Pity. And I thought this was a place of smart people, sadly, I am mistaken.
Just as sad, there are many people who need so much direction that they should be shot. And there are other people who are so pathetic that they need to cheat their way though something. Even worse, those same people, some how get the idea that they are superior. I say they are wrong. If you don't understand the idea of co-operation, if you don't understand the true function you hold, If you don't understand how a single person may influence a battle. Then you really need to start paying attention. We can not run around like lunitics and expect results, nore can we follow a single leader like worker drones in a colony. We must also not trust our own instincts, but rely on the wisdom of others. And to sort that out further, the wisdom of others is not gained by fancy metals, it is not gained by a title earned. It is gained though experiance and the intelect to put it to use.
Now that you have read my rant, apply it to your own life, and reep the benifits.
Merranvo Nunticaelitusphobic (Scared of Internet)
Noob Justice League, Cause We Have More Fun
Support Merra XJ9, cause the name is cooler.