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Program Announcements / Dumbo & Cool - demo

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Posted: 15th Nov 2005 22:42
Hey Drew C.

Send it to whirlwinds@[NOSPAMPLEASE]
That's my friend from school's email. My stupid email is Netzero, but it has only a two megabyte capacity. My friend was bragging yesterday of 2600 and something megs of memory for his email. Just send there and I'll give ya results. I got thanksgiving break next week. I have good experience on beta testing, I did alot of it in the summer for friends.

new site :
Drew Cameron
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Posted: 16th Nov 2005 11:43
Can you read?

Quote: "Candidly, Drew G, I don't feel, judging from posts I've read that you'd be up to fully testing a game, I'm sorry. It involves alot more than simply playing through it and I'd prefer to opt for people whom have either been involved with this project since the beginning in one way or another, or who have got a little more experience of common problems in games.

Thanks all the same!"

Quote: "My apologies but my original response stands. I don't feel you have the experience, as this is a large task. Sorry. I really don't want to be offensive, I've not issue with you so I hope you understand."

Quote: "Keep your name and avatar,
it's not that the game is a big elitist thing, but it's like that episode of 4400. If I give the full game to somebody because they said please a couple of times, then I'll have to give it everybody who does this. I've got to be selective here, again I'm sorry. Please accept my answer and forgive my candor."

Quote: "Again, thanks for your interest."

Quote: "Did I miss something? I thought you weren't testing?"

Quote: "He's not. He's just trying it on."

Quote: "I think you'll be waiting for a while."

Quote: "Take a hint specter, he told you politely that you're not on the list and every post you make demanding to be put on is just reflecting poorly on yourself."

David R
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Posted: 16th Nov 2005 14:03
Sorry about last night on MSN drew; my external Broadband modem overheated, and refused to connect again (that's why I suddenly signed-out). Hope I can catch ou again this evening, so you can continue what you were saying

Peter H
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Posted: 16th Nov 2005 14:27

I think my e-mails are all defective or something... because i still haven't gotten it...

maybe you should just give up on me lol

"We make the worst games in the universe..."
Drew Cameron
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Posted: 16th Nov 2005 15:02 Edited at: 16th Nov 2005 15:04
David R, if you could, that would be great. I've got the new 5.8 version done - the objects now range from 1-3800, instead of 1-9980, which means fast loading!!!

It'd be great if you're available to test it out tonight.

I'll really have to get you some kind of 'reward' for all of this, besides the free copy.

Peter_, hmmm. Email me at and I'll reply.

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Posted: 16th Nov 2005 17:10
Oh I understand Drew Cameron,

Just send today. I want to help ya out.

new site :
The Nerd
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Posted: 16th Nov 2005 17:17 Edited at: 16th Nov 2005 17:19

Are you ignoring his posts?
I think you know that Drew have enough testers now. And that you aren't going to be a tester(of course I don't decide anything). He has been polite to you, even after you sended him so many requests. I don't flame you, I just tell you that it won't help keep saying that you want to be a tester. I know that you want to help him out, but as I already said, he have enough testers right now, and need to be selective(As he says himself). Please be polite and stop asking

I hope you understand that I don't flame you, just telling you my opion.

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Posted: 16th Nov 2005 19:47
OK Drew, send it to Best.otr@.....

Just kiddin ....

When does JnC come out ?

Next Games: a Crane Sim / a FPS

Peter H
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Posted: 16th Nov 2005 19:57
E-mail sent... (well...2)

i really want to help you with beta testing, if only we can finally get an e-mail through


"We make the worst games in the universe..."
Drew Cameron
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Posted: 16th Nov 2005 20:11
Quote: "When does JnC come out ?"

Soon! A matter of days!

Peter_, email received, reply sent.

Peter H
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Posted: 16th Nov 2005 21:12 Edited at: 16th Nov 2005 23:15
Yay! it finally worked

Now i just have to wait until after CS class

(oh, and on friday 2 of my friends will be over... and while they're here we'll give the hotseat feature a thorough testing )

[edit] okay, the menu loads fine... but whenever i try to start a new game or a puzzle or continue a game it crashes... (which i believe you said is already known and fixed in the next build)

here's my crash_on...
(not sure if that does any good...)


