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Geek Culture / [LOCKED] My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Posted: 10th Aug 2011 00:03
Yeh...about the show. It has a background character called Octavia, and I started a short fic series about her.

Not gunna post it on EDaily though, purely for practice and fun writing. So on DA it stays.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2011 00:23
Quote: "Yeh...about the show. It has a background character called Octavia, and I started a short fic series about her."

really? .___.' who is this.. octavia?

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2011 00:37

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Posted: 10th Aug 2011 00:48
Ahh i have seen her in one of these remix video thingies x)

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2011 13:53 Edited at: 10th Aug 2011 13:56
I'm bored of Nic Cage. Let's say the government is to blame and end this.

I don't know about my avatar, I'm beginning to drift away from Pinkie, and although I love Batman I think everyone knows that already, and unless you really focus on my avatar you can't even tell it's Batman. So I think I'll do something with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Oh, and I don't like Rarity's worried look behind the guy in your avatar, Quik. It concerns me.

And I love Octavia

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Posted: 10th Aug 2011 14:05 Edited at: 10th Aug 2011 14:08
Quote: "and unless you really focus on my avatar you can't even tell it's Batman. So I think I'll do something with the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

I knew it was batman the instant i saw it

Quote: "Oh, and I don't like Rarity's worried look behind the guy in your avatar, Quik. It concerns me."

that was actually a mistake which came to when i copied it... didnt notice until i uploaded it....
I personally love it xD

editosity: and for those of you who didn't know, the guy is actually Braeburn, applejacks cousin :3

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2011 14:11
I did know that. And I still want to change soon.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 00:24
Quote: "And I still want to change soon."

No, it's not pokemon.
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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 00:40
Know Your Meme finally got round to making a documentary episode on ponies, and for once it's all positive, with some tongue-in-cheek.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 03:08
I loved that Know Your Meme. I love the show all together, but that one... haha...

And what does mean, Swiss? Do you not want me to change?

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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 08:48
dont change, as it is now there is such a nice contrast between us all

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 12:15

Just cause i know you guys would never see it. I thought id post this up for you's.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 12:58
Holy [uber mod edit]... Lazerus, the awesomeness of that model can't be wrapped in words... How can we ever repay you?


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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 13:52
Is this Snake? Nice, I'm writing about a pony Metal Gear Solid.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 17:29
Quote: "And what does mean, Swiss? Do you not want me to change?"

Don't change it! I love it the way it is, and Quik is right, it is a good contrast between the avatars. If you MUST then your new avatar MUST (MUST!!) be very darkly colored.


and lastly, The Comet was the culprit for our little mystery after all... \/
Quote: "Location: I`m under ur bridge eating ur PONIES "

No, it's not pokemon.
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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 18:35
Okay, I'll keep it.

And haha that's true, Swiss. He did it all.

But why would he give you Cheesecakes?

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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 18:39 Edited at: 11th Aug 2011 19:58
Quote: "But why would he give you Cheesecakes?"

Oh, Happy stops by occasionally. He lends people cheesecake. Just, he never told me he was coming to the moon. We have a rather restricted phone service, so I suppose his call just didn't come through.

If it wasn't happy, maybe the comet was trying to throw us off? Maybe he felt bad for framing us. He did try to hit you ya know...

and the first part of my other fic is almost done. It's been written as unusually and poorly as most of the FanFics out there, so maybe it'll catch on. I'll probably put it here soon. I always put it here

Edit: I'll bet a few of you have already seen this, but it's something that must be in our thread. A good example of Good Song + Ponies. Although the way it's editted it's a bit choppy.

along with...

This is kind of awesome as well

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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 20:19
Quote: "Just cause i know you guys would never see it. I thought id post this up for you's."

Confounded image ain't loading here. D:

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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 20:34
I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be Metal Gear Solid, if what you're quoting is what I think it is.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 20:34
Quote: "Confounded image ain't loading here. D:"

I'll try attaching it to this post

No, it's not pokemon.
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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 21:34
I can see it. :3

You find that on Polycount or something Laz?

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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 22:50
Either that of he made it.. Either way it's awesome!

I might also add that iam on a phone atm, no internet until.monday, if iam lucky

and for the record, I am a man.

Happy Cheesecake
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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 22:58

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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 23:01
Quote: "You find that on Polycount or something Laz?"

Aye there are a few 'bronys' there and the occasional piece like this pops up from time to time.

So yup, this thread has grown by about 18 pages since i last checked.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 23:14



We are everywhere, or so I understand. Every except my irl.

Also I think it's a trait of anything pony to move fast.

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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 00:09
I haven't read the Epilogue yet but Of Mares and Magic was... Sort of disapointing. The Enigma secret was really clear as soon as there was any competition, which was a little dry, but the ending was in one way good, like Dr. Horrible's Sing Along blog good, which is better than good good, but was also disapointing because it's the mindless nonsence you get from people that never really makes sense. So good, but agrivating.

