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Geek Culture / TGC beta forums - closed until further notice

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Posted: 30th Jan 2014 21:00
what is a bete?
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Posted: 30th Jan 2014 23:19
A vegetable.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2014 00:08 Edited at: 31st Jan 2014 00:19
Quote: "There will be a TGC forum 1.0 (I will call it that for now) theme that matches what we currently have with editable colours for those forum veterans that like the current style. That said however it will not be exactly the same as it has to use the new HTML format."

Excellent! That will almost certainly be good enough for me

Quote: "what is a bete?"

If you mean "beta", it's an early version of software before it's considered finished.

Quote: "A vegetable."

Haha he asked for it

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Posted: 31st Jan 2014 15:50
I like the way that the beta forums have a pop up when clicking on "newest post" and there isn't one, but is it in the plans to have it go to the last page, or will it only go to the first?

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Posted: 31st Jan 2014 15:51

At the moment I am unsure, I can make it do both but I was using front page at the moment. What do you think is best to use?

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Posted: 31st Jan 2014 17:15 Edited at: 31st Jan 2014 17:15
I think it's best to just go to the last page, in the case of this happening because of a user on post-mod, the new post would likely be on the last page anyway.

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Posted: 1st Feb 2014 05:17
Quote: "At the moment I am unsure, I can make it do both but I was using front page at the moment. What do you think is best to use?"

Last page.

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Posted: 1st Feb 2014 08:11
I think it'd be best to take the user to the most recent post, and then display "no new posts" under that one (in blue perhaps, rather than the normal red that errors display in).
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Posted: 1st Feb 2014 08:59
Why even have a "newest post" link? The "last page" link is sufficient if >1 page and if <2 pages, we can still see if a new post has been made. Suggesting this to save a little unnecessary hassle.

"You realise you're not nearly as funny as you think you are," said Onii-chan.

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Posted: 1st Feb 2014 10:41
The new post link is something I miss in every other forum. It's really nice not having to remember where you stopped reading and not having to scroll thru 45 posts to get the last 5 on the page. Also, The last page button wouldn't show you new posts on an old page...

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Posted: 1st Feb 2014 12:44
Quote: "It's really nice not having to remember where you stopped reading... The last page button wouldn't show you new posts on an old page."

That's why unread posts are blue (single page) and the mailback option exists (multiple pages).

Quote: "...not having to scroll thru 45 posts to get the last 5 on the page."

You... have an excellent and completely valid point that I never thought of in all my time here

On another note: The Next, I did the mining I mentioned I'd do earlier. Sending. ETA: JAMOTATO (Central Madness Time)

"You realise you're not nearly as funny as you think you are," said Onii-chan.

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Posted: 1st Feb 2014 13:18
Quote: "Why even have a "newest post" link? The "last page" link is sufficient if >1 page and if <2 pages, we can still see if a new post has been made. Suggesting this to save a little unnecessary hassle."

Because what if there have been enough posts that the thread has a new page as well. If there were only a last page button, you wouldn't see the new posts on the page before.

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Posted: 1st Feb 2014 13:41
Quote: "Because what if there have been enough posts that the thread has a new page as well. If there were only a last page button, you wouldn't see the new posts on the page before."

Good point.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 05:33
From a mod's point of view, these global threads don't need to appear in the mod forum. The mod forum is clean and concise and I can see these global threads adding a lot of noise there.

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 09:34 Edited at: 5th Feb 2014 09:38
I am trying to write a stylesheet and have been hitting a few problems.
I really don't like the way the page doesn't scale with the window. I like to tile my desktop but this means I get half a page on the screen and a horizontal scroll bar. It must really suck for people who web browse on their phones. The forum is mainly text so scaling shouldn't be an issue. I tried to correct it but it got messy fast! I'm up to my elbows in divs. Is there an advantage to using divs over a table?

* Remove page width restriction and make pages scale.
* Make thread subject/author divs clickable. (From looking at the code I think you are planning this anyway.)
* Give unique ID's to: forms, buttons.
* Use normal text inside buttons (prev., top, etc.) instead of anchors.
* Get rid of the '@' on 'last post'.
* Make the basic theme css shorter by grouping like elements, eg .messageItem, .threadItem.

