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Geek Culture / [LOCKED] My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Ocho Geek
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Posted: 21st Aug 2011 17:32
Dunno if this has been mentioned, but, look at cheezburger's new site

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Posted: 21st Aug 2011 18:00
I did not see that.


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Posted: 21st Aug 2011 18:01 Edited at: 21st Aug 2011 18:06
And lololol:


EDIT 2: Best QR Code. I scanned it and it took me to Equestria Daily.

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Posted: 21st Aug 2011 19:06
Sorry for the triple post, but you aren't posting.

I saw a Hub Commercial for shows coming this fall (it included MLP) and it said "Play Hard, Play Detective, Play Fast" etc, showing various shows, and eventually it said "Play cool" and showed some crappy show and it then said "20% cooler" and showed a clip which I am 90% sure hasn't happened yet, meaning a sneak peek at season 2. It was doors opening to the royal throne room, with Princess Celestia behind them, not in her throne in the back, but standing right behind the large doors. I think this means we will get a closer look at the Princess's lifestyle, or at least she'll get her own episode.


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Posted: 21st Aug 2011 19:32
Havent been posting for a while, since.. well... I have used my moms computer to get ahold of the ability to play GAMES!!
and her keyboard.. *shivers in pain*

ANYWAY: I am sorry that your thread didnt go as planned cormorant, I dont want to start a rant here but: consiering it IS just a fictional character I really can't understand how you can become so upset.. just as little as when people in Naruto die and people go rampaging forums...

However, have a pad on the shoulder from me and a "there, there". It isn't the end of the world, but I can understan a: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, oh well..." (get's on with life)..

love the "how am I carrying this" picture btw, brilliant

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Posted: 21st Aug 2011 19:53
Exactly, I wasn't saying I was gonna hang myself, I was saying this is big freaking news to me considering how much I love Batman, and I did tear up but I wasn't in the fetal position sucking my thumb like everyone assumed, and people now consider me nothing but a mass of feminine now, because I'm a "Pony freak AND you broke down crying about a comic character".

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Posted: 21st Aug 2011 20:02
One word: It is strong to confess that you cry over things..

that wasnt one word but anyway

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Posted: 21st Aug 2011 20:37
SpyDaniel made a good point: The internet is cruel, these forums are better, but none-the less cruel. (I've been busy and have kept up but haven't been able to post) I'm actually edging on the side of cormorant though. Not really because Bruce Wayne is dead, but the unrightful way they replaced him(at least form what lil' troid said) You don't just *replace* bruce wayne. I guess it seemed to be more of a reflection of how they treat cormorant than of the topic though... I just didn't really understand the hate, it was misplaced.

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Posted: 21st Aug 2011 20:39 Edited at: 21st Aug 2011 20:39
I said in that thread after you posted, Swiss, and I'll say it here.

And of course the Brony understands.

[/controversial reference]

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Posted: 21st Aug 2011 20:46
Quote: "I just didn't really understand the hate, it was misplaced."

that... and i just skimmed the thread too.. =/

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Posted: 21st Aug 2011 22:47
Um guys, I posted in another thread, and I think this will have to do the same thing, but if some Mod could clarify or if any of you know, it said I need to have my post checked by a mod because I'm a new member. Wha?

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Posted: 21st Aug 2011 23:24
I will go look at this thread. Just recovered from severe pony and internet deficiency. XD

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2011 00:05
Quote: "it said I need to have my post checked by a mod because I'm a new member. Wha?"

Noob slapped is my guess

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2011 00:18
Why? Because of the Batman thread?

And does Noob Slapped make me a new member again? Or is it like a regular slap? And if so, why is it telling me I'm a new member?

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2011 05:39
Quote: "Um guys, I posted in another thread, and I think this will have to do the same thing, but if some Mod could clarify or if any of you know, it said I need to have my post checked by a mod because I'm a new member. Wha?"

You received a slap for swearing in this post.


Le Shorte
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2011 07:44
Can't wait for Season 2. And I'm surprised you haven't heard of My Little Brony yet
Very fun site. I get a lot of desktop backgrounds from that site.

