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Geek Culture / [LOCKED] My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Posted: 16th Aug 2011 00:17
Quote: " I guess computing isn't in the budget eh?"

getting a new computer soon enough xD been waiting for it for 5 months now though (i agreed that if i shoveled snow all winter i could get a computer - dad agreed since he would be away working so much and mom cant do it, and my brother did it last winter)

so next time he comes home from work (this sunday hopefully) we're off to the store :3

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 16th Aug 2011 00:31 Edited at: 16th Aug 2011 02:49
We've broken 10,000 views awhile back BTW...

People usually don't beleive it but I've never bought a computer. I don't have the slightest idea how it's done They're always built by hand.

Interesting I managed to hit on a topic up and coming relevant though isn't it

Edit: TF2 has been broken for the past 4.5 hours
Edit2: They updated it...

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Posted: 16th Aug 2011 16:42
I like cats.

I like ponies.

I got that sleep I needed.

Where was I?

I like cats.

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Posted: 16th Aug 2011 23:08


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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 02:08
Cormorant has me lost... but I've seen many variations of the pic comet, all awesome.

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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 03:28
Oh, hes just being Cormorant.

Super extra Cormorant today!

Neuro Fuzzy
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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 04:13
i don't watch but I don't think anyone can deny this is funny:

Why does blue text appear every time you are near?
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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 10:12

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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 15:13

I am saving this. Forever.

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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 15:31
I actually like the artistic style,, and the story itself. I found myself annoyed by some of the voice acting,, but it wasn't as bad as I anticipated. (only watched episode 1).

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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 18:11 Edited at: 17th Aug 2011 18:13
Quote: "I actually like the artistic style,, and the story itself. I found myself annoyed by some of the voice acting,, but it wasn't as bad as I anticipated. (only watched episode 1)."

The voice acting will come around on you, just you wait.
Edit: I see CG has written a bit more of his fic on ED....

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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 18:13
Yes, especially pinky pie.


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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 18:17
I LOVE the voice acting <33

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 18:18 Edited at: 17th Aug 2011 18:18
I quickly cropped this out from one of the pony comics, I figuire it'll come in handy soon, seeing there isn't really a sarcastic smily

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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 19:13
Quote: "I see CG has written a bit more of his fic on ED...."

Yup, it's received a roaring reception of 3 comments and dropped by .2 stars.

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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 19:35
Quote: "Yup, it's received a roaring reception of 3 comments and dropped by .2 stars."

Hmmm. I'm rushing out a fic I KNOW people won't like just to get one out there. The writing is simply atrocious, but most of the stories on ED aren't masterpieces. I just can't beleive how quickly the ideas get on the page. I write out something long and complex, and it fits half a page I'm short on word count.

How exactly do you get people's attention on there?

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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 20:25
I really don't know, my idea of picking something like Halo backfired. Mainly because it appears to have alienated most non-Halo fans, as well as not being popular with hardcore Halo fans who don't like their canon being changed.

This leaves me a handful of non-Halo fans who tried it and liked it, and a group of Halo bronies who are the "Halo is a pretty cool guy" fanclub. I.e., people that never played the first two games, have no appreciation for the backstory, and therefore keep asking I add a chapter with "Master Chef."

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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 20:29
Hmmm... Just can't win Don't you hate it when you put effort into something nopony can appriciate(half the time due to pure ignorance)

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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 20:36
Oh definitely. I work in Sales, my customer base is comprised of ignorance manifested in a hundred different ways.

I might as well write a bloody clopfic, no effort required in story, or scene setting, etc. But I'd get hundreds of readers anyway.

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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 20:39
That's pretty much how I feel about everything I do... hence why I just about never share it. These forums seem to act much better upon it though.

Quote: "I might as well write a bloody clopfic, no effort required in story, or scene setting, etc. But I'd get hundreds of readers anyway."

Pffft. I'd like to see that

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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 20:53
Don't call my bluff like that, I'm not stooping to thse lows...yet. Not while I've mysteriously recovered .1 of a star somehow. Maybe a bunch of people upvoted upon reflection. :3

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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 21:04 Edited at: 17th Aug 2011 22:18
Quote: "Don't call my bluff like that, I'm not stooping to thse lows...yet. Not while I've mysteriously recovered .1 of a star somehow. Maybe a bunch of people upvoted upon reflection. :3"


and hey, that's good news. Looks like you've got someponies who really like it after all
Edit: Hey Cormorant, looks like ED found another tf2 wallpaper (pinkie pyro in the back )

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Posted: 18th Aug 2011 00:35
Yeh, a few people on my DA and GTP told me they liked it. A few want to see me try and draw my OC ponies, I might start with Sharps, he should be fairly easy as far as ponies go.

