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FPSC Classic Product Chat / WASP Mod - FREE

Scene Commander
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Posted: 28th Aug 2009 14:32 Edited at: 16th Oct 2009 08:31

Update 25 September

WASP mod has been rewritten from the top down to aid with future additions, some of Apple Slicers speed improvements are still to be added, so look out for further increases.

I've restored the Zoom to the right click and the peek keys, I may remove the peek keys in a future addition. Let me know what you think.

Keep an eye on this post for news of update

Well, I've had some time to think about things and have now decided on as I see it the best approach for the continuation of what was Wizmod/Apple Juice Mod.

Firstly, as I have had several requests for the Wizmod/Apple Juice source code. I am not prepared to sell nor am I making any of this source public at this present time. In the unlikely event that this changes I will let people know. So please could people stop asking


The development of the mod shall continue under the name WASP mod. It shall be free for all and licensed for commercial and non-commercial use. Whilst I am working slowly behind the scenes on a large number of new commands and features, many of which I hope you shall all be very pleased with I shan't be releasing an update until the release of the V116 source as I want to incorporate Lee's bug fixes and the DBP v74 speed increases into WASP mod. I'm also in the process of buying a new machine which I'm hoping will improve development time as my current one is getting a little long in the tooth now.


In the spirit of the previous work, I'm inviting anyone who wishes to contribute code for new commands and/ or features for inclusion. Please contact me should you wish to do so. As stated, the source won't be released so work will need to be submitted in a clearly remmed format for porting (don't worry, I'll sort any clashes my end but please test it yourself first.). As this mod is free and being developed for the community I'm afraid the only payment people can expect is credit and a nice feeling.

In case anyone is wondering why the source won't be released it is because this mod and all of the features in it are to remain free and to ensure that no coded feature in the mod makes it's way into any commercial mod, and thus maintaining the spirit of the whole venture I feel this is a necessary step. (Not that I don't trust everyone of you )

The mod can now be downloaded from my site here

I hope no one minds, but the site now includes goggle ads. (I normally ignore them!) - however, I'm finding that I need to justify my time a little more and time is money etc.. Clicking on the ads (or if you're feeling really generous, the donate button) will help support WASP mod. Thanks.



In progress
Not Started

Current Version 1.1

Features to date
Tweaked code for speed increases.
LOD system. - to be improved
Timer system
3 new AI rotate commands
2 new math commands.
FOV command
Camshake command

Known bug and status for release V1.1
All weapons now disappear when collected
All explodable items now disappear when destroyed
small dynamic objects now display correctly.

Features coded for V1.2
Variable headshot damage
Variable LOD commands + speed increases and improving
Transfer of system variable to variables (e.g. player health
Entity timers
Full variable reference by 99% of commands.
change and hide weapons commands
Player armour
Weather system (rain, snow, wind and storms at present).
Flashlight - either as a gun spec or user specified keypress
Spawn entity at entity - spawns an entity near another entity - in short the dead can drop things.
New entity target commands
Added StormOn command for greater control over weather system

Feature to be added in the future

V116 compatibility !!
Eventually all wizmod features.
Most of Airmod 6, this will be added 1 command/feature at a time to ensure smooth porting and could take awhile.
TOD system
Particle based fire and smoke
Night Vision
GUI system
Camera tilt for player death

Plus quite a few other feature and commands which I hope to add over time. Essentially I plan to add most of the features you would expect to find in your average FPS. There will only be one version, with features that can be turned on/off using commands for machine and performance compatibility.


The Scene Commander - Lead Developer
Apple Slicer - for his great work and for the rights to the apple juice/wizmod code
The Wizmod team - for their great work without which none of this would be happening.
Dar 13 - For his command contribition - not in this version but coded into the next release.
S4Real For the 2 timer system originally intended for Apple Mod

Beta Testers.

Gamer x
Egg Head of Doom
Dolphin Lover

Plus anyone else who feels like contributing.[img]http://[/img][img]null[/img]
Gamer X
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Posted: 28th Aug 2009 15:21
Good luck with the mod, I bet it will turn out great.

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Posted: 28th Aug 2009 15:30
Loooks good! I hope this does well!

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Posted: 28th Aug 2009 15:48
good luck.

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Posted: 28th Aug 2009 19:08
Bet this'll turn out pretty good.
Quote: "TOD system"

Dammit, you might just beat me to it. I've been trying to dev this for my mod.

Mine will be open source, so if I get mine I'll give you the source for it

Scene Commander
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Posted: 28th Aug 2009 19:10 Edited at: 28th Aug 2009 19:12
Quote: "Mine will be open source, so if I get mine I'll give you the source for it"

That's very kind of you and just the sort of thing I was hoping this might inspire.

Thanks everyone else for kind comments
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Posted: 28th Aug 2009 19:13
Actually, it was originally going to be paid source for maybe like 5 or 10 bucks, but Ply convinced me otherwise.

Scene Commander
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Posted: 28th Aug 2009 19:19
Quote: "Actually, it was originally going to be paid source for maybe like 5 or 10 bucks, but Ply convinced me otherwise."

