Okay. Here's my conundrum, which may or may not be quite appropriate for this thread. Should I start a new one for topics like this?
Keep in mind I'm a novice programmer. Absent minded too. Pretend I'm a senior citizen. I need some advice.
What I'm trying to do is create WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) text retrieval and storage using TEXTAREA/RICHEDIT gadgets. IE, what you type in, is what is saved to a file, is what is retrieved later on, exactly like it was.
I'm running into two problems. The first is centering -- Can't figure out how to do it within a textarea/richedit. Is it possible? A future update perhaps?
The second is the real problem for me. The fact is when you use the 'save array' command it can't handle line breaks properly.
So I have to read through the entire text entry, character by character, and insert a special character to indicate linebreaks before it's saved as an array.
A slow process that I wish did not have to happen. It puts a throttle on the program. When storing, and rereading things character by character for retrieval.
Then, when retrieving it.. I realize I don't know how to re-insert it in the gadget with the special characters translated into linebreaks again.
Thoughts: Ways around the problems...
Regarding centering I could find a function to insert the proper # of spaces. I hope.
Regarding saving/loading the data -- Perhaps save array isn't the best way even if it's the easiest?
Anybody got any better ideas?