Also, I love how a month or two ago there was me and like, three bronies. Outcasts in the forums, (and that thread Interplanetary Funk opened to have us banned!)

Now there's members coming out of the woodwork everywhere as bronies. I'm half expecting to see Lee Bamber rock up in Rainbow Dash cosplay next.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2011 00:50 Edited at: 18th Aug 2011 00:57
Quote: "Now there's members coming out of the woodwork everywhere as bronies. I'm half expecting to see Lee Bamber rock up in Rainbow Dash cosplay next."

I know! They're stealthy, but they live! I once thought maybe I should ask lee... just to check Certianly would liven up the occasional hate, but seems Jeku fixed that.
Edit: It's so funny to read now I avoided getting involved in that...

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Posted: 18th Aug 2011 01:17
Quote: "Yeah, this is pretty much like Cormorant5's Batman obsession. You're just going to have to deal with it while it's here, because nobody really cares if you don't like it or not."

Hmmm...was Cheesecake a closet brony back then?

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Posted: 18th Aug 2011 01:24 Edited at: 18th Aug 2011 01:25
Whoah... I was about to post about that... look here. somepony came around
Darn, lost it, this may be it...?

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Posted: 18th Aug 2011 01:42
I don't find it funny.

That was horrible, and although I admit I said some things I should have said Ben never apologized to us. And I'm mad still.

But he's a cat. How can I not love and tolerate him. :3

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Posted: 18th Aug 2011 01:50
Oh, and I never got a chance to talk to Cheescake and resolve that final post he made.

(I posted the last post while still reading it XD)

Happy Cheesecake
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Posted: 18th Aug 2011 05:45
Quote: "Hmmm...was Cheesecake a closet brony back then?"

I... I would never! How dare you accuse me of such... such... TOMFOOLERY! Pfft... Like I ever liked a stupid show about ponies and friendship! It's just terrible!


I love the voice acting as well. It certainly grows on you.


That TF2 pic is a gift from the Gods. It's like the overseer himself implanted seeds of extroidinarity inside the artist's brain for the soul purpose of creating this work of genius. Surely the artist can die happy knowing his life's work is on the internet now.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2011 14:38
Sorry for being off-topic.

@Coffee Grunt,
Hey mate, I've been getting really strange emails from you recently, mind checking that out?

Abdul Ahad

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Posted: 18th Aug 2011 14:59
Totally off topic, but anybody hear played F3AR? Fear 3? Me and my brother (Shadowtroid) heard it had good coop, so we are considering getting it, mostly because he never plays games with me anymore, but he said he'd play this with me. All over the internet people say it's not that scary, but what do you think? I don't want that big of a horror game... but I'm okay with creepy music, scary monsters, and dark rooms. I played Killing Floor, if that means anything.

At first I wanted to be Fettal but I thought about it and I wanna be Pointman now.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2011 18:02 Edited at: 18th Aug 2011 19:53
Quote: "I... I would never! How dare you accuse me of such... such... TOMFOOLERY! Pfft... Like I ever liked a stupid show about ponies and friendship! It's just terrible!"

Do I hear the pitter-pater of typing in my closet?

Quote: "That TF2 pic is a gift from the Gods. It's like the overseer himself implanted seeds of extroidinarity inside the artist's brain for the soul purpose of creating this work of genius. Surely the artist can die happy knowing his life's work is on the internet now."

Oh, I just thought it was rather funny to reflect on how angry people were simply because they couldn't comprehend each other's opinions. I've never seen Benjamin post more than a couple posts in a thread either(except for the multisync one of course) Also I knew you were young but not THAT young (I went through and re-read every msg 8-S) I remember Shadowtroid too... That must be how you ended up on here(the forums that is) I've never played fear though... I can't imagine a game being scary, but that's just me.

Edit: I just keeled over in the awesome

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Posted: 18th Aug 2011 20:29 Edited at: 18th Aug 2011 20:36
Yeah, I can't say my age but I'm in Middle School. My brother's in high school. And yeah, for some reason no one ever found out I was his brother even though in the small area where I had joined and he hadn't left yet, we talked like brothers all the time. And here's the story of my name and overall account on TGC. :3

I've explained my story before, but yeah. As my brother began crossing the threshold into nerdism, he began to take an interest in making games. He started in RPG Maker and Game Maker, but he loved FPSC, but he needed help. Naturally he became a part of the community here and began doing special graphics, like his Sci-Fi pack. I helped however I could, but I was... what, 9? At the time? Maybe older?