Kinder still then.

If you need any help with your mod feel free to ask.
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Posted: 28th Aug 2009 19:21
Hmm, if you have MSN, add me. I'm on now, aand we can work on getting this damned code sorted.

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Posted: 28th Aug 2009 19:26
I am, what's your id?
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Posted: 28th Aug 2009 19:28
Why do I have meteorite1209 in my thingy? It's

*goes to fix*

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Posted: 28th Aug 2009 21:22
TOD...meaning time of day?

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Posted: 28th Aug 2009 21:48 Edited at: 28th Aug 2009 21:53
WASP is a cool name

i'm not going to post really any wanted features, but i just had an idea that would be very unique. a system in which the main menu would be a seperate prgogram which would allow for the game to have spring offs such as single player AND multiplayer. this would also allow for different difculty levels. just a crazy idea, but maybe if you got some people from the DBP forums and others it could happen.

okay i'm shuting my mouth now

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Posted: 28th Aug 2009 21:57 Edited at: 28th Aug 2009 22:10
Quote: "TOD...meaning time of day?"

Yes, in the case of WASP this will be developer controlled

Quote: "i'm not going to post really any wanted features, but i just had an idea that would be very unique. a system in which the main menu would be a seperate prgogram which would allow for the game to have spring offs such as single player AND multiplayer. this would also allow for different difculty levels. just a crazy idea, but maybe if you got some people from the DBP forums and others it could happen."

This isn't a major priority for me - sorry. Difficulty levels - maybe but please note my plans for a GUI system - this will allow for developer lead menus - essentially it's a point and click system which allows the developer to pass information to the engine.
dark peanut
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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 01:44
Awesome! Thanks for the effort and for keeping the magic alive!! Good luck on that next release, definitely looking forward to it!!!!

dark peanut

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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 02:08
me too

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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 08:56
awesome, we have apple juice back

Pie? Pie is good. i like pie. i love pie actually. I WANT PIE. wait no i dont. what? IM CONFUSED!
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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 10:01
Nice job.
I hope you be success.
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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 13:49
LOD is just what FPS Creator needs. However, it would mean model artists would have to make LQ versions of their models to utilize this feature (should have been done a long time ago) and being as that would take lots of work, you'd be lucky to get their full support.

Red Eye
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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 15:42
@Agreen: There are some programs, that make that automaticaly, full with uvmap.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 17:25
actually its possible to to in the game engine its self. i don't know about fps creator, but it does it automatically in Leadwerks engine (a bit more advanced)

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Posted: 30th Aug 2009 03:18
one thing to say, then ill shut up:

i personally would like to see ironsights intergrated form airmod before all else

Pie? Pie is good. i like pie. i love pie actually. I WANT PIE. wait no i dont. what? IM CONFUSED!
Gamer X
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Posted: 30th Aug 2009 03:24
I like the features that are being added Scene Commander. If you need anyone to help BETA test, I will be willing to offer my services.

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Posted: 30th Aug 2009 04:02
Quote: "If you need anyone to help BETA test, I will be willing to offer my services."

almost of us are

Quote: "i personally would like to see ironsights intergrated form airmod before all else"

it'll be a slow process though, but i'm sure Scene will do it

Apple Slicer
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Posted: 30th Aug 2009 04:41
Quote: "Firstly, as I have had several requests for the Wizmod/Apple Juice source code. I am not prepared to sell nor am I making any of this source public at this present time. In the unlikely event that this changes I will let people know. So please could people stop asking"

I would like to quickly make note on this.

Scene Commander, Flatlander, and S4real has full rights to use my code, and Wizmod code for their mods. However, it cannot be sold, or given to others...

Good luck on the project Scene Commander.

but You better take down "flashlight" quickly before someone notices!

~Wizmod and Apple Juice Owner/Deverloper~
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Posted: 30th Aug 2009 08:19
I misread the title as "WASD Mod" lol. Too much key mapping for me.

I wish you luck with the Mod. Hope to see some good development going into it.

The one and only,

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Posted: 30th Aug 2009 10:56
Quote: "If you need anyone to help BETA test, I will be willing to offer my services."

I shall be needing some Beta tester nearer the time, be aware that it's going to be a couple of weeks at least before then.

I don't need too many tester but if you'd like to help please let me know.

Gamer X I'll add you to the list.
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Posted: 30th Aug 2009 14:27
Hey Scene, if you need some banners, just let me know.

WizMod Developer.
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Posted: 30th Aug 2009 16:29
Hi Kerrby,

A banner would be great, thanks.
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Posted: 31st Aug 2009 04:13 Edited at: 31st Aug 2009 05:06
Scene Commander Im also well understood at photoshop.
If I can help with banners please do let me know.

I wish I could help with coding..

Have you considered vehicles of some sort?

I have a strong feeling this will become one of the finest free mods ever created if not the very finest!

Edit: I think working allies is a good feature ..sorry Im making so many questions and helping so few.
Scene Commander
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Posted: 31st Aug 2009 10:00
Quote: "Scene Commander Im also well understood at photoshop.
If I can help with banners please do let me know."