I have just been trying to get to grips with the code, tidy things up and make a basic theme, hopefully it helps but I haven't gotten anything looking nice yet. There still seems to be a lot of stuff in the common.css that should really be part of the custom theme file, and vice versa, I have moved some of it.
Here are my edited .css files:


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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 15:22 Edited at: 5th Feb 2014 17:42

The site does scale with the screen size all the way down to a width of 1000px this theme is intended for desktop only and the min size of resolutions we see here are 1024px.

It is hard to make a responsive design for the complexity of this forum and the qwerks it has in the code that prevent it. After the launch of a desktop theme I plan to make a dedicated mobile theme that the site will switch over to on smaller screens or make the current theme responsive we will see which works best.

Remove page width restriction and make pages scale. - Afraid this won't happen for the desktop themes there is a min width for a reason as the post content does not fit in a nice way otherwise, when the design is made responsive this may change but for now I will leave it.
Make thread subject/author divs clickable. (From looking at the code I think you are planning this anyway.) - Not sure what you mean by this?
Give unique ID's to: forms, buttons. - Will be done just a bit time consuming if you saw how the forms are setup on our end
Use normal text inside buttons (prev., top, etc.) instead of anchors. - In the process of doing this
Get rid of the '@' on 'last post'. - Possibly it is just using the classic naming for the moment I will do the text tidy up later. EDIT just did this
Make the basic theme css shorter by grouping like elements, eg .messageItem, .threadItem. The CSS is not very optimal right now will tidy it up a lot.

I am aware that the common.css contains things that should be in the theme file and vice-versa, this is just me being messy while testing bits and will be clean and tidy soon.

I am using your CSS comments to strip some bits out and use thanks for the source.

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The Next
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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 21:11
Quick update for everyone I have just enabled the new AJAX posting form, please give it a go it looks identical to the old form except you will not leave the page at all when posting new posts or replies.

This system is not complete yet but is the first step, there will be a lot more changes to the forum like this.

The next big step is the new file upload system, which I am starting now.

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 21:21 Edited at: 5th Feb 2014 21:24
Hi The Next,

Just reporting a formatting issue that has just started.

This is happening with Firefox but not with IE.

Ok, Jokes over, No more eye burn.


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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 21:23
Can you try a Ctrl F5 a few times think you may have the old stylesheet I did an update today.

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 21:26
ok, fixed.

I will do that next time before reporting.

Lightning response

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 21:27
Yep online at the moment so I get the notifications pretty quickly.

Glad it fixed it that little trick works most of the time

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 23:22 Edited at: 5th Feb 2014 23:23
Testing the new AJAX posting.

*edit: It's quite slow, and I seem to have had an image attached to my post?

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 23:27

The posting process has always been slow the AJAX just makes it move obvious I will be speeding it up

The reason you had an image on your post is I am testing uploads and selected your post to upload on instead of mine.

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 23:29 Edited at: 5th Feb 2014 23:29
Quote: "he reason you had an image on your post is I am testing uploads and selected your post to upload on instead of mine."

Oh Ok. lol

Keep up the good work! (Posting got quicker after that first post..)
*edit, nope, it's just this board which is slow....

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 23:33

Yeh the board size makes the post time slower, because the old the way the forum was coded means it loads every single post to check you have not posted the same thing before.

This is obviously madness and I need to change it.

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 23:36 Edited at: 5th Feb 2014 23:37
Quote: "This is obviously madness and I need to change it."

Noooo, I like having to come up with something new when posting in the posting competition

EDIT: The posting did seem a bit slow...

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 23:39
@The Zoq2

Yeh everyone will notice it now Lots of improvements that can be made just takes a lot of time this forum is not exactly small and with legacy posts to think about it takes double as long to code any changes.

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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 07:01
Quote: "This is obviously madness and I need to change it."

Yes, that is madness!

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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 12:43
In the beta forums, it seems as if I get added to the mailback list for any thread I post in, regardless if I check the box or not.

Also, if I have unread posts in this thread and I visit the posting comp (probably the same for other threads too though) this thread gets marked as having been read.

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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 12:49

Yeh that should be fixed now I noticed that also last night. If you mark the thread not to send mailback to you then it should stay unset now.

As for the marking posts as unread issue I haven't seen that yet but will keep my eye out so I can fix if it is an issue.

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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 18:15 Edited at: 6th Feb 2014 18:17
The Next, View beta forum in your sig leads to empty thread.