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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 00:14
I know, there's about 500 comments of dissapointment and rage over it. A bad end to a very well written fic.

I'm reading "My Little Metro", a crossover with Metro 2033. A game that deserved way more love than it recieved. The fic itself is very enjoyable.

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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 01:33
After considering my own judgement, my one brony friend's judgement, and 10 "What My Little Pony character are you" quizzes' judgement, I have decided I am Pinkie Pie. Random and lovable, but has great advice, and I'm a loyal friend. And this wasn't in the quiz, but I break into song... I feel so good about myself now. :3

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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 01:50
Of Mares and Magic has began to grow on me actually....

and, for cormorant,

No, it's not pokemon.
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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 01:52

Happy Cheesecake
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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 05:27
Apparently I'm Fluttershy.

I love Fluttershy.


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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 15:11
Quote: "Location: I`m under ur bridge eating ur PONIES"

NOO it wasn't me, I just wrote that to devise you all from the truth. You don't seem to see that that is triple reverse psychology.


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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 16:20
I don't believes you.

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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 16:28
Hey Cormorant, want to come to my house and eat cupcakes?

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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 16:32

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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 16:53
Someone over youtube sent me a fan fiction of My Little Pony because he said he thought I would like it.

I'm close to puking right now...

I was a "clopfic" if you know what I mean.

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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 17:14 Edited at: 12th Aug 2011 17:14
OK so I was put on post moderation for 7 days for posting that picture. How many days would you be put on post moderation if you posted that video? And don't say "life long", actually calculate it

Just so I can get an average idea of how bad it really was


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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 19:03
It was a fan fiction, a story. And if I posted it I would literally be banned. It wasn't hinting towards sexual content... it...


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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 19:08
Yes...evade anything marked as Clopfic.

Also I dunno who I am.

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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 19:10
take this quiz, it's the one i used that seemed to be the most realistic. And not "What do you like to do? A) Party B) Picking Apples" etc...

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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 21:23
Just did the test, and I was honest the whole way through. Here are my results:

Quote: "
Twilight Sparkle

An all-round goodie, you're noble at heart and strict about following morals. Your intellect surpasses the common pony; you have a great eagerness to learn more and fill your mind with knowledge. While you can sometimes be labelled as a "smarty pants", you always keep true to yourself and would much prefer to stay your brilliantly-brainy self than become someone you're not. A lot of people would consider you an excellent role model; not just because of your intelligence, but because you're also so genuine and virtuous."


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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 21:48
Is that you?

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Posted: 13th Aug 2011 00:26
Quote: "Is that you?"


I'll have to try that test though.

and just as a note... we're closing in on 10,000 views

why is it call clop-fic exactly though (if that's an okay question)?

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Posted: 13th Aug 2011 00:31
We know what fap means, I'm guessing. Well someone posted a jokey image of a pony doing the same thing, but with clop instead of fap. (Even thoguh it makes no sense at all.) It kinda caught on, and bronydom liked the idea of having it's own word for everything.

So yeh, avoid anything marked as "cloppy."

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Posted: 13th Aug 2011 00:31
Quote: "why is it call clop-fic exactly though (if that's an okay question)?"

The below explanation contains inappropriate content. So I put it in a code, hopefully that makes it okay.

And I was talking to whoever took that personality quiz. I'm saying is that a valid explanation of you.

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Posted: 13th Aug 2011 00:51
Quote: "And I was talking to whoever took that personality quiz. I'm saying is that a valid explanation of you."

I knew it was too the comet, but it didn't make sense.

and ... o

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Posted: 13th Aug 2011 14:10
Quote: "Is that you?"

If I'm at work doing my electronic technician work, then my answer would be : absolutely. If I were anywhere else, then my answer would be : most of it is true.


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Posted: 13th Aug 2011 14:13
Yay for accuracy! *Brohoof*

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Posted: 13th Aug 2011 15:43
Quote: "Apparently I'm Fluttershy.

I love Fluttershy.



and for the record, I am a man.

Happy Cheesecake
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Posted: 13th Aug 2011 16:26
Quote: "Fluttershy
While you tend to be a bit of a "delicate flower", you have inner strength just waiting to blossom. First of all though, you need to build up your confidence- because you can be far too insecure with yourself. But there are many positive elements to your sensitive side too; for starters, you're a real sweetheart! Without fail you'll do your best to look after a friend in need and care for them with all the love you have, and with your softness, gentle nurturing and peace-making ways you can help relax anyone in a crisis. Some would say you're as sweet as honey!"

I got Fluttershy.

Looks like I'm a delicate flower...

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