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Geek Culture / [LOCKED] My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Posted: 26th Aug 2011 00:20

And suave with the shoe. I find myself occasionally thinking "everypony," etc. Neve said it...should probably stop writing, but I'm finding it too fun.

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Posted: 26th Aug 2011 00:37 Edited at: 26th Aug 2011 00:38
I struggle with the word everybody... Takes me a second to think of it instead of everypony. I Usually get it right... and everybrony ought to be a word

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Posted: 26th Aug 2011 00:57
You're right...everyone should be a brony.

Also, look up Ask Pinkamina on Tumblr. The dark humour is just genius.

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Posted: 26th Aug 2011 01:35
Haha. Funny stuff.

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Posted: 26th Aug 2011 01:40
i usually say: "COMEON EVERYPONY" to my friends

they hate me for it <3

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 26th Aug 2011 02:47

I made a full out bio about my pony I created with the finished product of the pony creator Coffee showed a while ago on DeviantArt. They added a lot, including posing. Here it is, tell me what you think!

And I swear, none of you will get this, but there is Homestuck themed horns and manes in there. It's a popular webcomic I read. No one else here reads it. Sigh. I used the mane used to parody the hair of the Karkat character.

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Posted: 26th Aug 2011 23:01
I've been considering it and I might make an older version of my pony... but I still can't think of a freaking cutie mark.

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Posted: 26th Aug 2011 23:29
Crush on sweetie belle?

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Posted: 27th Aug 2011 00:06

In other news, in three weeks' time this thread will have officially lasted 'til season two. Keep it up bronies!

Also, someone's drawing a comic of my fic. Even if it wasn't my fic, it's still bloody awesome:

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Posted: 27th Aug 2011 00:35
Quote: "Crush on sweetie belle?"

What? Just so happens, I like a girl with a voice... so if I WAS a filly... that would... be... the...


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Posted: 27th Aug 2011 00:39
The below portion tips a hat to you... and Cormorant snuck his way in there.

I actually showed a couple of people I know some "pony stuff" (it just...came up) and it was accepted quite well and easily... openly. WHAT? Why? How does that work?

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Posted: 27th Aug 2011 02:51
Quote: "The below portion tips a hat to you... and Cormorant snuck his way in there.

I actually showed a couple of people I know some "pony stuff" (it just...came up) and it was accepted quite well and easily... openly. WHAT? Why? How does that work?

Tips a hat to me? Or who? And how did I sneak in there?

I say 'how does that work' a lot but I don't think I say it much on here... did I?

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Posted: 27th Aug 2011 20:38 Edited at: 27th Aug 2011 20:39
Hat to: CG
Snuck into: Comments
(Your Post-Mod has bee hard to keep track of Cormorant )

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Posted: 27th Aug 2011 20:46
Comment of what?

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Posted: 28th Aug 2011 21:49
Quote: "I like a girl with a voice"


Quote: "Comment of what?"

You commented over there, on that page.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2011 02:42
Iam completly lost at your conversations...
reminds me: i have yet to change my avatar on Google+ to this one.. and neither on Moddb!!

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2011 04:46
So am I...

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Posted: 29th Aug 2011 11:05
I am also confused, so that's why I haven't posted in a while.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2011 22:27
So what does everybody think Luna and Derpy'll be like in Season Two? Their fanon is so wide and varied, it's hard to tell where the canon'll go.

Also, first post will have a countdown on it in a mo, if de majikz work right.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2011 22:43
not so keen on derpy tbh *let the flame begin*
but luna will be welcome: )

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2011 23:55 Edited at: 30th Aug 2011 23:37
Quote: "not so keen on derpy tbh *let the flame begin*"


But I don't know... They could really do anything!

Edit: Alright BIG announcement here... I think I'm going to draw a pony. Now for the usual brony that's nothing much, but it seems around here it's the ultimate mountain to climb. Challenge accepted.

