he may have already thought of that.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 02:44
Quote: "Give every user an internal thread which is only accessible through their profile view page [Where you can select to see all their posts]

Then we can all have an individual blog type thread without bumping one inside a board and getting slapped for multi posting..."

Sounds like facebook.
Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 03:09
Quote: "Give every user an internal thread which is only accessible through their profile view page [Where you can select to see all their posts]

Then we can all have an individual blog type thread without bumping one inside a board and getting slapped for multi posting..."
I liked the idea a ton, but Indicium does have a good point... I don't like Facebook...

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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 03:26
I never knew I was on Facebook here...

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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 04:09
Quote: "Sounds like facebook."

Quote: "I liked the idea a ton, but Indicium does have a good point... I don't like Facebook..."

It could be really cool, but then what's the point? It would be far, far better to simply have a Blog button under your posts that links to you external blog. That way you can have effectively the same thing, but use any blog software you want.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 04:15
Quote: "That way you can have effectively the same thing, but use any blog software you want."

Does not help newcomers if someone uses a free blog host which then later dies and many users make mention of something they did on their blog...

Which is why the idea of a USER Thread makes good sense...

Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 04:30
I do agree that it should take place on this site. That would help with integration and usability intuition and such.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 04:42
Quote: "Does not help newcomers if someone uses a free blog host which then later dies and many users make mention of something they did on their blog..."

Ok you have a point there. Didn't think of that.

Quote: "free blog host"

Like all of them, you mean. What blog host isn't free?

Quote: "I do agree that it should take place on this site. That would help with integration and usability intuition and such."

I suppose. I guess it would be nice to have my very own dedicated thread where I could post frequent updates about my game, for example.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 05:20
Like I have my own servers, so not using a free blog host...

And a paid host service would mean they can still die off if they stop paying, but my services are a core requirement for my income so will be unlikely to disappear for a number of years to come...

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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 05:22
But they could still disappear quite easily.
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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 05:31
What could?

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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 07:09
Quote: "But they could still disappear quite easily."

WordPress and Blogspot/Google Blogger are the main two, and they're not going anywhere.

Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 07:33
These supposed personal threads, would other folks have the ability to post in them as well? Or would only the owner of said thread have that ability? Something to think about eh?

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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 07:39
Not really, it would be like the normal threads only a hidden one from the typical boards...

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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 08:11
Quote: " I guess it would be nice to have my very own dedicated thread where I could post frequent updates about my game, for example."

Isn't that what a WIP thread is for?

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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 14:45
Quote: "Like I have my own servers, so not using a free blog host..."

Mr Valentine's servers could quite easily disappear. Fire, death, bankruptcy, wife takes them... the list goes on.
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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 15:22
LOL. Thanks for the vote of confidence XD

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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 15:37
Quote: "I suppose. I guess it would be nice to have my very own dedicated thread where I could post frequent updates about my game, for example."

I agree with he personal thread idea, for this very reason. I don't want to constantly double post in my own WIP thread which would just look like spam. If I had something that let me post updates without it constantly bumping on a public board that would be pretty nice. The downside, of course, is that if more users did this then it would make the WIP section look like it was dead.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2014 15:39 Edited at: 29th Aug 2014 15:46
Well, a WIP thread with suitable updates is still an option, but some random updates we may have may not fit in any board thread, so less a blog more a bulletin board?


Also it can be very useful for IMAGES!

Like when you post an image in another thread, you can utilise the bulletin board thread as a collection box for your images that you will use in another thread such as say a WIP thread... thus being a two in one hit!

I like hitting two birds with one stone, hypothetically of course ^^


If it makes it easier, perhaps a new board can be made containing a thread for each user? [Which they manually create with their usernames as the titles] and then there are no rules in that board for multi posting in your own thread, and anybody can post in them as usual for comments or feedback or support as normal... thus not obscuring the whole thing from anybody either... thus looking like a more active forum as well!

mr Handy
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Posted: 30th Aug 2014 00:54
In my opinion:

- new forum has awfull (softly said) thread icons.
- new forum thread list is hard to read.

Overall: new forum frustrating to use.

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Posted: 30th Aug 2014 22:11
@Mr V, budo - There is a simple solution to this. When someone edits a post they could have the option to "post silent edit" or "post and bump thread". This way OPers can add to their OP and their thread will become visible again without adding clutter "bump" posts. I am guessing it would be simple to simulate a new post, I assume that the threads are stored in a list that gets updated when new posts are made.

Another idea that could help "blogs", WIP and tutorials is adding better typesetting/formatting commands (using a markup like we see on wikipedia). These could include aligning images, headers and defining collapsible sections, to break up long posts and make them easier to read and quicker to load (if they contain many images). Some basic tools for typesetting would go a long way to making major posts nicer to read.

Also I would be inclined to allow OPers to change the thread title, this seems like a waste of mods time to go around changing thread titles. If you think this would cause more problems than it solves then fine.

I think TheNext is suffocating under the avalanche of suggestions!

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Posted: 31st Aug 2014 05:26
Quote: "In my opinion:

- new forum has awfull (softly said) thread icons.
- new forum thread list is hard to read.

Overall: new forum frustrating to use."

Agree much!! Totally dislike the thread list of the beta forum.

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Posted: 16th Sep 2014 00:10

I noticed on the beta forum, that when creating a new reply, I can use HTML code in that reply, and it even previews as expected. But upon posting that preview, the HTML code then fails and simply appears as plain text in the post.

It's wrong for a preview to show something incorrectly! What's worse, is that I can't delete the post after realising that it's wrong, only edit it...

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Posted: 26th Sep 2014 10:13 Edited at: 22nd Oct 2014 06:50
I like the colors. Its got a nice clean look but I would increase the size of the text a little, and up the size of the icons to match.

