@TheComet: (or everyone else actually)
Well if you insist I shall also post my typing skillz video from a few month ago as well... behold:
Yes, I type like that all the time. Even right now. Works best on flat keyboards (chiclet style), and I actually like my Cherry KC 1000 (though it's cheap).
Why, you ask? Why not?!
Actually I just never learned to type properly. I just taught myself this. I can type stuff while keeping my right hand on the mouse too! Doing that here and now, no issues. :3
And no, most of the time I don't look down actually. Sometimes I hit the wrong keys and it's generally easier with some split-second downward glancing but it works either way!
Yup, I'm weird. Carry on with this thread, I'll not look at it again for another 50 or 100 pages (or 5000!) xD
actually I'll come back to check for responses to this
Edit: And don't mind the weird faces at the beginning and end, the video was meant for TheComet originally, as an unlisted upload! xD
Plus it was made by pointing one laptop (netbook) with the webcam on at another laptop. Cuz' I didn't have anything else to film with. ^^'