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Posted: 30th Aug 2011 17:16
They haven't officially announced Derpy will be called Derpy yet right? Because the fan made the name and yes the technically threw us a bone on DJ Pon-3 in Equestria Gurls but in my opinion that was more of a nod then a confrimation.

And oh yeah my power has been out since hurricane Irene slammed us here in Virginia... today is day 4 without power. I'm posting from my dad's office... it's been a tough week and it may last until friday, then making it a full 7 days...

Apparently I missed absolutely nothing.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2011 00:33
I blew a fuse, went without power until I flipped the MCB...that was pretty intense.

I think they're going with Ditzy Doo if anything, alot of the fanbase uses that now anywho.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2011 00:48
Well, I.. uhh, well, err... I t-t-ried it...

... lets just say that it was the most AWES-- traumatizing experience ever.
I really dont mind watching something like powerpuff girls, but this is kind of too much, theres something about it that my mind rejects.

Ahh yess, I remember, I used to see these commercials for MLP toys, they used to have this weird trippy MLP song that I really hated, and it was targeted for girls anyways, so there. Now you know why I dont like MLP, probably because I still have the "Girly" impressions of MLP from that commercial, dont blame me, blame the guy who made the ad.

My plan for today: 1. Wake up. 2. Live 3. Go to sleep.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2011 00:52
I plan to. Trust me, I would never go near this show if it was anything like those commercials.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2011 00:58
people saying it is "for girls and you are sad to watch it because it is girly" need to get over them selves.

You can also go ahead and say men are gay if they wear pink clothing and girls are manly if they dont

Come on people really now.

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2011 01:00
Quote: "You can also go ahead and say men are gay if they wear pink clothing and girls are manly if they dont"

A while back EVERY guy I saw wore pink. Go figure.

and I beleive I've said it before but, I HATED the power puff girls... look at me now

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Posted: 31st Aug 2011 01:05
I loved it, but then, I was seven.

But it's funny that people will think we've changed to love girly things, before they'll accept that the show's changed to be accessible to guys.

I mean, none of my mates like it, but they all watched a bit of it, and don't hate it. It's just not their thing, but let's be honest, getting that reaction from My Little Pony, is no small feat.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2011 01:08 Edited at: 31st Aug 2011 01:11
What's wrong with girly things anyways? There's nothing wrong with girls. Guys should be more supportive of girly things anyways.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2011 01:10
I actually thought our society was past "girly things corrupt you" phase.. =/

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2011 03:11
The power came back on!


So now I can post regularly again. Woohoo!

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Posted: 31st Aug 2011 13:25
Maybe I'm just too manly for this.

Quote: "Guys should be more supportive of girly things anyways. "

Umm, ok....?

My plan for today: 1. Wake up. 2. Live 3. Go to sleep.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2011 13:43
Quote: "Maybe I'm just too manly for this."

Aha, but surely if you're so manly, you can watch ponies and still be comfortable with your masculinity?

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Posted: 31st Aug 2011 13:47
Quote: "Aha, but surely if you're so manly, you can watch ponies and still be comfortable with your masculinity? "

Lets put it this way:

The people that live around me, would never stop taking the mick out of me if they saw me watching MLP. So I kinda prepared for that, and Im so used to it, that now I seem to avoid doing these kind of things.
Because, these people laugh at the smallest things.
They are really immature...

So there now you know why I seem to stay away from something that is not girly but the majority takes it as girly and I have to stay away to keep my Masculinity.
All I'm saying is this:

It is not bad, but the pony part is the thing that really ticks me off.
Not to mention the name "My Little Pony" If it was not for the name, I would have probably watched it.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2011 13:51
You do realise, you don't have to watch it with your mates. All my mates are immature, but I used the Faust Maneuver to convince them it was like Powerpuff Girls. They watched a few, and didn't think it was so bad.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2011 14:30
Quote: "The people that live around me, would never stop taking the mick out of me if they saw me watching MLP. So I kinda prepared for that, and Im so used to it, that now I seem to avoid doing these kind of things.
Because, these people laugh at the smallest things.
They are really immature...