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Posted: 26th Sep 2014 11:08
Quote: "I would increase the size of the text a little, and up the size of the icons to match."
The text and icons are huge as is!

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Posted: 26th Sep 2014 12:53 Edited at: 22nd Oct 2014 06:50
I should have been more specific. I am using 100% zoom or default at the moment on my browser (you may have yours set a little different??) and so some of the text is actually on the tiny side. Here is a screenshot of what I see and am referring to:

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Posted: 27th Sep 2014 16:28
Quote: "The text and icons are huge as is!"


Quote: "I am using 100% zoom or default"

Why would anyone use anything other than 100%? That just seems weird.

And I see nothing wrong with the icons, neither in your screenshot nor if I load the page myself.

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Posted: 28th Sep 2014 03:20 Edited at: 22nd Oct 2014 06:51
Allow me to elaborate a little more:

The text on the very right column appears smaller in comparison to the column to the left of it. Its like all the other text uses a font that is a point or two larger. Not really a problem if this is the way was meant to be.

As for the icon on the left it doesn't graphically match with everything. Perhaps a shade darker ??

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Posted: 28th Sep 2014 03:38
Quote: "The text on the very right column appears smaller in comparison to the column to the left of it. Its like all the other text uses a font that is a point or two larger. Not really a problem if this is the way was meant to be."

I got that much

Quote: "As for the icon on the left it doesn't graphically match with everything. Perhaps a shade darker ??"

I definitely agree with this, though. The icons feel very generic and don't suit the forums at all.

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Posted: 19th Oct 2014 18:52
thanks you .
I got that much

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Posted: 19th Oct 2014 22:40
I just wanted to say I really need a good ally shoot script that works, if you have a a working scriptlet pleas email me it thanks
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Posted: 20th Oct 2014 03:21
Quote: "I just wanted to say I really need a good ally shoot script that works, if you have a a working scriptlet pleas email me it thanks"

Did you even look at what board you were posting in, let alone the thread??

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Posted: 20th Oct 2014 04:29
Quote: "Did you even look at what board you were posting in, let alone the thread??"

yes i did but what i found did not work, i have everything else i just need the shoot script, if you have a sniplet can someone post it?
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Posted: 20th Oct 2014 04:43
Quote: "Did you even look at what board you were posting in, let alone the thread??"

Again, read this... this is not the FPSC board... there is a dedicated FPSC Scripts board... suggest you go ask there...

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Posted: 20th Oct 2014 05:33
Quote: "yes i did but what i found did not work, i have everything else i just need the shoot script, if you have a sniplet can someone post it?"

Make a thread to ask properly. Make sure, also, that you make your thread in the FPSC board. And don't expect people to just write stuff for you. They will want you to learn to do it yourself.

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Posted: 21st Oct 2014 05:53
There is still an issue with the login button with Firefox.

You can log out, however the button never changes back to login so you need to load the old forum to login.

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Posted: 21st Oct 2014 05:57
Quote: "There is still an issue with the login button with Firefox.

You can log out, however the button never changes back to login so you need to load the old forum to login."

AFAIK this is an issue with every browser. I.e., it's an issue with the beta forums.

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Posted: 29th Oct 2014 16:10
Can we get a THIS SHOULD NOT BE HERE button on a thread post? where each user is allowed to voice their vote and when it reaches a predefined number say... 50-100 to be fair, it gets thrown at the MODs for discussion? [I know Politics is against the AUP but we are slowly getting political on here lol

In light of a certain thread debate, more about someone's content than the thread but it got me thinking about threads in general...

I myself have had a thread destroyed without debate, so it only seams fair that threads come and go on a whim regardless of how the poster feels... so that aspect can be ignored in this question as it does not matter...

I was mainly thinking of having this in the GC Board, but up to discussion whether it spreads to other boards... that is if this is taken by interest...


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Posted: 29th Oct 2014 22:34 Edited at: 29th Oct 2014 22:34
Your idea is good, although there is that little abuse button in the lower right hand corner of each post... Does anyone ever use that, like ever? In my 4+ years here I have never used it once.

Quote: "I know Politics is against the AUP"
It is? Only discussion that is against government is against the AUP.

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Posted: 31st Oct 2014 01:27
Quote: "Does anyone ever use that, like ever? In my 4+ years here I have never used it once."

I've never once used that button

Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 12th Nov 2014 14:29 Edited at: 12th Nov 2014 14:31
So has all development of the Beta Forums stopped and been forgotten about? Next hasn't posted here in almost 4 months.

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Posted: 12th Nov 2014 14:47
@Dark Java Dude 64

It hasn't been forgotten, I just don't have much time at the moment between TGC stuff and the other companies I work for I am incredibly busy right now.

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Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 12th Nov 2014 23:21
Ah, gotcha. Life does get busy sometimes. I am glad that you noticed my comment and replied so swiftly.

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Posted: 24th Nov 2014 02:36
The Next,

Just a quick little update you'll need to do to the beta forum.
Check the difference between these pages (near the bottom):

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Posted: 24th Nov 2014 22:38
I don't use the PM feature much, but just struck me the word wrapping completely kills itself when I post.

I don't know how viable it is for this forum's software, but I use a pre-wrap in the CSS for my site. This is the code I use:

There's enough in there to cover browser compatibility. Though I know there's different ways of doing it. Like the HTML <pre> tag.

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2014 11:34
Not too sure if it's been discussed in here before, but can the new TGC forums have an "Installation & Troubleshooting" section to specifically cater for those with installation complications?

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Posted: 31st Dec 2014 01:36
Not sure if mentioned already but Show Playing in profile is broken for me, cannot set it other than Location...

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 19:18

It is so pointlessly long.......

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