Off-Topic: Hm... The swearing really wasn't too extreme as compared to some others I've seen, though it was directed towards another forum member. But I'm not going to dispute it; not my business.

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2011 12:23 Edited at: 22nd Aug 2011 12:27
My barcode scanner won't accept that barcode you posted...

@ KeithC

That's a little harsh... Sure he deserves it for being a Batman-addict, but he only posted a bunch of stars... Is that really worth a slap?


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Posted: 22nd Aug 2011 12:45
well, i remember getting warnings before for posting a character and a couple stars, i dont think it is allowed

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2011 14:42
How long is the slap?

(It could be over now I don't haven't posted yet)

And yeah I was never warned... but I think I have done it before. And yes it was to another forum member but it was an inside joke between the bronies, I was kidding, but I'm not a mod, so whatever the forum rules say.

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2011 17:42 Edited at: 22nd Aug 2011 17:44
Should'a gone "shoe" cormorant
and um... TheComet
We're not *THIS* kind of brony (refer to 3rd comment) although the pillows look very nice.

and @ Le Shorte I think you're the first person to start posing here and then NOT deny you like ponies other than the "Mane 4" as we could call us I think i've seen my little brony, but I just serf Equestria Daily a LOT, since Seth posts soo much stuff over there.


and actually, I was sure Cormorant must've been slapped for the... clopfic post a while back.

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2011 21:37
My reaction when I discovered mods haven't forsaken this thread yet:

Also welcome to the TGC herd Le Shorte, also gunna point out that Season Two seems to be scheduled for release in November. If it comes anywhere near Skyrim, I might just die from too much happiness.

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Posted: 22nd Aug 2011 21:45
Quote: "And yeah I was never warned... but I think I have done it before. And yes it was to another forum member but it was an inside joke between the bronies, I was kidding, but I'm not a mod, so whatever the forum rules say."

first of: a noob slap isnt that bad.

second of: it really doesnt matter if it was a joke, the swearing is generarily disapproved here.

third of: mail the mod who posted on this thread, better way to talk about this than over the forums

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2011 00:52
Just sent off my submission to Sethisto. Here's to Fic number 3 hitting the EDaily pages soon!

It's called Allegrezza, little side project I wrote for fun. Octavia plays out like an alcoholic, musical Rarity, almost.

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2011 07:44
As I've said before (as have other Mods); our decisions on moderating these forum boards aren't up for public debate...period. This is the offender's 3rd slap here. Discipline is progressive.


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Posted: 23rd Aug 2011 23:01
I'm pretty sure bronies and non-bronies can pitch in together with this. A group is organising a blood drive, to try and get as many people as possible to donate blood in september.

I can't donate for medical reasons, but if I spread the word to a few others that do, maybe I've done my part.

I love this fandom, purely because along with the love of the cute, cuddly and adorable, comes a will to improve the world around them, rather than whining and adding to the mess.

I mean look, half the brony population were 4Chan trolls who used to band together to make racist attacks on Habbo. Now they're joining together to donate blood, because of a little girl's show. I'm sure that non-bronies can more than agree with the motive and ideals, even if they aren't a lover, (or even if they're haters), of the show.

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2011 23:59
Iam a sad person, I will not: because iam too scared, no, not of needles. But of having a needle in me.

likewise i will not donate any organs once i die, or before that..

I really.. really would hate the idea of someone taking out my organs: I am fobiatic enough of my own body as it is....

anyway: nice spreading the word!

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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 03:38 Edited at: 24th Aug 2011 03:43
OK, I have been away for a while...

...I've just had a quick flick through this thread...

...and... guys are serious?

EDIT: I was also reading page 20 when I wrote this response...
Le Shorte
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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 04:48
Quote: " guys are serious?"


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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 07:15
Quote: "OK, I have been away for a while...

...I've just had a quick flick through this thread...

...and... guys are serious?"

Okay, i have read your post and...

You're serious?

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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 09:29 Edited at: 24th Aug 2011 09:30
Quote: "Quote: " guys are serious?"



