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Geek Culture / TGC beta forums - closed until further notice

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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 16:35
Interesting, late to the party, but thought I might mention as it appears nobody else receives emails from the forum... every email now has </div> in them as trailing text...

I have not read this thread yet, bit busy...

The Next
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 16:38
I hadn't even thought of that I will make a fix for it now.

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The Next
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 16:41 Edited at: 8th Dec 2013 16:47
Just as an additional note anyone that wishes to make a banner for the new layout the banner should be 1200x180 and png format.

The min width for the current theme is 900px so that should be the focus area.

A mobile compatible layout will be available eventually and will adapt the banners to fit.

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AGK Backer
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 18:51

By focus, do you mean the centre of the image or the left side?

Will you trim the sides by 150 when resized?

What should these banners entail? ^^

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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 20:34
Quote: "Wouldn't be doing it this way if there was the slightest chance of the database getting damaged the code changes are not of that type yet."


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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 21:56
Umm. What about views bug? Or it is just as planned not a bug?

The Next
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 21:57
That is written very deep into the forum code, it will be very hard to change. It is how it was intended when originally written all those years ago.

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The Slayer
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 23:19
Nice new look and great work, The Next! Me likez!

Quote: "anyone that wishes to make a banner for the new layout the banner should be 1200x180 and png format."

Will work on a bunch asap.
PaintShop Photo Pro, here i come!

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Posted: 9th Dec 2013 00:55
Trying out the new look now... a little jarring after using the same look for years and years

My own two cents thus far (forgive me if anything has already been mentioned):

I think I like the overall direction of the new style, although the layouts seem kinda disorganized at the moment (I'll chalk that up to being a work in progress). Some of the fonts seem a little heavy to me. There is also a disconnect between the overall style (flat) and the look of the previous/top/home/etc buttons (gradient). I'd personally vote for a relatively flat style all around since that seems to be the latest trend (maybe borderless buttons, or just thin borders?).

Also, I love the way the post preview pops up. Far nicer and more usable than that of most forums I've seen.
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Posted: 9th Dec 2013 01:07 Edited at: 9th Dec 2013 01:08
I am planning to change the buttons they are placeholder at the moment as are a lot of the fonts and placement of items.

All will be nice and clean once done.

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Posted: 9th Dec 2013 15:26 Edited at: 9th Dec 2013 15:30
Testing to see what my avatar looks like since I haven't had a chance to resize it...
[EDIT] ... It got up-scaled and interpolated (or maybe that's my monitor, lol [/EDIT]

I know I could've used the Posting Comp thread but I also wanted to thank The Next for all his hard work. Looking good! Only thing I would do layout-wise is space the button rows a little, maybe 24px or so?

[EDIT] And maybe wrap text a little further from the RHS boundary. Like have it at "would" instead of "do" [/EDIT]

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 9th Dec 2013 20:47

Wrapping is dependent upon each person's resolution, isn't it? For example, my monitor (2560x1440) wraps your post after the word "rows", not "do".

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Posted: 9th Dec 2013 23:19
Quote: " For example, my monitor (2560x1440) wraps your post after the word "rows", not "do"."

I need to get me one of those...

They see me coding, they hating.
Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 10th Dec 2013 04:22 Edited at: 10th Dec 2013 16:59
Quote: " Original Quote: " For example, my monitor (2560x1440) wraps your post after the word "rows", not "do"."

Indicium: "I need to get me one of those..."

That's the beauty of a 27" iMac for ya!

edit: Fixin' the broken soggy!

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Posted: 10th Dec 2013 11:16
@Yodaman Jer: My bad, I wasn't thinking straight. I'm so used to working in Wordpress with a "Fixed-Width" layout, it completely slipped my mind that all was relative, lol. What I meant was:

The last char before wrapping leave very little space between the end of letter end and the RHS border.

I used words as markers because I was being an idiot that day, lol.

Sidenote: your sig is broke -- "Make your pledge today!]/center]". But if you edit the above-post after fixing that square bracket, it should correct it.

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 10th Dec 2013 17:00
Oh, I see what you mean now! Comprehension has made itself known unto my mind.

Also, thanks for pointing that out! Has since been fixed!

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Posted: 11th Dec 2013 02:01 Edited at: 11th Dec 2013 02:05
I just had a little idea; any way to allow users to change the color of the text in their signature, instead of the regular blue/purple?