"We make the worst games in the universe..."
Drew Cameron
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Posted: 17th Nov 2005 17:19
Drew G, I know about the emails you've been sending out and you're cruising for a bruising. Understand that?

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Posted: 17th Nov 2005 17:34
Yeah okay I understand..

I'm ready to help now!

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Posted: 17th Nov 2005 17:36
Drew G, you need help!

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Kangaroo2 BETA2
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Posted: 17th Nov 2005 18:12
Umm to me it sounds like this whole drew G thing is a hoax? No offense mate but surely you can't be serious? lol

Really looking forward to release, got my paypal at the ready

Dumbo and Cool has teh Real Ultimate Power!

Drew Cameron
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Posted: 17th Nov 2005 22:02
Thanks Kangaroo2! It's all getting very slick this week, if I do say so myself - adding all kinds of fancy transitions between menu's and games etc...

I had to change the menu back to the way it was, though; I couldn't figure out something to do with getting them to follow a certain path - or more correctly, I don't have time to waste trying to solve this problem, so they don't do the whole coin following thing anymore

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Posted: 20th Nov 2005 07:25 Edited at: 20th Nov 2005 07:26
@ Kangeroo

Lol, I was just seeing what would happen if I acted like a noob and posted all that crap.

Sorry for the annoyances Drew Cameron.

BTW - Is the media in your games at [href][/href] freeware? Just curious...

Drew Cameron
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Posted: 20th Nov 2005 11:11
Quote: "Is the media in your games at freeware?"

No, no no no no and don't you DARE steal it.

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Posted: 20th Nov 2005 20:29
Oh okay, anyway, what program does your brother use to make your models anyhow?

Drew Cameron
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Posted: 20th Nov 2005 21:03 Edited at: 20th Nov 2005 21:04
Amapi 5 and 3D Canvas.

I don't know if Amapi still exists though. Me and him agree that upgrading is for dorks, because it just brings bugs.

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 21st Nov 2005 12:47
Quote: "Me and him agree that upgrading is for dorks, because it just brings bugs."

...But you upgraded this from dbc to dbpro, and now you're upgrading it to dbpro 5.8.

Check the WIP board for updates on Block Verse
Drew Cameron
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Posted: 21st Nov 2005 13:07 Edited at: 21st Nov 2005 13:08
Yep, all of those steps have been buggy as hell. It took ages to get it going in Pro, which is fair enough since it's not so much an upgrade as a port, but upgrading to 5.8 has increased the loading times to something like 3 minutes which is ridiculous. Oh yeah and the water and stuff now looks f*cked up, but I was going to change that anyway.

Don't get me wrong, 5.8 is great, and if I'd started the project in it I'd have no issue with it, but upgrading a project is always problematic so I dont like doing it.

The other example of my point about upgrading being gay is Studio 9. *Shudders*

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Posted: 22nd Nov 2005 03:48
Quote: "Lol, I was just seeing what would happen if I acted like a noob and posted all that crap. "

Nice comeback... Like my grandpeppy used to say, "true as an advertiser".

Guess what? I finished Squirrel Wars! Check out the program announcements!
Freddy 007
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2005 14:58
So Drew, can you say anything about when the next test-version will come out?

I can't be fired... Slaves are SOLD!
Drew Cameron
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2005 15:35
Well I think I've finally learned that deadlines are impossible to meet, so I'll just tell you what I'm doing at the moment;

Turning all Text commands into sprites
Adding "three co-op" time attack levels
Options and high score screens / new menu
Fixing up existing levels with new details
Changing first person view to over-shoulder view
Expanding and re-dubbing ending film

And so on. That's a good two weeks - 1 month's work so don't hold your breath. But, on the bright side, it'll be all the better at the end of the day for these features.

It just kind of gets me down though, knowing I'm still not close to being finished like I have frequently hoped.

Peter H
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2005 17:28
Quote: "And so on. That's a good two weeks - 1 month's work so don't hold your breath. But, on the bright side, it'll be all the better at the end of the day for these features."



i guess this isn't the time to ask for that raise i was thinking about...

"We make the worst games in the universe..."
Drew Cameron
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2005 21:02
I did the following today;

Fixing up existing levels with new details
Changing first person view to over-shoulder view

And made good progress on the rest.