Thanks, but I think the mod is covered for that.

Quote: "Have you considered vehicles of some sort?"

I think this question has been answered in another one of your threads, yes vehicles would be nice but not really practical given the inherent limitations of FPSC. This might change when the full editor source is release, but I can't see it being truly viable without a complete code rewrite. I'll consider it, but it's not top of my list so don't hold your breath
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Posted: 31st Aug 2009 10:11
to be honest, vehicles really aren't fun unless you have full physics or at least a good terrain to ride on.

do what you have to scene and if their's any time then do the fancy stuff.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2009 14:55 Edited at: 31st Aug 2009 15:06
Quote: "do what you have to scene and if their's any time then do the fancy stuff."

Err.. Thanks, nice to know I have your permission

I'm happy to take suggestions, but don't expect them to be implemented. I'm just one man and also have a real life. So if your idea doesn't make it into a build it's because

A) I haven't gotten around to it
B) It not practical
C) It's a direct rip from someone elses Mod (by which I mean not a standard feature of FPS in general) and therefore not fair!

That said, please, I do welcome suggestions and will consider each one based on merit, my time and or ability and ease of implementation.
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Posted: 31st Aug 2009 21:17
Quote: "I'm happy to take suggestions, but don't expect them to be implemented. I'm just one man and also have a real life."

that's what i meant

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Posted: 1st Sep 2009 15:02
Quote: "that's what i meant"

I know, I was joking

From the news letter

Quote: "Once V116 is officially released, we will bundle the exact same source code and release it as a new DBP extras release"

This is good news indeed and once this happens I shall be working hard to get you all a shiny new update out for WASP mod. In the meantime if anyone has any problems with the current version please let me know so I can fix any current niggling bugs before moving on.
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Posted: 1st Sep 2009 18:49
since it'll be with the newest version on DBP, won't it be easier to get fancy features in. i don't use DBP so i don't know.

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Posted: 1st Sep 2009 21:26
Quote: "since it'll be with the newest version on DBP, won't it be easier to get fancy features in. i don't use DBP so i don't know"

Not quite. From a programmers point of view I'm hoping that the V116 source code will be much easier to work with as it will require the basic DBP not a special version solely for FPSC. In addition, we should see some reasonable speed increases as the latest DBP is faster.

Adding features won't be any easier or harder as the programming itself will remain the same.
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2009 09:22
Quote: "Adding features won't be any easier or harder as the programming itself will remain the same."

what i mean is that you don't have to do as much work getting it to WORK in fpsc.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2009 09:43
The same amount of work I'm afraid, all new commands and features are coded from scratch, so it doesn't make any difference what source is used. The only difference is the using the latest source is that the mod can take advantage of any new features/bug fixes made to it.

However, 90% of my new commands/features can just be slotted into the source, so hopefully WASP mod should be able to stay on top of the source upgrades.
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2009 17:18
oh well

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2009 16:26
I've been talking to Lee who tells me that V116.6 beta will be out soon and that it should address most of the current issues. I'm guessing that this means that we can soon expect the release of the new source code.

I have tested the current version of WASP mod running under the V116.5 beta and have found no problems. Hopefully, this will lead to a smooth transition when the time comes.

In the meantime, I'm looking for a small number of beta testers for the current version and for future releases. So far Gamer X has offered but if anyone else would like to test the current version and go on the list for the future versions please let me know.
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2009 16:57
i would be willing to beta test i have lots of free time so it's not a big deal at all

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2009 20:26
I'd like to test it!
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2009 20:30
Quote: "i would be willing to beta test"

Added - would you like to test the current version and let me know if you've any issues..
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Posted: 4th Sep 2009 00:44
Quote: "would you like to test the current version and let me know if you've any issues"

is this a choice between the next version and the current version? or are you just telling me?

but if it is a choice than i'd like to test the next version, but i really don't care

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Posted: 4th Sep 2009 09:08
ill test

Pie? Pie is good. i like pie. i love pie actually. I WANT PIE. wait no i dont. what? IM CONFUSED!
Scene Commander
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Posted: 4th Sep 2009 09:49
Quote: "is this a choice between the next version and the current version? or are you just telling me"

You can test what you like (and beta testers will get each version as it's updated), but I'd like to know if there are any problems with the current version so I can ensure the each update is bug free.

Quote: "ill test"

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Posted: 4th Sep 2009 10:55
sent an email scene

Pie? Pie is good. i like pie. i love pie actually. I WANT PIE. wait no i dont. what? IM CONFUSED!
Scene Commander
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Posted: 4th Sep 2009 12:18
Many thanks.

I've replied and have solved the issue, it will be included in the next update.
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Posted: 4th Sep 2009 17:55
Hello Scene Commander,
i would like to beta test your WASP mod.

My PC is
Pentium Intel 3 2,8 Ghz - Processor
2 GB - RAM
x1950 XT 512 - Video
integrated audio chipset
(may be i could be useful for low spec test )


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