I also thought it would be neat to allow users to change the color that new posts and threads with unread messages are highlighted, from the regular light blue.

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Posted: 11th Dec 2013 16:12 Edited at: 11th Dec 2013 16:13
I just noticed that the very top "hot topic" links haven't updated in a long time. They're still talking about November's newsletter. Do you have to manually update this?

Honestly I never really notice them anyway. Maybe if it was more like hot topic bar?

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mr Handy
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Posted: 11th Dec 2013 21:01
No striked text anymore?

The Next
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Posted: 11th Dec 2013 22:21
@mr Handy

That's what happens when you forget to commit to the svn Looks as if Paul overwrote my changes to add a new mod.

@Josh Mooney

They do need manually updating not sure how this will be run on the new forums but will most likely be a more noticeable way compared to the current system.

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mr Handy
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Posted: 11th Dec 2013 23:05 Edited at: 11th Dec 2013 23:11
Nice! Now it works. But [s] button is absent in edit post window.

edit: wow, strange render of not closed tag in the middle of the sentence:
Quote: "But (s) button is absent in edit post window."

Also I thought not closed tag will not be rendered as a tag.

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Posted: 15th Dec 2013 00:57 Edited at: 15th Dec 2013 01:08
@TheNext - I have started poking around the new forums to make some themes and I am impressed how organised and structured you have made everything; the page scales extremely well!
Here is a screenshot of the dark theme I am working on.

The darker thread container is because the mouse was hovering over it.

I really don't like the default colours, I have always had a problem distinguishing between grey and greyish blue under certain lighting conditions. I think those colours need a much better contrast.

Formerly OBese87.
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Posted: 15th Dec 2013 01:32

Thanks it still needs more work but I will get there, I have got other jobs on at the moment that have slowed the forum updates a bit but will be back on it soon.

I had figured you would come up with a darker design version, when you have completed the design I may take the changes you make and make it an official theme. If you are happy to do that, I liked the work on the old layout alternate CSS.

The reason I am using the colours I am (although not final and they need some teaks) is they match the main TGC site well, I know many users prefer darker contrasts for many reasons and my intention all along was to have a theme very similar to what you have produced.

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Posted: 16th Dec 2013 02:36
I am posting from my new ereader! It actually loks okay. The page is too wide for this tiny screen but I think if it would let me turn it landscape it would fit. Not that I think you need to worry about hat, I'm just amazed I can do this at all!

Sure I will be happy if you use whatever styles I make. About the contrast, I know that light is going to be the default theme, thats fine but the grey and pale blue are a bad combination, it is hard to tell em apart.

Formerly OBese87.
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Posted: 16th Dec 2013 06:33
Can you please make it so that posts that you have posted in that have had new posts since you last looked at them are red or something really obvious.

I often forget which threads I've posted in and don't ever reply to people who reply to my posts.

mr Handy
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Posted: 17th Dec 2013 10:30
Quote: "I often forget which threads I've posted in and don't ever reply to people who reply to my posts."

We have
Quote: "Receive email to your MailBack address each time someone replies?"

but this request is very good.

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Posted: 17th Dec 2013 19:06
Quote: "Receive email to your MailBack address each time someone replies?"

That's not what was asked for. The only time you would ever want to know about a new post on a forum is when you visit that forum, I hate all this invasive nonsense.

Formerly OBese87.
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Posted: 17th Dec 2013 21:20
Quote: "The only time you would ever want to know about a new post on a forum is when you visit that forum, I hate all this invasive nonsense."

Not true at all I use the email notifications all the time, my email is my number one source of information I get hundreds of emails a day and if it doesn't arrive there it won't get done.

Having the threads update me in my email and then be organised into the folder I use is by far the best way for me to tell when an update has been made that I need to look at.

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Posted: 18th Dec 2013 04:52
Quote: "How about forum polls?!"

I second this also, even though polls aren't very common on here. Maybe, if you have to, require new polls to have mod approval.

As for the new beta forum, the default color scheme simply won't work. The brightness and contrast of it is killing my eyes!

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Posted: 18th Dec 2013 05:53
I use a combination of RSS+MailBack works wonders!

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Posted: 18th Dec 2013 07:23
Sorry if I've missed it or someone's already mentioned it but is there a log out button?

mr Handy
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Posted: 18th Dec 2013 10:05
Hodgey, look up!