Freddy 007
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2005 21:44 Edited at: 22nd Nov 2005 21:44
Are you delaying?
Heh, it's great if you come out on the other side with a better game, so I understand your decision.

I can't be fired... Slaves are SOLD!
Drew Cameron
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2005 22:09 Edited at: 22nd Nov 2005 22:12
Quote: "Are you delaying?
Heh, it's great if you come out on the other side with a better game, so I understand your decision.

Yep, delaying again.
This project has put me off making games for life.
And on second thoughts I frankly am at my wits end and cannot be f*cked adding in co-operative time attack levels, so the new list of stuff to do is:

1 more puzzle (time attack) level
Some fancy stuff to main menu
Ending film complete

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2005 04:45
You know, Drew, I really appreciate you going through all this trouble, seeing as I'm going to buy it and all... but you have to remember; D&C will never be perfect, no matter how many times you delay it for improvements.

I'm just saying I REALLY hope that this is the last delay.

...oh yes:

Check the WIP board for updates on Block Verse
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2005 14:13 Edited at: 23rd Nov 2005 14:14

seriously, you are adding in more and swapping things about needlessly, D&C would have been good if you had released it at the stage the demo was at but with the full level set, take it from me DON`T OVERDO IT!, all you get is stress and more bits that need "just tweaking" in an unending series of escalating "improvements", it`s hard to do, but draw a line in the sand and stay behind it, stop! take a good look at what you have, then list only those things you HAVE to have for the basic game, save the fancy stuff for the next games design document, been there done that, you could spend forever "just improving things", I once spent six months tweaking a title sequence and menu system to such a pitch it made the rest of the game look patheticaly shabby and I gave up, you have to stick to the design document (if you had one) or draw one up, don`t get jaded because you are adding in features 90% of punters will never notice or use, just don`t add em, it`s a good game, don`t let feature creep and disillusionment spoil it or prevent it ever coming out.

Do parachute manufacturers have a refunds policy?
Drew Cameron
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2005 15:12 Edited at: 23rd Nov 2005 15:13
Okay, very good advice guys.

I'll have some more screenshots up tonight.

Kangaroo2 BETA2
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2005 19:28
Drew - don't worry about deadlines mate they get the better of all of us unfortunaltey, and I should know!!

This'll be awesome And once its ready, I'll be there waiting to buy a copy

Drew Cameron
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2005 20:40 Edited at: 23rd Nov 2005 23:24
I don't know about awesome but it'll certainly be an hour or so's fun for a fiver

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 24th Nov 2005 02:28
HA! Nice sig, Drew.

Updates are great, just don't give us a definite release date again until you actually know that the game is ready for release or just so close to it.

Check the WIP board for updates on Block Verse
Drew Cameron
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Posted: 24th Nov 2005 09:30
Quote: "until you actually know that the game is ready for release or just so close to it."

You see, the game has been nigh on finished every time but then I think of new stuff to add and get involved, or I have to update DB or etc..

Again, good advice.

Kangaroo2 BETA2
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Posted: 24th Nov 2005 11:48
"I don't know about awesome but it'll certainly be an hour or so's fun for a fiver"

An hour or so's *AWESOME* fun! lol

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Posted: 25th Nov 2005 20:11
Quote: "Katie Holmes.. She loves to make you wait!"


Guess what? I finished Squirrel Wars! Check out the program announcements!
Drew Cameron
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Posted: 28th Nov 2005 01:04 Edited at: 28th Nov 2005 01:04
Every single person I have invited to test, please check inboxes, you now have the full game ready to give the once over.

I've also sent out an application to 40 other potential testers, so it should basically be bullet proof.

Peter H
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Posted: 28th Nov 2005 14:30 Edited at: 28th Nov 2005 15:00
testing... (heh, my juno acc actually worked... )

[edit] ok, works fine so far! i tested it on my new computer and when i get back from class i'll test it on the old one (the one i posted the specs of earlier, i got the new one two days ago)

New Machine's Specs:
Pentium IV 3.0 Ghz with HT
512 MBs DDR2 400mhz ram
built in garphics card (but it supports shaders )

loading times were all almost instant, but loading level 2 took 5 seconds. i didn't get any crashes...but i only played it for about 30 minutes...

i'll play through the whole game, and on both machines when i get back from class!