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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 11:06

In honesty, you will never understand, until you watch the show.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 11:29
Quote: "In honesty, you will never understand, until you watch the show."

kind of a lie: you will never understand, unless you watch the show. And even then you might not understand.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 11:36
True, but he'll never understand without watching the show.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 12:02
well, if people did get a bit more.. tolerance for the fact that adults can like ""childish things"" then this problem would be out the window... :3

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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 12:45
Mmhmm, there's a good C.S. Lewis quote that basically says adults who have a fear of seeming childish are in themselves, childish.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 14:04
Whatever floats your boat I suppose, I just never thought i'd see the day where My Little Pony would have such wide appeal.

(Also I have watched the show, my 4 year old niece watches it... Without causing a backlash of people wanting to kill me, lets just say that I don't like it.)
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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 14:22
I have no problems with you not liking it. To be honest, alot of the fandom is simply surprised that something of actual quality and substance came out from the My Little Pony franchise. Let's be honest, it has a track record of being completely and utterly terrible.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 16:35
But Quik if you donate blood you could SAVE PONY LIVES! Just think, Fluttershy could be dying out there, but wait here they come with a bottle of Quik... it's.... it's working! Anyways I certainly would CG, but for a certain reason I can't at the moment. 'nuff said.

Anyways, Oolite, you do my the friendship is magic ones, correct? Just checking...

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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 16:50
Been gone for 48 hours. Missed me?

I'm 80% sure I'm too young to donate blood, but I'll check and if I can then I will. Definitely.

And I have to say Oolite that although I think you have bad tastes, I will love and tolerate you anyway.

And I only remember getting slapped once before, but I understand I will stop. For good. Thank you for setting things straight, KeithC.

And as for Season 2, I can't find a TV Capture card and I don't know if I should trust Coffee about it being out in November, or ED about it coming out in 23 days, therefore September.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 17:01
And in other news, still slapped, and here is a lot of news on Season 2!

It has been confirmed that it will be September 17th, so take that Coffee, and the Synopsis has been leaked. A male pony, even more powerful then Nightmare Moon, has escaped from a stone prison and is trying to stop the gang from getting the Elements of Harmony again to stop him. The whole story is leaked, and I read it all, but for spoilers sake all I will say is that they get split up.
Here is the article confirming it:

And in other news, remember that sliver of season 2 I was talking about? People all over ED noticed it and here is the commercial, look for the clip with Celestia and the clip with Twilight. There is also slow motion versions showing off the season 2 in a more visible manner, but I couldn't find it soon enough, and I'm anxious to post this.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 20:42
Oh I knew about that after I said the november thing. November was just a guess by the community. I simply said it'd be awesome if Skyrim and MLP aligned one fateful day and I could die happy as a result.

Also, I like how he's called "Discord," I personally think that may be a tip-of-the-hat to fanfictions.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 22:02
Save Fluttershy with Quiks blood? That's bad... Quik is HIV+

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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 22:05

On a positive note, my 3rd fic has hit EDaily. Yay!

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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 22:26
Quote: "Save Fluttershy with Quiks blood? That's bad... Quik is HIV+"


no iam not.. i think-...


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Posted: 24th Aug 2011 23:52
Quote: " I personally think that may be a tip-of-the-hat to fanfictions."

I have a feeling a lot of season 2 will be a big tip of the hat to the brony community.

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Posted: 25th Aug 2011 00:42
I do hope so, but in a subtle way, not in a way that changes the show to a huge degree.

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Posted: 25th Aug 2011 02:17

Oh that's an awesome quote Be good for war scenes

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Posted: 25th Aug 2011 07:27
Quote: "Oh that's an awesome quote Be good for war scenes"

the tale of the 300 swedes
holding up against 100 thousand blood thirsty shoes.


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Posted: 26th Aug 2011 00:18
I never swear, but I guess it isn't toggled into my book of "Not to Say" so "shoe" has begun slipping into my conversations occasionally . People either stare at me for a second, or assume I said something else

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Posted: 26th Aug 2011 00:20
I grow on people <3

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