P.S. I wanted to make this image as real a logout link but here is an easter egg:
Quote: "Hey numb-nuts, remove the logout link from your message or signature."

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Posted: 18th Dec 2013 10:25
Quote: "Hey numb-nuts, remove the logout link from your message or signature."

Haha, nice - that must be a pretty recent addition, it was only a couple of months ago people were posting fake code blocks that logged you out xD

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Posted: 18th Dec 2013 13:45
Another bug, YouTube videos don't seem to show up in Dolphin for Android.

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The Next
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Posted: 18th Dec 2013 14:47
That isn't a forum bug the forum uses the YouTube embed code so it is a bug with YouTube not us, all we do is generate the embed code.

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Posted: 18th Dec 2013 16:38
This is the only site that this happens on for me, though.

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mr Handy
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Posted: 18th Dec 2013 17:35
Ain't android have special software for youtube? Maybe that's why video blocked here?

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Posted: 19th Dec 2013 16:53
When you post a new post, can the forum load that new post instead of the top of the page. On a mobile, it takes ages to scroll down to check your spelling etc.

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Posted: 19th Dec 2013 20:11
Quote: "When you post a new post, can the forum load that new post instead of the top of the page. On a mobile, it takes ages to scroll down to check your spelling etc."

That's a good idea and can't be too tricky: We can already link to individual posts.

Formerly OBese87.
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Posted: 20th Dec 2013 00:33
Quote: "When you post a new post, can the forum load that new post instead of the top of the page. On a mobile, it takes ages to scroll down to check your spelling etc."

100% agree with this.

After spending some time with the new colours for the board pages, I think it might be better if the highlights were swapped (threads that have been read are dark grey, ones with unread posts are the lighter/white).

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Posted: 20th Dec 2013 00:37
I'd also like new themes. (I know they're planned.)

That amount of white hurts my eyes.

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Posted: 20th Dec 2013 01:44
Speaking of RSS, can you actually make RSS work both per thread and per board. Thanks.

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Posted: 20th Dec 2013 18:44
Quote: "Speaking of RSS, can you actually make RSS work both per thread and per board. Thanks."

Custom RSS feeds I AM ALL FOR! seeing the FPSC feeds all the time is a bit annoying... perhaps for the time being you can prefix the feed titles with the board names?

Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 20th Dec 2013 22:13
The light gray and white highlighting theme for showing unread threads is very hard to see, especially on an LCD screen. I'm assuming it's probably temporary anyway, though.

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Posted: 20th Dec 2013 22:18 Edited at: 20th Dec 2013 22:22
Dark Java Dude 64

It is temporary and is actively being worked on, the issue is I have a very good screen on my end and my colour accuracy and white balance does not produce any sort of glare. I am trying on other devices and am adapting to make it work best for everyone it is very hard to find a theme everyone will like which is why there will be many variations it just takes a long time.

bitJericho & MrValentine

This will be done for sure but it is not top of my list right now.


This is being added it isn't hard at all.


I am investigating this YouTube issue.

Just tried the site on a normal LCD and damn needs a fix colour wise.

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AGK Backer
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Posted: 21st Dec 2013 01:51
Sweet! looking forward to it, take your time

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 21st Dec 2013 04:33
The Next, I really appreciate the amount of work you're doing for this project! I really look forward to using the new forums when they've been fully implemented.

If I lived in the UK and knew you, I would buy you * 12!

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Posted: 21st Dec 2013 10:06 Edited at: 21st Dec 2013 10:07
What are the orange topics?
just came back and saw them, are they edits?

...edited to test my theory.

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Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 21st Dec 2013 10:11
I'd like to say, I greatly appreciate the work you're doing on this too. You sort of just suddenly appeared (at least to the Geek Culture section) and have been making awesome changes to the forum, so a little bit like Jesus of the forums. Do be honored!

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Posted: 21st Dec 2013 12:52
Quote: "What are the orange topics?
just came back and saw them, are they edits?"

No they are stickied threads that have had new posts, the current forum does this.

Thanks Yodaman Jer a virtual will have to do

Dark Java Dude 64 more like a little trouble maker coming to upset all those that love the forums they way they are Not an easy job at all I'm sure someone will want my head when the changes go live

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