Also I don't like when images in the thread alter thread height while loading every time.
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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 18:16 Edited at: 6th Feb 2014 18:18
Oh yeh that's because it isn't in Geek Culture any more. I will fix that

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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 18:19 Edited at: 6th Feb 2014 18:21
I wrote about images, but I forgot that you can add width or height to even not loaded image if you know its dimensions. Could that be done for external images?

P.S. Tried new forum - message grey colour is too grey, too dark. Grey shade on old forum is better, for my eyes.
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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 18:22
I know what you mean with the images I find it annoying also.
But if I added code that checks the dimensions of all images upon page load and returns them so this method would work, it will add a large amount of time to the page load.

I want to speed the site up not slow it down, once I have increased the site speed I will then start adding features like this, at the moment I think it will make the site slower and not help my case

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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 18:25 Edited at: 6th Feb 2014 18:27
Also I heard that there will be color scheme from old forum, is that true? For me, 7 years of old forum will kick any new theme out from my heart. Take a note - I am talking not about buttons and layout, only about colours. My all-time favourite is "my eyeballs!"
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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 18:28
Yes there will be a "TGC Classic" theme soon, it will match in colour and layout but the code behind will all be new so not everything will be the same.

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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 19:12 Edited at: 6th Feb 2014 20:46
TheNext wrote: "Make thread subject/author divs clickable. (From looking at the code I think you are planning this anyway.) - Not sure what you mean by this?"

I found this empty class definition .threadItem:hover in the css file so I assume you are going to make clicking the div go to the thread instead of having to click the link text inside it. This makes sense to me and would make navigating on a mobile device much easier.

TheNext wrote: "Remove page width restriction and make pages scale. - Afraid this won't happen for the desktop themes there is a min width for a reason as the post content does not fit in a nice way otherwise, when the design is made responsive this may change but for now I will leave it."

Poop. Well, I will see if I can get it any smaller with css; if I can just get it below 667px that is good enough for my personal use (that is the width of the window tiled to half the screen).


The changes you made to the table layout made this pretty easy. I just had to adjust a few widths for the "columns". There is still plenty of room for everything to be displayed as normal. I took a fresh copy of the new common.css made those changes and added a max-width to #containerMain -- I think it gets too stretched out on wide screens.

[updated: 19:46] common.css

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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 20:47 Edited at: 6th Feb 2014 20:49
Just a quick update for everyone I now have a shot of the test version of the "TGC Classic" theme, it is no where near finished but this is the theme on the new code and as you can see it looks very similar already.

Libervurto I will look over all of that, the divs will be click-able most likely.

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Posted: 7th Feb 2014 00:16
Quote: "Just a quick update for everyone I now have a shot of the test version of the "TGC Classic" theme, it is no where near finished but this is the theme on the new code and as you can see it looks very similar already."

Ah, looking good, looking good! Can't wait for it to be finished!

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Posted: 7th Feb 2014 02:07 Edited at: 7th Feb 2014 02:10
Using an ampersand in a post cuts the post short at the ampersand. This bug doesn't occur if the ampersand is within certain tags: code, quote, b are tested.

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Posted: 7th Feb 2014 08:56

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Posted: 7th Feb 2014 08:57
Yup, your right, that post should say 'health ampersand safety'.

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Posted: 7th Feb 2014 10:50
That is very odd indeed and I am finding a fix now.

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Posted: 7th Feb 2014 10:54
Should be fixed now, it was the result of me being a bit stupid and forgetting to urlencode the message and subject lines when they are fired via ajax.

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Posted: 7th Feb 2014 11:22
Looks awesome

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Posted: 7th Feb 2014 12:11
looks awesome & is now fully operational & open to the public & the people of the forum & the interwebs...

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Posted: 7th Feb 2014 13:19
It seems as though the mailback issue is still present, I disable the mailback, next time I post, I'm signed up again.

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Posted: 7th Feb 2014 13:26
Oh sorry it should be fixed now, I have a different version of the post form than you and I had forgotten to put the fix in both. If not let me know and I will take a closer look.

Too many versions of the forums

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Posted: 7th Feb 2014 13:41 Edited at: 7th Feb 2014 13:45
Just testing posting...

Edit: There seems to be a problem with the line feeds in my signature now and why isn't there a preview in the edit window ? Rendering is still super slow though..

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Posted: 7th Feb 2014 13:49 Edited at: 7th Feb 2014 13:52
The signature line issue is a known bug and I am working on a fix.

As for posting speed it is known to be slow refer to my posts a few above.

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