"We make the worst games in the universe..."
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Posted: 28th Nov 2005 17:09 Edited at: 28th Nov 2005 17:09
Hello Drew C,
I have a question, can I use your dumbo model in a project for school- I am making a game for a class and need a good main character, If I gave you full credit and posted up the game, would you mind if I used it.
Thanks for considering my request

BTW - The Dumbo model came from Dumbo's adventures...

Drew Cameron
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Posted: 28th Nov 2005 17:17
For shame!

Yes you can use it for that, thankyou for asking my permission first.

David R
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Posted: 28th Nov 2005 17:29 Edited at: 28th Nov 2005 18:12
Drew, just got home, and seen your email.

I haven't been testing the previous build recently, because it was going so dang slow! So its unfortunate to hear that this 'slowness' has managed to spread to the latest build Any ideas on what's causing it and whether there'll be a solution?

Besides that, I'm just grabbing a cup of coffee and I'll begin testing straight away

EDIT: D/loaded All stuff about it is updated regularly below:

- New drews-games intro is very cool (no pun intended). Only minor snag is that is dissapeared quite quickly

- New menu is very good, although waiting for the options to come in from the gith-hand side does become annoying after a while (maybe an option to turn off 'menu effects' or something?)

- I believe I have narrowed down the cause of the animation crashes on PC. Its a bit of a long story though;

My souncard is cheap. Dirt cheap. Its a c-media 5.1 card, with a driver which is now discontinued (not updated anymore at least). Your films use a higher quality CBR-1 pass WM9 audio, which my card hates. So it messes up. Big time (this also explains another problem I was getting, which was sudden system-wide cut-outs of sound)

So, the films still don't work, and probably never will, since there's no updated version of the driver to deal with this codec-conflict problem. Just ignore the fact the films don't work - I don't think me nor anyone else will care. As long as the game works. BUT!! Did you remember to put in a 'no animations/films' option? (I've looked, but cannot find one). Thanks.

- What is films[slash]finaltimes.dba?

Drew Cameron
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Posted: 28th Nov 2005 18:48
What do you mean slowness? Of loading or in general?

In general: go to Options and turn the graphics down. It's slow because the code is now 133% the size it was from the last build because of all the menu stuff, sprite fonts etc...

David R, that would be the source code!
Thanks for that one

Um, the animation option will be coming in the next upgrade man because it's all fidly around the film playing bit right now as well you know it with crashing and all sorts: BUT IT'S ON MY TODO LIST FOR NEXT MONTH!

Thanks David R, all taken onboard and the intro has been extended oh so slightly.

David R
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Posted: 28th Nov 2005 19:12 Edited at: 28th Nov 2005 19:52
Quote: "What do you mean slowness? Of loading or in general?"

I meant loading slowness But I haven't been able to test in-game due to the animation crash. I'm still investigating my options with that though

Oh yeah, and with the code, I briefly scanned through it with notepad (I assumed it was some kind of #include for the game, not the actual code itself) and came across something that brightend my day considerably (and made me realise that strange variable/label names aren't as rare as I'd thought)

Quote: "f@ckerroutine2:"

(Please don't panic though, I'm not about to start stealing teh c0dez. )

Peter H
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Posted: 28th Nov 2005 20:17 Edited at: 28th Nov 2005 20:19
i've been playing it on my old machine (1.5 GHz Pentium IV, 512 MBs Ram, GeForce 4 MX420) and the loading times are about 30 seconds each. The only crash i had was when i minimized it with the windows key then started it back up again... but even some commercial games (homeworld 2 for instance) do this... so it's not really a problem...

anyhoo, on level 2 i found this (i'm assuming it's a typo/mix-up)

besides that though it's really good so far!

[edit] also in your data folder you have two extra folders... "copy of 19" and "copy of 20" that i don't think you want in there...

"We make the worst games in the universe..."
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Posted: 28th Nov 2005 22:01
Thank you

Drew Cameron
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Posted: 28th Nov 2005 22:23
Okay, all of above noted.

It goes on sale tonight guys, boy am I excited.

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Posted: 28th Nov 2005 22:29
YAY, I actually might buy it, later though, I have other things to buy...

David R
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Posted: 28th Nov 2005 22:51
Sound pretty exciting (didn't realise it was going on sale tonight!)

Where is the official site by the way? Will it be added to drewsgames or will there be a separate one for DaC?

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