I began goofing around, by posting things on his account and answering things on Steam for him. Eventually Budokaiman named me "Little Troid", which was officially my name to them. (I don't get called that anymore, which is a shame, I liked it.) We only had one computer at the time, so I never made an account for anything. Like Steam. But then about a year and a half ago, maybe less, we got a PS3 and I made my own separate PSN account. I named myself Cormorant5 because Cormorant was taken and for months the cormorant had been my favorite animal. A black colored duck like animal, commonly found in Minnesota, my favorite state. That was my name for every account I had, later on. (Besides the occasional CormorantFive or Cormorant) Now with a new account name, I made an account here to become special like my brother, but never used it. Until my brother got a new computer and I got a laptop. Then I started posting like I do today, and although at first I was recognized as Little Troid, I have faded into Cormorant, my usual internet nick name. I have been called, on other sites my brother goes to, Troid Jr. and, once, Bat Troid. Although I tried sound editing, modeling, none of it seemed right. I'm still trying programming but I'm afraid I don't have the patience, so I'm trying to increase my art skills now, which means practice practice practice. Where was I? So now I lurk around Geek Culture, hoping to some day show my art. Sigh. And my Batman obsession started around the time I started messing with Shadow, but it fully bloomed about a month before I joined the forums.

Yay! Story time over. In other news, check out these awesome pony parodies!

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Posted: 18th Aug 2011 20:41 Edited at: 18th Aug 2011 20:42
oops, you missed the &feature=... part on the videos. Edit: Oh, you fixed it

My back stroy shall for ever remain a mystery, but a LONG time ago I started in game maker (I was like 6 or 7 ) and worked my way up from there. I pretty much do everything game related now, which is sort a disadvantage if you ask me. No time for anything, and nothing gets done. :-P

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Posted: 19th Aug 2011 01:37
I... I... I don't know how to say this.

I met Andrea Libman.

And don't you dare google her. You should recognize the name like I do.

She plays Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, and we saw her in DC about a week or so ago. She said the process of voice acting hadn't started yet, I think they animate first or something?

Anyway, she sang You Gotta Share You Gotta Care for me.

My life is complete.

Why the heck didn't I have a camera?

Remember when I was gone for like 2 days? Yeah. That was when. For some reason I still haven't mentioned it? I guess I forgot?

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Posted: 19th Aug 2011 13:48
So how many of you have a pony fetish?


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Posted: 19th Aug 2011 14:02
Someone in a pony thread with a pony fetish?

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Posted: 19th Aug 2011 14:33

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Posted: 19th Aug 2011 20:18

Considering every mobile phone has a camera, I AM SO DISAPPOINT!

Didn't you get a bloody Android? XD

@The Comet Funnily enough.

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Posted: 19th Aug 2011 21:27
Just asked that because I read your comment answering that exact question in the hate thread from Interplanetary


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Posted: 19th Aug 2011 22:47 Edited at: 21st Aug 2011 20:41
Quote: "Ummm..."

Hmm? What does Umm mean? Oh, are you... are you a REMOVED who doesn't know if he has a pony fetish? Are you? Huh? Are you? You don't know? You don't know?

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Posted: 20th Aug 2011 00:03 Edited at: 20th Aug 2011 00:04

MenloMarseilles-- you know, the guy who posted the series first-- got his Pony episodes taken down!

And yeah, I've made no indication that I'm a Brony yet... but... I've been a Brony for the past few months. Just... don't expect me to post fanfic/fan art/etc.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2011 00:36

This is terrible. Is this due to copyright reasons? That means that... that means that he won't post season two.

I can't welcome you to the herd right now, as much as I would love to, but I need to find a TV thingy that will let me stream the episodes as they air on my TV. Because I know some of you don't have HUB, but we MUST SEE SEASON TWO!

So my awesome Pinkie Pie like welcome to the herd party will be in A FEW DAYS

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Posted: 20th Aug 2011 01:09
Pony fetish? no. I am kind of grossed out by "humanpony" pics.

and what are you talking about those season two things=?

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2011 01:28
You know the guy who posted all of Season 1? His videos were taken down. That means now he can't post season 2 when it comes.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2011 02:11


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Posted: 20th Aug 2011 02:41
I've heard much of this on ED. Sort old news, but I don't think it'll be a problem. People will just keep posting them anyways , even if they do get taken down. Percistence

And Cormorant... I don't beleive you. It's NOT possible Prove you met her!

I'll post later...

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Posted: 20th Aug 2011 04:44
I can't... but I know it's so hard to believe.


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Posted: 20th Aug 2011 08:51
got to kill cormorant.. steal memories.

anyway: shame, means i have to watch the next season with a big fat "TV" mark thingy in the corner, maybe... i dont know...

iam sure we will figure somethin out x)

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 21st Aug 2011 14:26
Well my thread did not go as planned.

And meanwhile I missed nothing over here apparently.

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