So there now you know why I seem to stay away from something that is not girly but the majority takes it as girly and I have to stay away to keep my Masculinity."

You think people are immature? Dude, I go to middle school. Being laughed at should not be an excuse... if you like it, you can even keep it to yourself until you reach the bronyhood point of where you start making references. I got kicked in the guts and called gay the first day... no one cares anymore. If your really a man you'll see that as a valid cost to be happy.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2011 17:26
Meh, I'm not saying it's bad or anything, its just the concept that annoys me...

Might give it another go later, because I always start liking cartoons at some point. There was never a cartoon I disliked.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2011 17:50
Trust me, the image you have of My Little Pony...isn't this cartoon.

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Posted: 1st Sep 2011 00:35
Quote: "Umm, ok....?"

Lets walk through the logic...
Guys like Girls (Usually) - Okay we're solid on that.
So why would guys hate girly things? That voids our logic here. Let's see it in context.
Guys hate girly - Now that doesn't make sense!
Guys should then support girly things, or at least in this scenario. Looks like the jabs should be on the other hoof!
Hope you enjoyed this logical falacy.

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Posted: 1st Sep 2011 00:37
Let's be honest, no guy likes getting dragged out to go shoe shopping with his girlfriend...we grin and bear it at best.

Half the people who browse in my TV shop use the "my wife's shopping so I came to look at TVs" ploy.

In other news, I've developed massive Writer's Unblock in the last day or two, and written a bloody crapload. Yet I still can't write a covering letter for a potentially career-making opportunity that I don't hate. Bloody pressure.

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Posted: 1st Sep 2011 00:40 Edited at: 1st Sep 2011 00:40
Quote: "shoe shopping "

Oh and just to be safe...
Quote: "Hope you enjoyed this logical falacy."

I'll bet I misspelled that but...

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Posted: 1st Sep 2011 00:47

Dark Frager
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Posted: 1st Sep 2011 00:47 Edited at: 1st Sep 2011 00:52
Depends on what you consider "girly" things to be.

Quote: "Quote: "shoe shopping "


I think I see what you are referring to there but I cant put my finger on it.

But well, considering you are over 20 and you have a girlfriend, then well, the only girly thing there is, is shoe or clothes shopping (atleast from my perspective) because cartoons are aimed at younger people, and its a pony cartoon, my mind thinks its girly straight away. I mean if you don't play with toys anymore, then you cant consider anything girly at over 20.


I gave it another go.
Here goes:

It's good. It's perfectly fine and it's just another cartoon. The animations are quite cute (lol) and the voice acting is well, average. I might start watching it because it isn't too bad at all. If it wasn't for those danged commercials I would have been watching it a long time ago.

(Don't tell anyone)

So yeah. I like it.

My plan for today: 1. Wake up. 2. Live 3. Go to sleep.

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Posted: 1st Sep 2011 01:09
It's kinda like a seed...and it starts with "I like it, that's it."

But yeh, eventually the voice acting...and even the songs, grow on you. General opinion is the pilot episodes are only really good for establishing characters.

Even Pinkie's shrill-yet-happy voice becomes more than bearable.

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Posted: 1st Sep 2011 07:24
I hated Pinkies voice at first x)

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 1st Sep 2011 14:26
I did...until Party of One...

This made me laugh way more than it should have:

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2011 01:04
Best song in the fandom. Full. Stop.

Linked because some people may find the name offensive:

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2011 01:29
it goes on over at Everypony radio like.. ALL THE TIME so iam a bit fed up with it...
its great though <3

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2011 01:40
Oh I don't listen to radios, but I practically stalk Makkon's YouTube channel. I just love his stuff.

Also, my DA page has almost reached 2K pageviews. Yay~. I have a small squadron of stalkers now.

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