Quote: "I'm starting to struggle to see how this game will be fun after the first few wall runs. I'm not sure what it is about Prince Of Persia that makes it work so well. Any ideas?"
I am just going to throw a few things out; as I don't know exactly what you want your game to be.
1) Give the player a cookie at intervals of completion. A reward for achieving a certain point is required to keep a game interesting. Meet new and interesting characters as they play.
2) Reward the player with new or upgraded skills. The wall run is great but maybe it should be held for a reward or skill needed to complete a later level.
3) Of course cut scenes and rewards can't over come gameplay that is just not fun and you don't want to strip the fun from your game just to give rewards later.
4) You might want to work on an area with a jump(s) that is to long to make with a wall run. Two walls could be close enough together to allow the character to hop across from one wall to the other (if the timing is good enough); for harder difficulty, the timing would have to be more precise.
5) I know that you are working on interesting environments, but I will mention it anyway. That is what made the original Half Life fun for me. I did not know where I would wind up next. Inside, outside, lab, car pool, vent shafts... You got the idea.
I don't know if these are useful and I am sure you have already thought of most of them but, just giving you two pennies of thoughts.
In Memory of My Dad.
I miss you very much.