Some questions that have been asked via email etc
1.Q When will a online test happen?
A. When I get another comp and I fix/add/finish these following things and the time to get do them will follow
1.Add the /help command (shows help when typed in) (Day 1)
2.Add double line text (so you have more text you can send) (Day 1)
3.Remake Login system (Day 1-2)
4.Finish Inventory System (Day 2)
5.Make a File Protection System (N/A)
6.Optomize some more of the coding (N/A)
7.Fix OOD texture Bug (could be because of version of DBP) (Day 1)
2. Q Did you quit on this game?
A. No the only reason I have just been delayed alot is because of circumstances beyond my control...
3. Q Can I have the source code?
A. No
4. Q Are you faking those pics of the game?
A. Nope kinda hard to do that! (well for me atleast
5. Q Why does the game run at a low fps rate (18-30)
A. Intel Extreme Graphics is "Extreme" but optomizing the code more would help but my GFX still isnt that great...(I run NGC Demo at 5fps)
6. Q How come the game doesnt look like nothing but untextured models?
A. Well this is because of the way I work I like to have most of the game (system wise) complete but when I have that stuff out the way adding visuals,monsters,etc is a cinch
7. Q How many lines of code is the game?
A. 2500 - 3000 lines of code the game is always changing so I often delete mass amounts of code to remake in a more effiecent way
8. Q How big are you planning this game to be?
A. Iam not planning to make the next everquest! xD but I expect to have atleast 100 peep on nothing huge but you never know..
9. Q Why did you decide to make this game?
A. It was competition that started it (the 2d one) then I decide I wonder what it would be like in 3d
Making better games everday!
Oh yeah and just so you know its Oh-nek-a not One-ka!